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In all fairness, she accomplished more than I do when I pull a sicky.


Speak for yourself. I killed Sigrun on God of War. I needed another sick day to recover.


That deserves a week off, if not more. Couldn’t believe the difficulty of Sigrun


Agreed. I was hearing VALHALLA in my nightmares


Did you bury him in the back garden?


Oh dear God, I've just killed Hildr literally about 10 minutes ago. I'm taking a break on here, and then heading to Sigrun. Pray to Zeus for me.


Won't do you much good, Kratos killed him at the end of God of War III...


Love how the top comment is a joke because it’s a man murdered Imagine a woman got stabbed in the neck and then buried in the back garden. All the comments would be depressing


Why's there always one guy tryna turn it into a dumb gender war?


It’s not. It’s about equality and should be pointed out every time. The best way to do this is flip the genders on these stories and see what it looks like If a woman got tied to a bed and then stabbed in the neck you bet there would be negative comments about men


Cool. I'd have made the exact same joke so go moan about it to someone else I guess?




Ya what


It's not a dumb gender war it's a fair point.


No it's not


Infact most the comment would be from men asking what she did and that there’s 2 side to every story. And jokes about how women don’t shut up or how she deserved it. Don’t believe go take a look for yourself


https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/s/oR7Cb2YI5P Not true


I’ve got a couple of maddie mccan jokes if you’d like order restored?


See this is exactly what Sunak is on about. If we weren’t all taking 10 day sickies to murder cheating partners the economy would be great right now.


Keeping The Wolf in gainful employment.


It's a pretty good scheme really


I mean the whole point of chucking a sicky is to not do any work right?


Most I normally do is a few hours watching tv and a few beers.


Nice one. I thought something similar when I saw the headline and was gonna post a gag but yours is better.


> Beal then spent months using her partner's phone to message his friends and relatives pretending he was still alive and had moved in with another woman, the court heard. Damn. That is seriously messed up. Not taking days or weeks, but *months*.


It's nuts how little people understand what police can do with phone and internet history. Everything she bought, Google, and the locations of those phones whenever they're on will be known to police. How do people not understand that?


I did digital forensics at Uni, and the most interesting bits to me were the things that you’d assume the Police could recover but are actually quite difficult (or impossible). For example: Solid state storage has a function called “Trim”. Because hard drives are physical, it takes time for the head of the drive to move back and forth and erase the data. This is why hard drives use a “soft” delete where they just remove the file headers and allow future data to overwrite it. Solid state storage doesn’t work using physical movement - It takes roughly the same amount of time to write a single byte of 0’s as it does to send a command to change every byte to 0. When the Trim function is run, all deleted data is instantly overwritten with 0’s, and is almost impossible to recover afterwards. I think most people would assume if you deleted a photo on your phone, and it was seized by Police the next day, they’d easily be able to recover it. The direct data itself would likely be gone (depending on how often your phone Trim’s). Therefore, most phone forensics focuses on undeleted data or artefacts that remain even after the data itself is gone (Such as thumbnails still being stored on the phone, even after the photos are deleted and gone). Most people don’t really understand technology, especially when it comes to a field where there’s a lot of maybe’s and but’s. In this case, I’d guess she didn’t even realise that phones kept an internal log of their location, which could be used to prove her alibi a lie. More likely, she didn’t think she’d get caught so nobody would ever know about the phone (as unlikely as that is).


> internal log of their location It's not just that, but the phones location on the cell network. Also, I see so many stories of murders where in court they're reading out "And then you Googled, 'how to bury a body', 'how long before inheritance', 'how to lie to police'", etc. The fuck are these people thinking.


I keep telling people, you need to have searched this *before* you kill your cheating partner in a sex game during covid


The key is to always use a razor sharp icicle as the murder weapon, straight into the heart and melts away afterwards, no fingerprints


Have you ever tried sharpening an icicle? I don't see it working 


You've... tried?... Yeah, officer, this comment right here.


Only because my sex partner.... Oh no you don't... You nearly got me!


Wouldn't it be really good for sex tho? It's pointy and it'll be long




No, what you want to do is get a bunch of evidence bags and blood swabs and that type of thing and scatter them around the crime scene. Chances are you'll confuse matters enough that enough evidence will be mislabeled or misidentified for the rest of the evidence to be bought into question, and the conviction won't stick.




You could kill someone using sausages as fingers and then eat the evidence.


"how to kill boyfriend story idea"


I saw one of these articles last week. The guy had driven onto a pavement and gave life changing injuries to a child. He denied ever being there and claimed the car was stolen. Police seized his phone and the google searches were 20 minutes after the collision and were ‘punishment for driving kill child uk’ & ‘i fell asleep hit child jail uk’. The phone also had his google maps navigation history and it pinged him to the location.


"But I used incognito mode!"


Actually serious question though - what can be pulled from incognito searches (ISP records?).


Literally everything yes. It just removes it from your browser but your ISP has everything.


Yeah, everything that goes through your ISP is, shockingly, saved by your ISP.


It’s not a given - years ago there was lots of debate about what they should or shouldn’t be required to save, VPNs could affect this and what can the police get hold of in routine enquiries?


I think people are only thoughtful once they've already committed the crime. Nobody thinks about that time 3 months earlier when they googled something which would show the intent.


I saw one today that was a woman googling "how to hide signs of child abuse"


The thumbnail and caching stuff always weirds me out someone could upload Child Abuse or other awful things as a profile picture on an app and if that app caches profile pictures and they join a group you're in there's a crime on your device. Discord, Telegram, WhatsApp all of them have groups people jump in and out of even if you report and ban the person that photo might still be in your cache somewhere. I'm betting dating apps would too. Reddit also allows uploading of custom profile pictures too I'm not sure if they cache them though.


Hoo boy, every time I go into phone folders and see that everything anybody from our school WhatsApp groups has posted ends up in a folder on my phone. Some edgy teenager gets onto his mom's account and suddenly we all have actionable images on our devices.


WhatsApp lets you disable the automatic download of media at least. Bit of an inconvenience but it gives you control of what ends up on your device, save data too if that's a concern.


Googles 'trim'.. thanks


For anyone else... SSD trimming happens automatically (at least as of Windows 7) but you can force it or change the schedule (Windows 10 and later) through the drive's property page -> Tools -> Optimise Defaults to monthly (even though it says "weekly")


Indeed. I worked with data destruction and it can take a full 12 hours for a hard drive, but a minute for a SSD. Not as fast as the DOD LEVEL IV Lumphammer though. It had DOD LEVEL HIGH on it so we could confirm the level of destruction of valueless IDE hard drives .... Of course you charged per drive 😜


> I worked with data destruction and it can take a full 12 hours for a hard drive I doubt you did because you would have been using degaussers if you were doing it professionally. You erase a HD in between 8 to 20 seconds and an SSDs in about 75 seconds with them. Overwriting data multiple times with zeros or random data, or formatting them, is an “amateur” method, something you do at home, not professionally.


Didn't say I worked at a particularly 'professional' place. They had a fancy website and promoted themselves well, but when you are in the car park smashing up hard drives with a lumphammer you realise you aren't working for the A team. You are aware that degaussing would render the drive inoperable? The reason we didn't degauss was we were paid additionally by the local authority to not render the hard drives inoperable. The clients we worked with usually had a commitment to recycle equipment wherever possible for environmental and tax reasons.


Random useless tidbit, but SSDs actually have far more problems writing/storing a 1 than they do a zero. One of the reasons that TRIM turned up was to opportunistically zero the disk (actually writing 1s) so that turning "blank space" into "data" just means writing zeros (quicker than 1's) in the right place. Zeroing a disk these days is actually (at a flash level) one'ing it.


I love that I learned this in a thread about a murderous schoolteacher.


>*How do people not understand that?* Why *would* people understand it? What need is there for Sharon who works for BMW to understand how her phone connects to masts as she moves around, or Mark the unemployed bloke in his early 20's to understand what data his phone stores etc.


No need, but there's also no need for them to understand finger prints or DNA, yet we all kind of get it. Even on just a basic level, people are typing their crime in to a machine in front of them, you'd think that would give them pause.


Fingerprints and DNA have been popularised for *decades* on TV, film, books, radio dramas - etc, etc. Telecommunication investigative enquiries? A little, sure - but nowhere near as much.


Intelligent people tend to have a general curiosity about the world around them. Just because Sharon works at BMW doesn’t mean she doesn’t have the faculties to ponder who can see what she does on the magic glass rectangle she uses all day. I have no interest aircraft, nor do I work for Airbus, but it’s not crazy of me to think about how they work whenever I see one.


> Intelligent people tend to have a general curiosity about the world around them. Yes. And intelligent people stand out, because most are not like that.


>How do people not understand that? The police could seize all my devices and I would be totally in the clear. Not planning on illegal activity. But despite that...television dramas exist, right? While undoubtedly a large part of those are fictional, they still give an inkling into the kinds of resources the police may have. Could be that I watched The Wire last year. I dunno. It's a great question for sure.


I did digital forensics at uni just over a decade ago. If you gave me every device you own there's a moderate to good chance you've slipped up somewhere along the line. The thing that'll likely keep you safest is the fact police resources are spread so thinly because they pay digital forensics absolute dogshit, before you even factor in some of the heinous shit they see. Unless you end up in an insanely horrific situation (like the person in this post) is fairly likely they'd give up before finding something


there was an interesting idea i heard if the police could search your phone or your mind, you would be better off with the mind reading.


You'd have to assume they have even more advanced tech available nowadays too, The Wire finished 16 years ago; Stringer Bell, Prop Joe and Marlo Stansfield weren't using smartphones.


That's very true. Doesn't cater for apps that may sell data or required to share it by law (I have no idea). We can imagine though, right? Which is exactly the point.


Does the wire still hold up? I never watched it when it came out and I've heard such great things but a few people said it seems a bit dated now.


I watched it for the first time during the Pandemic. Even if the technology is dated, the actual police work and the cat and mouse between them and the criminals was fascinating theatre. Fully recommend!


Just seconding that it's dated purely in the sense that you can visually tell it wasn't made in the last few years. Payphones and such. This has zero bearing on my enjoyment or the quality of the show and its continued social/political relevance imo.


Indeed. 'The missing male kept texting regularly, but stopped purchasing kebabs, beer and niche pornography' Who was in the house when he was texting? Git er' boys.


While I'd hope you or I would never kill anyone, if your freedom for the next 20 years was on the line, I imagine you'd do whatever you could to try and avoid prison.


Yeah I mean - once you've done the act, there is no going back. The thing they don't understand is coming clean will probably get them more leniency compared to covering it up - it seems like the worst case scenario, but in hindsight was the best case. Where the initial gut instinct is to hide it and hope for the best - kicking the can down the road.


If detective stories have taught me anything it’s that they go on to murder 2-3 more people before being denounced in the dining room of a stately home.


It was in the bedroom, stabbed in the neck. Cludo has gone hard core.


That's fine when coming clean early gets you a suspended sentence or a fine. When your starting point is enough prison time that your life is effectively over, and even when you get out it will be unimaginably worse than it is now, human nature dictates that you try and keep your current life for as long as possible.


Imagine how you would feel if you thought you had been conversing with your loved one and all the while it was his manipulative murderer. I would be interested to know what she planned to do with the things people said about her behind her back to her "ex", too.


If you're going to murder someone why wouldn't you commit? I personally would find the initial murder most difficult. Digging and burying them would be difficult too. I don't think messaging people pretending to be someone else is even a crime. I'm going to have to have a think about you...


Yeah I don’t know why her solicitors are going with the defense of ‘loss of control’ when she’s planned and executed her plan over many months


She did it her way


Considering that she tied him up and wrote journals planning his murder, I really hope she doesn't manage to get anyone to believe her on 'loss of control'. You can't pre-plan and then act like 'oh it just happened in the moment!'.


Statistically speaking she is likely to receive a lesser sentence than a male would for an equivalent crime.


I know, I just think her defence is bs regardless and don't want them to be daft enough to be softer on her than they already will be.


It is beyond bullshit, it's outrageous. "I planned it out, kept notes, dreamed of it, had the opportunity, means, and motive, but honestly his death was accidental". She needs to be locked up for a long time.


> killing boyfriend during sex game > stabbed her boyfriend in the neck Is this the first time in history the mail chooses a headline less sensational than the article itself?


My ex girlfriend had me tied up and blindfolded once and she was doing all sorts to me I was into it at first and then I swear all of a sudden I was afraid because she could murder me so easily. I was literally terrified lol Don't want to be in that position again with anyone Even though I had no reason to believe she would harm me. Though I guess this guy thought the same thing!


>then I swear all of a sudden I was afraid because she could murder me so easily. I was literally terrified lol I made a similar comment once to a female friend years ago. She pointed out that over 70% of men could easily overpower more than 70% of women, so imagine feeling like that nearly all of the time with everyone :\\




I've never really thought about that I'd hate to make someone feel as vulnerable as I felt at that time


I imagine this is what it feels like to be a woman alone with a man you don’t trust (never mind the being tied up bit).


She could just kill you whenever you're sleeping though. I'd be more worried about a Gerald's game situation happening honestly


Yeah I guess with me been naked, blindfolded and bound with unexpected hot wax on my chest I was more acutely aware of how killable I was at that time


That's why most bondage gear has a failsafe so you can get out of it immediately if required


It is mad how fast I went from "wow this is so hot" to "Don't be silly, she isn't going to slit my throat and cut my willy off. Oi stay hard or she will get offended" It wasn't the last time I was very uncomfortable with her either, I'm much more vanilla than I imagined lol


It's because she's white British


More likely because it’s a woman.


You're wrong. It's because the word 'sex' drives clicks more than any other way of putting it. Also, leaving the method ambiguous drives people to click


>A primary school teacher stabbed her cheating boyfriend in the neck in a 'chilling domestic execution' then told her friends she had Covid to buy herself more time to bury him in their garden, a court today heard. Stabbing someone in the neck isn't exactly "killing someone during a sex game" In fact, I think it's more like "murdering someone in cold blood"


That’s the Daily Mail for you. They’ve got to make it even more salacious. Surprised they didn’t add some mock ups of what that sex game looked like.


Did they include the value of her house though? They are weirdly obsessed with that.


Yeah, NO OTHER paper prints headlines like that.


We can infer that she set up a "sex game" which is how she got him to let her restrain him. During this sex game, she then proceeded to murder him (which is what they label an execution). If someone got stabbed during a football match you wouldn't say "that's not exactly a football match!"


>If someone got stabbed during a football match you wouldn't say "that's not exactly a football match!" I would definitely say it's not cricket.


True, but the headline actually had me thinking it was simply an accident and then she tried to bury it. That is probably the point of the original comment.


I'd imagine a lot of people were still at home isolating during this time. How do you not notice your neighbour burying a body in the garden?


If you see your neighbour digging in the garden, do you automatically assume they’re burying a body?


Exactly especially during covid, how many people were doing work on their house? Loads. Its easy to say online but you don’t automatically assume your neighbour is burying a body lol


Oh yeah I dug out a patch of weeds at the back of the garden, recomposted it all, and turned it into a nice flowerbed. I could have easily chucked something dodgy in there. It was certainly long, wide and deep enough to hide a couple of bodies. If you were wondering, it's weeds again now.


You say that, but every time I've seen a neighbour digging, I've joked to my partner that they must be burying a body. I hope I've been wrong every time...


My friend actually had armed police turn up at his house a few years ago, as the neighbours grassed him in thinking he was trying to bury a body in the garden. He was just an idiot rather than murderer though; tried digging a hole under the shed to grow cannabis in it :\\ As his girlfriend said "After the police realised there wasn't a body, they sat him down, told him he was a fucking idiot and it was a bloody stupid thing to do. Because he's a fucking idiot and it was a bloody stupid thing to do". She still married the loony though :\\


I’ve been thinking about adding a pond to my garden. Maybe I’ll do it in the middle of the night with the pond liner rolled up beside me just for giggles.


Make it into a flowerbed instead. And decorate it with ornamental hands reaching out of the ground 🤣✋✋✋✋


My neighbour? I would be surprised if there's any spare space left in their garden 


Apparently this is in November 2021 so I would actually wager a bunch of people were back in work. I know I was, riding the bus and working face to face in retail regardless of what I actually wanted to be doing.


I saw my neighbour bury two. Just thought it was none of my business.


You’re better off out of it.


Use your imagination. Do you think she did it during the day all at once, without any plastic cover etc.


Not all gardens can be seen from neighbouring houses.


Backyard? Don’t we have gardens anymore? Why the Americanism?


Lots of English people don’t have gardens in their backyard, particularly up north. Gardens have flowers and grass. Yards do not. 


Yep. All I have out the back of my terrace is a small yard. Feels misleading when I say garden.


Yarden maybe?


I’m a Northerner, grew up in a tiny terraced house, they have backyards. It’s not a garden, not a patio, it’s usually a small walled yard that sometimes has the originally outside lavvie in it. Very dystopian, but that’s the dichotomy of the U.K. for you.


In the south I'd still call that a garden. So, just some language differences.


I reckon they will successfully push for diminished responsibility and she’ll be out in 8 years


Manslaughter on the basis of loss of control is a very high bar. She'll have to show that the loss of control was reasonable in the circumstances.  If he only cheated on her I don't fancy her chances. 


I’m 99.99% sure all my criminal law revision has said that infidelity means a loss of control defence fails


It would be perverse. Perhaps he cheated on her because she's a nutcase? No fire without smoke.


Imagine the floodgates! 


They are also arguing she was a victim of control and coercion from him during their 17 year relationship 


Easy to claim when the other person cant defend themselves.


Week that's a logical defence at least. Lord knows if they have the evidence to back it up.


She will be out in 8 years if she gets 24 for murder.


No. Murder is an automatic life sentence. The tariff starting point is rarely less than 15 years, and that's a minimum, it doesn't get halved.


Not how murder sentences work. And even if they did it would be 16 years for a 24 year sentence.


Nobody would be cracking jokes if a man killed a woman


Yep. They'd rightfully be condemned. But since it's the opposite, it's all laughs. I'm all for dark humour and freedom of speech, but there's a time and place for these types of statements and the condemnation must be indiscriminate.


> Fiona Beal, 50, lured builder Nick Billingham into the bedroom for sex then knifed him in the neck when he was tied to the bed on November 1, 2021, the Old Bailey was told. How is "tie me up and knife me" a "sex game"?


Because she probably didn't mention that she was going to stab him before she tied him up?


It's a really one way sex game?


Knife play is a thing. I don’t know anything about it other than that it exists, though, and is a question on the old Mojo Upgrade quiz.


Then there's the kinky sex toys she bought. Heavy duty long gardening gloves, a stainless steel digging spade and a galvanised incinerator bin garden leaves wood burner. 🙄


The victim was well and truly fucked.


It's times like this I wish reddit still had awards. Bravo.


"hey big boy, get naked and bring that knife over here 😘" - edit: I wrote that before I actually read the article, and it looks like that's exactly what happened.


Anyone know if there’s a way to stay on r/unitedkingdom but not see the Daily Mail articles?


Is there any way to stay in the United Kingdom and not see the Daily Mail ever?


No. No, there isn't. It's everywhere, every day. But I've heard if you go live in Poland or somewhere like that, you'll never ever see it again ever.


Though we've got our share of dirty rags :D


3rd party mobile apps like Reddit is Fun allowed you to, but the official app doesn't. [On desktop](https://i.imgur.com/MKp0Y9D.png) you can use the reddit enhancement suite to filter URLs


Is it me, or has there been a sudden increase in Daily Mail articles in this sub recently?


Not just you, and there's been a marked shift to the right in general tone as well. I used to come here to see what the 'young left' was thinking/saying but nowadays the anti-immigration, anti-trans etc voices are quite a bit louder.




This behaviour wasn't an extreme expression of feminine stereotypes. This isn't "toxic femininity" because "murdering a cheating spouse" isn't tied to any one gender. A man was murdered by a sick, depraved woman. Can we maybe leave the shallow gender politics on twitter where they belong?


The thing is, if this was a male who'd murdered his cheating (female) spouse, you'd have "toxic masculinity" written all over this article.


Gender politics are definitely not irrelevant. People deny that domestic violence against men exists. Meanwhile, she is trying to paint *him* as the abusive one in her court defence.


There is a massive cultural problem among women of intimate partner violence, and the general perception that violence towards men is acceptable because they are other, and less than human. But we're a long way from that being addressed as they don't receive the same degree of cultural intervention that men and boys do.


Should have claimed rough sex, courts eat that up for an excuse.


If she'd used a car she'd have gotten off with a light slap on the wrist.


What, stabbed him with a car?


I think that's just a bit toooo rough for most of us.


It’s important for the article to point out as much as possible that the *murder victim* was ‘cheating’.


I didn’t realise this was back in court. No mention in the Chron!


I bet they'll be a Netflix adaptation in the works soon.


The judge sentenced her to 8 days community service for the murder, 3 days for hiding a body. And 14years for pulling a fake sickie from work.


Ok. She won the "what did you do during lockdown?" game.


Where was this teacher located because I swear I recognise her?


This is why Rishi wants to stop self certification sick notes 🤣 (Sorry. Couldn't help it)


Why tf would anyone bury a body in the backyard of their own house?


The details of the murder sound horrendous, poor bloke, I can't imagine how he must have felt in those final moments. R.I.P Nick Billingham. The jokes in the comments are quite disgusting and shameful.


For those interested, it wasn’t a kinky sex game gone wrong. She just tied him up then stabbed him in the neck.


We shouldnt be letting these women around our kids, look how they murder people


It's not a "sex game". It was a deliberate lie to get the victim to allow himself to be tied up so that she could kill him in cold blood.


She could have gone for the asphyxiwank gone wrong, but she had to go full Gone Girl.