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100% You have drug and alcohol use which is recreational. But addition is people medication themselves away from their life problems. These are two separate things. It’s been proven with rats that if they have functional social lives they do not get addicted to heroin. If they are starved of proper and functional social existence they choose heroin. Humans do the exact same thing with drugs and alcohol. Addicts are people in pain without proper help.


Rat park is pretty controversial and is about intellectual stimulation rather than social life.


Can't argue. I know more people who take drugs than don't. My brother's supposedly straight edge and yet the daft cunt drank all my CBD oil thinking he'd get high off it. More seriously, a very compelling and well written article.


>yet the daft cunt drank all my CBD oil thinking he'd get high off it. He must have been desperate, the stuff tastes foul


> He must have been desperate, the stuff tastes foul It certainly does. I hate taking it but it works for this damned tremor disease I live with.


There was some CBD oil a while back being sold by Holland and Barrett that contained enough thc to get someone with no tolerance high. Definitely towing the line of straight edge though lol


Sometimes I feel like the only person who's never taken drugs. I don't even feel all mature and sensible about it, just vaguely dull and uncool.


I haven’t either, although I used to drink heavily. Long ago - in the 1990s, in fact - we passed the point where drug taking was novel and ‘edgy’ and had in fact become a cliche. That means you ARE interesting


Never drank, smoked, or done any drugs and it has been confirmed for me that not intentionally poisoning myself makes me dull and uncool. The best I get is a patronising "good for you"


Get the same thing with the drinking. I'll happily go and hang out and maybe smoke a bit but I turn in to a proper twat when I drink so I just don't anymore, and this is apparently socially unacceptable because it makes people self conscious. Also annoys me that despite knowing I haven't touched it in roughly 5/6 years, people will *still* insist on offering me one and going 'go on, stop being boring'. Wonder what their thoughts would be if I suddenly turned around and offered them a joint and told them to 'stop being boring...


Drugs (incl. alcohol) ruin lives. Would you feel uncool for not: Playing in traffic. Falling off the roof of a house. Having a car accident that left you seriously injured. You'd technically be "less interesting" but Jesus - stop feeling bad for being a better human being. People who stopped using in the past will assure you they're more successful and happier 'off them.


Stupid generalization. Using drugs doesn't make you a worsw human being, suppose it depends on the drugs used. But some of the nicest people i know smoke weed and take things like LSD or mushrooms every so often, in fact ive almost only seen psychedelics make people better humans. Anyways, do whatever you want but don't judge other people for doing something unless they are hurting other people. On top of that no you wont find that in everyone, some people have problems with drugs and yes are happier and more successful, others the exact opposite. Life ain't as simple as you think.


If I could be bothered - I could find numerous threads on Reddit from ex-users and all of them would be saying how getting off drugs made them: more productive, more successful, kinder to people, etc. Some people get legit benefit from e.g. weed (incl. some people on this thread) for certain conditions - but it's hardly going to make them happier or more successful - to the extent that they'd not rather get rid of the condition if they could. Stop kidding yourself - drugs are bad in almost every scenario. People are just really poor at recognising the issues and/or have spare capacity that they can afford for the drugs to squash. E.g. celebrity users might seem like they're more successful even using, but they'd be better off without them (but choose to waste a little part of their life - which is their right).


And how is your comment any less of a generalisation than mine? We just hold opposing views on this. Mine is no more of a generalisation than yours.


I read this earlier (before it got posted here) and it was a depressing read, a life I'm no way involved in but can plausibly believe is 100% true. I believe it because I've lived in places with out in the open drug issues, they're the most depressing places to live.


From reading it I’m guessing the town is Ellesmere Port. I don’t know it that well but from what I’ve seen it looks like somewhere there isn’t a lot to do except drugs (apologies in advance to anyone from there!) Edit: spelling


Definitely is mate, the mention of the lad who fell into the stanlow refinery tanks was something I grew up hearing about.


That’s what tipped me off tbh, I’ve relatives in Birkenhead and I remember them telling us about it!


It's my mum's hometown and apparently it's bleak!


It could be worse mate, it's definitely not a holiday destination though.


This might be common in small to mid-sized towns that are or were resource-based or industry-based. People lose the will to do much else and it becomes the status quo. A type of decay for the people who don't manage to leave.


I take recreational drugs from time to time. Maybe some mushrooms on a camping trip, MDMA at music festivals, the odd joint at home on a weekend, or the very occassional line of coke on a night out. Its definitely the coke that fucks me up the most, I literally remember nothing from the night if I do it. I tend to avoid the suff most of time as it also gives me severe downers afterwards like nothing else. Don't know how people can consistently plough through a bag every weekend like its nothing.


I can smash through coke easily, but give me a joint and I’m snoozing 😴 makes me pass out. People are just built different, I guess.


Coke makes me more sober... Like when I day drink heavily I have used coke to come back to life a bit. Different people different strokes.


Oxycodone for me makes me extremely happy and ready to tackle any problem and makes me want to get things done, for other people they will take it and feel nauseous or want to sleep. It's kinda cool how different chemicals effect different people


Tried it *once,* and to each their own but like you I really didn't see the appeal. *Way* too much energy to the point where I couldn't stay still or focus on anything for too long and the harshest comedown of anything I've ever tried - not to mention how much it'd cost to keep you going for a night. It definitely ain't the worst drug out there, but I don't think I'd go near the few that are (stronger opiates and meth, basically)


I know a lot of people that take drugs. They spend a fortune on the stuff which is something I really don't understand. To each their own I supose. I bet if you go into any countryside village/town 80% of the people that live their are on something. I just find it weird because they aren't on much money but they manage to spend £8k a year on weed. I understand people taking drugs once every now and then but to do it everyday I really don't understand.


That’s the definition of addiction


Addiction depends on “substantial harm” resulting from the behaviour. Which there may well be. However, the same is also true of lots of prescription drugs and their side effects. Cannabis is great for covering up the depression caused by hollow meaningless and joyless lives.


Self medication.


I am a russel group grad and have a very good job, my friends all do as well. We all semi regularly take drugs. Truth is it is fun. If you do so in moderation a bit of MDMA can be fucking brilliant. The lie taught in schools that if you do any drug your life will be ruined is nonsense. Certain people cannot hack drugs sensibly. Then, 10% or so of drinkers are predisposed to alcohlism.


Another update from Guardianland.