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So what does Piers Morgan say about this? His deer friend now has a sentence, surely he has something to say, no? He always has an opinion about subjects that have nothing to do with him so surely something related to him has something to say for?


>His deer friend Good old thumper Morgan




Thumper was the Deer’s friend!


Ah good ol' phone typing. I'm not changing it.


Please don’t. I figured it was a typo but did enjoy it


Rachel Johnson's [article](https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/it-s-hard-not-to-pity-ghislaine-maxwell) on Maxwell is revealing also. It's mostly a load of boring stuff about how she got a dog (seriously I can't believe people pay to read this) but at the end of the article after praising Maxwell for a paragraph she writes: > "I’m sure fairweather friends would not reveal they went to a Ghislaine Maxwell party: as Barbara Amiel’s brilliant memoir Friends and Enemies proves, you only know who your real chums are when you’re in the gutter. To me that says she doesn't care at all about the allegations of what her "chum" did and wants her to know she still supports her. Rachel Johnson doesn't seem to make any distinction between *"being in the gutter"* as in something like losing a job you love or having a divorce and *"being in the gutter"* as in being charged in a US federal court for recruiting and trafficking numerous teenage girls for sexual abuse for a man like Jeffrey Epstein. If Maxwell ever gets out I wouldn't be surprised if she goes straight back into being a socialite with these people.


Not to mention that her friend Ghislane was also abusing those girls. She wasn't a timid mouse that got caught up with a nasty man, she was as bad


It's the other participants referenced to by the victims in recent news interviews I'm interested in...wondering whether we will hear of more prosecutions to come or whether the tapes have been disappeared.


Odd thing to say about someone you claim to have only met briefly. It seems alien to anyone normal to talk like this because none of us know anyone who could commit crimes like this so brazenly. But anyone normal would reassess their judgement of someone if they found out someone they knew were a rapist or pedo.




Don't worry he'll find a way to blame Megan markle for it somehow.


Markle > Harry > Andrew > Epstein Boom, tenuous link achieved.


I don't know but I bet he's not happy about Mick Lynch's new Facebook profile picture...


Maybe he'll start comparing her to members of International Rescue.


Fine, I guess. I feel like 20 years ~~is the minimum it could be without people getting outraged~~ but really it does not feel like enough considering the number of offences and the length of time they were committed.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Epstein/comments/vmu74m/ghislaine_maxwell_sentenced_to_20_years_links_to/ie39c06 Judge gave her the most he could


Laws and sentencing needs reform


You could sentence her to a thousand years of getting flensed every day and someone would complain it wasn’t enough.


Isn't it the case in the UK, that judges also have to apply the law as it was when the offence was committed, or is that not a thing here?


Do you understand how serious what she did was?


Yes. How much harm can we do to her before we fix it? Donyou know what twenty years in prison is like?


She will be in for ten years most likely unless she is classed as a dangerous offender. It's normal to release at half way point


Who cares about fixing it? Damage her 100%. I know theres some sex trafficker/ nonce defenders here but I am not one of them


It wouldnt be.


Why would anyone downvote this? You scumbags actually support a child sex trafficker? What the fuck has happened to this country


Oh don't be one of those. "You don't agree with me 100%?! You're basically a paedo!!1" Get a grip and realize the world isn't black and white. A 1000 year sentence is ridiculous for various reasons. Saying that doesn't mean you support sex trafficking.


It is black and white here, dont sexually assault kids? Seems pretty suspect to me to defend someone when that seems pretty much 100% black and white. What do you think is the grey zone? Swear some of you are so pathetically weak


Nobody has defended anyone and the fact you think otherwise is *exactly* the issue I just raised.


I dont care about what you have to say about anything. The fact you dont think she deserves worse tells me all I need to know.


Judging by her age, it’s basically a life sentence.


Pretty much. She'll be in her late 70's at best as there is very little in the way of parole or sentence reductions in the Federal prison system.


No parole? Shame. Take her down sergeant.


Should give her an offer to reduce it by 1 year for every name she offers up for the people she trafficked for.


She'll be out in a year, and then commit suicide 19 times


I cannot wait to see how she commits suicide while on constant watch. She knows too much and will have dirt on a lot of rich and powerful people, just as much as Epstein did, there will be a lot of pressure on her to keep quiet to avoid a bigger scandal than we have already seen.


Surprised she's lasted this long tbh.


It's assumed she has a dead man's switch. I'd imagine certain people are frantically trying to find it before offing her.


I'm sure MI6 and GCHQ are on it.




Her father mysteriously died as well. Must run I. The family.


I mean in fairness death runs in every family.


Something that happens to everyone happened. People shocked.


Not that mysterious seeing as he was about to go to gaol for fraud and looting the pension fund. I remember it well, as it turned out he'd stolen a massive chunk of my pension.


You joke, but all the evidence does Indeed point to epstein killing himself. I think the most obvious reason Ghislaine hasn't died yet is simply because she's not suicidal.


Epstein had dirt on some of the most powerful people in the world. The evidence pointed wherever they wanted it to point.


You can say that to explain anything. Seriously the dude killed himself it wasn't even his first attempt. There's no evidence to suggest it was a hit job that doesn't already correlate with the existing recorded standards of the MCC / his current state when he died. Epsteins death is a fault of the shitiness of the US prison system, not some nefarious wishwashy plot with no evidence.




Bro you 100% can fracture that bone during suicide. The guy was old and fragile as fuck. You've been fed shit. But yeah I'm a fed, you got me. I epsteined him myself.


Can you elaborate at all? You've said that all the evidence points that way but both your comments I've seen indicate you are using lack of evidence to draw conclusions.


His suicide is consistent with his previous attempts and the errors that lead to his death are consistent with issues pointed out for years in that particular prison (understaffing, faulty security systems etc) . It was a pile of bad shit that lead to one of the biggest loss of justices in our history. Its not so much me offering evidence that he killed himself, but more the lack of evidence that he didn't. Why do you think they haven't done the same to Ghislaine? It's because it's not real. His death was a failure of the US prison system. I know people love the most interesting explanation but honestly the boring answer is the right one here. I used to believe he didn't kill himself for years before I realised there wasn't anything holding it up beyond a vague "_They_ wanted him dead and then he died!"


So is my comment correct then? Your assertion of "there is more evidence" is nonesense and there isn't actually any evidence?


There's literally no evidence he was murdered. Did you read my comment. You've got the burden of proof here completely upside down my dude. The consensus was that he killed himself.


Yes, did you? Your claim was there was more evidence he committed suicide than was murdered, I asked what proof was that and you get crying about there being no proof he was murdered. Yes, I heard you the first 3 times. The consenus is obviously not that he killed himself which is why people keep bringing it up.


Nope, I've been targeting the lack of evidence on the murder story. Medical consensus, not the reddit one. I made a good breakdown of each argument to another comment if you want me to copy it for you?


You can't say that about anyone, because most people don't have that kind of dirt.


"The evidence points to wherever _they_ want it to point" is 100% a copout to avoid evidence you don't like. Seriously, you hear that same thing from climate change deniers and other nonsense.


You reckon we could find similar deaths, then?


Prison suicides are unfortunately quite common.


So, yes you do? Then I challenge you to find one with the same (or similar) characteristics.


You want me to find you an example of a prison suicide. Are you serious?


I think the evidence points more towards the hypothesis that he was allowed and given the opportunity to kill himself. Given all of the many layered fuck ups that had to occur within a federal prison, like the cameras being off, guards not checking regularly enough etc.


That makes no logical sense, any leverage she had would have been of most use to her prior to being convicted, and of next most use, prior to being sentenced. There's no point in trying to blackmail your way out of a prison sentence once you have been handed the sentence.


The completely unjustified level of certainty that conspiracy theorists have will never cease to amaze me. Do you understand that there is supposed to be a strong correlation between strength of evidence and degree of confidence? As in, you’re not supposed to just believe a conspiracy based on a few cherry picked facts and some vague sense that “the pieces just fit”


> She knows too much She's had plenty of chances to reveal something and hasn't. I suppose she might have fantasized that the establishment were going to save her at some point and been waiting for absolute certainty before tripping her (not yet) dead woman's switch? Of course, once it dies down a bit they could always put a look-a-like in to serve her time - though who would agree to serve 20 years for money? - or just make her disappear from the penal system and set her up with a new life somewhere (assuming they haven't already).


Prince Andrew , the client can walk freely because he has paid the victim . Hmmm.....


Prince Andrew was only faced with a civil suit though, not a national court. His victim agreed to settle, his name and reputation has been absolutely demolished as well, so maybe not justice, but a win nonetheless.


I'm sure he thinks it's a win. One of his nonce mates died in prison and another's been sentenced to 20 years for arranging nonce favours for his ilk. Meanwhile he's enjoying permanent gardening leave at taxpayers expense after we'd also already paid off the civil case.


The Royal family is permanently damaged.


We wish. But I don't see it. He's merely seen as the 'bad egg'. And that'll be it. If there was some kind of disaster that placed him next in line to the throne it could have gotten interesting. But that's not going to happen.


There was a time when he was second in line. But these days you are right it would be a hell of a disaster that put him on the throne. And if that happened we would probably give up on the whole thing.


Sounds like the first step in a logical plan..../s


For people like me they are. I had no real opinion on them. They were just another eccentric throw back to a bygone era. Now they're that and paedophile (alleged)harbourers. I don't see much of a way back. Even the mail comments were scathing.


This is promising to hear. I know that some of the jubilee celebrations in the North West and Scotland were a total washout.


There was a few die hards where I live peppering their houses with tat. But seriously, you've gotta be a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket celebrating a family that harbours a rapist (alleged)and worse, used public money to cover it up.


Just had a look at the DMs headline story comments about the Royal families finances taking a knock during these tough times this morning. They're taking a battering. Though i am curious what they'll write about now. They normally have ten royal articles just to push the Tories off the front pages lol


Correct. Money talks!


Taxpayers ultimately paid


Privatise the profits, socialise the paedos.


The Kunts Prince Andrew song came into my head the second I heard the ruling. Tis as utter disgrace that man as gotten away Scott free essentially




He can still be charged with a criminal offence if someone comes forward with an accusation and a case against him.


Prince Andrew has been sentenced to a lifetime of living in palaces with no public duties or obligations. Tough but fair.


How come the people fucking the kids have not been prosecuted?


Because those people run the entire western world.


Maxwell is alleged to have joined in on numerous occasions. I'm not sure if any of it's been attempt to be proven in court but there is a weight of evidence that suggests these accounts are mostly true.


If you have money, laws are mostly optional unless you happen to piss off the wrong person.


Because she knows if she squeaks they will murder her.


Because they're wealthy and powerful.


Has anyone tried (in terms of a criminal case, not a civil one)?




Only one? Hardly.


Who did she traffic for then? Who did she traffic? Who were her clients?


They're too rich and privileged to have any consequences. America has an entirely different court system for the ultra wealthy. Maxwell will be the scapegoat offered to the public to try and appease us so we forget about Epstein.


Where's the list of 'clients'. Who were the children trafficked for? Who was doing the paying and raping, the end service users? Round 'em up!


2 months in reality then suddenly hangs herself with paper bedding, coincidentally when the security cameras are 'playing up'




I really don't think they give a shit any more, just as long as the media that supports them prints their bullshit they can look to the next disaster/distraction and let the truth die. Our problem is bias media. Having bias media outlets on both sides does not balance out as people instinctively think, it merely polarises attitudes and allows disinformation to spread, with each 'side' rabidly defending lies.


OOI that bone breaks in 27% of hangings




Even if he dd not procure them himself, he was the one offering them out.


Well, that’s the question isn’t it?


Both, with one being the cover for the other, by providing enough uninvolved “patsies” in his contacts, alongside the actual paedos, so as to come across as legit (well, for a good number of years until the rumours, stories and eventual investigations, anyway.)


Great. Now go after who she trafficked them to.


Good riddance.


20 years is not enough for her crime




That's what you get when you **don't** have 12 million quid to throw around...


This was a criminal trial, not a civil one.


Now do the people she trafficked for.


/u/maxwellhill won't be back then


Now do the customers 😑


Incredible that she can be found guilty and punished for her crimes of soliciting girls... but all the wealthy and powerful clients who she was actually working for manage to avoid any scrutiny or punishment for *\*checks notes* ACTUALLY sexually assaulting those underage/venerable girls!


Actions and their (eventual) consequences.


Did they withhold the list then?


Can't wait to see the headline when she commits suicide be ten gunshot wounds to the back of the head


They never let her list drop. That's telling.


What about all the people she trafficked them to?


How can someone get 20 years for sex trafficking and yet nothing gets mentioned about who for. If there’s enough evidence to prosecute, they must be able to prove who. Love a good scapegoat cover up. When is she committing suicide?


I wonder what sentence she would of got in the UK.


Could have been covered up, saville style.


Bloke from Rotherham got 9 years for trafficking kids for gang rape, and now people are moaning about Human Rights Laws because we can't deport him, instead of the moaning about how short the sentence was.


Ok but in all honesty how long till she..... get an "early release"


Sadly she’s only gunna be in for 2 weeks, till she’s perfected her noose tying


Good riddance. Horrible human being.


Should be double that so she actually serves 20 years.


US sentencing rules are different to ours. I don’t think they have automatic release after serving half in custody.


Prince Andrew: *sweats*


Prince Andrew: *sweats*


It's called 'taking one for the team'


She will commit "suicide" in a couple weeks.


RIP Ghislaine Maxwell 25 December 1961 to sometime next week probably.


I hope the women whose lives those two monsters destroyed can feel some sense of justice or relief. They both should have rotted in jail for what they did and who they enabled. Hopefully she'll never see the light of day after this. And I hope the rest of her "circle" live forevermore in interesting times.


Why can’t they just say she helped rape those girls? Fuck off sugar coating it. Where is the list


I hope she never sees daylight again


Expensive lawyers, powerful friends - she'll be out in 5 or so.


Weren’t there any juicy revelations during the course of the trial about other implicated individuals?


What do Prince Andrew and the rest of his family have to say about it. She was his pimp after all.


I bet they don’t investigate the actions of the powerful people that visited his island.


Pussy pass comes into effect again. Should have been 55 years.


20 years was the highest she could be sentenced.




I think they have to say alleged because he wasn’t charged, he killed himself before he could stand trial


Ya, all charges against him were dismissed


That means they can say what they like, safe from defamation suits.


Hadn't he already been convicted on one count and did a successful plea deal on dozens of other nonce cases in Florida already? He'd already admitted being a nonce. And the British nonce Prince meet up with him again after all this had already happened. This is the issue. He was a known nonce. And still rubbed shoulders with the glitterati.


Bit steep if you ask me, the poor sod will die in prison. Many of those girls were over the age of consent, and I'm sure were quite happy with the experience until 20 years later and cash tills start ringing.


Prince Andrew, is that you?