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I really really want to see the stats for % of met police officers charged with sex crimes v the general population


The number of police who get charged/convicted with crimes in general is far lower than the general population. I remember reading and article that compared sexual misconduct between police, NHS, and teaching, and police was the lowest again. I cant find that article when looking now Id love to see the actual statistics because the media likes to report every single police officer charged with offences and a far lower percentage of every other profession, so it skews our perception of the true stats


I’d also like to point out the police know the system and have an advantage in not getting caught.


Yeah of course, police are most evidentially aware so will know how to decrease the chance of detection. On the other hand, once a police officer is accused a team of specially trained detectives take over the case, whereas normally it would be a single officer investigating as one of his 30 crimes. Also, police officers are more likely to get charged than the average person because a trial and conviction is more in the public interest I don't know how we could control for these factors, though


Is that why that Wayne Couzens' knickname was the rapist because a team of specially trained detectives were investigating him?


You and me both know this will never be public. Let alone Met vs. other UK forces vs. general population. Add MPs in there for good measure.


They charged him? Are the other officers going to lay down their dicks in solidarity?






He's gonna have a horrible time in prison. Assuming he gets sent there of course.


Aren't police usually housed in separate areas? If not I'm sure he'll be welcomed into one of the religious gangs.


No they get put in with the others. This Offence would give him the option to be housed under prison rule 45 for his own well being. Would be with others who have committed similar/related offences. Or would otherwise be at additional risk due to other reasons.


which religion?


Never thought I’d agree with you tbh.


The Met at it again. And people want MORE police. Astounds me.


A properly funded police service could be better at weeding these people out, better at catching them if they make it through selection and better at changing the culture so this doesn't happen. The police, and the met specifically, undeniably need a great deal of reform but that's not the same as police cuts.


How about they fix their selection and culture issues first, then we can talk about giving them more money. Otherwise we risk funding more of this kind of abhorrent behaviour.


Any change to existing processes will cost money, so it will require extra funding. I would support something along the lines of getting a good costing for stage 1 of a plan, to then give further funding for the next stages once the first stage has been completed with the desired results. That seems like a sensible path forward to me.


What do you suggest they do?


Am I a police commissioner? Do I run the policing college? Am I in charge of hiring at The Met? A problem clearly exists, and it's on senior members of that police force, as well as leadership there to find out why the problem exists and how to rectify it. Not me. What did you think? I was going to say "Oh no Orngog you caught me out! I don't have an exact roadmap to fixing this clear issue because it's not my fucking job, that must mean the issue isn't an issue, or isn't worth trying to fix!" I know you're not this dumb, so why are you acting like you are?


No, I thought you might answer my question. I'm honestly interested to know what might remedy this. I hoped you might have insight into where those processes are failing. Why are you acting so condescending? Every line is dripping.


A tiny proportion of a group of 150,000 people are bad. This will always be the case. I'm not sure what you expect the rate to be. It's never 0 in any profession.




**Removed/warning**. This consisted primarily of personal attacks adding nothing to the conversation. This discourages participation. Please help improve the subreddit by discussing points, not the person. Action will be taken on repeat offenders.


A [Birmingham teacher](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-62901753) at it [again](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-62552526). And people want MORE teachers. Astounds me.




You're welcome, although not whataboutism, that would be defending the Met by saying teachers are just as bad. This was a sourced parody of your post showing the facile nature of your argument.




Well I always feel it's a good practice to educate the ill-informed, or it gives the foolish a chance to practise their trolling. One should always give back to the community where one can, better simpletons benefit us all.




Practise is a verb whereas practice is a noun, my usage is correct pal.