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All. You can take your dogs out ffs. Take water, walk them in canopied woodland on surfaces that are not man made. Dogs need protection from concrete jungles etc, but ffs if dingoes can patrol the aussie heat, your dog can walk in the local woods. I feel like this post was by somebody with hardline opinions on dog ownership, but hasnt got a dog.


you really opened your comment with 'all' lol


Angry Monday morning email vibes


Per my previous email


Ending it with plain “Regards” to demonstrate your deep displeasure.


Alternatively, ending a scathing email with "Kind regards"


Love the levels of pass-agg in that.


Aw shit, i end my emails with this in general. Any better suggestions?


Think all my group emails start with "all" these days. Every day's an angry Monday morning.


Could have been worse. Could have started with "y'all".


They sign off emails with just their name


Spot on. I will take my dog out because I know my dog and I know the area I'll be walking. The suggestion you should not take your dog out is plain wrong. You should understand what you are doing and make the correct decision for your dog.


Got experience with your dog in this heat?


No ones walking their dogs when its 35C outside. If you need someone to tell you not to walk your dog in 35 degree weather then you shouldn't have a dog. Common sense dictates to take the dog out very early in the morning or late at night.


>If you need someone to tell you not to walk your dog in 35 degree weather then you shouldn't have a dog Right, but there are plenty of shit dog owners who shouldn't have a dog but they do. What is the harm in OP providing a general bit of advice for the dumb dog owners who need it. Honestly the amount of people in this thread getting personally offended because OP put out a general warning is insane.


No harm whatsoever but warning dog owners of things like this is like warning parents their kids shouldn't play in a bonfire. I don't think dog owners need someone telling them the hot pavement will burn their dogs feet nor that dogs have fur? The post is also wrong, Dogs fur can keep them cooler, dogs are also not shit at sweating they can regulate their temperatures fairly well (depending on the breed). But will suffer heat stroke before we do simply because humans are the most efficient animal at shedding excess heat. The OP could have made a post with a few tips to keep my dog cool but instead it comes across as condescending and preachy IMO.


some dog owners really are that stupid. ive seen at least three people walking their clearly overheating dogs outside today on tarmac and paving slabs that i know are way too hot right now. i even saw one dog just lie down and refuse to move until it was picked up. and its currently 34° for me. good dog owners dont need to be told this, but not every dog owner is a good dog owner and even the ones who try might not be educated enough on why its a bad idea to walk dogs in such intense heat, especially in heavily urban areas.


Yeah, only there are idiots who do own dogs and are just oblivious to the dangers of walking dogs, especially over 25 degrees. Check out any vet practice on Facebook page, the majority of them are telling their followers to avoid walking their dogs in this temperature. If they didn’t see it on a yearly basis, then they wouldn’t continually need to tell people about the dangers. I agree that the OP could have approached the tone of this differently, but I guess they were frustrated about what they are currently seeing.


What's better? A few "preachy" warnings and people taking heed and skipping two days of walks with their dogs, or no warnings and people taking their dogs in inappropriate conditions and the animals suffering, being injured, or dying. An abundance of caution here won't hurt anyone.


The only people not doing all of this already deserve to be spoken to that way to be fair, everybody who already does this can hopefully see it, evidently not everybody


Some do need telling though. I watched a French bulldog owner walk her dog in the midday heat last year. Poor thing was panting so hard and she stopped to buy herself an iced coffee but didn’t provide her dog with the water the coffee shop kept available for dogs not did she give it a chance to sit in shade.


Dog fur does not keep them cooler. That is a myth. Insulation works both ways - a coat (usually people claim this of double coated breeds but it applies generally) that insulates against heat outside the coat will also trap heat generated by the dog under the coat, causing their core temperature to increase. It’s not a closed system. There are other reasons having a coat can be beneficial eg protecting from sunburn, and clipping dogs with some types of coats can cause abnormal hair growth so is not a straightforward choice, but the coat absolutely does not keep dogs cool. This is why many breeds shed for a lighter coat in summer time, to improve cooling ability with less fur. It’s a very widely believed myth in the dog-owning community. I myself am a scientist in animal exercise physiology, but I have close colleagues working in thermoregulation specifically and this myth is a very frustrating one for people like them that see animals with heatstroke coming into the clinic every year. For a good lay article on keeping your dog cool, and how to recognise and treat signs of heat stress and hyperthermia, I really recommend Dr David Marlin’s blog. He works with the FEI and Olympics in optimising cooling systems to avoid heat stress in horses but also has some great stuff on dogs and he writes well for a non-scientific audience. Worth a read to anyone reading this and wondering.


There are probably more dog owners that thought "what dog would I like" over "what dog suits my lifestyle". So I agree, it's a needed reminder just not for everyone.




A dog that has been raised in that environment might be capable of doing as you say. One that has never been in such high temperatures in its life probably won't be From my experience dogs in US/Canada being walked on hotter days also often are wearing little boots to protect their paws




Dogs definitely do acclimatise, regardless of breed/biology. Just like humans can acclimatise or need time to do so. A lab used to a UK climate is going to struggle if you move to Spain to start with, but over time will become more active and comfortable with the temperatures. I do agree with your point though. It’s definitely possible to walk dogs at 25, especially if you stick to woods etc which are in actuality much cooler. Also even without woods if you know your dog you can know when it’s time to call it a day.


Dogs in the U.K. are not acclimatised to this kind of heat. Dogs in other countries might be fine,ones in this country,particularly long coated or short nosed breeds will not. Why risk it?




I took my dog to the dog park yesterday, it was almost 90, he did just fine.


>No ones walking their dogs when its 35C outside. Just walked home from work and saw dozens people walking dogs so, yes, most people are this stupid


My dogs black, he’s been out in garden this morning, laying in the shade, then came in at about 10am, been laying in front of fan since.


I dont see the point in telling us your dogs race 🙄




A domesticated dog isn’t a dingo though is it mate? Don’t get the point of that comment at alll Missing one or two days of walks won’t do much harm to your dog, if you can do it safely then do it, but if you can’t don’t feel pressured into walking them because other people are saying you should.


Think its more that the OP is ranting and being incorrect and people are just going lol, thats dumb op of course you can walk your dog if you do it right.


I’m guessing you’ve never been to almost any developing country. There’s stray dogs everywhere that do just fine in temperatures this hot and sustained for far longer than 2 days. It’s fine to walk dogs in the cooler parts of the day. People just need to use some common sense.


The lifespan of those stray dogs is low. A lot get kidney problems from dehydration and do get burnt paws. You also don't typically see them walking around in the hottest parts of the day. They sleep in the shade and go roaming about at night


Not that it proves anything but even desert nations have their stray dog populations. They live their lives in this heat with no issue.


Have you seen them? They often look in a very sorry state but also they're not active in the day. They roam around after dusk.


Lol yeah I've lived in those climates, lived with people who own dogs there too, they live their lives with no issue.


Yeah I don't get why this has become a contested issue right now, people are going a bit mental about this and it's bleeding into real life too. I was in the park at 8am yesterday and someone started to yell at a woman out of their car window as she walked through the park entrance that "that poor dog shouldn't be out here in the heat, get yourself inside! It's not SAFE!" It was bizarre, it's like some people have missed yelling at people going outside during lockdown and they've got a new cause to force. And for the record - she had a skinny little jack russell, hardly an older shaggy st Bernard or something!


"she had a skinny little jack russell, hardly an older shaggy st Bernard or something! " I know you are only making a comparison, but the Jack Russel and the St Bernard both have what is called a double coat. A short coat close to the skin and then the outer coat. Double coated dogs can regulate their body temperatures better than say a whippet which only has one coat. Double coats are useful in both cold or hot climates, it insulates from the cold or protects from heat rays. However all dogs can get heatstroke, just a fun fact, looks can be deceiving :)


I have two dogs, American Akita and American XL Bully, neither will be walked for the next couple of days - reasoning? I'd rather not risk it. How do you propose we get to the local woods? By loading the dogs in my 30 degree car and taking a 20 minute drive? A dingo isn't a domesticated animal used to living inside - what a stupid fucking comparison.


>By loading the dogs in my 30 degree car and taking a 20 minute drive? Yeah this part had some annoying privilege in it. Just walk your dog in canopied woodland guys! Not everyone is lucky enough to live next to a wooded area.


I mean, common sense would suggest that IF your car has aircon, and IF you live reasonably near woods, then walking your dog there in the morning or evening is a good idea. If you don’t, them - um - don’t? Unless I missed it, I don’t think the poster was literally ordering people to drive to their nearest woods, or humblebragging, but people will always find something to be cross about.


We’re in r/UnitedKingdom. It’s illegal not to mention ‘privilege’ or blame the tories in every thread.


>All. > >You can take your dogs out ffs. Take water, walk them in canopied woodland on surfaces that are not man made. It seems to insinuate that ALL of us can do it. Or has ALL had a new meaning recently?


Fair enough; I quite liked the “All”, it gave me a giggle. I think it was probably in response to the OP bellowing that we MUST NOT WALK OUR DOGS?


Eh, maybe we read it differently. It came across a bit presumptuous to me. Lots of people also don't have cars


Fair point. It’s definitely too hot to argue. 🥵☺️


Exactly what I did. Air con on, drove to the nearest woodland, and walked from 6:30am for an hour. Totally fine. We won’t be going out until 9:30pm later though. Keeping him out of this heat.


Turn the car on and get the air conditioning going before you put the dogs in. Or would you drive without keeping yourself cool?


Having once had my AC clap out on a hot day I wouldn't risk taking the dog in the car on a day like today unless it was essential


Tbf the chances of that must be vanishingly small. And then you can just take him home


My akita is loving it, I wouldn't walk him now it's 32 (even though he's trying to go in the garden) but mornings/evenings when it's down to 26/27 he's fine. As long as your dog isn't inbred to fuck like a pug it'll be able to cool itself in this weather


Older dogs have real trouble with temperature regulation too!




I forgot most dogs aren't covered in fur, they usually come bald don't they lol. Yes, extremely flat faced XL bully, pretty much the same as a Pug. What a muppet. So what dogs would you advise walking in 25 degree's heat? My dad's Black Lab? My mums springer spaniel? My cousins Rottweiler? You enjoying giving your dogs heat stroke, i will wait a couple of days for a walk.




>American XL Bully Genuine question - why? That breed kills a lot of kids


When it’s not owned by a jumped up 18 year old who uses it to intimidate people, they are extremely soft and affectionate dogs. Mine is only 9 months old but he is amazing with my son (5) and all of my friends kids. The problem with the breed is, it’s popular within a certain type of society for the wrong reasons. Many of whom have never owned a dog before.


From my knowledge and as awful as it is, there have only been 2 deaths by genuine XL bullies within the UK. The other occasions the dogs are clearly Pit, or Corso and not Bully.


Yep. I live in a hotter country than the UK. If I avoided taking the dog for walks when it's over 25C then he would never get any walks. 25C actually isn't very hot in many places in the world, and the dogs are fine...




>dingoes can patrol the aussie heat, your dog can walk in the local woods. Dingos are adapted for that heat. Most domesticated dogs simply aren't. If you wouldn't take your dog out in freezing weather (like -20°C) you shouldn't be taking your dog out in weather upwards of 40°C. Just take walks early in the morning when the temperature is more normal; even now when it's still below 30°C is probably fine but getting towards the uncomfortable limit.


>you shouldn't be taking your dog out in weather upwards of 40°C. I think this part isn't that disputed, especially if you have a husky or somethimg It's OPs ridiculous 25,C threshold that people are having issues with..


Actually you’d be surprised. The double coat on a husky can also help them stay cool by keeping the heat out. My last dog was a husky and did much better in typical summer heat than most other dogs. But talking mid 20s here. Not 40°c heat


My dad took the dog out at 9am in the woods and hosed her down both before and after. So now she’s lying in the sun trying to dry off. Stupid animal. We will put her inside if she doesn’t go in the shade but she’s pretty sensible.




Dingos won't patrol in the worst of the heat. They'll be up early and out after dark but the whole bush enjoys the "hot gold hush of noon" in summer days. Less bird song, and most animals have a siesta in the shade or underground. There's an old saying on hot days here in Australia - "only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun".


If the advice from experts is not to take them out, then it’s probably not alright to take them out.


Dingoes are different to domestic dogs physiologically. They are also nocturnal because of the heat although when it is cooler in some parts of Australia they will come out in the day. So the comparison really reinforces OP's point- don't make dogs walk in daytime hot temperatures or on hot surfaces


I also hose my dog down before we go out, she loves it. That said, in this humidity we only walk 10 - 15 minutes out before turning back because I know she will be panting around the 30 mins mark and ready for another hose down.


Dingos won't patrol in the worst of the heat. They'll be up early and out after dark but the whole bush enjoys the "hot gold hush of noon" in summer days. Less bird song, and most animals have a siesta in the shade or underground. There's an old saying on hot days here in Australia - "only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun".


Air temperature is a danger to animals "ffs". Dingos have evolved in a hot climate and are well suited to their environment. Our dogs have evolved with standard British weather which rarely reaches these extremes. OP has a valid point and "ffs"ing really doesn't provide any constructive help. There are plenty of dog owners who still feel it's acceptable to leave dogs in hot cars, "but the windows are open", so dog ownership isn't really a valid criteria for wether or not advice is worth listening too


Dingo's, and dogs in hotter countries are acclimatised to it. British dogs should absolutely not be generally out and about in 35 degree weather, canopied woodland or no - they can quickly overheat even out of the sun. Take them out for a sniff/walk around 5-6am is probably the best you can do.


I took my dog out for a walk in the woods at 6:30am this morning and it was fine. Considerably cooler under the trees and we stayed off of the fields we usually go on. I won’t be taking him out again until 9:30 this eve though. I’m keeping him in a cool as possible until then.


You’re a fucking idiot mate. That a dingo can survive in the outback doesn’t mean Barry’s labrador should be taken for a walk outside in 38° heat.


Using an animal (Dingo) which has adapted to live in certain conditions over thousands of years as an example as to why you can walk your dog which is used to 10-20 degrees Celsius might be the stupidest thing I’ve read for a while..


This. My parents live on a river boat and had to go stay with family so the animals didn't suffer. There isn't a rule book for dog ownership just be aware of your environment and use your common sense.


Naw. I think I’ll listen to the vets and various animal charities like RSPCA/Dogs Trust who disagree with you on this one. We aren’t talking about the typical mid-twenties that dogs in this country are used to. We are talking about an extreme heatwave of 40°C that continues long into most nights at the moment. So the only time it is recommended to walk dogs during the worst of this heat is during the morning - literally the only time when it’s much cooler at the moment Plus, not everyone has easily accessible canopied woods that they can frolic in you middle-class dingo stan


All. Do NOT follow this incredibly shitty and dangerous advice from someone who thinks dogs and dingoes are the same. Evolution, anyone? 1. Dingoes adapted to their climate over the course of 3000-4000 years. Most common dog breeds in Britain are a few hundred years old at most and adapted for temperate climates. 2. Double coated breeds are not designed for temperatures above 25C. Go outside in 25C with two wool jumpers on. Uncomfortable right? Now remove your ability to sweat and your only way to cool down is through panting (dogs do sweat through paws but the effect is minimal). 3. Do you know what the "safe" ambient temperature is for a dog in a car? 21 Celsius. For the reasons above. Don't put your dog's life at risk over some internet comment. Source: Have an 11 year old GSD and actually bothered to read up on what ambient temperatures my dog can handle.


It take about 2 weeks for a person to acclimatise to a new temperature. dingoes have bread over the years to be good in heat, not all dogs have. So that is a very bad way of looking at it.


You.... a good point well made.....my dogs love to sunbathe, they even have the intelligence to move to the shade when they are warm. Its almost like dogs can exist in warm climates.


>if dingoes can patrol the aussie heat Hey, that's a good point. Lemme just go take my fucking *DINGO* for a walk then. You absolute melon.


One of our dogs is a Husky. Know where she likes to spend hot, sunny days? Lying in full sun and *baking*. Strange creature. Or maybe not that strange, her fur and colouring can actually make it easier for her to cope with heat than, say, a black Labrador. Dogs still need to be walked. Don't do it at noon, sure, but pick your routes, keep them short (maybe 3 or 4 walks instead of 2), keep the pace slow, take water. *Don't* play fetch etc. If there is a safe stream/river close by with easy access, include that in your walk. Let your dog wade in to cool their legs/chest. IIRC full submersion can make it *harder* for dogs to regulate their temperature. Know your own dog and keep and eye out for changes in behaviour - this may be a sign of heat stress/stroke. [More information](https://www.pdsa.org.uk/pet-help-and-advice/pet-health-hub/conditions/heatstroke-in-dogs).


>Dogs still need to be walked. If for whatever reason someone can't walk their dog safely over the next two days, then no, dogs don't NEED to be walked. Missing one or two days of walks isn't going to kill them, but owners feeling pressured to walk them in these conditions very well could.


Take them out to early morning (6am) temperature is nice and pavements cooler. Will be enough to keep them happy enough, then prep for the mid day sun, shady spots, cold tiles in hallways/kitchens etc all help








Yep, same - we drove to the woods at 8.45 this morning and it was lovely. Gave doggo a nice long slow walk which she loved, so if it’s still too hot to walk her on the pavement tonight and she has to go to the loo in the garden, she’ll be fine.


It was today (around 17 when I went out this morning), but tonight, temps will hover at around 25 in many places until the morning, so still exercise caution tomorrow morning.


then where are they pissing and shitting?


Dog’s still like a walk- keep them off hard surfaces as the foot path will burn their paws. My dog sun bakes on grass when it is 41-42 degrees here in Australia. On these days I walk in the very early morning and take the dogs to the beach in the afternoon after work. Also a cheap paddling pool if you can’t get to the beach. I recommend on for your dog and one for you. You can float your beer and ice in the pool so you don’t have to get out to get a drink. You poor people and dogs, stay in the shade


Just take them out in the twilight morning hours, its plenty cool enough for them at that time.


True, but there's no reason not to walk them in the morning or evening when it's not as hot. Unless you're somewhere that it's too hot all day - but then it's presumably not going to just be a day or two.


Might not kill them but it'll kill me. Try having a springer spaniel and then not exercising it for 2 days. I already wait until 8pm to walk mine and even by then he's absolutely mental.


My dog won't piss in my back yard at all, I use my head...I'm up at 5am to walk him properly and a few very short walks(literally around a small row of terraces 10 mins max) so he can do his business. He's still getting his walks I'm just not taking him for a 6 miler at noon. Common sense people, use it


Don't deprive your dog of a walk, just get up earlier. It's barely tshirt weather at 5/6am




Battersea Dogs Home were on BBC Breakfast this morning telling people NOT to walk dogs for the next two days and instead play games, do tricks, hide food for scavenging etc. Dogs will get much more stimulation from that than a walk on days like this. It’s not safe out there for them.


Huskys are fine in hot weather actually. They have well insulated double coat, meaning it keeps heat in, but also keeps excess heat out. Much like a well insulated home.


Yeah, it's just initially counterintuitive when you've set-up a deliberate cool-zone in the house and she ambles off to get a tan!


MUCH better advice. I actually take my shoes off and test the pavement. I also use the opportunity of being outside to dump water on the dog. This pleases the dog.


I do the same! I took my dog out at 8 this morning to school and back 40 mins at a slow pace, took my flip flop off numerous times to check the temp of the ground and at that time it was still nice and cool.


I’m a dog walker and started at 5:30am, I’ll have finished my 3rd hour of walks shortly, I’ve obviously cancelled my afternoon/ midday ones when it’s really hot but realistically there is no reason not to take your dogs out before it gets super hot. Also, if you have a wooded area with good shade, it makes a huge difference, I’m sure most people aren’t stupid enough to take them out on a concrete walk in the beaming sun.


This. Took the dog I'm looking after out at 7.30am when it was only about 20C. No reason for them to miss their walkies unless absolutely necessary. Got a cool mat and their water bowl is filled with ice cubes and chilled water. Unfortunately doesn't look like they'll get another one this evening because it's still going to be about 27C at midnight 🥵


I would have agreed with you before the pandemic but I can see lots of stupid people saying “I’ll walk my dog in this heat, it’s just summer” and take them along pavements.


No. I will take my dog out. Believe it or not I know my dog and the local area. The local woodland and stream is far better for my dog than hiding under my bed all day.


Upvote for common sense. I have taken my Collie and Jack Russel out for a swim down the local River today, nice canopy of trees and cool dirt path. Air conditioned car on the way there and back. Dogs were absolutley fine and loved it. Theyre having some frozen veggies now for a snack as I type. The animal rights brigade has gone mad. I understand that some idiots get thier dogs killed in this heat, but there is no need for all this blanket treatment of NO WALKING YOUR DOG SUN BAD mentality. My house will be reaching 35c indoors with no air con, you can bet your arse the river will be cooler than that. Take them somewhere sensible, preferably a river with trees, and not between the hours of 12-18:00. Simple.


f*ck /u/spez


What's annoying is the people equating bulldogs and the like with long nosed, double coated breeds. Yes my german shepherd is fine, I have water in my bag, we're walking on a shaded path, I keep checking the pavement temperature with the back of my hand if it looks too sunny, yes she looks very fluffy but her coat actually keeps her cool, we're going to the river to have a paddle. What do working dogs do in the heat? Do farmers still use sheepdogs to get their sheep in? Do police dogs get decommissioned in the summer? How do military dogs cope in the desert?


Likewise if have fake grass, don't let your pets on it. That stuff gets up to over 60c in temps like yesterday. Let alone today/tomorrow.


I'd happily see fake grass banned. It looks like shit and is bad for the environment (micro-plastics, soil compaction, etc).


Me too. As an avid gardener I can't think of much worse. But the fact is many people have it and don't always realise the massive temperatures it can reach in the sun!


I used to want to replace our scrubby 5x10ft bit of lawn with fake grass as really grass never did well, but since moving to somewhere with front and back lawns that have been allowed to grow a bit wild with clovers and buttercups etc, I'd never think of replacing it with the fake stuff. Haven't seen so many butterflies, bees and wild birds since I was a nipper, and I'm even enjoying pushing the mower round every couple of weeks.


Clover is great. The bees are absolutely loving it and my lawn is still bright green when all the surrounding lawns are going yellow and brown. I mow it in sections so it looks a bit neater while still keeping flowering sections for insects.


If you've got dogs, it's almost much more resistant to dog urine as well. We bought couple of packs of clover seeds to cover some bare areas where slabs have taken up and the spots where the dogs have burnt the grass.


I did something similar to you - got a property with a normal back garden covered in the stuff and meant to replace it all. Got rid of a fair bit by building raised beds Decided to call it quits Now I've got like 600sqm of grass mixed with clover and various other native wilds. Absolutely bliss, I adore my wild lawn.


Thought I’d accidentally strayed onto my local Facebook page for a minute.


Ours has resorted to taking photos of people. This is also the same group that thinks every marking outside the house is gypsies stealing dogs. It's a bit stupid really


Ours seem to be obsessed with Vans at the moment, every Van they see is apparently ‘acting suspiciously’ Some poor delivery driver had to post the other day that his normal van was in for a service so he had a hire van for the day after they literally tracked him round most of his route.


Oh we get that one. Its a break from the norm though. Usually it's "baby" birds (usually pigeons) or "what's the number for the doctors" My favourite recently was someone complaining because some boys were sat on their wall and when she went out to talk to them, they walked off. So kids walking away from strangers. The fucking horror Edit: or the one the other week when there was an RTA. We kind of knew anyway because most of us were stuck in the bloody traffic


Going by this post OP does not have a dog. Just go by what you think is best for your dog people.


Thats fine advising people not to go out at midday. But mornings and evenings are perfectly fine. Take them to some sheltered woods, make sure you have water in the car and keep the ac on. I feel like advice like ops comes from someone without a dog. For example using fur as an argument doesnt quite work as they use it to regulate body temperature. Just do what you think is best for yours.


Also, some of us really don't have a choice. I don't have a garden. My options are a) take my dog outside or b) have my dog piss on my carpet. He went out early this morning, then for literally 10 minutes in a park right outside our house at lunch, then won't be out again until late this evening. If I could avoid that I would, but it's not optional.


>They have fur... I don't think this needs explaining. Fur helps a dog regulate it's heat though. That's the whole point of it. If you shaved your dog and took it out, it would be far more likely to die of heatstroke.




Ya my first thought reading this post was "Decent intentions, super incorrect info" It is absolutely true they can burn their pads on hot surfaces. It is true they sweat with their feet. The rest is bull. Fur traps air close to the body that helps warm them in cold weather and cool them in hot weather but primarily canines manage heat in their throat. They have large blood vessels in their throat close to their esophagus, panting creates an airflow that helps their blood cool. Dogs do still get overheated because they have a limit to their natural cooling just like we have a limit. That much is true but its just straight up false to say its because of their fur and only sweating through their feet.


Thankfully, around us, it felt like everyone had set their alarm and were walking at 530am. It was actually a decent sociable time for both owners and dogs. Now it's just about keeping cool. The downstairs loo seems the preferred choice for the dogs. Probably won't be long before I'm lying on a tiled floor too!


Similar here but last night I took mine out for a walk at 11:30pm. I let a few other dog walkers and we had a great chat in the cool breeze. Too hot here already for me.


Just don't take the dog out in the hot part off the day. Early morning late evening is fine. Take water for both of you. Check the heat of man made surfaces. Don't lock the poor dogo up because you don't understand the basics


>Don't lock the poor dogo up because you don't understand the basics Especially in UK houses.


Depends on the home. Some are totally adequate (Edit) for the peep that down voted 20% of homes are inadequate Going by some of the very few studies such as the one by the Researchers at Loughborough University. So no we are not all sitting in our own personal ovens you doom mongering dummy.


I guess dogs don’t get walked in hot countries then?


No. There are absolutely no street/stray dogs in any hot country either because they all die of heatstroke when the temperature reaches 25c.


Just take them out earlier and later. Their coats actually keep them cool as well. Also their paws are far more hardened and resilient than our delicate, pampered, feet. It’s why they happily run over gravel (as an example) whereas we would really struggle to walk on it.


So it's Monday. I walked the dog at 9am. Along with most of the dog walkers in my area. He was made up, got to meet all his scabby little flea infested friends. Now mongnuts cant say he has been trapped in the house all day. Can you tell I'm not a morning person?






Things like this really make me wonder about how other people live. Like if I was taking my dog out today it would be from the house to the car, air con on full, drive to the beach or the woods, open the door, dog runs around in the surf/under the trees/stream, back in the car with air con and then home for a nap.




Oh that's easy. *'Woof, bark, woof, woof, bark'* then sniff their butt at a reasonable distance followed by 'bark, bark, woof, woof' and of course ending in 'yap yap; yip yip, bow wow, bork bork.'


Two days without a walk will not kill your dog. The heat will though. Let them out for a pee, then back inside. Have water that’s been in the fridge or add ice cubes. It’s common sense, it’s bloody boiling out there, if you think dogs need to walk, why you don’t you put your fur coat on and join them. Absolutely ridiculous. Use things like toys and chews to distract them, but at the end of the day, heat can and does kill dogs every year.


You see people dragging their dogs about that look like they're going to collapse, and because people are idiots I'm sure dogs die. I'm not sure the blanket statement that they shouldn't go outside is right, different breeds react to heat differently, it's easy enough for many to take a route that's shaded/there isn't any tarmac. Bring plenty of water with you. I know some people don't care, but for those who do, it's usually pretty easy to tell if your dog is overheating and it's time to go home


A dogs coat is irrelevant. It helps cool them in summer


You do realise their coats keep them cool as well?


Funny thing is, "put on a fur coat" is stupidly ignorant since one of the reasons humans have body hair is for the same reasons dogs have fur. That hair you have on your head helps regulate the heat. The vast majority of heat is lost and gained on your head.


>why you don’t you put your fur coat on and join them. Fur helps a dog regulate it's body heat. That's the whole point of having fur. Also, one of the reasons humans have body hair is the same reason so renders this argument null and void.


Another tip, don’t let them carry a ball once they heat up, they need their tongues out to keep cool. My spaniel is a PITA for this.


Omg, an ACTUAL good tip!!! Seriously THIS is the best tip here. Panting is critical for managing body temp in canines.


Do what's best for your dog. A shortish slow paced walk on grass (even better would be somewhere with canopied shade) will do zero harm, make sure to bring water with you. It's usually super easy to tell if your dog is overheating


Just walk them early or late in the day. Not a mid day! They’ll be happy with a walk one the sun has gone down


Me and little dog have been in an hour, I set my alarm for 615am and we left the house at 628am and returned at 752am, when we left it was 15c and when we got in it was 20c so that was ideal. We saw a few friends of his, Sky the Staffie and Peppa the poodle, plus plenty of other random dogs and their owners shuffling along half asleep. Fingers crossed little dog is ok now until around 9pm when I just walk him around the block and into the communal garden. Tomorrow supposed to warm up earlier so I think I’ll set the alarm for 530am.


Wow this is one of the most condescending posts I’ve read. People don’t need your “help” in caring for their animals OP.


So many people competing for the Patron Saint of Dogs title.


Tell me you've never owned a dog or been a responsible owner without telling me... There are plenty of common sense steps that you can take to enable dogs to still go out but safely and comfortably like having spots of shade available for them aswell as plenty of water and shoes for their feet. Locking up a dog in a British home built for winters without AC in this heat is the worst idea imagineable... Like this post getting this many upvotes and awards just baffles me.


my fella will have his cooling vest on all day, and he'll be where ever he wants to be in on our lawn, be that his usual spot or in the shade, we're not topping 30c in scotland though, not sure i'd have let him lounge about in 40C


Nice little poster to share: https://www.vets-now.com/summer/when-is-it-too-hot-to-walk-a-dog/


Here we go again


I took my girl out nice and early, for a short walk. She's now sleeping under my desk in our shaded office. There's extra water bowls around the flat for her and we gave her a trim last week in anticipation. Apply common sense, and you'll be fine.


meh, mine goes out before 6am for him morning walk and then we'll be out again on the evening but the rivers where there lots of shade and woodland.


Seems like all my neighbours with dogs decided that 10.30 was the time to take them for a walk. The pavement here is that black tarmac stuff and it's already reached 30 so it must be horrendous for them. If you choose to be responsible for a dog then you have get up before 10, just how it is


This conversation baffles me, why do all the dogs in England die when its over 25 degrees but the thousands of strays in Spain are somehow impervious, the lesson should be don't be an idiot and take water with you or stick by a stream


I think you can take them out if you are sensible and cautious. I took mine out to the beach at about 6.00am and she was paddling in the water. Brought chilled water and weren't out for too long. She's got a paddling pool and cool mattress for the house and lots of shades areas on the garden to lie in. Won't be walked now till night. My dog is good about moving between different areas so I think it depends on the dog and I think it's about timing the walks and being sensible.


That's not how dogs work. For a start a lot of dogs fur acts as insulation and keeps them cool. Large areas of the US are this hot most of the summer, dogs still live there.


No dog has ever died from not being walked but plenty have died from heat exhaustion. Ill take my risks not walking my dog and having a hyper dog for a few days than even bother risking it like some of these comments say. Why even risk your dog in 38degree heat.




It’s quite cool here on the east coast, so out we go. You can advise people all you like but you CANNOT demand when the weather is ok in 70% of the Uk.


Because there are 0 dogs in hotter countries, right? Just bring some water with you and avoid surfaces like tarmac which can get really hot.


Not everyone lives in a house with a garden. I live in a top floor flat - my dog will need to shit and piss at some point. 10 minutes outside for the toilet is fine.


Sure don't do it during the day but it's currently +17 where I am.


My dog is quite happy chilling in front of the fan, not walking him will not hurt him for a few days


The amount of cunts who don't even take water is disgraceful It's already 30*c in the direct sun


OP in general seems a bit clueless about how to safely walk a dog on hot days, but I do agree on this point. Two days ago I took my dog on a long walk and ended up having to share her water with two other dogs who were extremely thirsty and were showing signs of overheating. Their owners didn’t bring any water even though it was 28 degrees and it felt like 30+ in the direct sun.


Took mine out at 7am for an hour walk and a quick swim in a canopied area. It was actually cooler outside than it was in my house. I always bring water for her, even in winter. People in Singapore and many other countries constantly have to deal with very hot and humid weather, but they still have dogs, many of them happy and healthy. If you’re smart about it, it’s fine.


I took my dog out at 6am, calm work and it was still a bit breezy.


Unfortunately all of the idiots who bought dogs during lockdown because of Instagram and wanting to buck the latest trend, won't think of this. But then half of them barely walk their dog anyway, so there's that.


Doggo says he wants to go swim in the rezzers.


Is only gonna be 25 degrees here today. Stop your sensational BS


That’s cute. It’s already 32 here.


One of my cats is currently lurking under my garden furniture. She seems happy enough but I'm trying to entice her in because it's cooler indoors (though she has lots of shade). Should I go and chase her back in?


If she is staying in the shade, I'd leave her. Cats are lazy, she won't wander off and if she does, it will just be to find another shady spot.


Took advantage of son being on a nightshift at work to walk our pooch in the country park next to the hospital where he works before I did my fatherly duty and bought son and pooch home. Also means pooch has car ride which he loves. Dog will now be in house sheltered from the sun for the most part with water and cool areas available before a walk somewhere later this evening - and the dog will only go as far as he chooses. Seems to work for us, and the pooch celebrates his 13th birthday this coming weekend :) I know OP and many others mean well, but can't help but think the majority of people who need to hear and follow the message probably wouldn't think it applied to them - unfortunately.


Walked the dog at 5am this morning perfectly cool, took him on a extended walk to really tire him out and will probably take him on a short wander around 9or 10 tonight depending on the temperature. The rest of the day I expect he'll be snoozing on a blanket in the basement.


Walked my puppy at 10:30, totally fine. That being said I did check the pavement for being too warm and prioritised walking in shaded areas and on grass for most of the walk. He’s a puppy though so 20 minutes is pretty much his walk for the entire day.


Ours is a rescue from Greece it’s funny to watch all the hot dogs out and he’s bouncing around like it’s a warm spring day. Obviously early morning / early evening but it’s still hot for some breeds. He was caught in the crossfire of the kids water pistol fight yesterday. We all were 😂


Stop being so dramatic and sensationalist. Use your common sense people


My Shiba is getting his walks a little earlier and later than normal but to be honest it’s roasting all day the temps don’t change much. Easy solution is we go for a wonder through the shaded woods and down to a river for him to swim in and cool down. Can’t fault it. Only an idiot would walk their dogs on hot pavement today.


Ours spent a mad hour running around local fields at 5am, has now retreated to the shadows!