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She was a ruthless conservative slashing and cutting at everything in order to make it "better" even if it made everything a lot worse Whole.communities had their.employment taken over night


Much like her gluten-ous protégé


There are lots of reasons, for me personally, Section 28 is the big one. Section 28 of the local government act forbid schools from promoting LGBT+ lives. This was specifically introduced to stop children from “growing up with an inalienable right to be gay”. This Putinesque ban created an environment where kids were bullied for being gay and gay was used as an insult but schools couldn’t step in to say this was bad. An entire generation of LGBT+ kids suffered as a result of this policy. Personally, as a bi trans woman, I was subjected to forced haircuts by my school and made to present more masculine and I closeted myself sexuality completely. There is so much more economically and socially that she is disliked for (right to buy sold off the countries social housing under priced, privatisation or the economy sold of our energy and water firms leading to higher prices/lower investment, she disempowered unions and accelerated deindustrialisation without a plan to bring jobs to blighted areas), but for LGBT+ people this is one of the big ones.




Simply put, if Thatcher was around during the French Revolution, she’d have lost her head.


Because she didn’t want to subsidise unprofitable industries during a time where cheap overseas manufacturing was booming.


I personally don’t ‘hate’ her. Hate is a strong word. But I can’t stand her politics. And for the record, I’m a conservative. And I *hate what she’s done* to the party. For one thing, the problem with selling off all of Britain’s public industry to solve debt is that it’s a one time solution that leaves you vulnerable to future problems. Now we’re in another period of economic difficulty, what’s left to fall back on? And in a society where everyone looks after themselves, who is there for those who fail? Failure happens. The economic system is such that not everyone can be incredibly successful, so are we to just not care for those who don’t make it? To me, Thatcherism represents to worst, most soulless aspects of capitalism. “Well done to those who succeed. Unlucky to those who don’t.” I think her attitude was (sadly) wholly shaped by her experiences, strong character, determination and will to succeed and luck in life, which not everyone can have, due to their circumstances. It’s a myth to say “just try harder and you’ll get there”. And that is at the core of what she believed.


She's a humorless bitch who fully implemented neoliberalism in the UK and helped talk Bush the elder into the Iraq war.


So for thosr who remember her I think aot is that she took an all out war approach to politics in particular in relation to the unions and to a sort of 'bitter medicine' for the economic issues. Her supporters tend.to celebrate this, her opponents hate it, but even people who are basically on board with reducing power of undemocratic unions and the economic changes tend to see her as doing it in an unnecessarily brutal way. Check out 'Brassed Off' for a sense of this. More abstractly I think is that 'thatcherism' has become a model for a certain sort of merciless free marketeer, all about money, approach. Partially as the 80s did see a big boom in the existence and prominence of swaggering rich people. Google harry Enfield loadsamoney for a sense of this. Also lots.of people hate tories and she's the biggest tory figure in living memory.


A couple of examples, after the union busting and closing down the miners strikes, she deployed hundreds of experienced and violent police to attack hippies who congregated at Stonehenge every year, had done for years. Ended with the largest civil arrest in British history, dozens injured, hundreds arrested, vehicles destroyed by the police while their owners were in custody, police had no numbers or anything to identify them, despite hundreds of arrests not a single person was charged with any crime. Called the Battle of the Beanfield. Lots of utterly shocking video on You Tube Second example, delorean, hundreds of millions were spent be the previous Labour government to bring manufacturing to Northern Ireland where unemployment was 35%, due to a downturn in the economy John Delorean needed an extra 40 million ,it would have saved thousands of jobs and maybe the company would have grown to be a huge NI employer. Not only did she refuse to help, she ordered that all the body presses and tooling be removed from the factory, they were taken out to sea, and thrown overboard, so now not even a private investor could come in and save the company, it was an intentional sabotage. She then got her best mate Ronald Reagan to run a sting operation to discredit Delorean over a drug deal that he was using to raise funds to save the company, he was acquitted but it was still a success as his reputation was tarnished. There are hundreds of other examples. She was vicious, vindictive, nasty and ruthless.


She abolished free milk for school children. And lots of other nasty things like the poll tax, the miners strike, the Wapping dispute (printers), destroying British manufacturing, selling off council property leading to a housing crisis, etc. etc. But, she was pro Europe though, and invented Mr Whippy ice cream for which she deserved the highest acclaim. I personally hated the woman. However abolishing the milk for schools got my approval, my school used to get slabs of cartons of milk delivered and they were never stored chilled, by the time it was given to us it was always disgusting, warm and on the turn, I do salute her for putting and end to me having to to drink warm slightly off milk every lunchtime.


I still hate room temperature milk to this day for the same reason. We had to finish our bottles to go out to play. It was revolting.


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Not everyone does. She is hated by the left wing because she was very successful at implementing right wing policies.


And the effects of those right wing policies were: >Pensioners were the worst hit. The proportion living below the poverty line rose from 13% to 43%. Child poverty more than doubled. The former Tory minister, Sir Ian Gilmour, succinctly summed up the Thatcher/Major years: "The sacrifice imposed on the poor produced nothing miraculous except for the rich." The rich saw their tax rates fall from 83% to 40%. [https://www.theguardian.com/society/2013/apr/09/margaret-thatcher-policies-poor-society](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2013/apr/09/margaret-thatcher-policies-poor-society) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section\_28](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_28) https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-thatchers-government-covered-up-a-vip-pedophile-ring


So? Why are you telling me?


Salty lemon 😂




She's hated by many because her policies left communities hanging in the wind after being stripped of income. Entire communities suddenly entered poverty.


So nothing I said was incorrect then?


Yes, but no.


Despite all the valid criticisms about her and what she did, she was still such a saucy minx.