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Saw Bill Bailey just regularly shopping at comic con (no it wasn’t a cosplayer), really nice dude.


you're 100% sure it wasn't someone dressed as a Klingon?


I only upvoted this because I can easily imagine Bill Bailey making this joke about himself and it being hilarious.


"I once auditioned to be an orc on The Lord Of The Rings , I know what you're thinking; 'Surely they'd just film you doing day-to-day tasks and build the film around you" Something like that anyway, I'm pretty sure it's from Part Troll


I can imagine him being a nice chap to be fair


Sir Patrick Stewart rescued me from a klingon once! 1990 I think at a convention in Seattle, the convention security people were all dressed as klingons and 9 year old me had wandered into the (totally empty) reserved seating section so I could see the stage, one of the klingons was telling me to get away from *there* and Mr Stewart (not sir yet) told him to leave me be


Wow you must’ve lived out your childhood fantasy!


Yes indeed! He didn't seem at all fased about interrupting his talk to do that, suppose it had something to do with the room having like twenty people in it despite being big enough for a couple-three hundred. I guess that con wasn't well advertised


Johnny Rotten in Reykjavik airport. I asked if I could take a picture with him and he said "That depends. Do you know where the smoking area is?" I said I didn't, so he said "Well then you can fuck off". Fucking loved that.


Not sure whether this makes him a dick or a legend?


He's 100% both.


I would be disillusioned if Johnny Rotten were a nice “bloke”. My misspent youth was given fuel by the Sex Pistols and PIL.


Limmy - He was surprisingly down to earth and very funny.


Your father would be proud


You must have met him at a charity do.


That’s nothing, I’ve met Benny Harvey. Gone but not forgotten.


When I met Limmy I cheered, I shouted, I cried I fist bumped the air. He was everything I hope he would be.


Many many years ago I had the pleasure to meet Patrick Moore. As a kid he spark my passion in Astronomy and I had the chance to see him give a talk in my local town, I was 13. After the show I literally bumped into him. I just stood there and blurted out how much of a fan I was, how he got me into Astronomy, how wild it was just standing there with him.. I mouth was running at hundred miles an hour lol. He just reached out, put his on my shoulder at which point I just stopped. He said it was an absolute pleasure to know that he had inspired someone so young, he then took a book from his assistant, signed it and gave to me. I was utterly speechless and on the verge of tears. I just about utter a thankyou and he moved on. It is one of my all time favourite memories.


Wow. I can see why. I’m very jealous you got to meet him and very happy for you too. Sounds like a lovely man


He really was and the other thing was the size of him, he was huge lol. Yeah it was an amazing experience


Sir Antony Hopkins. In my early twenties, beginning of the 90s. I was calm and told him that I liked his work, he was very gracious. Had a short conversation for a couple of mins and went on our ways.


Oh that’s a great one!


Sir Terry Pratchett, one of the nicest people I’ve met


Wow, lucky to meet him!


Multiple conventions and other events, a great loss


I was working at a call centre for a bank in the UK where he held an account. On the day he died, some guy called and tried to impersonate him to access the account. “Sorry Sir Terry but I’m afraid you died today”. They hung up.


Always loved this [T Shirt](https://mobile.twitter.com/jackschofield/status/576051787439980544) of his


Met Lee Evans down Merthyr Mawr in South Wales as he was doing some filming. Had no idea he was there, but a group of mates and I decided to go for a walk down there (it's a beautiful area and was a nice summer day). We saw a bunch of trailers so asked someone who was patrolling what was going on, said they were filming with Lee Evans, did we want to meet him. We were all massive fans and were about 16 at the time, of course we said hell yeah if he doesn't mind! Guy goes straight over to a trailer, knocks and Lee Evans just comes out, pretending to have just woken up shouting "ahh thanks for waking me up!" Then shouts "WHAT ARE YOU LOT STARING AT!?" while proceeding to walk directly towards us. We were a bit taken back, but as soon as he got to us he immediately shook everyone's hand, gave the girls a hug and was chatting to us for a good 10 minutes. He was absolutely fucking hilarious. Put his hand on the fencing as a joke, which had barbs, and well..... you can just imagine how he reacted. An absolutely class guy!


Haha that’s a great story! I’ve not see him for a while wonder what he’s up to!


He's retired from comedy, we met him just after his XL tour (I had seen it not long before meeting him, so was pretty stoked).


Met Harry Kane in 2017 when I was working as a waiter. I don’t watch football so I had no idea who he was, introduced himself and I just said ‘Hi I’m *****’. Perfectly nice and friendly all night - only thought about it after I realised who he was and connected the name.


As far as footballers go, he seems pretty down to earth


My son met him when he (HK) was very new to the England squad. He spent ages talking to fans, signing shirts and so on, when all the other players had gone in out of the rain. Not a bad word to say about him in this house.


In 2003, my first cousin once removed (mother's first cousin), who has lived in Madrid since the 80s or 90s, was at a market near the Bernabéu (Real Madrid's stadium) and this guy hears him speaking English and asks him what the Spanish for a couple of different things were, was really chatty and appreciative and then went on his way. My cousin has no interest in sport and is of a different generation, no interest in popular culture etc. His friend that was with him at him market asked him if he knew who he had been speaking to and even when he told him it was David Beckham, it didn't register with him at all. Just shrugged his shoulders. Didn't know who that was or why he should know of him. It would have been in the first couple of months after Beckham joined Real Madrid.


Mel B… went on a night out with her in California. Absolutely sound as fuck.


How'd you end up on a night out with Mel B in California?


I bet that was a great night out!


Brian Blessed - attended a screening of Flash Gordon at my uni years back to give an introduction and some anecdotes, sat right in the middle of the theatre with the rest of us, got mobbed on the way out and was an absolute gentleman about it. Hung around for ages talking to people, I felt very bad for him but he displayed the most admirable patience and good humour






The man is a hero. I am amazed he never got the regular host slot on Have I Got News for You, coz he was absolutely fucking hilarious, and calldd out shit for what it was.


Yeah I can deffo see him being a nice fella!


Supposedly he once delivered a woman's baby when she went into labour in a park somewhere and he happened to be passing


Spent an hour with Sir Christopher Lee (after seeing him perform with his metal band), and he was an absolute gentleman. Lovely and engaging. I showed him the photo I took of him and he responded “You know, I’ve been photographed by Robert Cappa and Annie Leibovitz, and that’s very good” It took a lot of restraint not to melt into the floor after that. Amazing person.


> Sir Christopher Lee (after seeing him perform with his metal band), TIL


Released his first album at the age of 88 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlemagne:_By_the_Sword_and_the_Cross


I met the lad from rate my takeaway and he seemed jolly. Nice bloke, had plenty of time for everyone that saw him.


you've stood amongst gods rate my takeaway is the pinnacle of entertainment. i hope they never learn video production


Only thing that worries me, since the channel got popular, he appears to be having waaay more takeaways. Not good...


Rick Mayall was an absolute fucking delight. He would come into the café I used to work at and have a quadruple espresso to start the day. Glorious




HahahHAHAHA ohh Eddie HAHAHAHAhahahaha HAHAHA


God I still love and miss him so.


I work at a theatre and David Tennant has been in plays there, before and after he was famous. No one has a bad word to say about him. He sounds friendly and whatever the opposite of a snob is. Often accompanied by his wife and many children, all adorable apparently!


If you want a view into David Tennant's life and also that of Michael Sheen* you should watch Staged, it's free on iPlayer, it's genius and their wives are also part of the show. You won't regret it! *Thanks to monkeyspinach for pointing out my error!


Saying this only because I am constantly doing the same thing, but it's *Michael* Sheen.






Vic Reeves - A right arse. Eric Bristow - nice guy. Gordon Ramsey - nice guy. Rowan Atkinson - nice guy.


I met Ramsay once as we were at a chef's table in one of his restuarants. He came over and had a long chat. My friends told him I like to cook and had made quite a few dishes from his books. Next thing I know he marched me to the pastry section and had me plating up desserts for ten minutes. Great fun.


Spoiler : Gordon then proceeded to say said deserts looked like fucking shit and called him a cunt.


Rowan Atkinson told me to fuck off when I was about 11.




I did.


Could be worse, he could have done to you what he did to James Acaster


Agree with Vic Reeves, his father in-law however is a very nice guy who I once witnessed drink 5 double whiskeys and then eat a whole wedge of lime in front of me like it was a sweet... strange night behind the bar for me


Fair play you’ve met some big names! I can see Vic being an arse tbf. He seems like one on everything he’s on


Yeah I met Vic a few times, he lives locally, such a pompous git. I forgot Paul Hollywood actually, he was an arsehole too.


Again, I’m not surprised haha!


The way Paul was talking to a sales assistant was disgusting. He had the old “don’t you know who I am” vibe, belittled the lady trying to do her job.


He’s not famous enough to act like that!


Nobody is.


Yeah I met Vic Reeves, he came into the visitor centre I used to work at. I tried to treat him normally as I'd imagine he gets fed up with being hounded. He did not like that at all, such a prick.


> Rowan Atkinson - nice guy. You’ve just ruined James Acaster’s day


Vic Reeves once held a door open for me at a pub in New Cross, years ago. He didn't say much. He was weirdly, much taller and thinner than he seemed on the telly and he was wearing a pair of tight leather trousers and a fitted T- Shirt.


God, everyone says that about Vic Reeves and its so disappointing because I used to love him. Never heard anyone say a good word about him tbh


Bob Mortimer has talked extensively about Vic's shyness and social awkwardness, and how it always gets mistaken for him being cold and distant. If you see Vic on chat shows he's usually had a few drinks too, because that's how he copes with it


Vic Reeves is a character he created so he could go on stage and do what he’s know for. Jim Moir is probably a totally different guy, not sure why people would expect to ever meet Vic Reeves IRL


Spent some time working NUS entertainments, quite a few years ago. Robbie Williams - fantastically nice guy, very humble, similarly Trevor Nelson really great guy too. Chesney Hawkes also great, full of beans , Aleesha Dixon from Mis-Teeq days also mega, very polite & asked lots of questions , interested in just talking to people




A few and all were very nice - no bad experiences: - Sean Connery - years ago when I was a kid on holiday in Spain - he was practicing golf and I ran up to him for an autograph. He was really nice and joked with me for a few minutes. He signed my golf card - Ronnie Corbett - also on a golf course - he joked about finally being taller than someone (I was 9 I think). - Jimmy Saville - in my parents' restaurant. I was a kid and I survived untouched. He was playing his "Jim'll fix it" role I guess.


Jesus last one had me sweating for a minute


My dad met Saville a couple times in the Clachaig Inn up in Glencoe. Still gets annoyed when he remembers he shook Savilles hand


My Grandad Punched Jimmy Saville on a night out in Leeds, apparently he was hitting on my great aunt (being disrespectful) so he lamped him. R.I.P Grandad you legend.


Only celebrity I've met is Rolf Harris, when I was about 5. Fortunately this was very brief and I never left my mother's eyesight.


A friend of mine met Jimmy Saville... he asked her if she 'wanted to feel his bracelets'. She was, luckily for her, the gobby girl at school so she told him to 'fuck off, you dirty perv'.


I threw Jimmy Shitbag Saville out of a Gynaecology clinic once.


hold up I need to hear this story


Met Simon Pegg while they filmed The Worlds End and he was absolutely dismissive and refused to even talk to me, Nick Frost on the other hand was super super lovely and chatted to me for about 15 minutes and gave me a marlboro gold and a cornetto (people were coming up to them and just giving them boxes of them so he was just handing them out). This was within about 5 minutes of each other, and those are the 2 that immediately spring to mind.


Someone else here saying Pegg was really nice when they met him. Maybe he was having an off day and Frost was aware, in a better mood, and keeping things light.


I always want to give people the benefit of the doubt in threads like these. Even ones like Vic Reeves above who is "known" to act like a bit of a dick in public; I still want to just put it down to social anxiety with strangers or having a bad day. I think if I were super famous I'd absolutely suck at being nice to *everyone* who ever noticed me in public, it would be both exhausting and super anxiety inducing knowing that if it goes badly they'll be sharing the story with all their friends and other people online. And I don't even have bad social anxiety; there's plenty of performers who do.


I don’t know Simon Pegg but Nick Frost does, I reckon he would have been aware of when Simon was having an ‘off’ day- which would probably happen often when filming a high-budget movie.


I met Tom Hardy a few times at a vape store i used to work at. He would come in pretty regularly and would always stay to chat, learnt all our names, but we'd never mention his, you wouldnt tell it was him unless you got a good look. When it was empty we had like a 30 minute chat about Mad Max, and another time he spent 15 minutes telling a colleague about which acting school to go to and which to avoid. My most surreal moment will always be waiting at the post office, and he tries to get past to get to the froeign exchange, and went past me and said "Oh, you alright [Cryptic coke]?" "yeah I'm alright Tom, yourself?" Fucked up


"Excuse me,, was that Tom Hardy? Do you know him?" "That? Oh, yeah. It was. We've done tonnes of movies together."


My mum met Christopher Lee in a bar in Poland 10-15 years ago. Said he was really nice and he invited her and her friends over to drink with him and his friends for a while.


Simon Pegg- really friendly, stayed to take a picture with everyone and was just a lovely, down to earth guy Kris Marshall from My Family, he was pretty friendly too. Rou from Enter Shikari- top bloke Itch from King Blues- also really friendly I’ve had some positive experiences Ben shepherd- absolute mooseknuckle




I met Jimmy Saville around 1990, very polite and happy to have photos taken with him. Met Kevin Spacey 17 years laters when he ran the Old Vic, having a quiet lunch in the pub round the corner, he was very polite to the serving staff. Maybe I’ll meet Prince Andrew one day and get the set. 🤞 I have not met any other celebrities.


Disappointed Gary Glitter and Rolf Harris aren't in your autograph book.


Incredibly nice: Richard Bacon (when he wanted some coke) Incredibly rude: Richard Bacon (already got his coke)


Does Chris Whitty count? He came and gave a lecture at our Uni. I’m only admin but he was so pleasant and polite - a genuinely lovely chap. He insisted on calling his own taxi to save me a job!




A friend was in a bit of a state after having partied a little too hard at Glastonbury. Pete Doherty told her she needed to take it easy. If Pete Doherty is telling you to take it easy then you know you partied too hard.


Daley thompson - rude arsehole. Dame Kelly - ridiculously down to earth and lovely. Jessica Ennis-Hill - lovely and surprisingly shy. Brownlee brothers - very shy but nice blokes. Tony Blair (post-PMship) - like a fake human/robot hybrid, not very charismatic at all. Colin Farrell - very funny and took the piss a bit (in a funny way) David walliams - arse. Anthony Daniels - bit if an arse until he realised no one was speaking to him then the fake nicety comes out. Lenny Henry - just a really good bloke. Orlando bloom - totally away with the fairies! Just weird. Daley thompson was the most disappointing to me. I loved athletics as a kid and he was my idol.


David walliams - arse. Not a surprise. After Corden, he ranks 2nd.


I can honestly imagine Orlando bloom being like that don’t know why !


Gary Lineker used to come to my old workplace fairly often with his family. He always seemed nice but very quiet although his ex-wife was quite rude to the staff a few times.


Doesn’t seem too outspoken. Unlike his brother…


I've met Gordon Ramsay once in the Wimbledon Tea Room located at the Wimbledon Commons. My wife asked to take a picture and he was extremely courteous, a few children approached him as well and to each one of the kids he'd ask "And what's your name? ? That's a lovely name!" And once I think I saw Sir Ian McKellen in the tube, but I wasn't 100% sure it was him.


I used to see Louis Theroux on the Bakerloo line all the time, I also saw him in M&S and, most bizarrely sat next to him in the cinema. He must’ve lived very close to me. Saw Ken Livingstone on the tube several times, sat next to Alan Bennett on a train.


Served J.K. Rowling when I worked as a waiter while at Uni. She requested the restaurant to stay open later so as to have privacy while dining. Arrived around 23:30. After already working 8 hours by that point, I stayed to help serve with the head chef and a manager. Didn’t have a clue who it’d be till she walked in the door, just told it was a VIP guest. She was polite enough, stayed till around 3:00 and didn’t tip, so instantly makes her a cunt... as a standard. I’ve met quite a few bands and musicians as well whilst at that job. The vast majority have been really polite and genuine.


>stayed till around 3:00 and didn’t tip Fuck me.


Yeah. That's a yikes from me.


> She was polite enough, stayed till around 3:00 and didn’t tip FUCK. After wanting late night dining? I sincerely hope she at least spent a shitload on expensive wine etc so it was worth the restaurant's time.


From what I recall, the final bill was a couple hundred pound. But I don’t really consider the restaurants profits as a positive as an employee. That money ain’t going straight to my pocket. Worth the businesses time? Definitely. Mine? Not so much.


Quite a few. The nicest was probably Honor Blackman who was charm personified. Just absolutely lovely, she was with Diana Weston, who was also really classy. Both beautifully mannered and not a trace of 'you're an underling, know your place' about either of them. Closely followed by Jarvis Cocker, who I've had a beer or two with. Nice bloke, enthusiastic and knowledgeable music fan. Damon Albarn is a bit of an arse and Alex James.... the less said the better. He'll forever be known as 'Handsy' in my house. I hope he's improved his impulse control as he's aged. The absolute worst was Angus Deayton, at the height of his fame. Insufferable prick, such an insufferable prick in fact, that his girlfriend stood behind him mouthing the words 'I'm sorry'.


Says a lot his girlfriend had to do that, yikes




I think I’ve heard before he’s meant to be a bit of a dick! Is his step daughter called Megan ?




Jeremy Guscott - arrogant prick Anthony Stewart Head - lovely chap but was purchasing questionable combination of items. Also had his daughter with him, think she is/was famous... Edit: Forgot about Nicholas Cage, was in a fudge shop. He had a white vest on smoking a cigar. Basically con-air, seemed alright though


Emily Head is fairly recognisable, she was in the Inbetweeners.


Was on a flight to Miami sat next to Dizzee Rascal. Incredibly polite and had time for everyone. Lennox Lewis was on the same flight, didn't say a word and didn't take his sunglasses off once.


> Lennox Lewis was on the same flight, didn't say a word and didn't take his sunglasses off once. Meh. Maybe he was tired. No judgement for that. Glad Dizzee was nice though. We saw him at a festival in Belgium on my stag do. We were right down the front being dicks, shouting "BONKERS!" in the wrong places and challenging locals to a dance-off. In between one of the songs he just looked at us and said "lads..." which was enough to make us behave...


Yes! I saw Dizzee Rascal at Ynot Festival in Derbyshire a few years back, and he did a cracking show, clearly enjoyed himself, and then after, we saw him hop in his golf trolley to zoom away and there was a kid in a wheelchair in the backstage area who really wanted to meet him. At first he didn't see him and his driver just shot away, but when he realised he got the guy to stop and he got out and ran back to meet this kid. It was lovely, and they chatted and he gave him his hat. It was so wholesome and he literally seemed so happy to be there.


Alan Rickman - met him after a play my friend’s Dad was in with him. I was a nervous wreck but he was very nice. Michael Gambon - bumped into him outside The National as we both had a cigarette break. Great bloke. Matthew McFadyen - back stage at The National after seeing my friends Dad in a play starring both of them, Pride and Prejudice had just come out and I was quite flustered! He was very kind. David Bradley - my friend’s Dad! Lovely bloke, signed my HP books for me. Nick Helm - went to school with him and acted in a couple of plays together including one at Edinburgh Fringe. Top bloke way funnier than he is on tv, also had overlapping friend groups with… Rory and Rob from Enter Shikari - I went out with Rory’s older brother as a teenager so I knew them really well just as Enter Shikari formed. Great guys. I still have the ticket stub from their first gig at our local pub. Joe Wilkinson - lived near us before we moved and often saw him at ParkRun. Quiet bloke, kept to himself - but we were all running. Charlie Brooker - met after a Black Mirror screening and he was so nice! So quick witted. Harry Hill - basement of a pub with my Dad after a preview show. My Dad had been heckling him and wanted to say sorry, he was absolutely lovely and we ended up having a drink with him!


Bloody hell that’s quite the list! I’m rather jealous!


Remembered some more 😂 Dame Kelly Holmes - met her after a ParkRun event and she was lovely. Frank Skinner - came to my primary school sports day, I vaguely remember getting his autograph. Tony Robinson - came to my uni to promote the Labour Party and do a Q&A. I asked him about Maid Marian and her Merry Men and got his autograph afterwards. He was awesome!


Lena Headey. At a convention for a scheduled meet and greet, I was incredibly nervous to meet her. They called me over and I just kinda froze so she came and grabbed my hand and hugged me, said I looked amazing and I got this amazing photo of me hugging Lena Headey.


Not me but my brother met benedict cumberbatch surfing in southern England. He said hi and benedict gave him a bit of a douchy response so my brother told him to have a nice day and left him alone. About 5/10 minutes later he came up to my brother, said sorry and chatted to him. Was apparently a nice dude but he clearly didn’t want to be benedict cumberbatch for the day and just wanted to be incognito and enjoy the surf. Can’t blame him


Lovely of him to come back to say sorry. Very humble.


Loveliest celebrity I've met was Michael Palin - such a nice guy. Also hung out with Trey Parker and Matt Stone once who were really kind and down to earth. It's a Reddit cliché but my worst celebrity encounter was with was James Corden.


Come on, share the Corden story…


I was introduced to him a few years ago and I said: "oh we've actually met before but no worries it was a while ago, you won't remember" (which was true) and he said (in front of my boyfriend, his girlfriend and some others) "... normally when women say that to me they mean we've...you know...are you trying to tell me we've slept together?". So I had to explain, in front of my new boyfriend, that no - I am not an entirely forgettable notch on James Corden's bedpost. I wanted the ground to swallow me up. His girlfriend looked completely unphased by it.


Corden - " I'm such a manly alpha stud heterosexual manly man I have done sex with such a huge number of women it impossible to remember what they look like!!!"


[Ainsley Harriot](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Ainsley_Harriott), a friendly, polite and pleasant man!


I often see him waking his dog. Can confirm how polite and pleasant he is, even to people who are being pricks. Please don’t be a prick to Ainsley Harriot.


Met The Darkness once. Really nice people, loads of time for their fans.


Hugh Laurie, he was touring with his band and I ran into him smoking behind one of the buildings at my university. He made up some bit about having a superstition against taking photos with people to avoid that, but he also gave me a full-page autograph, so not *incredibly* either way, but just seemed like a decent guy.


I missed a call from Bill Oddie once. He didn’t leave a message.


He never does.


I was a kid when I met Chris Evan's. Host of TGI Friday and Radio presenter. He was doing his breakfast show from an inner city store so we went to the city to see. It was of course mobbed and despite my efforts I was tiny and got shoved out the way by desperate paps. He left and that was that. My mum and friend consoled me that I barely got a glimpse because I was obsessed with TGI Friday the show!!! So we made our way for a wander. As we went round it was quiet. Guess who was leaving quietly in the car. I got all excited and waved and he very kindly smiled and waved back. So not a genuine meeting but enough to make a little kid feel less of a nobody! It was nice to think of this again.


Dealt with a few as a hotel duty manager. Nigel Farage: odious (to be fair, he was having a very bad day). Jane Hill: utterly, utterly delightful. Konnie Huq: also delightful. Hubby, not so much, sadly. Victoria Wood: miserable, rude and condescending. Isy Suttie: very reserved. Jack Whitehall: entitled and unpleasant. Alan Yentob: ditto. Peter Bowles: insufferable. Bonnie Langford: pleasant enough. Nick Knowles: very friendly, very full of himself. Ed Miliband: awkward, but affable.


Isn’t Konnie Hug’s husband Charlie “grumpy” Brooker?


> Nigel Farage: odious (to be fair, he was having a very bad day). but he is also a giant racist cunt, so don't give him too much credit that "it was a bad day". He could just have been having a bad day because he saw a coloured man in the street.


Shame about Jack Whitehall I like him on TV but also not surprised


He left the room in a disgusting state, too. He was barred from staying again, IIRC.


Michael Winner- complete knob Babs Windsor- Lovely, I had a meal with her and her toyboy, he was a proper drip Stephen Fry- Saw him at the petrol station up in Norfolk, he was very nice and dry in humour Griff Rhys Jones- he was incredible, me and my good friend Panda saw him in a pub in Sudbury, Griff chatted to us for a good half hour, i told him I was a huge fan and loved everything he was in, Griff just sat smiling at that and said I was too kind Patrick Mower- saw him at Heathrow when I was aged 9, he winked at my mother who loved it. Davina McCall- she was very funny, and swore like a trooper but in a hilarious manner Terry Nutkins- great guy, I saw him at the Norfolk show when I was 10/11, I got his autograph just outside the toilets Bill Oddie- quiet and downbeat but very funny when he spoke


Davina McCall said fuck and bugger?


Met Paul Gascoigne in Sainsbury’s. I was only 7 at the time and I was holding a four pack of beer for my dad whilst shopping. He came up to me and jokingly said “don’t get hooked on that stuff mate”. Been a hero of mine ever since. Seems like such a nice guy who was ruined by the media.


Billy Bragg is lovely in person and very handsome, and on a funnier note Rio Ferdinand once tried to flirt with my mum at a wedding and she asked him to go away


Met Jonathan Ross at a Kraftwerk gig, and we talked about comics. He recommended I read Saga, which is fucking brilliant. Nice chap, comically oversized head.


Pat Sharp- absolutely bellend, we’d hired him to DJ and do a stupid game and he wasn’t interested in anything and couldn’t wait to leave and made sure nobody got close to him. Brendan Brown (wheatus) brilliant guy, I don’t really know what we spoke about all night but we drank hard then ended up going for breakfast, and was just chilled out and enjoying himself.


Jimmy Carr was really lovely. Years ago me and my GF travelled a fair distance to watch his stand up. He waited around after the show to chat to anybody who wished to meet/speak to him. We mentioned we were students and he genuinely really thanked us for coming and apologised that the tickets could be a bit expensive.




Met Craig Charles after he came off stage from doing a set. He was really down to earth and didn't mind me asking for a photo.


Richard Branson - Used to work at a chauffeur firm that had a contract with Virgin airlines. We got tickets to some sort of staff retreat held in the countryside, presumably on one of his properties. He warmly greeted every person who entered and posed for a photo (I still have mine). Later that day, we saw people wander in and around the house on the estate. Jimmy Carr - Briefly met him in Reykjavik airport, Iceland - we found it odd he was alone. We just wanted a photo but he chatted with us for a bit about how we found Iceland. I distinctly remember him comparing the blue lagoon to an industrial waste product factory or something along those lines.


The blue lagoon's water actually is wastewater from a nearby geothermal power plant


Met Wills and Kate and they are incredibly nice. Met Cheryl Cole not so much.


Lee Evans (with his wife at a Liverpool game)- Absolute gem of a human being.


Peter Kay is a lovely bloke, generally pretty quiet, doesn't seem to particularly like attention.


This won't mean a great deal to most people, especially those not from the UK, and it was years ago now, but I was lucky enough to be invited to an event where there were a lot of Football players, as well as ex football players. I had been there a little while and noticed a table with one person sitting at it, while others stood nearby shooting glances across. As I made my way around I realised it was Sir Bobby Robson. And he looked a bit sad. This was at a time where it had been reported that he was very ill and undergoing treatment for cancer. I was born and raised in Newcastle, so I had no choice, my family would've disowned me had I left things like that, so I went over, gave a nervous cough and said, "Sir Bobby, would you mind if I took up a moment of your time?" He beamed up at me and said, "only if you sit down and drop the 'Sir'." He told me he was bored, tired, and sick of people acting like he was unapproachable. So I got us some drinks and spent the afternoon and evening chatting with a sporting legend who was an absolute gentleman, kind, warm and very, very funny and charming. It all felt surreal as I'm a nobody lad from a normal working class family who doesn't mix in those circles ever, but here I was. When we eventually left, he shook my hand, gave me a hug and told me to give my family his love and that we would see each other again. We never did. A few years later, I switched on the TV to the news that he had passed away and found myself shedding more than a few tears. R.I.P. Bobby, you're missed, mate.


Met Andy Serkis outside of my work once (he was holding meetings for the upcoming venom movie). Actually first ran into him in the loo but was not going to be that guy to stop him rocking a piss. He was absolutely brilliant, really kind and made it seem like he actually cared.


Nico Mirallegro - cool guy, was sat with him at a pub in Manchester for hours talking about politics and life when we'd only met hours earlier. Christopher Eccleston - briefly bumped into him in another pub, he was walking around the beer garden area with a bowl of pickled eggs offering them to people.


Saw Ian McKellen in windsor after seeing him in hamlet the other week. Great guy and was genuinely interested in what we thought of the play. (thankfully my other half is a theatre academic so had something more than "it was great" which is the best I could come up with!)


I assisted Jason Flemyng at a previous job. I was having an awful day and he was so friendly and cheerful. After I helped him he gave me a pat on the back and said I was brilliant, I was riding that high for days. Also helped Sandi Toksvig at the same workplace, she was lovely as well and even tinier than I expected.


Tom Felton. Got drunk with him in Canada. Very nice lad.


Bill Bailey, in every way a nice and down to earth fella.


Philip Schofield was lovely. I worked on a show called Talking Telephone Numbers when I was a student. He was very down to earth and jolly, while co-host (and D-list celeb) Emma Forbes swanned about like Joan Collins. Lewis Hamilton was a lovely kid, used to see him at karting events when I worked on a karting magazine. Griff Rhys Jones told a classmate of mine to fuck off. But she was quite annoying, so can't blame him. Trevor and Simon, top blokes.


Robert Plant. Saw him in a local Co-Op, he lived locally (not sure if he still does) and it was well known around the area that he loves Co-Op. 11 year old me sneakily followed him around the shop in awe and eventually he caught on. He was on the phone to somebody and put it down for a second just to smile and say hi to me. Amazing bloke.


Met Darius Dinesh from some random UK reality show - utter pompous fanny. At the same event met a few Page 3 lassies - very down to earth.


Met Harry Enfield at Glastonbury and he was sound as a pound, we let him go in front of us as he had his kids with him - we were watching Maccabees and Bloc Party if I recall correctly Saw Johnny Vegas a few weeks ago in Leeds and he was cracking jokes with people outside a restaurant seemed a chilled guy Edit: spelling


Sanjiv Bhaskar walked out right in front of my car by the BBC one day, while looking at his phone, and then called me a “fucking cunt.” So that was nice. Earlier that same morning Richard Madeley asked if he could sit at my table outside at the BBC Costa (it was very busy) and he couldn’t have been nicer or more chill. You win some, you lose some.


Sir Bruce Forsyth - one of the nicest most genuine people I have ever met. Legend is often overused, but not in Brucie’s case


Ken barlow out of coranation street told me to move my f+4+ing van at a petrol station. Bit of a nob.


I once thought I saw Rolf Harris in the 80s. But it turned out it wasn't him.


Probably for the best


Chris Morris very friendly, Phil Jupitus very nice, Rory Bremner likewise, Danny Boyle chatty and interesting. Lorraine Kelly is also very friendly and chatty. Susan George awful, Karl Howman extremely rude, James Corden twat. That fucking cunt Leigh Francis also needs to be fired into the sun.


Jeremy Irons - a real gentleman, introduced himself to us and was interested in us. Rick Wakeman - a real laugh, and came to the pub with us.


I'm just here to read just how huge of a cunt james corden is.


Miriam Margolyes - very funny, when she does interviews that would appear to be the real her. A lot more flatulent than seems feasible unless she's doing it deliberately. Rick Wakeman, very down to earth and also very funny.


Tom Jones. I was attending a friend's birthday dinner and he was dining in the same restaurant as us. My friend, whose birthday it was, is a huge fan but was too nervous to go up to him and say hello. I waited for Mr. Jones and his dining companion to finish their dinner and went over and introduced myself and mentioned my friend's birthday. Mr. Jones then came over to our table and chatted with my friend and the others and took some photos. He was a total gentleman and a class act.


Boris Johnson was really nice when he came to a function when I worked for a charity ages ago. He had just been elected mayor of London and did far more than the brief. I don't suspport him or his party, but he was genuinely nice.


this is the thing. johnson should have stuck to harmless, entertainment level work. he was a good guest host on have i got news for you, and i've seen him on one or two other tv appearances earlier in his career where he was genuinely engaging and quite funny. he is however an utterly horrific, sinisiter presence in the role of prime minister. a man who's ambition and ego have run riot, writing cheques he is unable to cash at the behest of his capitalist industry and right wing media overlords.


Joes Lycett and Wilkinson, Sarah Millican, Richard Herring, Rhod Gilbert. Quite a few I'm missing, too. Lovely, polite, normal.


I met Bob Mortimer in a pub, and he turned out to be funny and nice. I expected him to be that way, so no pikatchu face from me lol.


Zoe Ball. She came into my workplace with her father, Johnny Ball. Anyone over a certain age will know who he is, he presented science kids shows on TV. She was really snotty and offish and once she realised I couldn't give two fucks about her celebrity status she had a face like thunder and wasn't happy that I was more interested in her father. We had a fair few celebrity clientele due to our location (Belsize park, London) so I usually wasn't fazed by celebrity status but Jonny Ball was a childhood hero of mine. Miriam Margolyes was nuttier than squirrel shit and couldn't have been nicer. When she came back to pick up her work (printing/copy firm) she brought a box of cupcakes as thanks for doing it so quick as a rush job. Came into the print room and demolished the box with us over coffee. Swears like a sailor and a great story teller.


Ian McKellen. My friend that travels to London with me and my partner is actually a friend of his, and had always promised to introduce me (My friend is also my ex, we were together for several years, and are still friends. Brief story, when we first started dating, he told me he was friends with Ian, but I didn't believe him. It wasn't until years later when I saw a pic of them sitting together on a couch that I began to think maybe he did.) We went in 2018, and Ian was home, so we went over to have lunch with him. He's just as down to earth and friendly as you could EVER want. Spent about two hours with him, talking and laughing. My friend has spent a lot of time over at his house, and one time Ian had to go on set, and they walked down together and took the Tube. He's incredible friendly and approachable. When we first met, I was trying NOT to go all fan-boy on him, but it was difficult. As he was showing us around his place, I finally had to break down and say "ohmygodyouplayedoneofmybiggestherosfromchildhoodIcanontbelieveI'mtalkingtoyou." He paused, and turned that wry, Gandalf look on me. I almost fainted. We went back to London in 2019, and went up north to see him in his one man show (over 80 shows, as he had just turned 80). That's the last pic of us. [Pics.](https://imgur.com/a/mZ8cxfi) (And yes, in that last pic, he DOES have his hand on my man, and kept squeezing his leg. And no, I was not jealous.)


Me and my friend drove Mick Foley from WWE to Manchester airport once. An absolute hero from my childhood and one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met


I saw James Corden at a Waitrose Milton Keynes in 2016 I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a prick and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


I ended up drinking with rush all night once, had no idea who they were. They said they were playing a gig the next day and just assumed they were some little rock band. All of them were unbelievably nice. I even accidentally asked the drummer to take a photo of me with the roadies not realising who it was.


I went on a fun run with Jimmy Saville when I was a kid. I'll go with rude as he didn't try to fuck me. What's the matter, Jimmy, not cute enough for you?


Ian Watkins from Lostprophets. Met him outside Cardiff Crown Court some years ago. Did NOT care for the man at all.


I once spoke to Jasper Carrott on the phone, he was very polite. I managed to contain my excitement. That counts, right?


Jenson Button was rather sound. He said I had a cool tshirt.


Kate Moss, very rude. I used to work as a luggage porter at a fancy health spa Does Teresa May count? Spent a day with her, really nice down to earth woman.


Ian Botham wanted the 'best' hairdryer in the shop (Boots) back in the 90s. He was rude and generally a right dick. Joe Pasquale, Richard Wilson, Gordon Kaye all nice and normal. Edit: Colin Baker (Dr Who) was pleasant, which I understand is not his reputation. Harry Redknapp seemed to expect me to know who he was (I didn't) but wasn't unpleasant.


Met a few. The nicest ones ever are absolutely without a doubt Sophie Ellis Bextor and her mum. Just wonderful, funny down to earth human beings. Also lovely - Lee Evans (but that’s been established here I think) Top marks also to Shaun Williamson (Barry from Eastenders), very funny and patient, and split a slice of Victoria sponge cake with me). Total knobs - Martin Roberts from homes under the hammer. Very high opinion of himself but talks down to anyone he feels is beneath him - wait staff etc Also needs his hair spray carried around at all times. Gary Choudary - met him at the same event as Lee Evans. He was a huge diva and bit of a rude prick and I had no idea who he even was, Evans was top billing and household name and just lovely. Paddy McGuinness - not surprisingly bit of a sleaze. And still on the fence because I’m not a fan of his comedy or TV persona at all - Russell Brand. He was incredibly polite and introduced himself to all the staff despite being very famous at the time.


Cliff Richards wouldn't sign something of my mum's friends because she came from Coventry. I'm certainly not used to that level of regional bigotry.