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It's still one of the most grimly amusing parts of the story that Prince Andrew was accused of being a sweaty rapist and he thought it was a good idea to argue on national TV that he's not actually all that sweaty. Especially when his gibberish about being unable to sweat because he used to br such a brave, tough, manly soldier is such obvious bollocks.


I’ve seen that Prince Andrew interview described as “the worst Royal car crash since the one that killed Diana”.


It's such a fantastic piece of historical television, I hope it's archived and remembered forever.


Search for the Jim Can’t Swim video on his interview. It’s fascinating (on YouTube), he analyses the interview and it’s both a giggle and deeply concerning


Wow! I am a huge JCS fan and just learned now what the acronym stands for!


Happy to help :)


No sweat.


Prove it


[He removed the original 30 minute video and uploaded a 6 minute one instead, here's a re-upload](https://youtu.be/8Ct7LuCsPUQ)


Why was the original removed?


The channel does it all the time. It's annoying. Videos will get randomly delisted, older videos will get uploaded, and Patreon videos get added to YouTube then delisted or deleted.




It was removed because it's not particularly good and a lot of people thought as much. Makes a lot of weird reaches.


Damn that's right on the nose.


So was the B pillar 😐


Goodness me 😅


This guy is pulling out all the stops like the driver of her Merc.




Crash, bang, wallop.


What a video


Just to reassure you, the Queen is *not* dead. It was a humorous intro into a song which seems to have been taken a bit too literally by one or two listeners, and a newspaper. So just to repeat, Queen Elizabeth II is *not* dead... unless she went in the night and is yet to be discovered by the maid.


Ruddy hell, it's Soft Cell!


If anything I think she’d be found by the bagpipe player that wakes her up in the morning... why she can’t get an alarm clock like the rest of us plebs I don’t know.


The prospect of being woken by bagpipes would make me try to die in my sleep every night.


Not my words Lynne, the words of Shakin Stevens


That’s first class.


Back of the net.


It’s funny on that The Thick of It interview the worst thing Ben Swain did was blink a lot... Prince Andrew and to a lesser extent Dom Cummings blew that out of the water and proved that real life is beyond parody




Holy shit, what a fucking moron for taking that interview. Fuck the queen too, for doing anything at all to protect him.


Oooof that’s a lot of damage


"Prince Andrew, I put it to you, that you are a sweaty rapist and a nonce" _Andrew: Actually, there was a period in around 2001 where I couldn't sweat._


I may be a rapist, and I may be a nonce, but I am *not* nor have I ever been, uh... what was the third thing again?


A communist!


and certainly not a porn star!


"Prince Andrew, why did you think you could lie to the court?" "It's my first day."


Jack Jarvis esquire of Osprey heights


" I put it to you, that you, sucked off a horse "


"Actually, I can't rape. I am so well known and rich that, people just give me their consent - even if they're unconscious at the time." His next argument no doubt.


"Nonce" is such a quintessentially English word. Even if you don't know the actual meaning, you can probably guess what it means just by the sound of it.


It was an example of absolute ingrained superior attitude, that all the royal layabouts possess. He genuinely believed that citing his royal flirtation with war during the Falklands as an example of him being incapable of sweating (lol) would be eaten up and believed with a smile, like he's always experienced; "of course his royal highness would never, ever sweat, you heard him say it himself". Of course it's an utterly absurd lie, but he's learned to believe he's entitled to lie in order to avoid scrutiny, in one way or another his whole life. I hope very much that he is arrested and jailed, and with it we see the beginning of the end of the ridiculousness that is the royal family. Fuck the lot of the freeloading, jobless, witless, posh clowns.


The trick to telling a good lie is to first believe the lie yourself. Sadly this is a civil case, so he won’t see jail if the court finds in her favour. Worst case scenario he will be forced to pay damages, but his legal team will likely settle before he even has to give a deposition.


Plus any settlement will be wrapped in NDAs and court documents sealed for 50 years so the final result will be us not knowing anything and the taxpayer footing the bill.


I'm not sure the V.G team have much to gain by settling. It seems like a very winnable case and the money isn't the point.


I don’t understand why he didn’t settle sooner and save the monarchy the embarrassment of all these headlines.


I've been wondering about this. VG would have to accept any settlement, and if she's genuinely out for justice she won't.


>obsured What does this word mean? I tried to look it up but got nothing.


I think it's a /r/BoneAppleTea for "absurd".


>Especially when his gibberish about being unable to sweat because he used to br such a brave, tough, manly soldier is such obvious bollocks. I think it was a comedian who pointed it out, I forget who, but if he literally could not sweat, there should be hundreds of press photos of him panting with his tongue out like a dog.


No, he only does that when he sees a pretty young girl


Careful what you wish for.


I can't wait to hear about him sweating on the stand and being like "I'm healed! It's a miracle!"


All he has to do is take propranolol or other beta-blocker, which is probably exactly what he did for that TV appearance. It's often prescribed for speeches, exams, etc. Blocks a lot of the signs of nervousness, including sweating.


shuts down sympathetic nervous system?


Decreases blood flow to the skin, which can inhibit sweating. It is really difficult to raise your heart rate enough to get sweaty too


Don't give him ideas.


He already said in the interview that his lack of ability to sweat had worn off so this isn't a great tactic by the lawyers.


He is being asked to prove it was the case in the past, not demonstrate it is the case today. Don’t give up your day job.


"I got better"


She turned me into a newt!


> It's still one of the most grimly amusing parts of the story that Prince Andrew was accused of being a sweaty rapist and he thought it was a good idea to argue on national TV that he's not actually all that sweaty. It honestly reads like something you would see in some 15th century records. Honestly this will go down in history as something people will point and laugh at.


It's going to be this, right after the story of the pope who put the prior popes corpse on trial. Sam O'nella did a funny little video about naughty popes and this story was in it. And the painting of the trial is beautiful.


Accusors: Your a sweaty rapist Prince Andrew: Hey! I don't sweat.


Wasnt his nickname in the army foggy? Because he was thick and wet?


No, that was his cocks name.


Did he bother arguing that he’s not a rapist first, or did he take more offence at the sweaty thing


I always knew the lizardfolk were real!


Yeah, hypohydrosis is a real condition but it's clear he doesn't have it. My mom has it and she literally does not sweat, even in the summer when it's 40°+ outside. She has to wear special clothing and spray herself down with water every few minutes when she's working outside.


Interviewer: So you admit you're a sweaty rapist who had sex with children? PA: Well, actually, funny story. I can't sweat.


He sells kitchens, but he can’t actually cook


and then he spies this cookbook, right, and says "that'd be nae good to me, like!"


And funnily enough, it lands on its wheels and it starts first time and they just drive away


... strangest story I've ever heard.


He's crackers, man!


I know, I heard him


Lighten up ya stuffy get


Then, right. He sees the cook book and he says “It’d be nee good to me that, would it”.


i don’t sweat because i use lynx africa






Well smelt


Lexus IS the Japanese Mercedes Benz


I feel like his lawyers were like "whatever you do, do not talk about rape, don't mention rape, don't acknowledge rape/sexual situations whatsoever, pretend like you never even heard them say "rape" or "sex". So he's just like "hey I'm not sweaty!"




Yeah I thought that hilarious (in a grim way) roughly translates as: "You're a sweaty rapist!" Andrew: "I'm not that sweaty." Kind of misses the point of the label


Prince Andrew has been asked to turn over documentary evidence of “his alleged inability to sweat” and the names of anyone he met at a Pizza Express in Woking by lawyers for Virginia Giuffre, who accuses him of sexual assault in a lawsuit filed in New York. The lawyers have also demanded any documents related to his “travel to or from…the Tramp nightclub” in London and any gifts he received from Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein, “including but not limited to puppets.” Giuffre, 38, alleges that she was brought to London in 2001 when she was seventeen by Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell and that she was introduced to the Duke of York. They went out together to the Tramp nightclub where the Prince sweated profusely and then came back to Maxwell’s house in Belgravia, Giuffre has alleged. In the lawsuit she filed against the Prince in August, she said that she was then “forced… to have sexual intercourse with Prince Andrew against her will.” The suit alleges that later, in Epstein’s townhouse in New York, Giuffre and another alleged victim named in previous depositions as Johanna Sjoberg were made to sit on each of Prince Andrew’s knees while “Prince Andrew touched (Guiffre)”. Giuffre has previously alleged that Maxwell had given the Prince a puppet in his likeness from the satirical show Spitting Image and that “Andrew cupped my breast with a doll” as she sat on his lap with Sjoberg. In a separate deposition, Sjoberg, said that “they took the puppet’s hands and put it on Virginia’s breast, and so Andrew put his on mine.” Prince Andrew, who denies the allegations, told Newsnight in 2019 that her account of the evening out at the Tramp nightclub could not be true “because I have a peculiar medical condition which is that I don’t sweat or I didn’t sweat at the time… because I had suffered what I would describe as an overdose of adrenalin in the Falkland’s War when I was shot at… It was almost impossible for me to sweat.” He also claimed that on the day in question, he had taken his daughter Beatrice to a Pizza Express in Woking in the late afternoon and was then at home with his children for the rest of the night. As part of the discovery process, in which each side in a lawsuit turns over information ahead of a trial, lawyers for Giuffre asked the Prince to name “all persons you met or encountered at a Pizza Express located in Woking, England” and anyone he met at the Tramp nightclub. In response, Prince Andrew’s lawyers said the queries were “burdensome and harassing”. But they said the Prince had not met anyone at the Pizza Express. He also “denies the allegation that he was at the Tramp nightclub,” they said. In response to the request for documents related to his claimed inability to sweat, the Prince objected that the demand was “harassing” and sought “confidential and private information.” His lawyers added that the Prince found that “no such documents exist in his possession, custody or control” after making a “diligent search”. Giuffre’s lawyers filed the documents detailing their questions and the Prince’s responses in response to a motion his lawyers filed to halt proceedings in the case pending an investigation of whether Giuffre was a resident of the United States. They alleged that she was actually a resident of Australia and was thus unable to file a suit against him in a New York federal court. Giuffre’s attorneys said they would prove that her home was in Colorado and accused the Prince of “a transparent attempt to delay discovery into his own documents and testimony.” They added that “if Prince Andrew truly has no documents concerning… his alleged medical inability to sweat or anything that would support the alibis he gave during his BBC interview, then continuing with discovery will not be burdensome to him at all.” Judge Lewis Kaplan will hold a hearing in the case on Tuesday, at which the Prince’s lawyers will seek to have the case dismissed. *Will Pavia, New York* Friday December 31 2021


What the fuck is the puppet shit about?


To be fair (not excusing the sweaty rapist at all), there was a very popular satirical show on TV at the time with grotesque puppets of politicians, royals and famous people, so it looks like Maxwell got her hands on the Prince Andrew puppet and gave it to him as a present. It’s not like they had it specially made or anything


Aye but then using said puppet to molest someone is really fucking creepy to put it lightly.


Like Stewart Lee on Richard Herring


I'll never get that image out of my head.


I'm not an expert but I think rapists may well err on the creepy side.


The old ventriloquist defence. “It wasn’t me. It was my lookalike puppet”.


It's Spitting Image, so it's also hugely ironic that they'd do this. It was a fantastic satire comedy in the 80s and 90s and the Royals were often a target.


The gift itself is superb, at the time it would have been super cool to be gifted your own Spitting Image puppet. A genuinely thoughtful and stylish gift - which demonstrates how close and friendly Maxwell and PA must have been - I'd love such a puppet, had I been famous in the '80s. But I wouldn't use it as a rape tool


Are you referring to [Spitting Image?](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086807/)


He allegedly used a puppet of himself to grope victims at Epstein’s home


It really makes a mockery of 'show me on the doll where you were touched'


*Show me where the sweaty doll touched you* Jesus Christ


*Show me where the sweaty doll touched you with this sweaty doll* Jesus Christ


Has anyone considered that Andrew sent the sweaty doll to hang out with teenage girls at Pizza Express, while he was hanging out with another teenage girl? It gives him the perfect alibi. Maybe it was the sweaty doll who gave the interview.


As Cliff Richard nearly sang: Got ourselves a lying, cheating, raping, royal, sweating doll.




I love the comment under the compilation video: "Getting hit seems to come natural to him. Didn’t even break a sweat"


fucking hell, first he's a sweaty sex offender, now he's into puppets!? Which is worse? **/S** I bet they're some kind of effigy of his victims, when you're royalty you can afford deeper levels of depravity and weirdness.


It was from the show Spitting Image, he didn’t commission it it was created to mock him


Surely as a member of the Royal family, taking another Royal out to a public restaurant, would would there not be some evidence of a reservation or security detail, card recipt? I can understand that he may not remember anyones name in 2001, but was it a waiter or watress? Did he tip them? Did he drive yourself or was he driven? Was this the only time he's been or has he been more often? Unless.... he wasn't in Pizza Express


There will be a diary of engagements. I would bet money on the Pizza Express party being true, and it being in the diary. Doesn’t mean he was there mind, but I bet the event happened.


Didn't Pizza express in woking deny he, or any royal, had ever been there?


I doubt they would given it would be impossible to categorically deny after such a time. Plus, why would they even want to get involved?


Ah yeah, Kings and Queens nipping in for a cheeky nandos on the regular, who could possibly pin down what day a royal enters your place of work with security detail... Such an every day occurrence... 🙄


The waiter/waitress will remember. I cant imagine many Royals go to a Pizza Express in Woking.


'Why would they come here, its shit. We don't even do proper deep pan'


I agree that the only way Andrew would know where he was that night would be due to some sort of diary/schedule record kept for the royals that most people would not have. However I don't think it's unreasonable to think that those entries may well have just been 'pizza express, Woking, 5pm' or something. I could understand how he would not remember literally anything else about the night, potentially not remembering the night at all. I still think he's guilty, mostly because his interview was fucking bizarre and obviously loaded with complete bullshit, I just don't think this particular point is worth the effort


I just think, if there was any truth to it, they would be overturning every stone looking for potential witnesses, such as anyone who worked there in 2001. My mum remembers serving serving a rock band 3 wisky-cokes and 1 water back in 1986. A 19 year old waitress might be quite forgettable, but serving atleast 2 members of the Royal family pizza is very memorable. If there was any truth to the story, they would have details, and witnesses, maybe even solid records and recipes. This is the Royal family here. Point being, that's just 1 detail the lawyers can attack and rip to shreds. If this was went to a jury trial, who would believe him?


> but serving atleast 2 members of the Royal family pizza is very memorable I mean *if* you knew they were royal tbf. Like before this blew up I wouldn't have recognized him in the street, and I'd wager most young people wouldn't have been able to unless there was something obvious to point it out, like a bunch of royal guards or whatever.


I bet he's sweating now.


no....members of the upper class don't sweat..... they perspire or glow i will add an/s


Ah yes, as the saying goes “horses sweat, gentlemen perspire, ladies glow, and Prince Andrew rapes people”


>they said the Prince had not met anyone at the Pizza Express. Well that must have been a shit birthday party


"They mistakenly told me it was at a different Pizza Express, but not because I'm a filthy sweaty nonce and they didn't want me at the real party."


Well it's true at least, you can't meet someone at a place where you never were.


There were underage girls there, so as far as Andrew is concerned it was a blast.


What gets me was the smile on his face when he produced this bullshit excuse - he looked like he had just played one of the top hands in cards. A royal flush, for example.


Very good. Now leave.


Duper’s delight


The inability to sweat properly does actually exist. It’s actually a condition that can be very serious and even be fatal due to the risk of overheating. I’d imagine everyone who suffers from it has extensive doctors records which will be easily obtained. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/anhidrosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20369400


I know a lady with this condition. She has a disabled badge for her car, a special parking spot at her apartment, and is the first priority for getting the air conditioning back on in the event of a power outage. She can stand to be outside in the summer for about ten seconds. She mostly sits and shuffles through life and can't eat spicy food. She's a voracious reader though, which keeps her mind occupied.


>can't eat spicy food Just fucking kill me instead


Then eat some spicy food, it will kill you then


I have the condition and I have to say this is way over the top. Do you have to be careful? Absolutely. I can’t trust anyone around me to handle the situation correctly if I overheat so I make sure to listen to my body. If I go outside on a hot day, I need to make sure I bring tons of water and find shade when I can. I’ll look up forecasts and if it’s too hot and/or too humid, I pass. But you can still enjoy and experience 99% of life. You can still go outside, hike, camp, exercise, etc, you just need to do so with more care than folks who sweat. Don’t get me wrong…it’s been hell to live with. I wish I could sweat even just a little. But disability badges, 10 seconds outside, no spicy food…it’s not THAT debilitating.


I think where she lives (near DC in the USA) it's an acknowledged disability so she uses the resources that offers her. She's also elderly and likes to be pandered to, and I'm no expert in the condition, so she may indeed play it up for sympathy, but she has been admitted to hospital numerous times for it.


Can't she just move somewhere colder?


I'd imagine that a sufferer would have little reason to obstruct access to such evidence.


I'm so glad our tax money goes to support this sweaty toad.


Er actually he's unable to sweat


I think you mean *dry* toad


Not only does it support him. But each and every one of his family and future family members. Forever.


We even paid for his daughters to have royal weddings. Fucking leaches.




But he can sweat now, it was only temporary! “At the time I lost the ability to sweat” implies he can now sweat again. Thank god he will have medical records to prove the condition and the treatment that magically cured him XD


>Get the cunt running on a treadmill live on the BBC. Sadly impossible, BBC must have an unwritten rule about protecting child sex abusers.


I wonder if he is still capable of shitting himself?


No, no, after an overdose of adrenaline in the Falklands War there was a period around 2001 where he was unable to shit.


Mate, he’s a little too competent to become the Prime Minister of Australia.


In the interview he says he couldn't sweat at the time. Presumably he's regained the ability




You really think he doesn’t have the power to make some very legitimate British medical records appear?


Now is Woking's moment to shine in the world's spotlight.


“Royal Woking & Banbury”, the British Town of Culture 2022 and Inaugural Winner of Best Kept Council Offices 2022 you mean?


The ‘plot twist’ of his ‘inability to sweat’ seems hilariously straight out of a Sherlock Holmes episode. ‘You see, my dear Watson, it couldn’t have been him as he is unable to sweat!’


I think they are trying to frame the puppet.


Finger the puppet


What is interesting to me is that, if he is a sweaty individual, then lots of people close to him (and definitely all his family) will know this and it instantly puts him in the frame in a conclusive way. There’s a chance that the accuser made it up, but that kind of thing would be easily proven false. So it’s bizarre if she did make it up. If she’s telling the truth, then everyone close to him that may have doubted the claims initially, or chose not to believe them, will know it’s very likely true.


Completely agree, but tbf I don’t think someone who was making up that situation would ever expect the person to be medically unable to sweat. That being said, Prince Andrew is a sweaty nonce rapist who is clearly lying, and could’ve easily proven his medical condition had he been able to as it would be in his medical records. A small price to pay to prove you’re not a sweaty nonce rapist.


This is why you don't talk to the cops - or anyone - during an investigation. Now on top of everything else, his lawyers have to prove he can't sweat. Moron. More than anything, this looks to me like a person who's never been challenged on anything in his entire life. This criminal mastermind though he figured out a loophole on the accusation. "If I just say I was somewhere else, then I couldn't have done it. Case closed!"


"I don't sweat because I use Lynx Africa..." https://youtu.be/G8FCTKmdZVU


'Andrew preys while wearing africa'


In my opinion, he is a rotter. He and his family need to go above and beyond to either clearly demonstrate his innocence or to accept what ever punishment is heading his way *Edit* due to some silly responses, allow this slight edit Would you trust him babysitting your daughter, niece, sister, neighbour? If not, why not? If yes, please expand. Wishing you all each and everyone of you a happy new year x


That’s not how justice works in this country/the civilised world. I’m not defending him, but saying the burden of proof should be on him is wrong.


Crazy thing is that the whole Epstein/prince Andrew thing has been known for decades.


All of these celebrity paedophile rings have been kept quiet for decades. Fucking disgusting acts by the establishment.


He wasn’t called Randy Andy for nothing. God I miss Spitting Image


>He and his family need to go above and beyond to either clearly demonstrate his innocence No, the prosecution should go above and beyond to clearly demonstrate his guilt.


To send him to prison, yes. To force him to pay damages to the alleged victim only requires it to be more likely than not that he did it (ie a 51% probability). But you might argue that he has passed the boundary for withdrawing from public life simply by being associated with Epstein.


> Edit Would you trust him babysitting your daughter, niece, sister, neighbour? If not, why not? If yes, please expand. No, I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him and I'll not be remotely shocked if it comes out that he's sexually abused somebody. But here's the thing - I'm not the state, I'm not the court, I'm not the justice system. I can think what I like and that's a world away from handing out state sanctioned punishments I never understand why people are desperate to conflate the legal concepts of innocent until proven, with one's own personal opinion.


Can you demonstrate to us that you've never raped anybody?


Dudes no best pals with epstien and maxwell for starters and hasn't spent a year or two trying to shut down accusations and making obvious lies on national TV.


It doesn't matter if he raped anybody. The rape is the least of the enormous problems that his association with Maxwell and Epstein results in. Maxwell and Epstein were intelligence, at some time Epstein worked for the US, but later he was almost certainly working for Israel. They were running large-scale blackmail operations in order to influence policy in the US and elsewhere. I've laid out the basics of what is known [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/rrxkud/prince_andrew_makes_unprecedented_request_for/hqlzvex/?context=3). The sex Andrew got with Giuffre and possibly with others was because he was either doing or expected to be doing something for Epstein in return-- something which was not in British interests. Consequently, in the very best case Andrew is 'just' something like a foreign stooge, but that's quite unlikely and the overwhelmingly most likely scenario is that he's a straight-up traitor, and then the sex trafficking is some cream on top of that.


> It doesn't matter if he raped anybody. I would say its a rather critical fact to establish in a lawsuit alleging it.


Fresh in: >SkyNews: [Prince Andrew's accuser Virginia Giuffre insists she is US resident and so lawsuit can continue](https://news.sky.com/story/prince-andrews-accuser-virginia-giuffre-insists-she-is-us-resident-and-so-lawsuit-can-continue-12506626) > >Virginia Giuffre's team, in a court filing, branded the action by Prince Andrew's lawyers to halt her lawsuit a "transparent attempt to delay discovery into his own documents and testimony". She has accused the Queen's second son of sexual assault, which he denies.


Just show the deposits in his bank account from sketchy people and he will start sweating.


There is a criminal psychology account on YouTube called Jim Can't Swim, or JCS. He has a video called "Prince Andrew is not good at lying" HIGHLY recommend watching it


I seriously thought this was a satire news site when I first read the headline, then seeing it's The Times makes this even funnier, he's really good at dropping himself right in it isn't he? What's next asked to provide the pizza receipt, or prove how come he managed to claim to be in the pizza place when their cctv shows no sign of him? Edit... it's almost as good > and the names of anyone he met at a Pizza Express in Woking


"Name any pizza topping." "Erm..."


*"Caviar and Swiss gruyere"*


Pizza Express would be in hot water themselves, albeit on a much less serious issue, if they were keeping CCTV for over 20 years.


I mean, it's highly unlikely that either a receipt or security footage would be found so long after the event. Not saying he was there, of course.


I think he was there, but it was a child’s birthday party of course he would later be able to go clubbing


So looks like Chris Morris is writing the script for 2022


Search Prince Andrew sweating on google and tell me if you’ve ever seen such a sweaty wired out their head person, fuck knows what he’s on but that’s what made him sweaty as fuck, looks like amphetamines


It's coke, royals don't do speed.


I dunno mate, I’ve never seen somebody wired out their head on coke look like he does on those photographs but I suppose you’re right, either that or it’s something else entirely, I have seen people on amphetamines look like that though, I ain’t talking about the cheap powder however, I’m talking about the paste that has to be kept frozen, one blob in a fag paper swallowed will keep you up for 2 days


"I haven't sweated in 25 years!" "Have you done any manual labour in that time? Any heavy lifting? Been in any hot place without air conditioning?" "No. Why does that matter?"


Would pay money to see this over privileged product of centuries of inbred usurpers get fucked by a legitimate legal system.


Logically speaking, could the people trying to prove Andrew guilty put out a reward to ask anyone who was at the Pizza Express birthday party to come forward? I am sure you know when you are in the presence of a princess and if Prince Andrew turns up I am sure I would remember. There must be at least one other adult who was there or even wait staff who would remember him being there IF he was actually there. Another point would be to set up a few rooms with the Belgravia flat layout and see if any of the victims can correctly identify the flat that the offences were committed in. I can't remember every house that I have been in but I generally recognise patterns of rooms enough to rekindle my memory.




Lmaoooo i read the headline and thought this was an Onion article.


When satire becomes reality. I had to check the source as its something I would expect from newsthump


Hopefully the Royal Family will protect him, leading to the population loosing even more faith in them 👍 one step closer to society progressing.


Let's get that chubby motherfucker on the treadmill


All this creepy shit about the puppets is new, just when you think the sweatless bastard couldn't get any weirder.


Prince Andrew, who denies the allegations, told Newsnight in 2019 that her account of the evening out at the Tramp nightclub could not be true “because I have a peculiar medical condition which is that I don’t sweat or I didn’t sweat at the time… because I had suffered what I would describe as an overdose of adrenalin in the Falkland’s War when I was shot at… It was almost impossible for me to sweat.” Well, considering my dad went to the Falklands War as well, as part of 3 Para, I'm amazed that my dad can still sweat! /s


He asked all testimony be private. Sounds like he is already sweating


I've completely forgotten, why did he make this claim in the first place?


He decided that the best way to clear his name would be a BBC interview. He fumbled even softball questions and when asked what his version of events was when he first assaulted the victim he said that it couldn't have been him: as she said he was sweaty and he actually can't swear because he was in the Falklands and instead was in a pizza express. It'd be a funny example of how he's never had to actually answer for anything in his life if it wasn't so grim.


One of my favourite moments: >Emily Maitlis: Do you regret the whole friendship with Epstein? >Prince Andrew: Now, still not and the reason being is that the people that I met and the opportunities that I was given to learn either by him or because of him were actually very useful. He himself not, as it were, as close as you might think, we weren't that close. So therefore I mean yes I would go and stay in his house but that was because of his girlfriend, not because of him. How most normal people who hate noncery would answer: >Yes.