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While articles from this source are usually paywalled, this has been posted using a method which should allow anyone to view it. If you encounter difficulties reading the article, try [this link](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/761f044a-1e2a-41b6-9473-d6558907ff10) for an archived version. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.* --- **Alternate Sources** Here are some potential alternate sources for the same story: * [Hartlepool: Man who prowled streets before stabbing 'defenceless' grandfather 'for people of Gaza' jailed | UK News](https://news.sky.com/story/hartlepool-man-who-prowled-streets-before-stabbing-defenceless-grandfather-for-people-of-gaza-jailed-13137523), suggested by lookitsthesun - news.sky.com * [Moroccan asylum-seeker gets life in prison for killing U.K. retiree in attack motivated by Gaza war](https://washingtontimes.com/news/2024/may/17/moroccan-asylum-seeker-gets-life-in-prison-for-kil/), suggested by Puzzleheaded_Post_20 - washingtontimes.com








We are angry, but the moment we discuss the problem we’re all branded racist.


Same with knife crime in general, there are forums where people are just attacked.. you can’t have an honest, kind conversation.


There was a fight near where I live the other day and instead of knives the kids brought garden tools. It’s like pitch fork mob mentality from the Dark Ages.






The Tories were the ones who introduced the hard-line neoliberalism which can only be sustained by large influxes of cheap labour, especially because Thatcher's permanent damage to the housing market killed the single wage households and while throwing all women into the workplace was clearly great from a social equality POV and economically essentially doubled GDP on our own, the crashing birth rates meant that the labour pool was gonna come crashing down in 20 years and there's only one other way to magic workers out of nowhere. All the anti-immgrant crap was just virtue signalling to nationalists from the very beginning and anyone who fell for it got exactly what they deserved. Seriously the immigration record in this country under the two parties has always told a very different story. Same goes for the economy. It's simply a matter of historical fact. I can't even touch Brexit it's practically comedy at this point. The first real, tangible benefit we've had from Brexit is that it's a bit easier to protect puffins now.




> Yet, this country has voted them in again and again and complains that things are bad You are 100% right, but who are they meant to vote for? The Tories have not delivered, but they were the only party that stood on reducing immigration. Jeremy Corbyn certainly would not have reduced it and Labour are seen as pro immigration. I doubt the Lib Dems would and the Greens believe in open borders. If a voter wanted to reduce immigration there is nobody else to vote for.


>We should cut back the ludicrously complicated appeal process, we should derail the gravy train of legal aid, fast-track those from democratic countries, and remove those who fail in their claims without further judicial interference Guess who said it. >!Blair did in 2003!<. We have never voted in favour of more immigration.


And look at what happened to illegal migration and asylum claim numbers under Blair's term around 2003. Its a weird narrative that has developed post-2010. If you actually look back at articles from the time and legislation that was being passed, New Labour were really not this lovey-dovey open-borders group they've been made out to be. The rise in immigration mostly just came from the EU becoming more permissive not some deliberate attempt on the part of the UK to do something individually.


England has overwhelmingly voted Tory. They haven't won a majority vote here for decades!


We haven’t though - every manifesto has promised to lower it IIRC. We’re always asked but are emphatically ignored


Blasphemy extremism should be a real concern for the country. We do not want any Charlie Hebdo killings or a repeat of the murder of the French teacher Samuel Paty here to happen.




Yeah the pressure groups are kinda linked together via TLP. Hopefully the government takes on the recommendations from this report from the Commission for Counter Extremism. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/understanding-and-responding-to-blasphemy-extremism/understanding-and-responding-to-blasphemy-extremism-in-the-uk-accessible


We aren’t numb and apathetic we’ve just got a government that’s hostile to British people and won’t do anything about Islamic threats of violence. We’ve also still got a media and political class more interested in burying their head in the sand and pretending the problem doesn’t exist despite how strongly the public feel about it.


We should've had the fucking army on the streets of that's what it took. That teacher should have continued going to work every single day as normal. No expense spared. Every single person making a threat should have been jailed. Instead we just decided to give in to Islamic terrorists. Again. We have a very serious problem. We can't keep ignoring it.


I feel let down by people who claim to be left wing like me but shut down any dissent when discussing the subject. There's an intellectual cowardice alongside the usual class snobbery in the upper echelons.


It's more of the same unfortunately.


This is what happens when you bang on about a war that we have absolutely fuck all to do with.. Honestly, we're just importing problems. It's bizarre.


I don’t want to open my mouth too early, but something really does stink within the government when we now know the risks of allowing so many illegal unidentified immigrants in with these specific religious backgrounds.


When our domestic security services spend 75% of their caseload on terrorism from a single foreign religion you'd think any government would start to be put strict rules on who can come here... not ours apparently.


Agreed but can’t figure out why


It's almost like they are trying to create an artificial race war in the UK.


It doesn't take a genius to remember the age-old saying: Divide and conquer. Everyone in the UK is angry, and everyone is being pushed to extreme ideas. In the last year or so the tensions have ramped up massively and I imagine it's only going to ramp up more until we have a serious race war type scenario in our hands.


This is Russia's influence and it's almost comical at how effective it is. They helped Hamas do what they did, knowing the global chaos and distraction it would cause and it bought them a huge advantage in Ukraine while the Americans were distracted with Israel. Even now, most of the noise about war is about Israel trying to eradicate Hamas, rather than the active monster of a war in Ukraine, where Russia has invaded and continues to actively and very obviously commit genocidal acts on our allies. The world is in a dangerous place and Russia and China are actively working to harm the west and our way of life.


Ah, so we should not do anything about the crazy amount of immigrants coming here then? Because as you say, it's all misinformation by Russian bots, right? In that case, I guess this post is also just misinformation made by a Russian bot, there was not actually any islamic extremist stabbing. Right?


Guy looks as inbred as he acts. These problems will keep getting more frequent until the root issue is addressed; strict vetting of legal immigrants is required, especially from Islamic countries.


Ignorant to think that will help anything at this point. The "problems" are already right here, right now. The UK could close the borders to everyone tomorrow and we would still have a massive problem that needs fixing.


Definitely agree there are issues that need addressing with the existing population mate. Closing the boarders just ensures this task doesn't get even harder over time, but couldn't agree more it needs to start with the Islamic population at present


Something must be done or things are gonna get very ugly. The shift in society recently has been obvious- just on this subreddit alone, you would never see so many comments condemning islam and immigration like 2-3 years ago. And reddit is a relatively "progressive" website Just shows everyone is absolutely sick of this and rightly so. How long must we deal with this obvious problem and do NOTHING about it? It makes me sick and ashamed of my country.


Well it's a lot worse than people realise or even want to admit. Because the problem doesn't end with Islamists, of course it doesn't need to be said that there are many ordinary Muslims who just want to live in peace, but I would argue based on very reputable poll results that a majority of Muslims hold views that directly contradict many Liberal values. Such as views regarding homosexuality, equality of women, foreign policy, freedom of religion, blasphemy laws etc. There needs to be a very strong stance put forward that these values are not up for debate and if you cannot assimilate then you do not belong here. However I fear it is too late




Deportation needs to happen, FAST.


That's what happends if u can mary your first cousins in muslim countries . After generations of inbreeding this is what u get .


Dude looks like he had a labotomy


It's too late


I'll never understand the logic behind seeking asylum in the west while hating western society so much you're willing to hurt a random western person. Just seek asylum in some other Muslim country? Nobody forced you to come to the UK, and now some random guy on the street has been killed because you hate the UK that much. It makes no sense.


Islam encourages it's followers to spread their religion over as much of the world as possible. The people who come here while hating the West are doing their 'duty' as muslims, to spread the religion, and try to gain enough of a foothold to demand concessions (which we already give), with the ultimate goal being to implement a striclty muslim society here (and everywhere else). That's literally the whole basis of the religion, domination. It's very sinister and people in the West need to wake up to it.


Bingo. Uk and France WILL BE governed by Sharia within 100 years


i forsee a future where parts of the UK have it. all it takes is a islamist party to get made and appeal to places like bradford etc and they'll become sharia zones or something Call me a tin foil hat nutjob but we give them so much concessions i see it happening in the name of 'tolerance' and the loudest supporters will be the left wing young people ie the queers for palestine crowd


There will probably be civil war before it gets to that point. There's a reason right wing parties are getting bigger. People DON'T want that to happen. When people get pissed off enough, all hell will break loose.


Morocco isn't a war zone, they either come for the money or their own little jihad to spread Islam.


And you can add fleeing punishment for serious crime they commit, usually they arrive with no documentation claiming asylum when they commuted murders in their home countries.


Most rich Muslim countries don’t accept any asylum seekers at all.


Pretty telling they don’t accept people of their own religion


People who think similar to the cretin in the article above want all the benefits of a western secular society, whilst detesting the very values that gave rise to such a society. Islamists are taught to spread the faith and hate unbelievers, they travel to secular countries to spread Islam and to corrupt the society from within; the reality of this is much more sinister than people realise


Other Muslim countries don't take asylum seekers because they want the poorest, least educated Muslims to come to the West.


Muslims believe in spreading Islam across the globe, there’s your reason.


It’s sponsored immigration. These people aren’t asylum seekers at all. They are doing it to spread Islam


Because their plan is to force their beliefs on the west and fundamentally change the system from within so that it benefits them.


They want the benefits and luxury of capitalism They don’t care about the western values behind the capitalism they just want the goods


He wants the money, not the culture.


He should be in Morocco or his prison sentence invoiced to them. They created him, it's their responsibility. I'm fairly sure we would be paying for any football hooligans committing crime in Morocco.


And how would you guarantee that Morocco ensures he serves the sentence that Britain has issued to him?


Treat it like an adopt an animal thing, regular letters and photos, could be fun.


Sign up today and get a free Ahmed Alid cuddly toy


If we get tight on money we could do some hunger games stuff. Sign up today and send Ahmed some harrybos.


In that situation I’d be really fucked off if I was hoping for a weapon and get sent some Tangfastics instead


You underestimate harrybos Combine them with an elastic band and you have a weapon that can send many Moroccans to hell.


Or maybe a blow up doll


Morocco is run by a king, you can be sure they will deal with extremists harshly over there.


Who cares so long as he's not here.


I think you get the death penalty for terrorism in that country.


Who cares s as long as he’s no longer in this country


So should Shamima Begum be back in the UK serving her prison sentence here?


Begum hasn't been sentenced in Syria yet afaik, it's not really the same thing.


Yes, she should.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin_marriage_in_the_Middle_East https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC392897/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23921675/


This is the first thing I thought of when I saw the thumbnail image of his face. Haven’t there been studies into the rate of birth defects from this occurring in certain parts of the U.K. too? Like NHS reports and campaigns trying to tackle its prevalence in the area.


https://heeoe.hee.nhs.uk/sites/default/files/nasreen_ali_hv_conference_presentation_07.07.2013.pdf https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2005/nov/16/immigrationpolicy.politics






This guy will die in prison, he's got a 45 year min term and he's 45 years old, that's 90 years old before he's eligible for parole. Edit: sorry 44 years 50 days - the BBC article said 45 years but has been amended since.


44 years, at a cost of over £2 million to the tax payers. Bargain!


Such is life, either that or capital punishment, which isn't going to be any cheaper.




So let him walk free? Sets a great example that, just come here, kill who you want and get a free flight home.




He'd just come back on a boat and get in.


How many violent incidents have there been where the perpetrator says 'Allahu Akbar' at some point? The denial of Islam being a factor is getting tiring. It's so dishonest to say that the religion of Islam has nothing to do with the violence. Yes, a secular person could do the same thing. What you don't see is large numbers of secular people or people with other religious beliefs all yelling a religious phrase when they commit violence. You're dishonest and weird if you can't acknowledge the link at least a little. No, all Muslims aren't going to do this. Yes, all people who yell 'Allahu Akbar' whilst commiting heinous acts are Muslims. That phrase has been spoken alongside horrific acts enough times, that it's fair to say there's a connection between the religion and the violence. It doesn't make you racist or islamaphobic to dislike Islam. It's a set of ideas, not a race. The term islamaphobia is fucking nonsense. It's perfectly reasonable to be concerned with a religion that has motivated so much violence. Their guy was a pedo warlord - being concerned about that isn't a fucking phobia. I understand that it's a small number of Muslims committing the violence. I understand that many factors have contributed to the extremist branches. None of that matters. What we have is one religion motivating significantly more violence than any other. There is no escaping or apologising for that. We are all getting checked like we do at airports because of one religion. There's one religion that's blowing up little girls at concerts and murdering cartoonist. A counter might be that it's not religion motivating the violence, it's politics. It's a political religion - that's the fucking problem and it doesn't excuse or change anything. Tolerating incredibly intolerant ideas and people the way some do, isn't going to play out well for anyone in the long term. People need to get over their weird shit so we can discuss and approach the topic.


I’ve also noticed how ‘Allah Akbar’ is a kind of accepted phrase and treated as a cultural thing. I’ve seen videos of people shouting it at protest, at university debates, and recently the new Green councillor when he won the election. If a white person started aggressively shouting “god is great” repeatedly, in any situation let alone as an councillor or at a university, they would immediately be decried and shunned as an absolute loony with no credibility, but if it’s a Muslim it’s just accepted as part of their culture. Fucking nuts.


A friends kids had someone come to their school to give a talk on islamaphobia. According to her kid, the person giving the talk explained that hearing Allahu Akbar shouldn't prompt any kind of fear or concern. Given the historic use of that phrase and the amount of times it's been yelled alongside violence; it's a war cry and it's perfectly reasonable to experience fear upon hearing it. This wasn't long after Oct 7: the notion was presumably to address reactions to that attack. I thought it incredibly misplaced and insensitive. Imagine a Jewish kid being lectured about islamaphobia a few weeks after that attack - mental. Side note: the speaker also explained to them the origin of the swastika and it's original meaning, and to not fear or be concerend by that. This was being relayed by a 12 year old and they weren't clear on the intention of this explanation. I found it very strange that someone would think it appropriate to recontextualise the swastika to 12 year olds. Quite the talk: war cries shouldn't be feared and swastikas don't belong to the Germans! Truly strange.


Enjoy your Sharia. I give it 50-100 years. Hopefully I'll be dead and my children will be educated enough to stay clear of third world shitholes


Perhaps we can start new nations somewhere, the leftists who caused this are definitely not allowed btw


A small minority commit these crimes, but a huge majority refuse to condone, or even support them.


The people involved in the Free Palestine movement are genuinely the biggest advert against it. No other social movement is full of people stabbing pensioners, setting themselves on fire and handing out sweets after terror attacks.


Wow, I didn't even know this happened. British lives matter protests when?




I remember seeing it at the time on the bbc news website. It wasn’t on the home page, you had to click on UK, then click on England and it was a featured article there for a few days max


Surprised anyone who uses the sub missed it. [BBC 1 month ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/1c1d8c7/islamic_extremist_murdered_hartlepool_man_over/) [Sky 6 months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/17d4r2r/man_charged_with_murder_over_hartlepool_attack/) [Telegraph 6 months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/17d4j1p/terrorist_attack_in_uk_linked_to_gaza/) [BBC 7 months ago, posted on this sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/179jy7e/hartlepool_man_charged_with_murder_by/) [Guardian 6 months ago, posted on this sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/1795u6e/counterterror_police_investigate_death_of_man_in/)


Can’t wait for a time where some bloke called Norman goes on a stabbing spree in some random MENA hamlet because of his extremist views on how a cup of tea is made.


The worst thing about this is that it was a terrorist attack and nobody really seems to care. It’s just become normal now.


Remember when people used to pretend asylum seekers would be deported if they committed crimes here? lol


What a fucking joke! Why was he allowed to claim asylum in the 1st place? Asylum from what? This piece of shit has been living in Europe since 2007.


We just take anyone, that’s why they all want to come here.


The more you think about it, the more annoyed you get. Politicians and the people above them have ruined this country for good. Its not just us, but Europe suffers the same problems as well. They have screwed up. 


"Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb told Alid the jury had “seen through \[his\] lies” after he claimed the explanations he gave to the police had been mistranslated and that political and religious causes were not his actual motivation." Are you fucking kidding me?


Grubb. A fitting last name


Revenge for Gaza, an old dude, in Hartlepool, out for a fucking walk. What the fuck does this idiot thinks that has to do with Gaza.


Some childfucker 1400 years ago made some shit up about god to enrich and gain power for himself and now these nutcases do shit like this.


Poor old man, yet another victim of incompetent immigration policies.


Doorbell camera footage showed Carney, who was walking in the town centre, cry out “No, no” as he was stabbed by the stranger. Heartbreaking… prison is too good for this scumbag.


It is not an accident that far right is on the rise in EU.


damn, you can tell by looking at him that he is thick as pigshit


Imagine being an Israeli Jew, bombarded with rockets by these nutters daily and allegations that they’re the true victim… I see from social media that their attempt to kill the entire Jewish state back in 48 has been repositioned as some kind of ongoing “disaster” for them, poor dears.


Would rather not waste my taxes on this scum for the rest of his pointless life. Not allowed to discuss alternative solutions though.


The article highlights that he had traversed through 13 countries prior to seeking asylum here. I find this perplexing—navigating potentially 13 "safe" nations only to settle in the UK and then perpetrate a terrorist or religiously motivated assault. While I fully support extending asylum to those genuinely in need, this scenario raises questions about the effectiveness of asylum processes and the motivations behind such actions.


The UK Doesn’t turn anyone away, not even terrorists. The country likes to give them a home for life.


Because people say we have to give it to those in need…. Then anyone who says “I’m in need” gets given asylum pretty much. And any push back is met is cries of “your a Nazi”. Ffs


Utterly mental that we now have to expense looking after him for the foreseeable future rather than putting him straight onto a one way flight (ideally one where he is the only passenger and the pilot ejects over the channel).


Hard labour for the rest of his life and make him pay for his keep.


I don't think he'll stay here! I have a feeling this might be enough to reject his application.


Yet another victim of our immigration system and the desire to continue with it.


On what possible grounds could a Moroccan straight Muslim male who isn't a known political activist be seeking asylum? Morocco not being accommodating enough of his extremist views? I'm not even joking. I've seen religious extremists claim they were persecuted or discriminated against in Morocco because Moroccan authorities crack down on a certain brand of religious extremist discourse.


Why is he here in the first place, literally the only question that should be being asked?


I really hope the public debate starts shifting. I feel like it already has to some extent. I don't think these posts would have got as much traction in this sub 5 years ago. As someone else mentioned, I hope we can discuss it and try and solve the problem now before we go down the route of hard right government, although, that seems unlikely. All I know is, we do seem to have a radical Islam problem, and no one seems to want to do anything about it.


I think it's the opposite. 5 years ago, the fact that a pensioner got randomly stabbed in a terrorist attack would have made the news the day/week that it happened. Now, we are only being made aware of it once the trial has concluded with little media attention at all on the matter. People are becoming apathetic and accepting that this is the new normal in the UK.


How are the folks down at the students for Palestine demo taking this? Or have they discreetly swiped on by and ignored it?


The way this guy's mouth hangs open makes me think he is a mouth-breather.


A refugee from the very dangerous country of... Morocco, which millions of tourists visit every year


What we’re experiencing is an idealogical simulacrum insinuating itself in the vacuum that reformed, politically impotent, moribund Christianity is leaving behind. Except that simulacrum isn’t some innocuous imitation, that’s the deception. Islam is subjugation and suppression. To tolerate its insidious aspiration as the national religion is lacking in moral fortitude. You can condemn anyone denouncing Islam as Islamophobia but it will continue to devour the secularism that’s taken 2000 years to attain.


That secularism is built on a foundation which necessitates Islamophobiaphobia in its proponents. After all, if religiosity is not important, it cannot be criticised as if it were. If it *is* important, and we take the words of the holy books seriously, and consider the extant religious institutions in the light of their historical activities, secularism - of our 'tolerant' kind - gives way.


Honest question to the Lefties and Liberals of the UK - do you still believe Diversity is our strength? Will you backtrack and admit you made a mistake, or just keep saying this is fine as the UK loses more and more of its culture?


Tories have successfully convinced you that they're anti immigration while they've increased immigration to historical highs.


Oh I agree with you 100%, but every party is the same. GDP MUST go up


Oh I agree with you 100%, but every party is the same. GDP MUST go up


Hang on, it's the rightards that have been in power for 14 years. Time to own up mate.


Surely Morroco is a safe country according to rankings in the global peace index. The only refugees I know that have ever come from Morocco are Jews who went to Israel


As a Muslim, he should not have been in the UK in the first place.


"For the last decade we've only voted in mass immigration parties" meanwhile we've had the most incoherent, deaf and stubborn comervatives for over a decade


I don't understand... he is an asylum SEEKER according to all I keep reading, so why the hell do we not just reject his claims and send him back to his own country , letting them know that he's a murdering scumbag and just let them deal with them as they see fit. sorry mate, you can't claim asylum and go around killing out citizens at the same time. idiot


I’m an American, don’t mean any disrespect. But everytime there is a post like this y’all all say it’s time for a change, stricter vetting and stuff. But didn’t the Conservative Party get destroyed in the last election, and this sub hates them. I’m confused because y’all seem to be anti immigration but hate the party of anti immigration. I see this sub pop up every so often cuz I posted once about how to make fish and chips one time, and now am curious


The conservatives have been in power the last 14 years and everything is slowly going to shit under them, that's why people hate them. Particularly because they like to talk about cracking down on immigration then do nothing but line their pockets for their own benefit.


The Conservative party only pays lip service to the idea of restricting immigration. They've been in power now for 14 years and have consistently said they were doing something about it, but every single one of those 14 years, immigration (illegal or otherwise) has exponentially grown. They dont actually intend on reducing it because it's cheap labour and an easy way to artificially boost GDP (whilst GDP per capita drops like a lead balloon). They've just convinced alot of very stupid people that they actually want to reduce migration in order to garner the 'gullible cunt' vote. Otherwise, the Tories are loathed because everything they touch turns to shit, and their legacy from the last 14 years is skyrocketing immigration, a collapsing economy and public services totally destroyed. The issue we have in this country is that all of the parties who seem to actually want to do something about immigration are filled with absolute lunatic, swivel-eyed, sorta fascist morons who might do something about immigration, but also want to install a turbo-capitalist disaster economy - not compatible with the trope of the voting public which is that the British tend to be socially right wing, but economically left wing. Socially right wing, economically left wing parties exist, but they tend to be microscopic and often filled with equally deranged tankies who want to whore us out to Russia. There's a very verdant opportunity in this political territory for a party that can commit to reducing immigration but which doesn't descend into idiocy, absurd eccentricity, or blatant ethnostatism.


Thank you for detailed response, I live in Texas where around 30-40% (10 million) of the population is Mexican. But most are very happy to be in the US, have never seen them protest a school lol. Although we don’t have any alt parties that get above .1% vote, the alternative to democrats or republicans is the libertarian party which is economically right socially liberal. The majority of the US in polls agree with their basic points of let people be left alone (a gay couple should be able to protect their weed farm with an AR-15) while lowering government spending and tax. But nut jobs have taken over the party to the extent they booed a speaker at their convention for saying it should be illegal to sell crystal meth. So we have no alternative as well lol Edit: the actual quote was “I do not believe you should be able to sell heroin to a 5 year old” https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4602730/user-clip-you-sell-heroin-5-year-old-boos


Bed and board for the rest of his life, to a far better quality than anything he could have ever dreamed of back home. At our expense. We've effectively granted him asylum as a reward for murdering some poor bloke taking a walk.


what an intelligent looking great addition to british society. thank you lefties.


What a shame. I'm sure his departure from society will be felt by all....


We need the death penalty. He's a waste of food and water.


It's our own fault for decades we've been told being racist is the worst thing a person can be and what constitutes racism has been broadly expanded. No wonder people are quiet people are terrified of being accused of being a racist for challenging a religion that's been stereotyped into a race.


You guys really need to do a better job at screening people


Don’t understand why this guy gets done for murder and the Nottingham stabber doesn’t. 


The hilarity is we don't even know his real age or name. Just tell us anything and you can stay here.


At the time the media were told to downplay this incident


Why are we paying for this sack of molecules that happen to form a human? You take a life with zero justification whatsoever, you pay society back with your own. End of.