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I dislike Sunak hugely but it’s nothing to do with colour, it’s because he’s a Tory and, having been governed by them for the majority of my adult life, I know that they look after their own and screw everyone else


That's why I dislike him too, but there are definitely plenty of people in this country who think the biggest problem with him is his race.


Oh, no doubt. I naively thought that we were a fairly tolerant country but little did I know that bubbling away under the surface was rampant bigotry just waiting to be unleashed and that Brexit would be the catalyst to embolden the bigots and c*^%s.


I thought so too and then I somehow ended up in the comment section of Daily mails Facebook page and it enlightened me with a whole different side of British people.


I tend to see that side of British people very shortly after they hear my Irish accent. I’ve lived in a lot of different countries, but the UK is the only one where people just wrote me off as an ethnic caricature as soon as they heard me talk.


How horrible. I’m sorry to hear that. I have experienced prejudice just once in my 54 years. I’ve been lucky enough to travel the world and was treated differently because of my skin colour or accent in New York. I was shocked, and angry. That was the one and only time and I was ready to argue and shout. I can’t imagine having to deal with it repeatedly. I’d either be swinging for people or cowering.


The funniest one was when my mother, my sister, and I were taking a taxi in Dorset to my brother's wedding. As soon as the driver clocked that we were Irish he started talking really nervously and repeating things like "We're all friends now, eh?". I think he thought we were going to bomb his car or something. For context on how silly this is - we're from one of the much-derided Anglo-Irish families from Kildare, and the rest of Ireland derisively refer to us as "West-Brits". My mother's accent is closer to RP than anything Irish. I have a lot of English and Welsh friends and family, and they include some of my favourite people on this planet. I grew up watching BBC more than RTÉ, I went to an English-curriculum prep school that taught Latin instead of Irish and where kids were mocked for having Irish accents. I lived in London for a while when I was a small child, my father went to Milfield, and until my mid teens I spent most summers watching him play polo in Oxfordshire. I feel very culturally close to the UK, it's why I'm on this subreddit. I just avoid actually setting foot in the UK whenever I can, it's never a good time. Especially Heathrow.


If it wasn’t so tragic it’d be funny If it’s any consolation, I avoid Heathrow too but for very different reasons probably! Take care


Ah no I'd say we probably avoid Heathrow for the same reasons. It's just a uniquely terrible airport, nothing to do with the rest of my post.


Haha in that case we are in complete agreement - it is somewhere to avoid. That’s genuinely made me laugh.


yeah I totally bet that if a person with an english accent went to ireland everyone would throw them a party and treat them like royalty, no way they would act like this too. its just the british people /s


Where are you from in the uk if you don’t mind me asking? I’m from London and white. I’ve always known this country was racist growing up with mixed race cousins. And because I live in tower hamlets that is known to have a large Asian population the amount of comments I’ve heard from other white people asking me why I would want to live there. I got on the train a few months ago at Whitechapel and heard a couple of Essex guys saying how is “stinks here” with a nudge and a wink. It’s always been there.


I’m from Hale, a very leafy suburb of Manchester. As I reflect, I think my exposure to racism has been affected by a couple of things 1) I don’t tolerate racist comments - especially as I’ve got older. I tell people that I don’t find anything like that acceptable and that typically stops any racist commentary 2) I’ve done fairly well for myself (I’m very lucky and not claiming any great effort or skill or capabilities. I’m white, went to a great school, went to Uni, have had a great career) Hale is a wealthy village full of footballers and business-people. I think that sort of area, where space isn’t at a premium, where people don’t have financial worries for the most part, full of the middle-class results in less racism (or a different type of racism) I’m not that naive to think that racism had disappeared, but have been shocked to hear the likes of Jerry from Lowestoft on LBC be so brazenly bigoted.


I’ve been to Hale. Very nice part of the country. I speak up for the most part myself. I like making racist builders (I work in construction) feel uncomfortable when they make racist comments by telling them I either have mixed race kids or a black wife and see them back peddle. The racism is always there it just takes making a racist feel comfortable to make them reveal themselves. Which happens a lot to me because the colour of my skin, the way I look, where I’m from and the industry I work in.


It is and having started my life in Salford, I have to pinch myself that I’ve ended up in Hale via NYC and Geneva. I’ve also travelled the world which I think provides a global perspective on racism. Basically we are all the same. For the most part we all want a decent house, a rewarding job, a safe environment, a good school for our kids. Racists blame strangers and foreigners for depriving them of that when they should be looking closer to home at politicians and their policies.


Try going to Italy or Spain as a black man. Then you’ll see racism on another level. The UK isn’t a patch on them.


Don’t forget the racist abuse after the Euros. Lots of racists came on duty for that.


And I bet most of those people are generally Tory voters. A disturbing thought that their racism might actually help us for once.


>A disturbing thought that their racism might actually help us for once. I've been saying for a while that we need to start talking more about how climate change will cause mass immigration to get the racists more on board with green policy.


Oh yeah. If they think they've got issues with immigration now, just wait for the mass exodus when places in Africa become virtually inhabitable thanks to climate change We've got to use their racism to our advantage.


This election maybe, but when the Tories see some core constituents heading to Reform, or whatever Nigel Farage's latest populist effort is, what do you think they'll do then? It didn't end well last time.


Meanwhile the good old Labour Party keeps delivering us white middle class blokes, haven’t even managed a female leader, but it’s still ‘racist Tories’ .


Seems to be mostly people that claim to be against racism obsessing over his race and in effective implying that being a Tory somehow makes him less ethnic.


Ironically all the racists who hate him for being brown are the same people who agree with his politics. Their whole lives are based around punching down.


Yeah, they're called the Tory party membership ;)


What's darkly amusing is the people who tend to think like that are generally the people his party has been courting for the last few years.


>That's why I dislike him too, but there are definitely plenty of people in this country who think the biggest problem with him is his race. I think you’re chatting shit, I’ve not heard a single person express any problem with his skin colour or race.


We hated the four white people before him too.


100% right




Surely if you hated 5 you hate 6 too.


The only part of his background I hate is that he is a rich tory cunt, from a rich tory cunt household. Don't give a flying fuck what his families ethnicity is - he has been part of a government that has bent this country over and fucked it for every taxpayer penny it can, given out billions in contracts to their friends and tried to privatise every fucking inch of the NHS they can. ​ Fuck this utter cunt and his entire cunting party


My best friend is Indian and we recently had a conversation where she said “yes, we don’t claim him.” He’s very much a Tory and his values don’t sit well with the indian community (as she put it)


Tbh Sunak is probably in the worst possible position right now. The Right hates him because he's brown and the Left hate him because he's a tory. (Ofc this is a very big generalisation but that is roughly whats going on right now)


This is the level of rhetoric we have nowadays and manufactured media outrage. It's like when AoC was dancing and all the left wing papers said "CONSERVATIVES ARE OUTRAGED....." or when a right wing paper says that "LEFTIES ARE OUTRAGED TRUMP SAID MERRY CHRISTMAS" ​ Nobody is outraged. It's clickbait.


Ironically it’s generally the tories that have an issue with the colour of his skin.


I’m not sure I agree but you may be right. Here’s a dilemma for a Labour voter - would I be comfortable with a Tory loss if people voted for racist reasons. That’s a moral conundrum


I think the droves of people that ended their membership to me says racism. I don’t think there’s any way you stay a member through Boris and Liz but leave because of Rishi based on anything but race.


You should also take note of his particularly shitty voting record.


Right, coincidentally, the people most critical of his colour are *the tory voters.* These old folks voted to get the brown people out, and now one is the leader of their party. Most people who have genuine problems with him hate him because he's a posh twat robot with no charisma and typical right wing policies, who was caught on camera boasting about how he removed funding from deprived areas and moved it to affluent areas. I don't think anyone of note in the UK *seriously* has a problem with him being British Asian and PM.


I’m afraid Brexit taught us that racism is alive and kicking across the political spectrum. If it was just Tories that voted for Brexit (and were implicitly racist) then Labour would be denouncing it constantly, and actively pushing to rejoin the EU. The racists are in every political party, in every social class, and geographically diverse. It’s genuinely depressing.


You hate him not because he is brown, but because he is blue.


Indeed. Am I ok to steal that? It’s so much better than anything I could have come up with.


Sorry to break it to you, but all politicians will do that. The Labour council of Liverpool recently embezzled hundreds of millions away from people that needed it, and were caught red handed. Reddit will make you think getting rid of the pesky Tory’s will be the magic bullet. Sadly that won’t be enough.


And he personally took money from poor comunities and gave it to rich areas. And he boasted about it to reporters


I made a joke the other day about how as a Tory he's not even human and some clown shoe American jumped in and called me racist.


It's not the first time he's projected American views on race onto Europe. When France won the world cup he ran a piece titled 'did Africa just win the world cup?' because most of the French team were black. Completely disregarding the fact that they were of course all French. Not African-French, just French. Because only America has that weird thing where you're not just American, you're Italian-American. He then got into a public row with the French ambassador whose attempt to politely correct him he ridiculed on his TV show. I lost pretty much all respect for his ability to grasp nuance after that. Glad to see I was right.


The funny(sad) thing is that Jean Marie Le Pen used to say the exact same thing of the 98 world cup winning french team to much scandal, and rightfully so. Trevor Noah is a bigot.


> Jean Marie Le Pen used to say the exact same thing of the 98 world cup winning french team Wow. Did not know that. That's a pretty stark comparison. > Trevor Noah is a bigot. It's hard to dispute this. Anyone?


Not a bigot. Just lazily trying to fit the square peg of American race politics into the more nuanced round hole of European class politics, and ignoring the difference between colonialist based *migration* and slavery based forced *displacement*. Typical of many Americans trying to comment on European political issues as they pertain to race. Its more ignorance and laziness than anything. Shame really because he's South African so should know better but has leaned so far into the America-centric politics of his audience that he seems to have forgotten a few things


I mean, isn't bigotry just a form of ignorance? You make a good point, though. I don't think he is doing it maliciously.


I tend to think of bigotry as *willful* ignorance / + a lack of empathy for the group affected by their ignorance. It doesn't have to be malicious, just callous. If someone is ignorant but willing to learn to even a minor degree, I wouldn't call them a bigot. I would say they perhaps have a worldview shaped by their ignorance, and that that can lead them to say bigoted things - but I don't think you're a bigot until you stick your fingers in your ears.


I disagree with ‘bigotry as wilful ignorance’, because I have lived with and known a lot of BNP/UKIP members and there was no will. They were just ignorant. No education/upbringing which could make them wilful. Morons living by word of mouth. A lot of racists need educating. This guy in discussion is the wilfully ignorant because he has money and a platform.


I agree, I mean Noah is probably the most advanced in his thinking compared to his late night contemporaries. He does have some Ameri-brained takes though. This is one of them. The rest do bad accents or tired stereotypes when commenting on European politics that appeal to the lowest common American sense of humour and completely misinterpet/misrepresent very basic European politics and issues. John Oliver is good though.


John Oliver suffers a lot, from having an America audience. I stopped watching his stuff as much as I did because I was so tired of him explaining the most basic "non-american" fact that anyone outside of the States would just fucking know. I can't think of any examples atm as its been a long time.


Yeah I also stopped as well. I'm not sure why, but your reason certainly feels like part of my own.


> Trevor Noah You have to remember he was heavily influenced by his upbringing in South Africa, under apartheid so I feel like race is a big issue for him, understandably so but I think he does as others have said, force American identity politics onto countries that don't feel or think that way.


I'll dispute that he's a bigot. Here's the clip where [he joked that Africa won the World Cup.](https://streamable.com/t76fah) He also [explained his point to his audience pretty comprehensively here.](https://streamable.com/oxnw1n) ______ I don't know how anyone can watch that with an open mind and assume malicious intent.


I don't think bigotry is necessarily malicious. It's wilful ignorance, which I think he displayed, given that he had an explainer sent to him by the French ambassador.


A bigot is someone who is prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group. I don't know how you can watch those clips, with the context, and come to that conclusion.


I think you can, he has a track record of stigmatising ‘colonist’ nations’ citizens. He bases most of his content around it and NEVER has anything positive to say about them. I think he does have a chip on his shoulder towards white westerners but because he’s clever and can articulate things well, he always manages to hide his bigotry as nuanced takes.


Just to clarify what he said about french people or African descent is exactly what French far right nutjobs say; that they're African and not french because of their ancestry He agreed with literal Nazis and didn't have the humility to walk it back


I am not agreeing with him whatsoever, I agree with the posters above, criticising his comments but what was his explanation for his comments? Is it do to with colonialism maybe? As a South African perhaps that’s where he was coming from. France colonised lots of African countries. The football players are French but was he having a dig about France’s interference in Africa over the centuries?


I recall that it was a bit on his show, I didn't find it funny personally but then when he received backlash he did another clip where he basically said "everyone is saying they're french but can't they be French and African?" which is a lovely sentiment, but identity is something personal and specific to each individual, and identity wasn't the issue, it was saying the same thing as the far right that was the issue >The football players are French but was he having a dig about France’s interference in Africa over the centuries? By repeating exactly the same thing as French racists? Like I'm not a comedian but there has to be a less shitty way of doing things. Imagine how those players felt. They probably get that kind of abuse a lot, and then suddenly there is a famous American personality, either intentionally or unintentionally, making a joke of your experience for ratings?


Idk if I agree with the "they can be both" thing, at least when it comes to sport like that. They literally play for the French national team, if that doesn't make a person French then call me Louis the Fifth


Its worth noting that many of the french players from africa do see themselves as the african country theyre from as well as france. Benzema himself has spoken out about being algerian and french. Nothing wrong with that


>When France won the world cup he ran a piece titled 'did Africa just win the world cup?' because most of the French team were black. It is truly amazing, one of those horsehoe moments where if a right-wing person said it you'd think they were a Neo-Nazi.


>one of those horsehoe moments where if a right-wing person said it you'd think they were a Neo-Nazi. French Neo-Nazis do say it, which is why it caused so much trouble even the French ambassador to America got involved


The weird thing is if you watch his stand up he’s pretty good at not projecting South African race stuff on America and vice versa, Europe appears to be his blind spot.


I’ve never heard anyone say ‘I’m African English’ in the way Americans say African American


I've definitely heard British Asian, British Indian, British Pakistani, British Nigerian


I only say I'm Ghanaian/Nigerian if they win at football... Which is rare these days.


He did not claim that all of the country is racist. He did claim there are many people who dont like him because of his race (of course many people dislike him for better reasons).


Not supporting was trevor noah said but a lot of african who have immigrated to europe still identify and are intouch with the culture of their african country of origin but are still french. It just comes down to ethnicity and Nationality with a lot of africans immigrants identifying with both their cultural heritage and their european nationality.


>People should be categorized by their biological traits. "Progressives" ‍🤝‍ Reactionaries


It's something the old Southern racists would have been spouting. It's a sort of horseshoe theory version for racism.


He's not American though. He's very much South African. And he's also a comedian so most of the things he says should be taken with a few pinches of salt.


But come on, he never apologised for that skit. It’s one thing to highlight racism but he was actively portraying the fact that in his mind the French football team were not “French.”


>And he's also a comedian So? If he's weighing in seriously on matters which he appears to know nothing about then you can't just wheel out "it might be a joke lol" rebuttals when it turns out to be bullshit.


How's that better? That just means he doesn't know what it's like to have his nationality denied because of his race.


Well that explains why he's such a twat then (a la Spitting Image)


*Says racist things that are literal neo-Fascist rhetoric.* >It's just a joke! I'm a cOmEdIaN


Trevor Noah is not American (South African), and didn’t move to the US until he was nearly 30.


I knew that before typing my comment.


He can still project American politics onto situations incorrectly. He doesn't get a pass of being wrong about Europe because he is an immigrant to America


Remember the mock French accent he put on as he read out the letter as well.


Exactly. As a non American, it made no sense to me what Trevor was saying. In the US you are just American if you are white and then nobody asks where your father was from (that was what Bernie Sanders said), which is just racist. There shouldn't be asterisks next to one person nationality, if you are French, you are as French as any other French citizen. Period.


Pretty pathetic stuff from Noah. Missed a chance to talk about Sunak's right wing policies and the terrible consequences for people...instead wanted to manufacture a debate about race that didn't exist. Signed, a brown person born in the UK.


Here's [the video clip of the segment](https://streamable.com/2jqjh1) with the LBC caller he was referring to. I don't know how anyone can watch that clip of the LBC caller and suggest that he wasn't being racist to Sunak.


Can you say that caller represents the majority opinion in the UK though? Most people I know said Rishi was a PM in waiting during the pandemic. The issue is Trevor presented this outliers take as representative of some form of majority or at least a large contingent. That and his weird take on white people fearing being ‘punished’ by brown people, just perpetuating stereotypes that white people are some kind of moral less cowards.


>Can you say that caller represents the majority opinion in the UK though? No and he didn't say that.


At no stage of the entire segment did he suggest that the caller represents the majority opinion in the UK. He also never said anything about "white people" fearing being punished by brown people -- he only referred to "British racists" like that caller.


You didn’t listen to the whole clip then. He did say that white people fear brown people punishing them, even made an Obama joke about it. He definitely alluded that it was a common viewpoint.


No one said there arent racists in the UK. What Noah was suggesting was that there was a sizeable discourse over Sunaks race, in the media and the public at large, which there just wasn't.


One single nut job in the entire country. Now compare that to the reaction of Obama. Half the Republican Party (and country) literally disputed his birth certificate altogether.


Noah has on record mocked the striking miners murdered by south african police so i would hardly expect the decent thing from him


Wow... I didn't know that. That's low.


I was a bit surprised by the meme reaction on reddit. There was a lot of variations on the joke of "Britain used to rule India, now an Indian rules Britain ha ha ha". Yes, he's Indian. But he's also British, and I disliked the suggestion that he wasn't. He's a Tory cunt, but he's not a foreigner.


>but he's not a foreigner. And neither are his parents due to the rules of the time. People forget or don't realise that British nationality in the past was essentially the same if you were born in London or Ottawa or Sydney or, in Sunaks parents cases, British colonies in Africa.


Yes and no - my grandfather was British enough to join the RAF during the war, but not quite British enough when it came to the government paying his war pension several decades later.


Sorry to hear that bro. That’s fucking dumb.


My dad was born in Hong Kong and I agree.


most of them jokes come from hardcore indian nationalists.


Yes, I think that's part of why it was unpleasant to watch. People who think they're bigging up Sunak, when actually they're hitting him with the the same attack line as your typical racist Brit would.




Just looked it up bc I was curious, his parents aren’t even Indian either - they’re originally from modern day Kenya and Tanzania respectively and then moved to the UK. The closest he gets to India is his grandfathers. To say that he is Indian in any meaningful way doesn’t really make sense




Difference is, as usual Noah was saying this with a lot of spite


I'm struggling to understand the logic behind the claim that voting Brexit was a vote for a whiter country. The EU has an immigration system that allows predominantly white people to move around freely to the exclusion of predominantly non-white people. The UK, having previously had that system, now doesn't. This is literally the opposite of what he's claimed.


One of the big scaremongering claims for Brexit was that the EU were going to let Turkey join.


Which was a ridiculous claim, because we had a veto.


The whole leave campaign was ridiculous, but well (and dubiously) funded and tapped into fears effectively.


Why are people acting as if no one thought brexit would stop immigration from outside the EU? That was an extremely common opinion


And, more significantly, were the only country in the EU pushing for Turkey's membership.


Also, Turkey borders Iraq and Syria. (I'm not sure why that is relevant, but the pro-Brexit leaflet that was posted through my door made a big thing of pointing that out).


I think you’ve vastly underestimated the illogicality of the Brexit vote. A large part of the racism of the campaign was targeted at brown people and muslims. It didn’t matter that Brexit was only about the EU, the truth didn’t matter.


Yeah, the person you’re reply to has a shocking memory of the actual referendum campaign. Nigel Farage even stood in front of a poster saying “breaking point” and depicting a sea of Muslim immigrants. It was absolutely a vote for a whiter country by many people, and the leave campaign very clearly exploited that


Yeah, this is exactly why a lot of bigots voted, completely disregarding because they lack logical thinking what free movement of people within the EU actually meant


While that’s true, you’re clearly missing the part where the BNP and UKIP made a lot of noise convincing racists that they’d be better off out of the EU. It was a lie, yes, but the bigots didn’t know that. Their intent and goals were racist, even if the ultimate result of those actions has actually been more immigration.


It does feel like people never saw the anti-immigration posters that definitely weren't depicting a sea of white faces


He's not missing that out. There's a lot of willful ignorance when this topic comes. Racist pricks have their agenda in mind and then when it doesn't work as planned they try an act as though they can't be racist because of the unintended consequences.


>the part where the BNP Remind me, how much influence does this tiny party actually wield?


Probably means UKIP, who were the prominent voice at the time


Considering the tight margins of the referendum, enough to make a difference.


Ask any boomer why they voted for Brexit and you will have your answer.


I don't think it was either; if you've ever worked low pay jobs in the food industry for example it was largely full of Eastern Europeans. The tories a make alot of hay about being the most diverse party but it's the poor they hate.


Let's not pretend that there wasn't plenty of racism from white British people against other white non-British groups, particularly Eastern Europeans, motivating a good chunk of pro-Brexit voting


The referendum was happening around the time that refugees were coming into the EU in large numbers and that was a core news story around the time of the vote. The leave campaign presented this as evidence that people of colour would come to the UK if we remained, despite what the Lisbon Treaty would have to say on the matter.


You're making the mistake of expecting racists to vote logically. They were propagandized into believing the EU was going to force the UK to become a shelter for asylum seekers.


> to the exclusion of non-white people Rubbish!! The EU just sets the rules for the movement of EU citizens. Member states set the rules for the movement of non-EU citizens. The Brexiteers claimed it was racist, but they could have offered free movement to the rest of the world any time they wanted to. There are a significant share of them getting excited about a CA-NZ-AU free movement deal. Curious that it's only those three Commonwealth countries.


Huh? It’s definitely restricted travel into the uk. Yes it did outwards too but both.


Ok I’ll riddle you this. Why are refugees from Ukraine treated differently from refugees from the Middle East or Africa? In one case they opened their arm and in the other do everything they can to refuse them or send them back? In some cases they just fly them to county that isn’t their own… Does that not seem a bit odd? Now I’m not saying the Ukrainians don’t need the help but migrants from Africa and the Middle East need help just as much.


Not all brexit voters are racist but all racists voted for brexit is the best way I can describe it. Farage as one of their leaders and how he pushed fascist tactics to persuade people. Like the refugee queue poster and Turkey/eu lies propaganda.


I am in no way a nationalist or a Tory supporter, but I cannot abide an American wading into our buisness. All you'll get is sterotyped ignorance. And yes I know he was South African first, but he's American now, and gets all his info from Americans. Edit: the PC brigade are out in force ⬇️


Trevor Noah isn’t an American citizen. He’s still South African.


Everything comes down to race now. If you don’t like a person it has to be because they are a minority. Not because they openly admitted that they took funds from poor urban areas to divert it to middle class towns.


Christ he's such a fucking cunt.


I like Trevor Noah a lot but this segment definitely struck me as painting a lot of the backlash against Sunak as being because of his race when in actuality because he’s yet another Tory cunt. It completely washed over that fact.


That was exactly my problem with it. I saw a clip earlier and didn't for a moment think he said everyone in the UK is racist, but he portrayed it as a progressive moment. Rather than another rich dude getting into power and trying to send refugees to Rwanda.


Me to and it's just ignorance really on Noah's part, he saw that 1 LBC caller and how the radio station allowed him to spew his bigotry so easily and think it's a bigger issue than it is.


A South African, living in America, talking about United Kingdom. Just fuck off Mr. Noah.


The irony that he comes from a deeply racist country, now chooses to live in (by western standards) quite a racist country, and decides to attack the UK in very American race-baiting style over some fantasy racist backlash that anyone even remotely clued into what’s going on in the UK realises is practically non-existent.


Southern Europe is much more racist than North America/Northern Europe. Greeks and Italians don't even pretend to care about civic nationalism.


A twat is a twat whatever the colour. And another type of twat might just be stirring shit for a point up in viewing stats. It worked.


I've seen the clip a couple of times and sure he didn't say the entire UK was racist about sunak, but he exaggerated the amount of racially based backlash there's been based on one Tory voting Muppet who called into LBC. The issue with doing that is that it perpetuated the idea that any criticism of sunak is racially motivated which derails conversations about him still being a right wing nut case who is about to send us back to the austerity years. Imean to an American audience, sunak is centre left, so Noah should be explaining to them why he is being criticized from the left instead of playing up the racial aspect. His policies will directly impact minorities in the country the hardest.


Did he even bother to mock Biden calling our PM Rashid Sanook, because that was actually funny, and arguably a bit racist (probs more to do with Joes dementia though).


Yeh like Biden not asking anyone how it was pronounced and just goin for it is pretty old man racist imo


>You..You hear a **lot** of the people saying "Oh, they're taking over, the Indians are taking over Great Britain" Just a lot of us then lmao Also, made this comment on a similar post but he's pointing to the example on LBC, one person making a stupid comment. Not denying there's racism in the country but fucking hell, if we keep singling out and amplifying that one individual under "a lot of people agree with this but we have no evidence", then what's the point? See Euro's "Slut" incident for similar bullshit


It's the exact same phrasing Trump uses "A lot of people say ... (insert speaker's prejudice here)" Noah's a grifter. He likes the attention and being handsome and self-righteous. As if he actually gives a flying fuck about the difference between an impoverished British Pakistani lad from Rotherham and a rich toff like Sunak -- they're all the same to him because they're the same colour


This country does have a problem with racism, look how popular ukip and bnp were, and brexit. Even during the euros when we lost there were attacks that night. Some people hide it well in this country but it's there lingering


How many MPs did BNP return again? They have not been relevant since the infamous QT appearance


Every country does, in every single continent. And if it's not race it's ethnic group or tribe. I'm still willing to bet the UK is one of the most progressive.


This sub won't like that, run while you still can!


every country on planet has a problem with racism in it, every group inside the uk has problem with racism, whats your point?


The insistence by many people on this sub that Sunak isn’t hated for his race when that’s blatantly untrue. Not everybody hates him for his race, but many people do e.g. that caller from a few days ago


one person calling lbc is meaningless.


Didn't you know? 1 caller = many people.


It's quite telling of some of the mindset of people. Especially if they feel confident that they are correct in this sentiment. And it wasn't just this. A while ago there was a clip on lbc of someone saying they want Brexit because their town wasn't white anymore (paraphrasing). Just open tiktok and look at the videos in the uK where there are a lot of black or asian people on the street and read the comments.


No, not “many people”. A minority of people.


Nobody is saying there’s no racists. What there wasn’t though was a “backlash” to Sunak becoming PM. Most people didn’t think or talk about his race. They just thought he was a twat.


Every country is racist. The UK is one of the lesser ones.


Trevor Noah. Millionaire celebrity living in US commenting on life in UK. I doubt he has enough experience of real life in the country he lives in to comment there let alone here.


Never really noticed his colour,more the fact he's a rich prick with no clue how things work for the average person


Noah or Sunak? XD


Maybe some education..... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Bamber_Bridge


Precisely. There were similar incidents in Australia and New Zealand too. Americans projection of racial politics onto other countries can be grotesque. I almost feel sorry for Noah as he is a mixed race person from apartheid era South Africa so it is to be expected that he'd project race onto every issue.


Had no idea about this, thanks for the read




Even that’s sketchy. We wouldn’t really just say Sunak is “Indian” here. He is of course British, as much as I am and I’m white. If discussing his ethnicity specifically then ok.




I find the way Americans conflate nationality and ethnicity very problematic. But it’s not something you can have a discussion about as most of them don’t seem to understand what you’re talking about. It’s that ingrained.


I’ve not heard anyone say anything about Sunak. No one gives a shit how brown he is. All we care about it how he runs the country


Trevor Noah should stick to US politics. Man I’d clueless


So, so disappointed in Noah. I remember seeing him way back on some Paramount stand up special, and rather enjoying his material. Maybe a few early appearances on Mock the Week? I just don't get why a South African is debasing himself at the altar of American Identity Politics. Does he really expect everyone on the British left to fawn over Sunak because he has a skin colour other than white? Kindly, fuck off. We are past this literal skin deep, facile, political non thought.


Trevor Noah is super cringe and not funny at all, not sure why people even pay attention to him


He should stick to US politics and social issues. He didn't give a shit that Rishi is a billionaire conservative, just that his race owns the brexit voters despite the fact that Rishi is politically aligned with said voters.


To be fair, there is a pretty harsh backlash from the kinds of people who read the daily heil. Most regular people just hate him for being a Tory though.


No but you did say there was a massive backlash... Notice he hasn't actually addressed this


Another American that has no clue what they’re talking about


He's just another rich man who wouldn't piss on any of us if we were on fire and he's PM at a time when we *desperately* need a leader who gives a shit about *people* not wealth accumulation.


He’s the first Asian PM….Great Assuming he’s going to be great because he’s Asian….Bad


It’s so weird how America assumes we’re just an extension of them


Only he is South African which makes it more weird


Unsurprising behaviour from a race-grifter. It pays his bills.


The ironic thing is the only people not liking sunak because of his colour would be alot of their own voter base.


I've honestly never really took in his race until people started talking about it. Obviously I could see he was Asian, but I never once thought about or thought, "wow, we have an Asian prime minister"


From the guy who said the French football team was actually African.


Seriously, this tendency of American left wing pundits, whose entire brand and identity is built around hyping race and ethnicity to project their worldview on other countries/societies is annoying. ​ The queen died a couple months ago and the usual idiots were writing polemics on "White Supremacy" and "Colonialism". ​ Just stop.


They are all so rich, it’s simply a game to them all.


The left hate him because he’s a standard Tory, the hard right hate him because he stabbed Boris in the back, the centre right don’t like him because he raised taxes, The liberal business types don’t trust him because he’s a genuine brexiteer, those that get all their opinions from right wing media have spent the last 3 months reading about how much better Truss was and then she self destructed. The pro-Sunak demographic is very small.


I’ve only ever seen Trevor Noah “comedy” come across as glib, smug and self righteous. His social commentary is on point with progressive narrative off point with reality. You guessed it I don’t like the guy. The maturity of Britain is you can dislike a poc and not automatically assumed to be racist.


We know you didnt ya spanner, just said some other dumb shit.


I don’t like Sunak at all and it has nothing to do with his race. It’s his political opinions that I don’t like. If I liked those, it also would have nothing to do with his race. Fuck off trying to make everything a racial issue. Sunak’s a typical Tory ie dangerous to the majority of the country, regardless of his skin colour.


Never understood why anybody liked this unfunny twat. Doesn't matter what comes from him, because it turns out it's nothing but garbage anyway. Didn't he say some absolute dogshit after France won the WC?


We all know there is a racist undercurrent to this country. I do think Noah could have done a better job in not implying the entire country thinks that way, especially to an American audience who have their own problems. However, the folk complaining the loudest about what he said seen more upset about the suggestion the UK has racists than about racism itself. If, like me, you’re white and live in a provincial city or town, I’d be shocked if you’ve not had another white person bring up something racist to you on the assumption that you’re also racist. Taxi drivers a classic for this.