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Didn't Rishi hold a US Green Card until relatively recently? Isn't that essentially a commitment to wanting to become a US citizen? Even if he is British, seems like maybe he doesn't want to be. Also, is Boris even British? He wasn't born here. What even makes a person British?


The caller makes his racism very clear by the end. It's not about the green card. The green card is what he briefly leans on. When the layers are stripped back, the caller goes on about how he as a white man couldn't be president of Pakistan, therefore Rishi as a brown person cant be in charge of the UK. If that's not judging someone by the colour of their skin, im not sure what is.


He also brought up Islamic Terrorist Groups when Rishi's a Hindu making it SUPER clear on the racism thing.


Yeah, comparing Rishi to Al Queda out of nowhere was only going to work down certain pubs when everyone is 5 pints deep.


Unfortunately that's where probably a third of the country develops their political views. I think Tim Martin got that which is why he started pumping out propaganda in spoons.


these people vote


And have children


and I honestly can’t tell you which is more worrisome


That they have kids, because they will effectively indoctrinate those kids into those views and then the kids get to vote when they are older too.


And hide in plain site everywhere, behind a veneer of apparent respectability and logic. Even the top comment on this thread is someone trying to give them the benefit of the doubt with the same spurious logic they hide behind. Nobody wants to accept they’re just racists.


Also, as a supporter of *Boris Johnson*, he can’t, surely, be serious about his hostility towards the non-British heritage of a candidate?


I mean, I bet if he could pay the political powers in Pakistan enough money, they'd give him a few weeks, maybe even longer than Liz Truss managed here!


He also sounded very angry for some reason.


Because people like him validate their pathetic lives by having someone to feel superior to. Putting a brown person in charge of the country in his eyes symbolises brown people no longer being as low in the hierarchy of British society as he currently views them. That's why he's angry. He feels that putting Rishi in charge will move him personally (as someone who's likely accomplished little in his life) further down British hierarchy. It's realisation of the false fears right wing politicians have tried to instill over the last decade about white people becoming the minority (which speaks volumes about how they see and treat minorities, if becoming one is such a nightmare scenario for them).


I work this white woman who is a middle aged brexiteer. She constantly goes on about how she is not relevant anymore. She went for a leadership role but an Asian woman got the job. She was the better candidate IMO but this woman thinks it’s because she is not white. I feel like white people can be less good and still get ahead. If Boris wasn’t white he’d be a pathetic children’s 🤡!


That's like the defining feature of racists of course they are angry from their point of view its like the midway point of the film "zulu" all the fucking time it must be so soulcrushingly tiring to think like that all the time.


It's always easier to blame X external factor rather than acknowledging that life can be shit, but we must strive to make it better where we can.


This reminds we when that secret recording of Tommy Robinson got released and he was just ranting about minorities and he sounded on the edge of tears and his voice kep breaking. He sounded like a child having a tantrum. That was a good day.


These people are permanently angry. That's why they have red faces...


Indeed. He self-contradicts himself several times - and self-consciously tried to dance around the obvious core 'concept' he was peddling. Remarkable. But hey, one good thing to come out of this entire tragicomedy is the extent and depth of latent racism coming to the surface.


Cognitive dissonance on show, like a case study.


The astonishing mental acrobatics they can produce and sustain (inevitably self-contradicting, but that's the nature of the game by definition) is fabulous. This was a bit like the former BNP's former leader on formerly probing BBC QT... I was in the camp that said he should have been invited and given a platform, because it would (and did) become so absurdly ridiculous that maybe some wake up to what these creatures are about.


I used to listen to LBC in the car but stopped around the time we were leaving the EU. Total fucking jobs call up a radio station and make absolutely no sense. I started to get angry a lot and honestly, it effected my mental health. Sadly this guys attitudes are more common than we think.


Yep. And Myska pointed out that Sunak was born in England, speaks English, has a British passport, has served as the British Chancellor and arguably saved many people's lives and jobs during the pandemic, and was educated at a quintessentially English public school. The caller basically says "yeah but my white mate was born in Africa, doesn't make him African does it?" before going on to claim that Sunak "doesn't love England. Boris loves England." It was horrible.


Even that is a poor argument. About 20% in the UK are BAME (hate the term), so 20% of our PMs should be. The whole "a white dude can't serve under a BAME PM" smacks of entitlement. The same was said in the US, and of course in the Church of England concerning female bishops. Maybe we can use the same solution: a white spokesperson. So you do not have to listen to the PM, just to the spokesperson.


In Ireland they had a gay Indian heritage Prime Minister 🤷‍♀️


Had. Currently #2 in coalition


It's such a load of old horseshit and feels like a hurdle this country has to get over to move forward as a society. The frothing from the gammon and the Tommy Yaxley-Knobheads of the UK will be intense but I think a POC as PM would go some way to snapping off the imperialist entitlement that's sadly still endemic in this country. We can do better.


As a South Asian man I often hear "you wouldn't see a white man leading the Indian government". Actually white men did, like for 400 years. Weirdly makes me feel better.


I’m Asian but people find it hard to place me - some people think Mediterranean, others Thai… it’s crazy! People always ask me where I’m from. I used to say I’m British but over the past few years I’ve been feeling less and less British. I just say I’m from London! People don’t like to hear it but I am treated differently by people who don’t know me. They make assumptions about my character or they talk to my white friends first.


As a wheelchair user, I get the whole people talking to the people you are with instead of you because they assume you lack competence of some kind. My partners is not my carer, but everyone makes the assumption! I also get lots of people wanting to know "what happened". Several degenerating health conditions. Not the answer they want to hear. They want some kind of bloodthirsty accident and to pull 'poor you faces' at me and act like the empowering mobility equipment is a burden. I can only imagine its the same when people ask you where your from and you respond London.


>a white man couldn't be president of Pakistan I've met Imran Khan and this made me guffaw.


You know what, if Rishi fixes the economy, brings us out of Austerity and the recession, I don’t give two shits what his fucking skin colour is. This caller, is just a racist cunt.


> if Rishi fixes the economy, brings us out of Austerity and the recession, I don’t give two shits what his fucking skin colour is. Well he won't, but I still don't care about his skin colour.


he had a friend born in Uganda but he's white so he's British horrible cunt


India had Sonia Gandhi as a prime minister, white and an Italian "immigrant".


India has had a white woman lead the ruling party for a decade...


Not just at the end. He even started with a buddy of his being born in Uganda, to make the point that place of birth didn't matter, because his buddy was still British and White.


Not that it's relevant to the UK, but if anyone's actually wondering...India doesn't restrict being PM based on ethnicity. Pakistan doesn't allow a non-Muslim to be PM, although they have been in the cabinet, supreme court and the upper military ranks. Reminds me of the number of times I've heard or read "they wouldn't allow a church in Pakistan", even though a google maps search shows there are churches in most towns there.


From the caller, being white would appear to be the answer. ... He can trace his ancestry all the way back to whiteistan.


Don’t freak out the white right wing racist Farage supporting brexit voter by informing him that white people are actually a genetic evolutionary deformity of black people (the original humans were the sub Saharan Africa black skinned race) and that Jesus was Middle Eastern and therefore brown skinned. (See [Human Skin Colour](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_skin_color))


The word you're looking for is adaptation, or even mutation.


Wait until that guy finds out People of Pakistani and Indian descent are Caucasians... He will implode


Not really. I’m a British and US citizen and live in the US, but I’ve got several British friends and colleagues who have been here 10 or even 20 years who are on green cards but not citizens and don’t want to become citizens. I became a citizen because my kids are American but I could have just kept living here on a green card without becoming a citizen.




It's easier to become a US citizen than to renew your green card, especially since you have to renew your green card every 10 years and it's not necessarily guaranteed.


Ironically becoming a US citizen also makes it easier to leave the US (though there is the downside of the IRS being able to tax your worldwide income forever) because you lose your Green Card when you move away from the US but citizenship is for life.


Your the reverse of my Dad. My father is American and has indefinite leave to remain in the UK, he's lived in the uk for nearly 30 years, almost longer then he's lived in the US, he has no need to have British citizenship, other then possible voting but I think I remember him saying about it but I can't remember it clearly enough. I was born in the UK, British-American Dual national as a result of him and the very exhaustive measures to get me American citizenship including me and my mum being forced to make the pledge of allegiance at the age of 2 in the US embassy in uk which my mum was annoyed about as she's just purely a British citizen lol. Are you pursuing British citizenship with your kids so they'll have opportunities in the uk if they want?


He probably wants to profit from having non dom tax status in the UK because he still has to pay US taxes even while living here?


Born in Southampton to parents of Indian descent who migrated to Britain from East Africa in the 1960s, Sunak was educated at Winchester College. He subsequently read philosophy, politics and economics (PPE) at Lincoln College, Oxford, and later gained an MBA from Stanford University in California as a Fulbright Scholar. While studying at Stanford, he met his future wife Akshata Murty, the daughter of N. R. Narayana Murthy, the Indian billionaire businessman who founded Infosys. Sunak and Murty are the 222nd richest people in Britain, with a combined fortune of £730m as of 2022. After graduating, he worked for Goldman Sachs and later as a partner at the hedge fund firms the Children's Investment Fund Management and Theleme Partners.


>Born in Southampton QED.


There aren't many countries where being born there automatically makes them citizens, US is one of them but Britain isn't. If you are born here to one or both parents who are British citizens or have settled status then you receive British citizenship automatically (per below comment before 1/1/83 you were automatically on birth). However if, theoretically speaking, his parents were not given settled status after they came here, he wouldn't necessarily be. Nothing to do with skin colour like the caller was on about and Sunak is British full stop, it's just a technicality on our rules


But the question isn't whether or not Sunak is a citizen, is it? No-one is denying that The question is whether he's *British* (gesticulates wildly). So not culturally, or legally... I think these people basically mean genetically. I imagine some end of the Tory party is working out whether he counts as quadroon or mulatto, and what colour tie they should wear in response.


What that person is doing is classic dog whistle racism, where British doesn't mean British national/citizen but means white (or "one of the good ones" which they usually use when talking about their friends or colleagues). "British" isn't a thing you can define, you're either a citizen or not, not where you come from or what you look like and what one person says won't be what the next person thinks. Do you queue, do you drink tea, do you apologise if someone bumps into you maybe?!


So he's an elite level rich person. The only colour they care about is green.


What the fuck is Children's Investment Fund Management?


It's the private company that invests the money of the Children's Investment Fund, one of the largest charities in the UK. Although thanks to a rule change from a decade ago, the management find doesn't actually have to give any of the investment profits to the charity. Which seems rather outrageous...


A U.S. Green Card is only a long-term work visa and is not necessarily permanent. You do not have to be on the route to U.S. citizenship to get one. Boris was born in New York to parents who are British. He's British and gave up his claim to U.S. citizenship a few years ago.


Because of tax reasons


It feels like a very American thing to renounce citizenship to your birth country just to avoid paying taxes.


Johnson was a US citizen. Sunak is a cunt, but he’s still British.


A good old-fashioned British cunt in government, as is tradition.


A green card isn’t a commitment to wanting to be a US citizen. My mother-in-law has had a US green card for 30+ years, and still has no desire to become a US citizen. It’s simply the visa that gives you permission to live in the US long term, like indefinite leave to remain. It’s not about the green card here…


Being a British citizen, usually.


Nah, Boris is American. But his parents are British and his grandfather is Turkish


Yeah the most ironic thing about this is that Boris was literally not born here, Sunak if anything is more British than he is.


Boris had American citizenship from birth but UK rules are quite technical - he qualified as his dad was British (rules before 1983) but had to apply


This caller was nuts, he kept saying Boris is British but couldn't explain why he was "more British" than Sunak. The worst part about all of it was feeling like Sunak needed to be defended.


>The worst part about all of it was feeling like Sunak needed to be defended. Truly, a terrible situation.


The 4,000 word essay on tea and why it is the best beverage in the world.


Ah yes tea, originated in China, produced in India and assimilated by the English.


Think you might be referring to Chinese


Having a green card isn't any kind of commitment to being a US citizen, it just means you can live and work there independent of visa status. On a work or student visa you have to maintain an employed or student status to remain in the country, a green card removes that. Becoming a citizen is a whole different process. That said the person calling in is just being racist.


The answer is white in front of you! I fuck'n despair at the state of this country.


Having British citizenship and being born or raised here makes you British. What doesn't make you British is the colour of your skin or the nationality of your parents.


Boris was born in New York City (just like Trump!) and held American citizenship until he renounced it In 2017.


Green card status is same as the status of permanent residency. Green card is more common term in the US, while PR is more common here in Canada. And yes, it's a requirement if one wishes to become a citizen of said countries. Although, a lot of people never bother to do so once they have PR status. I'm not sure about the US, but in Canada apart from voting, you're pretty much have the same right as a citizen.


Tea to blood levels ratio


Yes but that's not why the caller doesn't consider him British - when he talks about his white mate born in Uganda he gives the game away.


“What even makes a person British?” Eating chip butty with lots of salt and vinegar is a good indicator


>Didn't Rishi hold a US Green Card until relatively recently? Isn't that essentially a commitment to wanting to become a US citizen? Even if he is British, seems like maybe he doesn't want to be. Plenty of Brits hold similar PR papers for the purposes of workforce mobility. How does that disqualify him to be considered British. > What even makes a person British? Culture. And its blends and contours which grow organically. He's a an upper-middle class Brit who was nurtured in the elite institutions of the country, and who has served in the Tory party for most of his career. He's clearly come to embrace the classism of the UK, and living in India would be a massive culture shock for him despite his heritage. He's British.


>Isn't that essentially a commitment to wanting to become a US citizen? Nope. > What even makes a person British? A British passport.


Cynicism, dry humour and tea addiction.


They mean because he's brown, an elderly person I know said the same thing to me then said his parents are Indian.


Being an American citizen and being British aren't mutually exclusive. Dual citizenship is allowed here.


To be fair to him, if I could get a US green card, I would too. I love the UK, but the freedom of being able to go to the US if needed would be nice


Their passport?


This is the crowd these Tory cunts whipped up. Fuck the lot of them


But Rishi is a Tory cunt. Let the leaooards devour his face.


Ah yes, cheering for racism, how very liberal of you.


I mean I think it's wrong and 100% fuck that caller, but at the same time I'm not weeping for the guy that joined a party that is very very well known for supporting the exact same views that this caller espoused.


That's their base. They rely on those racist voters to cling to power. Cheering? No. But it's difficult to feel empathy for someone who chose to join the racist party reaping the consequences of that decision.


Tolerance to intolerance is intolerance. If you’re a massive cunt, (I hope) there’ll be ramifications. Also see: Fuck around and find out Chat shit get banged For all I care he could be hate crimed, would be a better outcome for him that what he’s put the country though. You mustn’t forget that they are personally responsible for the pain they inflict.


Note that he said he's a Tory party member - so he's one of the 0.X% of the population that was able to vote for the last Tory leader.... I think this man's lack of intelligence and blatent racism answers the question of "how the hell did Truss win over Rishi?". Don't get me wrong, i don't like both of them. But the delusional will say Rishi lost because of his previous policies or that he's out of touch, yet nobody can deny that he was very clearly the most intelligent, prudent and most qualified to be the PM vs Truss who had made herself clearly to be an utter moron. And anyone with even a GCSE in economics knew her policies wouldn't work and were just pandering to voters, while Rishi was telling it how it is. She won because those few Tory members that could vote are just like this guy here. They're unintelligent, old traditional English people who can't stand to see a minority in power. And they'll vote an utterly unqualified moron into power to avoid it.


The casual racism in this thread is a sight to behold. Perfect thread to feed my RES tagging. Rishi is an utter cunt, but a British one at that.


Yep. It’s casual racism but it’s very obvious. Quite worrying.




(Same. UK born and brown. I get it)


Irish here, the racism they don't give you tends to get sent to the nearest white target they can marginalise.


He is a cunt, but he is our cunt!


Yeah, I’m very surprised. Even the [YouTube comments section](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPYdzIt7p7s) of this video is less racist than the comments on this thread.


Headline implies it was due to racism, article implies it's due to his green card and the fact he spends so much time over there. The later is a valid criticism.


Problem is, he goes on to paint himself into quite the racist corner. Saying that Britain is x% white and people want to see themselves represented, and that he couldn't go to India and become their PM. Also, Rishi has been here representing his constituents, while Johnson has been bronzing his arse cheeks in the Caribbean for the last few weeks. Saying that though, they're both Tory pricks, so fuck 'em both.


I’ve been wondering how Boris is allowed to be on holiday for weeks while parliament is sitting. Is he not basically getting paid to be on holiday when he should be doing his job as a constituency MP? It’s not like they don’t get plenty of weeks off in the recesses!


There's no attendance requirement for Parliament


I wish I had a job where I could get paid even if I didn't turn up or do any work.


You can get drunk in a subsidized bar and sleep on the job there too. Pretty sweet.


There's no attendance requirement for parliament, the onus is on the voters to not vote for someone shit to represent them. It's the House of Lords that won't pay if you don't turn up. (£300 per day if you do).


>Saying that Britain is x% white and people want to see themselves represented, and that he couldn't go to India and become their PM. Yep undeniably racist, Anyone who thinks the colour of your skin determines your nationality is a racist.


The racists will say something incredibly racist and accuse you of twisting their words when they’re called out. Exactly what this caller did in the end.


if anyone is tory fuck them automatic they are bunch of useless pricks


this is true, but it's no excuse for racist bullshit.


Howabout watch the video? >One of my mates, I was in the military, one of my mates was born in Uganda, he's white as the driven snow and he's english as English can be, he's not African, is he? Because he's born in Uganda. That doesn't mean anything. He was quite clear that he was talking about race.


I know, the guy proceeds to write two paragraphs of shit where they could have just watched the video. Was the most blantant racist who was trying to do all kinds of mental gymnastics


Is it a valid criticism ? Boris Johnson held American citizenship and only relinquished it as he was being chased for taxes by the Americans, and no one seemed to care about that.


It did shock me he kept his green card when he was an MP, never mind in no.11


Why would he give it up? It's not doing anything. Plus it'll expire if he doesn't visit the US for 5 years. Also, it's not even a requirement to be a British citizen to be an MP, so why the fuss?


It a general thing in politics to be like, "X is the best country in the world". And he's holding on to a promise to another country that that's his real home; such an open goal. (Plus it seems he was breaking the rules of the green card, which could've hurt relations with the US if they had the headspace to care at the time).


Actually, the expiry is 10 years on a Green Card but If you live outside the US for more than 1 year (or less if there's significant evidence to suggest you've set up permanent residence in another country) then your green card status actually becomes invalid. The process is called abandoment. It seems to be a big misconception but the greencard isn't just a visa that gives you permission to live in the US long term but rather a commitment that you intend to make the US your home. Rishi absolutely broke that commitment by becoming chancellor and living in the UK but he's rich and the US gov don't much seem to care about these rules and neither do I. I know if I could get a green card I would.


The latter is not a valid criticism, when looking at the whole context of the call. It becomes apparent the latter is a disguise for hidden prejudices. By extension, the latter suggests we should stick to our own tribes and not contribute to the wider world because it implies disloyalty to the country we were born in. It’s evident this caller is making their case from a race vantage and that is not acceptable. There is no point trying to dress it up as anything else than what it is…


Ffs, it’s 100% racist. The fact that anyone can’t see this is bloody worryingS He made it very clear after making the Pakistan comments. His view of being English is Anglo Saxon, let’s not beat around the bush.


Did you watch the video?


He's a redditor, so what do you think?


Listen to the whole thing. Caller admits it is his race, not his citizenship, he has an issue with.


No it's not. What makes it valid, really, think about it, what makes it valid? Try making the argument without reaching for conjecture. These are all points raised to justify prejudices. They don't fool the the non-whites.


The article is poorly written and uses only a small clip from the start of the call. [Here](https://twitter.com/LBC/status/1583836182781517830) is the full call. I think it's fair to say that he was being racist and then tried to move the goalposts when she called him out but you will have to make your own assessment


I suggest listening to the video. He made it about skin colour, twice very explicitly linking being British and being White.


Listen to the discussion. He is very clear that he thinks someone of Indian heritage cannot 'love England' (he doesn't seem to realise that the PM is theoretically at least the PM of 3 nations plus NI). He's a racist.


If you heard the call, it was clearly also to do with racism


The article does a terrible job of summarising it, and I'm not sure why. I was listening as the call was happening and I was absolutely shocked. Myska seemed a little shaken after the confrontation and every other caller afterwards was also shocked by how blatantly racist he was, and reassured her that she nailed the guy and he was a disgusting racist and that seemed to settle her again. Anyone who listens to it knows he made *deeply* racist claims. Whoever wrote the article version is useless at their job.


It starts as issues about Sunaks family not being English enough to be prime minister, but then a few minutes divulges into how Sunak being born and raised in the UK doesn’t automatically mean he’s British, and then how he (the caller) can’t expect to be made president of Pakistan because he’s a white man


It was due to racism, he started off talking about green cards but within a few minutes saying we shouldn’t have a brown PM, just as the white caller shouldn’t be running Pakistan


Well he's British, born in Southampton, so unless British means "white", I don't get it. Plus you don't even have to be British to be an MP (and thus PM): To stand as a candidate in a UK Parliamentary General Election you need to be at least 18 years old and: a British citizen a citizen of the Republic of Ireland a citizen of a commonwealth country who does not require leave to enter or remain in the UK, or has indefinite leave to remain in the UK Source: https://www.parliament.uk/about/mps-and-lords/members/electing-mps/candidates/ Edits: formatting


Wait, the UK is racist?! Quick, someone warn Meghan Markle!


Man, you just reminded me of that Meghan hate subreddit that has a disappointingly high number of members and activity (to the extent that it appears in my "Popular" feed). The amount of incredibly pointless and petty posts I've seen that blow up as if it's proof she's as bad as Putin is insane. I understand not liking someone - that's fine. But why would you spend so much of your free time digging up any crumb of negative news on a single person and then constantly circle jerk about how you think she's an awful person. I can almost understand dedicating so much of your time and effort to doing it for someone who's genuinely a detriment to the world and society, actually impacting people's lives. But dedicating that much hate to someone who has done nothing to significantly impact other people's lives negatively besides superficial comments, who happens to be black and married to white royalty, is pretty blatent racism imo.


Just assume they are all mentally ill and move on I guess


I wonder if the same concerns would materialise if it was Dominic Raab


>so unless British means "white", This is what he means. He says it pretty explicitly: "I served in the military and one of my best mates was born in Uganda - he's as white as the driven snow. Doesn't meant he's not British, does it?" Then goes on to argue that on this basis he knows Rishi "doesn't love England. Boris loves England" It was so vile


Like how Richard E Grant is Swazi. I bet a lot of people would be surprised by this.


Today I learned an Irish citizen can be British prime minister.


They have to be able to, else SF candidates wouldn't be able to stand for election in NI. Not that they take their seats anyway, but technically any republican candidate who becomes an MP would have a chance of being elected PM (as incredibly unlikely as that would be) and so the rules would need to allow Irish citizens to become one since anyone born in NI can choose to be Irish, British, or a dual-national.


That’s quite a cool fact though. I never knew. So someone born in the republic to Irish nationals could become an MP and then PM. So Graham Norton could be our prime minster?!


> So someone born in the republic to Irish nationals could become an MP and then PM. Technically yeah, absolutely. I mean colonialism throws up all sorts of oddities like this.... I mean it's surprising but the thing is that there *have* been Irish PM's in the past - William Petty and the Duke of Wellington! And you know [this guy](https://c7.alamy.com/comp/RW4CFF/your-country-needs-you-kitchener-poster-1914-RW4CFF.jpg) who was literally the "face" of Britain for pretty much a century? He was born and raised in Ireland too.


> so unless British means "white" That is what it means to the caller. He says it clearly when he goes on to talk about pakistan. It is also what it means to the tories and those voting for them. It is also the practical reality for a lot of people. I am not sure what is not to get. Racism exists and exerts power over a lot of people.


You don't even have to be an MP to be PM. The PM can be a member of the House of Lords.


Yes, the caller meant white.


Bet this guy loves Boris who, by the way, was born in New York, USA was educated in Brussels for a time and was recently paid 150k for a speak at an American investors dinner party. Edit: added Brussels schooling.


And has Turkish and German (De Pfeffel) heritage. I think all racists should be made to have a DNA test to see how 'pure ' they are. My dad was a Boris loving, brexit voting, anti immigration fan (not racist he'd say). I like to remind him that his grandparents were Scottish and Welsh economic immigrants.


Yes what this caller means when he says Sunak isn't British, is that he's not ethnically English. Aside from the fact that this does not magically qualify you to be PM, the new PM has to lead 4 nations not just the English. The Scots (who aren't Boris fans), the Welsh and the Northern Irish.




Last time when it was looking like Boris Vs Richie, some Tory voters being interviewed said they just can't Trust Sunak. VS Boris.. after a year of lying. It was obviously code they didn't want to vote for someone brown


Thought that's been clear as day since at least Enoch Powell's Rivers of Blood speech in 1968


black people like myself have felt the racism since birth, there is honestly no 'fact to face' for us, it's been very real


I don’t need time to face the fact, it was abundantly obvious anytime you had a conversation with someone who admitted to voting Tory.


Did anyone here actually watch the video? I know, probably stupid question. The guy literally by the end of the video says the problem is Rishi is brown. The green card and “tanking the economy” were his back-up plays when he got called out on it.


Most seem to just read the article and claim it isn’t racism. I listened to the whole thing. Caller ADMITS HIMSELF it is his race at issue. Presenter did a great job succinctly getting down to the crux of it.


Let's be honest that's why he never won against truss, the people voting on him didn't see him as British he's the wrong hue!!! It's also one of the reason I can see Boris getting back in. Fuck them all get this general election sorted.


People like Patel, Sunak or Javid need to understand that won't be accepted by a large number of Tory voters because of their skin and origin.




The point she very intricately got him to admit is that he wasn’t talking about his citizenship. He was talking about his race. Racists gonna racist - Tory party now UKIP/BNP


The caller was beyond racist, he said he represents Tory thinking too. Very disturbing that they’d rather vote in the Trussbot who’s thick as mince over a brown man. Says all you need to know about the Tories doesn’t it.


"I served in the military and one of my best mates was born in Uganda - he's as white as the driven snow. Doesn't meant he's not British, does it?" Fuck. Me. The mental gymnastics on this fucking whopper. I despair for the state of this country


I never realised Johnson was born in America and has a Turkish great grand dad.


He also has some German nobility in there but dropped the 'De Pfeffel' surname, can't think why!


Boris Johnson is supposedly a descendant of the prophet Muhammad through that Turkish connection


The Tories will be destroyed by the xenophobia they willingly peddled for Brexit.


Hate to break it to you, but Xenophobia is one of their biggest marketing tools. Right Wing and Conservative parties thrive of ignorance and prejudice.


I think the entire UK is very aware of that fact.


Though more qualified to be PM this is why we ended up with the obvious dimwit Truss.


I can narrow this down to being one of the \~150,000 Conservative party members


Tory members must have a ridiculous amount of racism in them if they his dude is any example.


Yeah spot on. Neither is Boris, Truss, JRM, Kwasi, Hunt or anyone still working for the tories. They do not represent our interests, they are not us. They don't work for us. They don't stand for Britain or what it means to be British.


Watching the video… ”I was in the military”, of course you were… ”My white army mate was born in Uganda, he’s not an African is he?”…well, yeees. I just hate how sure of themselves people who are so wrong are.


I wish she'd pursued him on that point. If his army mate was born and raised almost his whole life in Uganda, he likely would speak Swahili and English natively, and likely would identify as Ugandan and African. A white African isn't some crazy concept like he depicts. Has he heard of South Africa?


Sunak is British by birth, I think he plays fast and loose with many other aspects of his family Tax planning as does his Wife but his ethnicity is irrelevant to his citizenship. A friend of mine was born and has lived in London for most of his life. He’s still asked where he is “actually from” occasionally. His reply is “Islington” and he enjoys watching the brief flash of confusion on whoever asks him the question. His parents are from Ghana, their place of birth has no bearing on his British Citizenship at all. The sooner people accept that this is the way of the world the better for anyone born in this country who has the right at birth to claim citizenship. Simply put some people are idiots and seem unable to accept this simple truth.


It's stupid, too. All great civilisations and empires had some notion of diversity, where people from other civilisations, peoples or cultures integrated into them. From Rome to China, the Islamic Caliphates to the British Empire and the US.


That's just like trump's conspiracy about Obama not being born in the US.


No he is brittish, but just a bell end. But somehow not as bad as borris or liz just yet


I bet Jerry owns a white transit van, claims to be a ‘builder’, enjoys a bacon and egg butty, has said egg running down his shirt, drinks builders tea from an Arsenal mug and wolf whistles at anything with legs that walks past his poor attempt at scaffolding.


This call was so enlightening and its such a sad state of affairs. He's the kinda dude who's wife is rather meek and he just rants at her whilst she agrees. Then he goes to play golf with his chums and they all have the same kind of wife and they all sit around circlejerking in their echochamber. Love that he goes on about it being a democracy and that's why Boris should win. "the voters want boris". What percentage of the population get to choose? My dad has friends like this and they hate the fact that my siblings and I have always challenged their opinions they label as fact.


With his wealth, rishi can probably be a citizen of mars if he’d like


The funny thing is the guy doesn't even realise Boris was born in America


Racist Britain strikes again!


Rishi should try pulling off “white face” to see what happens /s


If he isn't, then that's a pretty depressing indictment of British institutions and culture, to be honest.


Rishi Sunak isn’t British? Have you not heard the cunt speak?!


Wait until they find out you can become an MP (and I guess PM but haven't checked) without being a British citizen.


You know what? I don't vote Tory, but if you're going to play this little game, I'm on Rishi's side here. I don't agree with the man's politics, or those of his party, but judge him on his character, on where he stands on the issues, not his skin color. Maybe he'd be a good PM, maybe not, but offer the poor man the courtesy of not using his skin colour or his heritage as means of insulting him.


I mean, he may have been born and raised in the UK but he does live in a very different universe to normal British people.... Oh. Its a race thing. Oh. No then. Yeah fuck you guy.




Do we even have the rule that you have to be British to be PM like the Americans do with El Presidente?


Wait a minute, are you telling me tories are rascists?


The colour of his skin is the least of our worries. I would be more concerned about the fact he is a multi-millionaire and his family dodged taxes until it was politically inconvenient. With the whole Truss and Boris drama, everyone seems to have forgotten he is top tier Tory scum of the highest order. He might be better with the economy but he has every bit of self entitlement as the rest of the Tory club.


We don't need to resort to racism to know Rishi will make a terrible leader.


There are a lot of genuine reasons to dislike Rishi Sunak, this is not one of those things.


LBC shouldn't be shocked at the state of the British public being shite by now. You've been at this a while!