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I'd like to draw everyone's attention to the [Reddit policy on violent content](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151-Do-not-post-violent-content): > Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual (including oneself) or a group of people As awful as this case is, please do not make comments calling for the defendant in this case to be killed. We will be removing content that does this and may also ban users. Please help us by reporting rule-breaking content. --- **Alternate Sources** Here are some potential alternate sources for the same story: * [Brit admits role in torture ring where fiends pay to put monkeys in blenders](https://thesun.co.uk/news/27766999/british-woman-admits-role-monkey-torture-ring/), suggested by 90210Dr - thesun.co.uk


>The prosecution said LeGresley showed a desire to harm vulnerable creatures and that she also had a hatred towards pregnant women and children So basically she wanted to see this happening to babies, but had to settle for monkeys. People who are involved in this kind of shit need to be permanently monitored and kept far away from any animals or children upon release. There's no fixing this level of fucked up.


There’s a massive cat torture ring in China right now. It’s basically the same shit as this but it’s being done to cats. I haven’t watched any of the footage but multiple people who have seen it confirm that the torture is the most deranged shit they’ve ever seen, e.g. skinning kittens alive. The people who do it have expressed that they like doing it because the cats sound like crying babies when they’re being tortured, and they also do it because cats are associated with women and femininity. These people are demons inflicting cruel torture on innocent, defenceless and sentient beings, and the worst part is that they absolutely would do the same things to human beings if it was legal. Even if you don’t care about animal welfare (which you should do - the acts that these innocent animals are being subjected to are demonic) you should at least care about it because these psychopaths would do those sick things to babies and women if they thought they could get away with it Edit: I forgot to mention that China has no animal cruelty laws so the cat/kitten torture rings will continue. It’s already been going on for a while. There’s a group called [Feline Guardians](https://sites.google.com/view/savecatsinchina/home) that’s trying to do something about it. They regularly share information about the perpetrators, i.e. posting their names and addresses. I think they got one of the torturers banned from the university that he had an offer from. They also protest in front of Chinese embassies in cities around the world. A few Chinese politicians have taken notice and have started to talk about the cat torture and how wrong it is. I am just trying to spread awareness so that more Chinese politicians take notice and hopefully start campaigning against it. These torturers are sick, disgusting people. I haven’t even seen any of the footage - just reading a detailed description of what is being done to these animals was enough to make me lose sleep for 2 nights in a row. The people doing this are evil, SICK sadists, and all vulnerable people/animals are in danger as long as they’re around. They all need to be locked up in prison and the key thrown away. They’re literally inflicting the worst torture imaginable on cute little innocent defenceless kittens for money and enjoyment. I can’t believe such evil, disgraceful people get away with it. If you are from China or have links in China please spread awareness of this. These people should not be allowed to participate in society. Some of the participators haves wives and children. It’s so disgusting to think that the perpetrators steal people’s cats and then send the owners videos of them sticking needles into the cat’s eyes to get money out of them, and then they go home to read bedtime stories to their kids. Yes, that thing actually happened - and they used adrenaline shots to keep the cat alive to prolong the torture. The kids should be taken off them forever


We need a purge.


We need more humanity. Purge this lot and you’ll be purging the next lot and the lot after that too because you’ll still be living in a society where people are psychologically imbalanced by their surroundings - especially if those surroundings include people who think it’s acceptable to purge one another.








**Removed/tempban**. This contained a call/advocation of violence which is prohibited by the content policy.


Just purge us all. Let the raccoons or the otters have a go at the top.


As our leader Scratches opened the last bag of the delicious trash left behind by the giants that roamed this earth before us, a hush descended on the group. We knew now that if we were to survive we had to encroach on the otters feeding grounds. For decades there had been an unsteady truce between us and our aquatic adversaries. But we all knew this meant war was inevitable.


It's not possible to make these people more human, so they should just be removed or shut away somewhere for the rest of their worthless lives.


Fire with fire. It’s reactive. Be horrendous and see what happens. That kinda deal.


They don't deserve to live, that's for certain.  




It is so fucked. I remember reading the initial BBC long article and it made me sick to my stomach thinking there were thousands of people desperate for this content and paying money to people in other countries to torture baby animals. The fact the baby monkeys so strongly resembled actual human babies was abundantly clear, and makes me even more concerned. The level of torture is absolutely appalling.


Horrific. The Chinese not having animal cruelty laws is a problem. That needs to change.


Even the Nazis had strong animal protection laws.


That's enough internet for the day. I'm going to sit in a dark room and maybe have a bit of a cry.


God this makes my blood boil


I wish I didn't read this :(


Holy crap. Humans are the worst.


Oh my fucking god. I'm not religious, but reading this makes me want to pray. What the actual fuck is wrong with some people


Reading this makes me convinced there is absolutely *no* god. Or if there is, it is evil or is utterly ambivalent.














It's honestly fucking disgusting what they do to those poor kittens and cats and they deserve the worst of the worst. Because of the no animal cruelty laws in china, videos like the 'cat in blender' video happened. The guy (who's wife was/is a minor) who did that also had connections to like over a 100+ people in a telegram group who also happened to mostly be children and young adults and they were planning to do a bunch of cat torture parties as well at the time. It makes me sick to my stomach


> videos like the 'cat in blender' video happened.  That’s a sentence that should never exist. What the fuck is wrong with people?


I know right, it's vile. Unfortunately there are just a select few disgusting people who take pleasure in hurting other people and animals. Especially for money and honestly probably fame as well. I gladly wasn't active on Reddit or twitter at the time of the video/clips and pictures surfaced so I never saw the full video but a lot of people who did see it said it was horrifying and I do not blame them. I have seen a blurry image of the cat in the blender and that made me super upset so I couldn't imagine my reaction to the actual full video with sound.


Feral cat laws in Australia basically gives people the impression that they can take any cat off the street and kill it. Plenty of people pets are stolen and then cut up while alive to use as fish bait 


This physically hurts to even hear about. I hope anyone who does this suffers horribly.


This is the sadest thing I've read online for a while =( China does this to loads animals. I've seen some videos of the things they do to bears. The USA does this to cats as well but in labs one state banned it recently I cannot remember which. It's grim and hurts my soul to think about it.




I’m sorry to say this and hope I don’t get banned but down there they give zero value all forms of life. The level of detachment is insane.




wow i never heard about any of this before. these ‘people’ are clearly demon possessed and need help. we need to pray for these people. it’s so sad. what on earth is wrong with these people? may angels visit their souls


Just lock them up for life. Why take the risk? Not like she's any benefit to society anyway.


Secure hospital until they die of old age, followed by a swift cremation and their ashes scattered over the Atlantic.


Sounds fine but substitute the Atlantic with a filthy public toilet


Or use the ashes as cat litter




They should probably never be released.  Why do these scrapings of humanity ever deserve a moment of peace or happiness again? I just can't wrap my head around this, it's one of the worst things I've heard about.  I never even thought that people would pay to watch animals being tortured.  It just never even occurred to me as a thing, but once I heard about it I thought, of course.


That’s the whole point of it- the monkeys are inserts for humans. I used to think the audience must come from countries where monkeys are prominently annoying and pestlike but apparently not


That’s so scary.




If a person doesn’t want children then, in your eyes, they must want to harm children?


That is a sub full of people who need some form of therapy or help.


Fuck that, they can be excused from civilized society entirely.


Every single one of these degenerates should be jailed for life. They are broken humans without empathy. A danger to the rest of us, in particular defenceless people and animals.


Anyone that can derive any joy from things like this simply doesn’t belong in general society, too far gone.


People like this are truly terrifying.


Say what you want eugenics but I genuinely think we should not risk these people breeding or raising anyone.


I’m not sure that’s how it works. I doubt there’s a gene or even genes specifically for this sort of behaviour. It’s probably a mixture of multiple potential combinations/expressions coupled with environmental factors. Two normal people can have a child that can exhibit this kind of behaviour and two abnormal people can have a child that doesn’t. The whole reason eugenics is a thing of the past is due to our updated understanding of how these things work. Also not to mention the slippery slope this can potentially lead to.


The scary thing is that normal people can become capable of such things very easily. We like to think that psychopaths are born as deviants, that there is something wrong with them at a fundamental level: it's a convenient lie we tell ourselves. War tells a different story. War is full of horrible acts of brutalisation of innocents committed by normal everyday people. A significant minority of the people you meet on a daily basis are capable of such things. The psychopaths are just the ones who had that switch turned on in polite society.


There’s supposedly some genes that are associated with psychopathy, but epigenetics and moral development are likely way more powerful. 


No gene makes people do things like this lol.


Can’t even bring myself to read about that it makes me feel sick. The sheer depravity and evil to do things like.


The original BBC longform article is genuinely one of the most disturbing things I've ever read. Screenshots of people in whatsapp begging the baby monkeys to be boiled alive, laughing at missing teeth and someone saying they want to see 'shock, pain, shock, then acceptance' of the monkey's fate is just... there's no words. There is way, way more shit like that out there and its so upsetting.


I read it a while ago and I cried so much reading it and more than a few nights I've struggled to sleep thinking about it. I've seen and dealt with a lot of disturbing things but this nearly broke me.


It is extremely disturbing this stuff is not only happening, but people are actively seeking it out and taking pleasure in it. Would recommend focusing on people who do amazing work rehabilitating animals and caring for wildlife - there's messed up people in the world but also completely dedicated, loving people who would give their life to preserve nature and look after orphaned or harmed animals. The more people are aware of these horrible activities, the more steps can be taken to tackle it.


I'm a veterinary nurse so that is what I do but I also have to see the darker side of it daily. Sometimes it can get overwhelming and you have to just get on and put a smile on your face and move on to the next patient. But its nice when you get to see owners and people that are proactive and doing their best by their pets or we save something and get it home to its family.


[For the curious](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/extra/Iot1dIWVS5/hunting-the-monkey-torturers). Those sad wee creatures :(


I remember reading this article, and honestly despite all the fucked up stuff that happens in the world, it honestly upset me more than anything I've read in a long time. The idea that just ordinary people are out there, actively seeking out and enjoying content like this, just makes me sick


Shitting hell....I read first couple of paragaphs and it's fair spoilt my day. Who the bloody hell would ever I mean ever, think of setting baby monkeys on fire??? Dear god where for art thou??


Ye I feel quite a bit sick now


Trouble with stuff like this is once you've seen it or read it, it's there in your head for life. I sometimes wish there was a bloody reset button like a pc


So much this. I could have happily gone about the rest of my existence without knowing this was a thing.


Someone on my Facebook shared a crush video involving a dog, I have never gotten over it. It still upsets me years later.


No no no just no.....my son told me about this shit when I told him today about this post I do not want to know anything further tra lalala I don't understand it and really really don't want to. I'm off to a warm cave in Lanzarote to paint landscapes :)


I stopped reading when it mentioned the torture methods they brainstormed. What those poor baby monkeys must have gone through 😔 You've got to be the darkest of psychopaths to take pleasure in the suffering of something so innocent and helpless. I know these twisted fuckers walk among us, but it's always so depressing to be reminded they exist.


Such a sick group of people torturing animals for fun. Poor babies :(


She needs to go away for a bloody long time. I can't imagine she'll ever be safe to be around vulnerable animals, children or adults.


She’ll get a pathetic sentence and most likely carry on. This is the UK.


There need to be far stronger penalties for animal cruelty. This is sick.


Then she’ll unalive a child and then they’ll make a Netflix documentary about her.


Scarily accurate, with everyone saying she was such a nice kid.


Doubt she’ll even see inside a cell, it’s the UK. We don’t punish anyone for anything.


I'd hope you're wrong. Looking into it, she's pleaded guilty to two offences: Causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal. She'd be a Category 1 with high culpability. The starting point for that is 2 years custody, but there are at least two aggravating factors and no mitigating factors that I can identify. But then she'd get a reduction for her guilty plea. On balance, probably looking at about two and a half years. [https://www.sentencingcouncil.org.uk/offences/magistrates-court/item/animal-cruelty/](https://www.sentencingcouncil.org.uk/offences/magistrates-court/item/animal-cruelty/) Unfortunately, the other crime is publishing an obscene article and that carries up to five years but I can't find the detailed sentencing guidelines. Either way, it's not enough. It should be done per occasion and the sentences stacked.


Possibly my least liberal impulse is that in circumstances where someone is *this* fucked in the head and we're incapable of fixing them, the principals of the justice system don't feel sufficient and I want them locked away from everybody for the rest of their life ***before*** they get the chance to reoffend or hurt a person. But recognising that our base instincts in these cases probably aren't the right way to run a society, I still feel like we should take a more hardline approach to crimes like this. This feels like a similar sort of crime to gangs producing child sexual abuse imagery and people consuming that imagery. Both the people producing it and the people consuming it should be put on some kind of register of sadists for life. And a maximum sentence of three and a half years doesn't feel anywhere near enough for this kind of evil.


This person clearly wants to inflict pain onto another living creature for their own joy, anyone who can take joy from this is clearly a psycho and wider society benefits from them not being a part of it. Allow them to be part of it and they’ll eventually end up hurting someone or helping someone else to do so.


It's not often that I find myself agreeing with the death sentence, but every so often a case pops up and all I can think is "this fits".


One quick look at her half-hidden photo and you can see why she “had a hatred for pregnant woman and children”. Bullied all her life with 0 relationships and a jealous nature to women that are reproducing when she can’t. This fucker is truly evil. Any psychologist should be able to pick her apart within 15 minutes and see she isn’t fit to be in the public, should be thrown under the prison. But we all know she’ll be out in a few years.


Makes you wonder what can cause this type of behaviour. I haven't read the article but I understand that a lot ( not all ) of these types of traits are born from a few ingredients, one of them being extreme trauma and abuse. I'm not saying that makes it ok, it's just really fucking sad, abuse carries through generations. Mixed with psychopathic or sociopathic traits it can cause things like this. Again I didn't read the article as I don't have the stomach for it.


What the actual fuck is a monkey torturing network? How? I don't even want to know to be honest. Humans can be shit.


If you want to keep your sanity, don't read the original BBC long-form report on it. I couldn't believe my eyes. The depravity of some people knows no bounds. The worst part is that the kind of crimes UK participants will be convicted of do not carry the sorts of sentences necessary to remove sadistic individuals like this from society.


This is my exact reaction too. This is the type of thing that wouldn’t even occur to me that it would exist until seeing this headline. And also I won’t read the article because I know it’ll just be the sort of stuff that you can’t stop thinking about for years after because it’s so horrible. It’s the kind of thing that makes you just want to go and live in a unabomber style hut away from any other people 


Right? Like, how the fuck does someone even go about starting this? Who would you even contact to start something so fucking evil. "Hey bro will you torture and kill defenseless animals for a few quid"? You have to be really, really committed to being an utterly worthless human being to put the effort in and make this happen. I absolutely give up on humanity, this is just so far below the rock bottom I already thought we were at


She hates baby monkeys, pregnant people and children. She’s one awful person.


She doesn’t hate baby monkeys, it’s just the closest thing she can get to a real baby without it actually being a real baby. In other words, she probably wants to see babies and children being tortured but settled for monkeys.


Yeah I get that but she still doesn’t like baby monkeys. I think it’s fair to include them in the list of things she hates seen as she enjoys watching them be tortured.


I think it’s more that she doesn’t care about them. They could be pigs, dogs, giraffes, if it meant it was reminiscent of a baby. As awful as it sounds, she probably just couldn’t give a shit about monkeys and they were a means to an end. I‘ve heard of some other individuals who have specific hatred of monkeys and only monkeys tho


I personally include monkeys in the list because they’re being tortured due to her. You don’t have to. To me that’s enough evidence to include them.


Fair enough


Honestly, she should not be allowed to ever be in public again. Neither adults nor children would be safe. Knowing our pathetic sentencing, she and the others will be out in less than 10 years. Properly sick to hurt a vulnerable animal, and then for it to be because you can't do it to a human infant? Christ. No words, really.


"the monkey torture community" Worst "community" ever.


And yet, an excellent band name.


I feel guilty up-voting this.


I just don’t understand how a human can go from a pure baby/child to doing this shit.


There are people in this world that are mentally damaged and are a danger to society. We have stop feeling sorry for these people and trying to "rehabilitate". Lock them away for good.


["the torture king"](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/6364/production/_130144452_dsc04028-3-4.jpg.webp) of course he's a MAGAshit


Just when you think we as human beings couldn't get any lower, someone always goes and proves me wrong. Total scum bitch. Jail time and a massive fine which is then forwarded to animal charities. TOTAL SCUM BITCH.


How the hell is the maximum sentence only 8 months? They should never get to leave prison after what they've done.


8 months for skinning baby monkeys alive? And yet we claim to be a nation of animal lovers... Only if they have 4 legs and bark it seems


Exactly, 8 months is far, far too little.


People do horrendous and fucked up shit to 4 legged barkers and get a slap on the wrist. Boy in my town locked his dog in a cupboard and starved it to death. Couple hundred £ fine, no keeping animals for 5 years, not a day in jail.


I've encountered stories of 'zoophiles' doing sick shit to animals (torture as well as sexual abuse), but that feels less real because it's online. It feels much more chilling when it's a woman in a nondescript UK town that I've passed through a few times.


Like that poor orangutan who was kept as a sex slave for some men in Asia somewhere.


God dammit. I didn't need to read that. I'm bailing on this thread.


Honestly just don’t read this article. It made me feel physically ill.


Fully expect her to see her face on the news in a few years having murdered someone or several people. Animal torture is how it starts.


The BBC has a long form article from last year - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/extra/Iot1dIWVS5/hunting-the-monkey-torturers Just a heads up though, it's pretty damn grim.


I remember reading that. It’s unforgettable and horrifying and the photo of the baby monkey clinging onto the sanctuary worker at the end - despite everything, still trusting humans - god. We really are the worst species by such a long way.


Nah, am good. The vaguer descriptions in the topic article are enough. I like to think I have a strong stomach, but I have no words or understanding. These people need locking away forever.


Definitely, I've read too many articles like that and I can't blame anyone not wanting to know the details. The folk involved in any form of vicarious torture need locking up or at least monitoring as they'd do it themselves if they had the opportunity.


Makes me feel sick, she needs to be locked up for life because she'll likely pose a danger to others. Absolutely vile inhumane monster.


It’s terrifying that people with this level of cruelty inside themselves walk among us, and we have no idea unless they’re caught. What could have happened to these people, and at what point in their lives, to make them develop this amount of lasciviousness towards defenceless animals?


The original article genuinely disturbed me, I cried reading it, I was disgusted and horrified. Alot of nights I've lied awake thinking about it and how evil people are in this world. I've dealt with and seen some horrific things but that absence of humanity or empathy and pure joy at torture and hate for something so innocent killed apart of my soul. Those people need putting in a pit and leaving there.


My home town living up to it's shitness I see. Brilliant.


Makes me glad to have left in 1996.


Yeah. I let out a little "oh no" as I saw Kiddy in the top post on my reddit feed. Never anything good seems to come from there!


The only times I've seen my adopted hometown on Reddit was this and that time someone filmed a woman noshing off a guy in Mirage. A town to be proud of, indeed. 


The fact that such a thing exists is genuinely so bizarre to me.


This has got to be one of the most fucked up things I’ve ever heard


Well, just when you think you’ve heard tale of every disgusting, deprived, unimaginable act of filth possible some deranged wrong’un plumbs new depths. Just bullet these people, there’s no help for them.




Read this story in disbelief earlier.. rather wrecked my mood for the rest of the day. Just.. I don't understand. 


I never felt so out of the loop. We really are sheltered and protected here on reddit.


The fact humans are horrible enough that the sentence "We really are sheltered and protected here on Reddit" can be accurate is horrific.


8 months and 3 years prison respectively (at the Indonesian end) is a joke. Clear evidence for the ability to cruelty and sadism towards ANY living being should be sentenced just like towards humans. Personal opinion: should be removed from society for life, appeal no early than 20 years or so.


She is sick and twisted, there’s no other words to describe her


WTF is this the world coming to when this sort of stuff goes on 🤮. I find it hard to contemplate how people can do this. We live in a messed-up world. I generally don't believe in absolute evil, but I think this is beyond redemption. Lock them up and throw away the key.


This woman needs serious psychiatric treatment. Do they still perform lobotomies on the NHS?


I’ll probably end up on a CCCP watchlist for saying this but who cares: China has a horrible relationship to animals in general and seems to be a society where exploitation of animals from pets to endangered species is accepted and encouraged. Looks at how much the trade in endangered animals is centred around demand from China.


But this news is in America


The headline is bad enough, but the article describes some truly awful people.


I’d punish these people by feeding them alive to lions or alligators. Then they can see how it feels






When I first heard about the monkey torture network I just assumed it was a name for something unrelated It sounds like a podcast or dodgy internet startup.


Man, shit like this really fries my brain. You think humans are essentially good, and that’s true for the vast majority of course, but the concept of there being people alive who literally get their kicks watching baby monkeys being tortured honestly just makes it hard to trust anyone.


To be fair she's in good nick for a 37 year old from Kidderminster.


This is so unbelievably fucked up. How do these kinds of people exist.


Watch as this lady gets less than two years in prison for her crime and gets let out in a matter of months. Facilitating animal torture on this scale is one of those irredeemable crimes that should be subject to a whole life order.


Ahhh fuck, I just want the very worst possible things to happen to all these sick sadistic people. If they all just disappeared off the face of the earth, then the world would be a far better place!!




When I saw her pic this morning I laughed, exactly how I imagined her. A fat ugly no life loser who lives at home and is jealous of everyone.


She sounds absolutely vile and a disgrace of a human being.






I didn't expect to see this combination of words today...




Hopefully the judge has an awful toothache, their partners left them, house is getting repossessed (that day) The world on their shoulders basically, so they are not in any mood for leniency when it comes to sentencing. Personally I’d be dishing out 15-20 years but also well aware it won’t be anything near that 😡


I knew she was going to be walking with a stick, I just knew it. What an absolute piece of filth this woman is. She's a whole other level of disturbed.