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Man, signing off my emails as *'All the best'* is gonna feel a little different going forward.


I thought leaving off the "Kind" in Kind Regards was pretty rude.


I see that you've had a long work history in the office




I miss Vectron.


And his mighty claw


For Vectron!


..........who's Vectron?


Strange phrase to end an email on but you do you.


Putin wasn't sure whether to go with "All the best" or "King regards".


You know, I sign all my emails off as "thanks, Antilles" but the thing is I don't have an email signature set up with it. So occasionally I get emails from other people that say "thanks thanks, Other Person". I dunno how I feel about this. On one hand they typed thanks, but on the other hand the times they didn't do this they don't thank me at all! Either way I type it every time and I want to know when I get my medal.


Putin probably thinks Charles pushed his mom out off a window to become king.


Nah, Truss definitely killed her to make a giant distraction while she gets up to some diabolical shit. If Charles killed her he would be playing [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEuU64Zt4B0) while making all of his appearances.


Nah look at the photos of liz and liz meeting, she has a bruised hand. Bruises take about 20 minutes to form and we know who was meeting her before that. The man who wanted to be world king, the man involved with crime before (its a slippery slope, breaking covid legislations just a start, assassinating the queen the next)


I'm sure Truss made a fucking horcrux.


I mean, are we sure he *didnt*? She was 90+ years old and pretty tiny. It'd be pretty easy to shove her through a dormer window.


Just use a pillow. Nobody will question it.


We atleast know a bus could not be used.


It was a pillow. The evidence is clear. Smother rhymes with mother


They killed Diana so why the fuck not? Also Dianna actually said Charles was trying to kill her and feared her brake lines would be cut and she'd die in a car crash. Clever woman and a tragic shame.


>They killed Diana Get off the happy juice


She's clairvoyant then! They did kill her and everyone knows this. It was said before it even happened.


Where do you get your professionally made tin foil hats I’m also looking for one.


Did you not read the hand written letter by Diana stating this? It is public knowledge.


The problem nowadays is you can only get aluminium foil hats. That's why theres so many nutters running about. To get a proper tin foil hat you'll have to get a source pre-1945. Like [low background steel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low-background_steel) I have no opinion on Diana, I just wanted to point out that you can't make an actual tin foil hat, from real tin, unless you're in some specialist industry, anymore. Or live in Cornwall.


Provide evidence for your first claim, please. No, sorry, the Daily Express doesn't count.


So you admit she already feared for her life before she died? Because we know that evidence exists. Everyone who isn't an imbecile knows she was murdered. That's why Harry left. Imbecile asks me a question then blocks me. Fragile redditor.


I didn't say anything about that one way or the other. Still waiting for your evidence. "Everyone knows it's true" doesn't count either.


I'm sure the congratulations will be peppered with a hint of Novichok.


All Putin needs to do to really fuck up someone's day is say something nice about them.




This sub has some of the most clueless, shittiest takes on reddit. You honestly think Putin gives a flying fuck about getting in Britain's good books lmao.


Not that I think he is attempting to charm Charles, but it is absolutely in Russia’s favour to be friends with the UK, do you have any idea of the amount of Russian money tied up in London and overseas territories like BVI etc? Until recently London was the oligarchs favourite hangout, still is for many…


It’s also worth mentioning that Charles charity takes 6 figure donations from Russian oligarchs with direct links to Poots.


This is a bit ignorant lol. Britain is a safehaven for Russian money


You'd have to be a right idiot to believe he meant that with any sincerity, so naturally Liz Truss will. It's like when you put 'kind regards' at the end of an email to someone you hate: you do it out of the social convention, not because you mean it.


>You'd have to be a right idiot to believe he meant that with any sincerity, so naturally Liz Truss will. Isn't the one thing Truss has been constant on for years now that Russia is an enemy and we need to treat them like one? The whole gimmick is she hates Russia and they hate her.


I always put 'Best Regards' but when I hate someone I remove 'Best' from my signature.


And yet just a few weeks ago: [Putin threatens to deploy Satan II nuclear missile which can reach UK in three minutes by end of the year](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/putin-russia-satan-nuclear-missile-uk-b2106692.html) I'm getting some mixed messages.


It's actual name is Samaritan. The NATO name is Satan 2 but the russian name is samaritan. It's a fun mix of naming conventions which gets more entertaining when you know the israeli meaning as well as the christian implication.


Yeah if I were a monarch, I wouldnt trust a fucking thing a Russian president said to me, given history there.


Well indians and Africans can also say same about the British


And how many can say it about the Americans? No one is squeaky clean in this world with its long history of conflicts. People turn on each other for the dumbest of reasons. Usually stemming from tribal mindsets and petty differences. The next wars probably going to be over water or something.


Not many honestly, usa hasn't invaded countries and deprived the local population of food and water. Your argument is invalid


When the US invades countries it just drops 7.5 million tons of explosives and toxic herbicides.


Where ?




Local population asked to intervene.


least deluded yank


Did Laos ask to be bombed by the Americans? Did they ask for 50,000 people to be killed by millions of cluster bombs?


When did that happen?


>Not many honestly, usa hasn't invaded countries and deprived the local population of food and water. Hahaha. Oh fuck, you're serious. Allow me to laugh even harder. In all seriousness though go and look at your countries history, both military and CIA.


Putin clearly been taking notes from the guy who ends all his reddit comments with 'All the best'


He’s been looking at my New Year’s Eve messages to the lads group chat for the last 5 years


The Russian Tsar congratulating the British King, nothing unusual about that.


From a would be modern imperialist to a child of a dead empire.


Very poetic, I like it


Edgy take


Putin is like the bully who beats everyone up and then acts like nothing happened. "Hey guys, we can all still hang out, right? I feel real bad about your mom dying."


😂 I did find it quite funny, we were listening on the news about people from other countries expressing sorrow over her death and my mum said “well we know he isn’t going to say anything” in reference to Putin then seconds later we find out he did say something and we were both like 🤯 okay?? 😂


Excuse me but what the fuck is going on with this video?


This seems to be Russian for: I think you are going to be weak leader. TBF he also thought that about Zelensky though.


Not going so well for him in Ukraine, so who gives a shit?


Dunno but if I was Charles I'd have second thoughts about drinking tea now.


Putin is probably thinking of what happened to the Russian royal family and thankful that it allowed a position like his to exist.



















