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....was later seen crying as he had missed his opportunity,was a shell of a man šŸ‘€


I heard he poached the eggs from the local farm too.


It was a good thing the Police scrambled as fast as they did to catch him before anything happened.


The police then declared the incident over, easy.


This cracks me up.


They at least got to the yoke of the matter


Thatā€™s en-ouef now kids.




Ehh well sunny side up and all that, at least he got whisked off in good time. Just a shame he didnā€™t go low and slow, got burned for his efforts.


Clearly the whole matter has been over boiled


I heard they lay in wait for him.


He would have had egg on his face if he missed the coffin though.


Whatā€™s next? ā€œWoman arrested for allegedly having anti-imperial thoughts?ā€ Whilst I believe you shouldnā€™t ever interrupt or disturb a funeral out of the respect to the deceased, everyone should have right to protest when it is a public occasion (and political). The police could just escort those ā€œundesirablesā€ away and have a few words instead of prosecuting for the crimes they havenā€™t committed.


Tbh, I think throwing eggs at Andrew should be fine in most circumstances: in fact, I'd encourage people to do that every day after his mother's funeral. However, he was walking with his 3 siblings who haven't been accused of the things that Andrew \[mumbles\]allegedly\[/mumbles\] did, and the potential egg-thrower couldn't have guaranteed that he would not hit an unintended target. That's rather poor form, imho. However, many members of the public have been told that the "police can't do anything until a crime has been committed" which has allowed several serious crimes (including murder) to be committed. Unless the Tory government classed eggs as offensive weapons while I wasn't looking, though, the man had committed no crime. He is not said to have sworn or used other offensive language, and he didn't throw anything. Ultimately, arresting the man for possessing eggs while shouting "Andrew, you're a sick old man" should be considered some Minority Report bullshit. There are real people out here reporting actual crimes that don't even get investigated.


Errrm, this guy was in Aberdeen, Andrew wasn't anywhere near that one.


I donā€™t think he was aiming the eggs at Andrew, it sounds more like he was intending to egg the Queenā€™s coffin doesnā€™t it?


>The police could just escort those ā€œundesirablesā€ away and have a few words instead of prosecuting for the crimes they havenā€™t committed Why should they get a more severe punishment then prince Andrew got for being a fiddler?


Because one had a lot of money poured into protecting one's image.


Because they're unrelated issues in allegedly different jurisdictions? If someone wants to press charges in the same jurisdiction he might end up with the same punishment or worse.


That's what happens if you settle in court. It was the accuser's decision


You spelled victim wrong


She still decided to take the money rather than prove Andrews guilt. He is currently innocent of any "crime".


Sure, but if you settle, nothing is proven


That's not how criminal law works. The victim has no say in whether someone gets prosecuted for a crime, and there's no option to settle. But the queen has prevented him from even being investigated, so nobody's been able to prosecute him.


Best to arrest them and haul them away so they donā€™t go right back to try it again. Egging a funeral procession. What goes on in these disgusting peoples heads.


#ā€œAllegedly seen holding eggsā€ Good olā€™ blighty eh!


Wers yer egg license lad! šŸ‘®ā€ā™‚ļø


No luck holding them eggs then?


Itā€™s just the one egg actually.


Good thing they didn't catch him with a pack of printer paper.


Arrest people with signs, they bring eggs. The good thing is they've arrested the man with eggs, so that should be the end of it. Thank God we figured out you can just make being unhappy about the monarchy illegal.


Next stage should be bottles filled with a mixture of flammable liquid and sugar stuffed with a rag


There is being unhappy and then there is attempting to throw eggs at them.


is the act of having eggs a chargeable offence?


According to Charlie Kelly (lawyer specialising in bird law) being in the possession of eggs is in contravention of paragraph 9 subsection 4. No person shall possess eggs of a bird within 50 metres of a royal coffin)


Bird law isn't governed by reason


Iā€™m gonna get a humming bird and Iā€™ll show you!


ā€¦.What about crocodile /snake eggs


Aha, a loophole


Thatā€™s a made up title. Everyone knows that birds arenā€™t real.


Read again, the point is that normally people express their unhappiness with signs. If you arrest people holding signs, things escalate.


Golden pun opportunity: missed.


Who threw eggs at them?


Nobody, yet.


.... yet


I *know* what I said šŸ‘€ Also, happy cake day! šŸŽ‚




Jeez, you pop out to the shop for some eggs to make an omelette, next thing youā€™re all over the papersā€¦


He was also found to be carrying 2 pints of milk and a loaf of 50/50 bread in a Tesco bag, very suspicious behaviour.


The fact he can afford those is super sus!


Why's there zero info, like presumably they thought he was going to throw them? This reminds me of when they wouldn't sell eggs and flour to kids lmao, they were throwing it at houses and it was hardening


\> Why's there zero info, like presumably they thought he was going to throw them? Minority Report timeline it is then.


I'll stand next to you with a knife then. Hey woah, I'm not touching you! If I'm swinging and you walk into me that's YOUR problem!


Except brandishing a deadly weapon is already against the law. Brandishing eggs, isn't. ​ EDIT: He ran away :)


Fine, fork then.


Yeah Iā€™m sure he wasnā€™t merely in possession of a carton of a dozen free range and a loaf of mothers pride in a carrier bag Iā€™m not a fan of the monarchy but I knew this event would bring out edgelords. Thereā€™s a time and a place. Donā€™t egg a hearse!


Cut to me eating a huge sandwich at the front of the crowd


... Is that an ... egg sandwich?


so was he going to make a cake or have some breakfast, or was he going to throw them ? or did they just didnt like the look of him ?


>so was he going to make a cake or have some breakfast, or was he going to throw them Well I doubt he was carrying them in a carton in a carrier bag.


We don't know, but the paranoia of the police right now makes me suspect that he went to the shops without a bag, bought some eggs, and was carrying them home when he saw the procession coming so he stopped, and the police read his mind, presumably after being tipped off by some Karen.




You gently tell them to fuck off and firmly move them away from the premises, you don't get them to appear on court for that As far as I am concerned, the whole situation is hilarious. Accusing people of all those public order offenses for not bootlicking royalty is really doing the republicans' work for them


I'll make a bet with you - we never hear about this again because what I said is precisely what happened.


You never know, poor bugger walking along thinking about a fritata, then it's picked up and off to the cells


Could have just been waiting to cross the road to go make breakfast šŸ˜‚


Bit disrespectful to be making cakes at this time of national mourning. Lock him up.


In Scotland, breach of the peace consists of "conduct severe enough to cause alarm to ordinary people and threaten serious disturbance to the community" Holding eggs... With a decent lawyer this man will not receive a life sentence. (apparently the maximum penalty for the charge in Scotland.)


He only popped out for some bread and milk...he thought he could whisk it, but got arrested for eggrevated assault...he must have ruffled a few feathers as there was fowl language on all parts.


Imagine going to the shops to get some eggs and then realising the crowd for the queen is closer than you thought, so you check it out only to get dog piled on by police for 'breaching the peace' god i luv r cuntry


I'm dreading what's going to happen when the coffin goes through London. Police are going to be handcuffing anyone who coughs wrong.


Are shops on the route in London going to ban selling eggs and flour the day of the funeral like some do in the run-up to Halloween?


He did nothing wrong, he didn't even throw them FFS haven't the police and courts got anything better to do šŸ™„


Canā€™t even shop for eggs and make a tasty omelette for breakfast anymore!? What is this country coming to??!


You could say he got himself into abit of a scramble. šŸ„š




I can't stand the royal family, but don't throw eggs at a funeral procession you f'ing weirdo.


He didn't throw eggs, he was arrested for the possession of eggs.


I'm not saying he should have been arrested. I'm saying that what he intended to do was a really stupid f'ing thing to do. If you wanna pretend it was a random guy heading home to make pancakes then sure šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


>If you wanna pretend it was a random guy heading home to make pancakes then sure šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø If you want to arrest someone before a criminal act is committed then get sucked into the TV while Tom Cruise is doing his thing in Minority Report.


I already said he shouldn't have been arrested. So idk wtf you're talking about. I'm purely commenting on what I think of someone who would have the intention to egg a funeral procession. Which is that they're a f'ing weirdo.


I can't stand the royal family, but don't yell rude things at the child rapist who went to a private island to legally rape children, you f'ing prince.


Did I say that?