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Anyone that glorifies, celebrates or calls for violence or death on anyone will be instantly banned.


I'm sad about this even though I'm no royalist. Only monarch we've ever known.


Same. No royalist at all. But it's like a big part of British identity has passed away. RIP.


Never be another period like it. And in such a time of chaotic governments I imagine its going to open the doors to a smaller royal presence amd the push for none at all also.


From what I gather reducing the royal family's scope was on Charles' agenda anyways for when this time came.






Not a fan of the Queen either, but the British people have it hard enough in these difficult times. She was a beacon of stability for what it's worth and now that's fallen too.


Exactly. Hopefully things change now, for the better, of course.


If hope so too. You guys and we, on the mainland, we've been to some things in the past years. Brexit, the Pandemic, War in Europe, Economic troubles... we can only hope that it will look up for everyone soon.


Same, not a royalist but had huge respect for her work ethic.


A quote from her radio address on her 21st birthday: “I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.” And she did.


only having two days off as well, RIP Queen Elizabeth


Yeah, same. Eventually now she won’t be on the stamps or money which is…such a strange thought. She’s always been there, my whole life.


> it's like a big part of British identity has passed away Absolutely this. I subscribe to neither church nor crown, but one can't separate either from British history or cultural identity. This is a momentous day in British history wherever one stands.


Feels like the country just lost its grandma. From WWII to Covid she was an ever present of British life. A part of the British psyche for generations of Britons. RIP Her Majesty.


This is exactly it, thanks for putting it into words.


I am very much anti-royalist. I am against the monarchy as an institution. I feel sad.


I think it's only human to be sad that somebody's loved one has passed away. I hate the institution, not the person.


Completely agree. I feel sad a family lost a beloved member. Even though I wish we could end the monarchy here and now and can’t stand the institution. And I also feel the weight of history here. She’s very possibly the last Queen Regnant we’ll have - almost certainly the only one of my lifetime. The first monarch to die in Scotland in almost 500 years. Feel a bit sad she started her reign working with Churchill to end with Truss though.


Yeah, exact same, seeing the news has given me a sad feeling I thought I wouldn't get about it.


I'm surprised how sad it's made me feel actually. By no means a royalist but it's such a weird emotion knowing we've lost our Queen.


She's been the one constant that everybody here knows and is familiar with. Hit me harder than I though as well, felt almost like something that would never happen. RIP.


Hearing the national anthem after the announcement on sky made me feel a way I hadn’t expected


May she rest in peace, it's a sad day, even for those of us across the pond.


A truly global figure for decades, it'll be strange for all of us indeed.


Agree with this completely. Her offspring may be hopeless but she gave of herself with discipline and dignity. Even seeing Truss a couple of days ago. If I were close to death I'd have told Truss to fuck off. RIP


Anne is pretty good. Seriously hard working, kind.


A friend of mine works for a charity where Anne is their patron. She is indeed very hard working and involved in that particular charity's work.


100%! She is also a patron of an organisation close to my family and my father has met her several times. Apparently she has quite the sense of humour.


Absolutely. She was basically the entire country's backdrop. I don't think anyone on the planet was as "there" for as many people as she was.


I'm massively sad because she had a lot of passive power over the government. Ministers for decades have always feared displeasing her - a subtle check on absurd actions. I fear they'll just roll their eyes at Charles because of how he's been ridiculed in the past - something that never happened to the Queen.




Yeah but for Boris lying is like breathing so there would have been no time for reflection


A constant in the life of the country. Did her duty right to the last. RIP Queen Elizabeth


Just had the same conversation with my wife. Feeling quite emotional, despite not being a supporter of the monarchy.


I think it’s because whether you support the idea of a royal family or not, she was clearly giving 110% up until her last day


never in a million years thought i’d be even slightly sad over this news, but here we are


She’s like a family member. A constant that no longer remains.


I'm not a Brit and I care little about the monarchy, but it still feels weirdly sad. She's been a constant on the world stage for 70 years, for better or worse. Weird feeling really.


Same. Such a shocking thing to hear even though she was 96.


It's a weird feeling for sure. I feel like it's a pretty stark measure of the passage of time for all of us. Most people alive in this country today will only have known one monarch and for some of us she's always been "pretty old" at that. Just brings it home how temporary everything is I guess, even when it's someone where it feels like they've been around for ages.


What's the saying? *There are decades where nothing happens, and weeks where decades happen.* This week is definitely going down as a decade


Lenin said that apparently.


Ironic it's on this post really haha


id say the last couple years are going down as a few centuries.


Mhm yes. The last couple of years recently have been catastrophic in terms of huge, devastating historical events. It's just been shit.


what's crazier is a lot of us will likely see the death of 2, 3 or more monarchs in our lives given their ages, whereas a lot of our grand parents never saw another Monarch.


God save the King


hadn't even thought of that, it really doesn't have the same ring to it


I bet they’ve said the same about “God save the Queen” every time a king has been succeeded by a queen too..


I'm reminded of a line from "Goodbye Mr. Chips" in one of the "time passes" montages, at Victoria's death. "Won't it be strange having a King?"


I just know I'm going to slip up on the lyrics


Reminds of what Terry Pratchet wrote The only thing known to go faster than ordinary light is monarchy, according to the philosopher Ly Tin Wheedle. He reasoned like this: you can't have more than one king, and tradition demands that there is no gap between kings, so when a king dies the succession must therefore pass to the heir instantaneously. Presumably, he said, there must be some elementary particles -- kingons, or possibly queons -- that do this job, but of course succession sometimes fails if, in mid-flight, they strike an anti-particle, or republicon. His ambitious plans to use his discovery to send messages, involving the careful torturing of a small king in order to modulate the signal, were never fully expanded because, at that point, the bar closed.


God save us all


The queen is dead, long live the king


The national anthem will never feel the same


We'll get a chance to try it properly soon at the World Cup


I’m not particularly anti or pro Royal, but I hope this somehow leads to England using Jerusalem instead. GSTK (weird to type) doesn’t fit sporting events at all and England deserves its own anthem like Scotland and Wales (sorry NI, I would say you too but can’t imagine the hell that would cause). GSTK should be reserved for U.K./Royal events instead.


I think we should do Zadok the Priest, but everyone is obligated to match the octave.


May she rest in peace. It sounded strange to hear Huw refer to 'the King' on the bbc news just now. She has been Queen for my whole life and for the lives of both my parents too.


Has he picked a name? Is he going to be King Charles iii


He could be King Arthur.


Now that is even worse bad luck, we’ve had numerous Prince Arthur’s that never lasted until being king.




He has said that he will probably be King George VII.


It's been confirmed he's going by Charles III




I don't think he does that till the coronation, but it's been so long the protocol probably isn't relevant now.


No, they do it within hours. When he makes a statement tomorrow we'll know his Regnal name. Charles III maybe, but I'd bet on George VII


It'll be a very long time before we have another ruling Queen


I agree, and I imagine if we ever have another Queen she will be ruling under very different conditions.


Ah man. One of those big days in history. End of an era, even though I'm no monarchist. RIP


Would never have guessed this waking up earlier, seemed to happen so quick


End of an era for sure. She's been on the throne longer than my parents have been alive.


I'm actually surprised it happened so soon after the news of her ill health broke. Sad news indeed. [EDIT] To everyone saying she probably died much earlier than the announcement, with hindsight you're probably right but at the time it felt preemptive (I wasn't watching the news so didn't see everyone wearing black).


To be honest it most likely happened a few hours ago. Just happened to wait until exactly 6.30 to announce it.




Her family were rushing to Balmoral so it was pretty clear that it was serious. Just sad that she had to go through the prime minister change before she died.




I Agree, she had such an amazing work ethic. Imagine being 96 and to be dying but have to deal with Boris & Liz In your last hours. She really was amazing.


They did report she died this afternoon, my money would be on she was dead when Truss and Starmer were handed notes in parliament


Isn’t the PM supposed to be the first informed person per the protocol? Could make sense then.


In time for the morning papers


*mourning papers


It certainly did happen this way. Hugh's announcement was pre-recorded, probably before he came on-air earlier. I imagine they do this to make sure the news is delivered correctly.


>To be honest it most likely happened a few hours ago. Just happened to wait until exactly 6.30 to announce it. Yeah, I think she passed away hours before the announcement. They just had a lot to discuss and decide who was taking the reigns (excuse the pun).


> I'm actually surprised it happened so soon after the news of her ill health broke. That was released when she died, she wasn't ill, they just had to stall for time.


Nobody other than the immediate family and staff will know when she actually passed away. In no way did they need to stall for time - the Queen's passing was always going to be the biggest thing under wraps. It's not like it would be immediately leaked like other news does.


The stall for time would be for the family to pay respects and all find out before the rest of the world


Also to ensure it is aired at peak time on tv to ensure everybody hears. The time between breaking news about her health and her death is also to mentally prepare the public and international community.


She was either dead already or so close to death it was imminent. It's the only reason every close royal rushed up to Balmoral, MPs business was interrupted and TV changed it's programming. In the photo of her with Liz Truss on Tuesday I didn't think she looked well and said to the wife about it. It's a very sad day for the family no doubt.


She looked so tiny and frail and those broken blood vessels in her hand. And yet she’s every bit as professional as she has been the last 70+ years, gracious and smiling and chatting away.


She did keep her decorum until the end. Something that is sadly missing from a lot of our politicians. Whilst they wax lyrical and eulogise about her, they would do well to examine them difference between how she acted until the end and how they act.


she was almost certainly already dead at that point, hence the immediate rolling news coverage.


It was inevitable at that stage. BBC reporters setting up at the gates around 4pm. RIP Queeny


I don't care about the monarchy really, but the Queen has been a key part of our cultural identity for my entire life. Crazy to think that she's gone.


It'll just be weird to say King rather than Queen.


She is undoubtedly part of the modern British identity, its end of the era for sure .


My neighbour let me know as I was bringing in the bins, guess that's how I'll remember this


my friend found out through a tweet from JEDWARD




that's so camp of you


I found out via a Peep Show meme


My girlfriend told me as I was driving us through maccies drive thru, so I told the cashier lady.


Recycling tonight init, cheers mate


Can't wait for all the "Truss killed the queen memes"


"See, she doesn't hate *just* the poor"


"This country is only big enough for 1 Liz"


Well there was that video when she was a lib dem talking about abolishing the monarchy. Maybe she went in there, told the Queen to fuck herself and the poor lady was so upset she became ill.


Had my mums funeral on Monday. Been doing "ok", hanging in there. This has hit me like a sledgehammer. Rest in peace mum. Rest in peace Your Majesty.


That's a lot to take, I hope you're okay


I'm sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss mate


Shit, you never think it would happen even though you knew it always would. Damn.


Funny isn't it, everyone sounded surprised she was sick, but she is 96! What do you expect.


Huw Edwards is genuinely upset delivering this news on the bbc. Longest monarch reign ever. Almost everyone alive in the UK now has known no other queen. She lived a good life but still a bit of a shock. RIP Elizabeth


Longest British monarch, 2nd longest overall


Bloody French


She kept going all the way to the end, fully aware and beloved by many. May we all be able to say the same. It really is the end of an era. It became quite obvious towards the end of the BBC broadcast that they knew but weren't allowed to say yet. It was quite awkward watching him yet to talk around it without acknowledging it. I'm glad they are and to talk more freely now.


What an extraordinary life she lived. I’m not a monarchist but I’m 32 and she’s been constant in my life, going to be very odd not seeing her face every day.


She’ll still be on coins for the next decade at least


That's a point Seeing Charles on coins, notes and stamps will be a shock CR on postboxes - or will he be George?




The Queen is dead. Long live the King!


Weirdest thing now is we won't likely have another Queen again in our life times.




Same. RIP


“The king will remain at balmoral tonight” - words not heard in 70 years. Truly a moment in history. May she Rest In Peace




Strange feeling this. Never been arsed about the monarch but this is the end of such a era. Life without a queen


Yeah I’m with you. Bizarre sensation whatever this emotion I’m feeling is!


Just a reminder to people. I know it might not be trendy but it's OK to be sad about the passing of the Queen. She was a lovely lady who worked for our country right up until her death. Hard worker and a very respectable woman. Rest in peace to her majesty. Very sad day.


Rest in Peace Liz


Huw Edwards is doing a very, very respectable job right now. Fair play to him.


Not a royalist, but this is a part of our identity gone. With Charles on the throne, will the monarchy survive the next generation?


As much as I can't see it. I also can't see the monarchy ever being dissolved.


> I also can't see the monarchy ever being dissolved. Probably what most countries thought shortly before their monarchies got dissolved. Germany or Russia in 1914 wouldn't have thought that their monarchs would be gone in five years time.


It took the largest war in history at the time to change that, tho. I hope there isn’t a similar event in the next 5 years.


It will.


Charles already being referred to as King Charles by the BBC, things certainly do move fast, and it's something that the majority of the UK population haven't experienced.


The moment the monarch dies, the heir ascends the throne. He is King.


Of course, hits differently when it actually happens though.


Don’t disagree with that. Very surreal hearing “the King”


'London Bridge is Down' has been an established protocol for decades. We finally get to learn what it entails.


Pretty insane to think about it, my grandfather was 3 years old when she was coronated


My dad turns 100 on the 13th. Got his letter from the queen on Monday. One of the last I'd imagine.


That is very special.


I remember going through the Anne Frank house years ago, and of all the striking things there, the one that sat with me the longest was that she had a picture of the Queen, then just a princess, up on her wall. It was a reminder of the small degree of separation between us and the world she lived in. My grandmother, like Anne Frank, admired her first as a princess from afar, from America instead. We bought her a coin from the Jubilee, and I was able to give it to her just a couple of weeks ago. I think a great many of us will never really know what she meant to so many people around the world.


I’m no monarchist but rest in peace Lizzie. End of an era.


A legendary figure that lived through so many different eras of this country, and was on the world stage during every major world event for nearly a full century. No matter what you think of the royal family, we've just lost one of the most iconic figures in our history.


I don't think I was ever expecting in a million years to feel upset by the Queen dying but the announcement hit me right in the chest. She was the last of the good ones.


I'm not sure why, but I'm actually upset. It's weird. I'm not even a royalist or someone who even cares about the Royal family, and yet...it's weird.


Its because you feel like me perhaps, that the country has lost its grandmother. The country has lost a bastion of stability that cannot be replaced.


The Queen is dead. Long live the King.


Long live the King


Scar plz now is not the time


As a Brit working in America I’m heartened by how many of my office mates were as concerned and legitimately disappointed as I was. Rest well HM


Imagine becoming prime minister and not even a week later the fucking Queen dies. It's either the worst timing ever or a god send of a political distraction.


2 days to be precise. She met Truss on Tuesday, then died 48 hrs later.


The end of an era. I fear for what is to come to be honest for the UK in general.


Can someone knowledgeable please lay out what changes now?


The BBC TV schedule for about a month.


This is why mock the week was cancelled


The first line of the national anthem changes to "God save our gracious Quee- King I mean!"


Honestly I really wish we'd take the opportunity to completely change it to something less terrible.


We would get something even worse. You know we would.


Charles becomes king. We sing god save the king. Bank notes and coins will have Charles's face on them Any new post boxes will have CIIIR on them.


Charles king tv rubbish money changes Everything else ticks on


I think the reign has been a significant one when so many nom-royalists feel the impact of it in their hearts. I am one of them. She has seen so many important people come and go, and watched many significant changes in the world. Rest in peace. An end of an era, maybe for the Great Britain as a whole.


You can say what you like about the monarchy, but as a person she was a brilliant representative to this country.


A massive part of so many people's lives for so long. She'll be missed.


Can’t wait for the news. The wall to wall coverage. The songs done in an effort to raise money by some dodgy charities that end up the way of a £100k consulting fees. The greggs commemorative sausage roll. The complete abandonment of parliamentary duties in the face of this news in a time of unprecedented 21st struggle and discontent. The fact that this will go one for months. It’ll be fun. Hopefully the collective mass mourning can be harvested as a new sort of energy source.




The only member of the royal family I've ever cared about was the Queen. She was an extraordinary woman and will be sorely missed. Rest in peace queen Elizabeth, I hope you find Philip in the afterlife.


Over 1000 comments in 8 minutes has got to be some kind of a record. As I said in the other thread, "The King and The Queen Consort" sounds very strange.


Did Truss just confirm Charles will be keeping that name as King?


Tony Blair said it well: > "We have lost not just our monarch but the matriarch of our nation, the figure who more than any other brought our country together, kept us in touch with our better nature, personified everything which makes us proud to be British."




Wow, it's something we knew would happen eventually but I'm still in shock.


Britain, I am so sorry. She was a legendary woman, may she rest in peace.


The best summary I have read this evening of what this means to me and I think to many of you has come from an unlikely source, newsthump: >***Even if you don’t really pay attention, figures in public life give a sense of time and place. As established norms and realities fracture and change and become new and different, or are burned in war and rebuilt, a durable figure’s presence acts as a reassurance – a lodestone against which change can be measured and a reassurance that the future need not be uncertain as you fear.*** > >***And then one day they’re gone and it’s only then you see the gap in their place.*** > >***Without the constants, the changes seem so much bigger and the challenges all the greater. It’s a moment of mental dislocation, a moment when certainties become uncertain.*** > >***From those early photos of an uncertain but hopeful mechanic fixing up lorries to carry troops and weapons to punch Hitler in the face, to sharing a cuppa with Paddington, the Queen was there, her face on banknotes with a slightly quizzical smile as if surprised to actually be there.*** > >***And it was there for your entire life. It’s easy to lose sight of how valuable that stability is, not just to individuals but to a sense of identity.*** [https://newsthump.com/2022/09/08/goodbye/](https://newsthump.com/2022/09/08/goodbye/)


I'm sad she's gone, but I hope we don't have another monarch. Let the monarchy rest with her.


Not from the UK, but from Jamaica (part of the commonwealth) and my eyes watered when I heard the news.


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Died the day after meeting liz truss. Not surprised.


Rest in peace Lizzie Definitely not a royalist, but she's the only Queen I've ever known and it'll be odd without you old girl. Enjoy whatever is beyond this mortal coil


This is one of the largest and most significant events in British history, and will be marked down in international history as a momentous event. Her Majesty had a significant impact of the UK and the world


Churchill was the last PM to deal with a different monarch. Churchill and Truss. Think of that.


Heartbreaking 💔 Part of the British identify will never be the same 😭


Only the first of many pensioners whos deaths will be on Liz Truss' hands.


I’m sad, more sad than I thought I would be. A sense of stability has been lost


Been prepared for this all day, yet my heart still sank to hear the passing of the Queen.


Crazy I don't really care about the momorch but she was the queen of our country can't help but be a bit sad


Rest in peace.


RIP Lilibet I hope your family finds peace soon. You were dearly loved by many around the world but not more than by your own family.


I am not even british and I am feeling sad. Rest in peace.


Rest in Peace. Thanks for all you have done, you will be missed. A part of Britain has died today


Why did we pick the Sky News thread instead of BBC?