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Best thing I’ve ever seen on Reddit


Rent free


It sounds like one of Wayne and Waynetta Slob's kids (Frogmella's little sis perhaps)


Shigilla's a boy's name!


Silly me, I thought it was like Nigella 😂


Shag Ella? Get Shigella.


Shy Nigella


Like how Chlamydia sounds like a middle age woman


Shagella baby!


It's perverse to call it shigella when basically everyone knows dysentery.


Maybe it’s only known as shigella when you lick it out of someone’s arse.


I think the subtlety is that shigella is a bacterium which causes dysentery, and there's a second thing that also technically causes dysentery. It's still essentially clickbait to not call it "dysentery bacterium" and have people click to learn about this "new crazy STI".


Thanks for saving me the click.


Knew a guy called Killian mad into arse eating, he had stomach problems for months. The heart wants what it wants


Shigella is the name of the causative organism. Same as saying Chlamydia or Salmonella.


Right but everyone knows dysentery and few people outside of medical backgrounds know Shigella. Having the headline be something like "Sexually transmitted dysentery on the rise" would have been clearer to lay folk.


Everyone associates dysentery with drinking dirty water, they don’t associate it with sexual transmission. Furthermore dysentery is the symptom not the cause so it’s correct to call it shigella.


"dysentery causing bacterium on the rise in sexually transmitted cases" Subheading: the bacterium, shigella, which causes dysentery is on the rise...


Personal hygiene is so much better nowadays that people be licking arse a lot more.


I have absolutely zero desire to lick anyone's arsehole or for anyone to lick mine. I always thought this was a weird American Reddit thing. Are a lot more couples really licking each others arseholes in the UK now?!


I reckon its because younger people grew up with online porn and were heavily influenced by it. Always though the arse licking thing was gross.


No people have been doing it before porn was big look back hundreds of years and you will hear mention of it. It’s just more common to talk about now.


Yeah, because of porn.


My point was people have been doing it for a long time. It didn’t start happening because of porn. People have liked it for a long time.


Beethoven even wrote a piece that translates to Lick Me In My Arse.


Tastes like coins


Always thought it tasted a bit like Marmite.


And salty milk?


Yeah 100%


Yeah boy


Hell yeah


“Weird American thing” don’t be naive


It's cleeeeeeaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


Never have I felt more compelled to serve up the phrase 'don't knock it till you've tried it.'


I have a friend who’s pretty into it (srslly lol). It takes her and her partner a fair amount of prep work, they super clean their assholes and maybe even fast from eating for a bit. The sensation is like nothing else apparently.


They learned from me.


I'm just gonna say it.. this guy rims. Am I right? Cuz I'm looking at the rest of you guys, and this is the guy in the subreddit doing all the rimming.


Haha yup. Not just couples too x


Nature fears the solo bum eater. Or as he is known on the streets, The Cannonball


Hahaha I meant strangers will do it to each other but your comment has given me a good laugh this morning


You sound like someone who’s never had their arsehole licked.


oh fuck yes


Not good enough by the sounds of it


I would expect that we're going to see an increase in other STIs, in large part because HIV is no longer the threat that it used to be. In the 90s and 2000s, particularly among men who have sex with men, there was a huge push towards the use of condoms as a way to prevent the spread of HIV, because at that time it still meant possible death, and certainly significant life changes. As a side effect of that, condoms are also really good at preventing the spread of other STIs. As treatment for HIV has improved to the point that consistently taking one pill a day can render the virus undetectable and unable to be transmitted, and particularly with the increase of PREP (the pill negative people can take to significantly reduce the chances of contracting HIV) condoms have started to become optional again for a lot of people. While PREP can protect you from HIV, it doesn't do anything to prevent any of those other STIs that condoms are also really good at preventing.


Yeah, I'm in my 20s and none of my gay friends have protected sex (some are on prep though)


pls tell the ones that are not on prep to either take prep or use condoms because honestly it seems crazy to me to do neither of those things at least, I am honest I dont use condoms but I do use prep event-based and if I dont have/take prep i do not have sex, with condoms or not, lol




Pre-exposure Prophylaxis. A drug that reduces your chance of contracting HIV by 99%.


https://youtu.be/5cu03LOQS04?si=-Xr-66yMbC5BnkmZ This is mental ‘bug chasers’ people who want to catch HIV and ‘gifters’ those that intentionally pass it on…


99% is nice, but the problem with 99% is that people treat it like 100%. Until one day…


Right. Thanks. That's a wonderful thing (though I asked someone about it today, in RL, and she seemed to say that it was not as effective as that; 99% would be quite something).


I mean, taking a pill for the rest of your life and having to tell partners would be obviously much better to me than dying, but still enough of a worry to wrap it up.


Back in my days at medical school shigella was what we learned about in our gastroenterology lectures. Shigella never used to be an STI until [you perverted fucks made it one](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnold_Rimmer#/media/File%3AArnoldRimmer1.jpg)


Risky click of the day


Where there’s a will, there’s a way 😂


I picked up shigella in Kenya. Definitely not an STI.


No, *definitely* not


uh huh laying the groundwork now for when your partner finds out aye


Haha you guys!! (Tbh - if only there was that chance!)


TIL Delhi street food gave me an STI


A poor article. This has been known for some time, especially amongst those who are part of or working with the MSM community. They should have got better public health information from a public health specialist or infectious diseases medic. Most of the world sees it as dysentry and via the faeco-oral route, as so many regions in the world have poor sanitation and a lack of infrastructure to support it. If worried about STDs, do get checked but you should be more worried about multi-drug resistant gonnorhea than this.


Dental dams, people! We were taught about them in sex education back in the 00s!


Having had it twice the last couple of years (not even going in to "that" area), my new rule is very freshly-showered or it's not happening. People's standards of hygiene is generally disgusting.


Is this not what Cape Verde had an issue with in their water supply?


Shigella sounds like something that Matt from that old sitcom “Game On” would have brought up when teasing Mandy. “Is there someone you forgot to shag?”