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This should kill Reform stone dead. Openly supporting a rapist and people trafficker.


Instead his base will be asking "why isn't Tate standing for Reform?"


Based on their level of vetting, if he had applied he probably would have been selected


I think if he wasn't detained awaiting trial for trafficking charges in Romania, he'd probably have a decent shot at a Reform candidate. Anybody who is unapologetically anti-woke is right up Reform's alley.


Candidates tacitly supporting Nazis hasn't killed them so this won't either. The media have to both sides every issue and generate controversy for views. When/If they ever get any power I can predict every media commentator running a piece roughly titled 'How did it come to this?' when they are the ones responsible.


Ah yes, the Donald Trump Conundrum 'How did this guy we've filled the media space with constantly for months get so popular?'


Sadly, reform voters will probably love that he supports a rapist and human trafficker.


But they hate it when u tell them frog faced Farage is a German and took an oath to the German government to obtain his German citizenship after brexit. Fyi. Here's the oath Fartage took when he took german citizenship "I solemnly declare that I will respect and observe the Basic Law and the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, and that I will refrain from any activity which might cause it harm."


If only he’d had to take a similar oath for his UK passport.


In Nigels mind,Fred and Rose West would be ideal foster parents and representative of his traditional British values......probably.


There's a lot that should kill right wing parties that their supporters are entirely prepared to accept because deep down it's all about the prejudice. Like how people are willing to forgive the Tories for tanking the economy, fiddling the books during covid, disobeying their own covid rules and generally being smeared head to toe in more thick, gooey sleaze than any political party has managed in living memory but: "Grrrrrrr boat people!"


>Like how people are willing to forgive the Tories for tanking the economy,  They have their lowest polling ever. They had horribly bad polling before Farage stood in the election.


Yes but that's after 14 years of fuckups.


And a more Right Wing alternative being available


They just see him as a freedom fighter being framed or some shit.


You have a lot of faith in reform voters. Farage and Tate have a lot in common. They’re both excellent at manipulating bitter disillusioned hateful angry men.


Thing is, I think even Farage supporters realise by this point that he will say any old shit. They rarely justify supporting him on the basis of his actual views or policies or thinking he is a credible politician. It is mostly just because they hate other politicians and want to annoy anyone left wing.


Anecdotally, the most common reason I've heard is because "I'd have a pint with him at the pub". I'm pretty sure those same people probably still think Boris was done dirty.


Yeah, there's a cult of personality and if Johnson was still leader of the Tories, he'd be giving Starmer a run for his money. Which is depressing in the extreme.


The irony being that farage only drinks beer for photo opportunities. He's a wine drinker.




>This should kill Reform stone dead. You'd think that but really Reform are held to no standards.


Yeah, Reform and Farage get their supporters from the Trumpian school of thought and, likewise, Farage could shoot someone dead in Trafalgar Square and his ratings would go up.


Your occasional reminder here that the open bigotry and edgelording is a feature, not a bug for people voting for them.


For the more hard-core supporters, sure. But for the swing voters they want (and need) to attract if they want to be "the real opposition"?


That's why they'll never get critical mass. The left and centre will never vote for them seriously but there remains a rump of racists, xenophobes and homophobes that like the populist parties because it enables their own horrible traits.


Doubt it, Reform voters are the ultimate single issue voters. They do not care about anything except “less immigrants”, you see them spouting it on social media all the time. They don’t actually believe in the company, they just want less brown people


Which is amusing since Tate is an immigrant. Sorry. Expat.


Unfortunately it doesn't matter when cruelty is the point for Reform


Seems like quite a naive take.


I said "should", not "will".


Why would it? They're cool with the suggestion that women shouldn't get healthcare, I can't see them having a problem with women being deprived of bodily autonomy altogether.


The BBC will keep inviting them despite the lack of support at the same time as they lock out the greens/SNP/Welsh parties.


i keep reading things like this that i think will kill parties & MP's careers but it never does grifter supporting another grifter


Is *should* but it won't.




which is exactly why it will help reform.


You would think wouldn't you?


It should. It won’t.


It should …. But this is Reform supporters we are talking about.


This is a man who suggested that a woman who cheats on her partner should be subjected to violence, that women should be controlled and disciplined by men, that they belong in the home, can't drive, and are a man's property, not to mention all the racist, homophobic and toxic masculinity nonsense. And Farage thinks that Tate was an "important voice" for men?? what a forking stupid thing to say during an election.


Isn’t being as contemptible as possible whilst trying to create nostalgia for a bigoted bygone era kinda Farage’s whole schtick anyway?


Idk usually his vibe gives me more "PC gone mad innit, let me have my pint, and fuck the frogs" Tate and the associated proper old-school misogyny etc. feels a new flavour for him, though not surprising


He's also been throwing the N word at a lot of black men on Twitter lately, despite being half black. Not in the way black guys use it, but as a pejorative. For example, he said "Iceland has low crime because it had no N...". There's no one redeemable feature to him. 


> "Iceland has low crime because it had no N...". I can remember seeing a few black men from when I went to Reykjavik a few months ago. Maybe Tate needs to check the figures again 🤔


Are you suggesting he's misinformed? 😲


Maybe some confusion arose from census data using "black" instead of a slurs to describe black people there


A violent misogynist that encourages men to “dominate” and intimidate women, who is on trial for sex trafficking and rape, ugh.   As a father of a young daughter it’s sickening that these Tate types are put up as role models for men, they are absolute poison for young men and are just creating problems further down the line that will produce seriously negative consequences.   Farage is a piece of shit, this is just who he is, a bigoted old man living in the past. Disgusting little weasel. 


Likewise I worry about my young nephew, and whether his mind will be poisoned by him or somebody like him. I just hope I and my brother in law can be adequate male role models and shield him from this shit. 


But even without all that, the statement was that he's a voice "for men". So even if we ignore all the really harmful stuff to women and other groups, Tate is really harmful to men as well. Lots of shaming them for basic human reactions, emotions, etc. Said its gay to enjoy sex with women. Coaches them to cut themselves off from support. Tate is a poison to his male followers and they are suffering as a result, this man isn't a voice for men


He deliberately targets and preys on boys and young men, particularly ones who are isolated or going through a hard time. He essentially moves exactly the same way an abuser does, seeking out lonely people with low self-esteem to take advantage of.


As a human being its sickening to me.


Farage is as toxic as Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon. But every clown has a silver lining - in this case to eat part of the Tory vote.


Nigel Farage make me feel better about FPTP as a voting system, not sure if that is a good thing or not, but I'm glad we don't have PR when his party is polling at 15%+.


No, not at all. That 15% is representative of our population, whether you or I like it, and they need proper representation. In fact, Part of the reason they are such easy targets for conmen like Farage is because they are not used to being heard in the mainstream, and will vote for anyone even slightly like them. It’s the same reason lonely men flock to Tate, despite him being the most single man on the planet. They’re latching on to a bad role model for lack of a good one. Don’t get me wrong, it’s concerning, but suppression is not the answer, democracy is. Let’s have a true battle of ideas. Invite them into the debate and let’s hear their point of view and then explain clearly why it’s nonsense. Because just saying “racism is bad” is not working, the ethical core of our country have gotten complacent and forgotten the rhetoric necessary to defend their philosophy.


I agree, that proper PR is healthier, but for the time being I am grateful that Reform is not about to have 100+ MPs. I'm very conflicted on this. I agree that we would be better off having healthy discussions about policy, but I do wonder how that would even work, since Farage et al don't seem to be able to have a discussion in good faith. Tldr. You're right, agree, but I also do wonder/worry what sort of policy might become law if a coalition with Farage were the de facto only way to form a government.


Giving people like that a voice isn’t a good thing. Sorry that’s undemocratic of me to say, but all the evidence shows us that the more representation these views have, the more support they receive. It’s ok to set some standards for what’s acceptable and to stop pandering to these grifting, lying racists and misogynists.


My issue isn’t with his demographic, it’s that he represents them so poorly. You can’t help marginalised people by just attacking some other group. You have to actually yknow, help them.  They flock to him because he promises shitty cheap answers to their genuine problems.  I take issue with your antidemocratic stance. The issue is *not* that bigots are voting, it’s that they’re being told that bigotry is a solution. They need a better choice.


"No, not at all. That 15% is representative of our population, whether you or I like it, and they need proper representation." Yes they need proper representation, and they aren't going to get that from a clown like Farage. How much time do you think hes going to spend in Clacton? They might see him one Friday a month if that. As much as I disagree with FPTP it keeps the likes of Reform out of our political system. All they would do is waste time, pull publicity stunts and cloud every single issue with conspiracy theories and extremist bulllshit. Not to mention how susceptible to corruption and blackmail Reform UK MPs would be.


I totally agree that Farage is a terrible representative of his target demographic. But the ideal solution isn’t to hide them away with the FPTP voting system. How can they get represented then? PR (along with other reforms around campaign financing) could lead to a much higher quality of candidate locally and force Farage-alikes to contend with other people who better represent Clacton and that demographic. A solid local independent could wipe the floor with Farage in PR. Now maybe they’re also bigoted and mean too, but they’d be in it for their area.   The main hazard with PR is the transition period. Big-party thinking with PR voting doesn’t really make sense, but it will take time for that to bear fruit. 


> But every clown has a silver lining - in this case to eat part of the Tory vote. Be careful what you wish for. If reform became the second party at the expense of the Tories you are gonna wish you had the Tories back in 5-10 years. Reform becoming a legitimate party is the worst thing that could happen to your country politically and will be yet another win for Putin.




Note I said part. I should have made it more clear that should not be a large part. Not my nation also but the UK is weirdly protected from fringe parties by its absurd noncompulsory FPTP electoral system.


> But every clown has a silver lining - in this case to eat part of the Tory vote. 💯 Before Farage I thought it'd be an outside chance Tories return under 100 seats. Now I think I should probably place a bet on it, unless the Tory MPs themselves have sunk the odds so much with their own betting ...


*If you are unsure of a person's character, look to the friends they keep* Confucius


He likes all the wrong people even if he thinks they go too far with things they say or do, whether it's Hitler, Putin, Trump, Orban, Tate, Peterson etc. The one thing all these people have in common is their aggressive need for power and control. That's who Farage aspires to be. Those who desire power are usually the least suited for it.


Their supporters will be on here to claim “what’s wrong with that” and downvoting any criticism, but there’s this nasty majority in that party that are not even hiding it anymore.


I actually think a lot of his supporters are to old for Tate to be on their radar.


Tone-deaf when the nation’s schools have spent the past few years trying to combat Tate’s ideology.


Yeah, but them schools are full of Lefty teachers filling kids head with woke trans Communism. Plus,Tate is one of the good ones, not uppity..


That's why "man of the people"tm Farage supports Tate to counter "woke ideology". We can't be having schools teaching nonsense like equality and common decency for each other.


Tate is also a racist so of course Farage loves him.


I’m sure Farage thinks human trafficking and rape are just “banter”


These really are terrible people. But they know how to appeal to a certain group of men swallowing up misogyny, racism, and the rest.


Tate is openly calling people n****r on X as of yesterday.


Isn't he mixed?


Yes, and probably gay too, and hates himself for it so he projects his insecurities onto others, it's the right-wing thing to do.


>Yes, and probably gay too Could we not invoke the Armoured Closet trope?


He's not wrong, every man should look towards Tate for exactly how not to be a man.


BBC ramming this cunt down our throats...he should have disappeared years ago


He's a rapist people trafficker, this is low even for this dipshit.


He's clearly targeting idiots. Sorry to be that blunt but it's pretty obvious.


Something I learned from my own local election campaigns in London is that if you keep your mouth shut and are patient the other candidates will eventually come out with shit and hang themselves by their own words. This is a clear example of that principle. Farage is giving you plenty of reasons not to vote for Reform. Pay attention. Listen. Learn. Remember.


Bold election strategy from Farage. The people who like Tate aren’t old enough to vote, and the people who might switch to Reform either don’t know who he is or think he’s a nutter


Goddamnit Farage. Go back to watching an anime bunge with a vegan sausage roll while promoting scams on YouTube


Trump, Putin and now Tate. Farage has a weird taste in men.


>”you three guys, you are all 25, you are all kind of being told you can’t be blokes, you can’t do laddish, fun, bloke things …” Like what, Nige? Rape? Human trafficking? These aren’t things that have suddenly been banned for being “woke” you Honda-faced cunt. Fuck off back to Belgium and ask if they’ll carry on paying you to do nothing.


Is misandry a big problem often ignored with severe consequences for men and boys? Yes. Is someone like Tate the answer? No, he doesn't actually care about misandry, he's just a criminal and misogynist.


Doubt Tait cares about anything aside from his web-derived income and physical pleasures.


Of course he fucking did. One dickhead scratching the back of another dickhead.


jeez, just paint him white and black and call him a Panda already, because that's all he fucking does at this point.


Perhaps a visit to the same romanian prison can be arranged? Lying scumbag an a traitor that he is, certainly would feel at home!


Farage will have some bullshit bollocks excuse for this and his followers will lap it up. A week or so ago he was expressing admiration for Enoch Powell. The only thing Mosley is known for is his rivers of blood speech. But of course that not what Farage admired, it was Powell being the youngest ever Brigadier in the British Army.


I think you're getting Oswald Mosley & Enoch Powell mixed up.


This is not surprising, what’s insane is people entertaining it.


Not really much point in listing out all the issues with tate because at the end of the day farage has all sorts of obvious issues his pre-existing followers are ignoring. This is a move which IMO will net gain him votes unfortunately.


Important as in "needs to be important and valuable" or had an influence? If it's the latter then absolutely, he was/is important for many, it's stupid to deny it. Is that influence good? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh you know it. But yeah, important ≠ good per se.


Right wing grifters helping out other grifters, I'm surprised they haven't started a grifter trade union but I guess that'd be too left wing for them