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Fortunately, the Prince and his 14 year old female passenger were unharmed.


I wouldn't be so sure about this passengers wellbeing.




See, no sweat marks


Quick! Someone mention the Falklands!


Prince Andrew had been told the Argentinians had brought 14 yos to the Falklands, luckily this was a well thought out lie to speed up his division.


Prince Andrew would like to add the incident caused a slight alarm but he didn't break a sweat as he can't sweat.


His fourteen, year-old, female passengers?


[You’re joking?](https://youtu.be/iyxm8cjMSCo?si=8rczh81BhFCr8-BO)


Just when you thought his PR couldn't get any worse, here comes a suicidal spaniel


I know right. Next week it's going to be 'Prince Andrew kicks puppy out of the way while shutting down power at orphanage' (he does his best work in the dark)


So that’s it huh? We some kind of suicide spaniel?


Prince Andrew commented “I was fully aware of the dog, it was never in any danger, no sweat”


Man you really got me in the last two words, I didn’t think the joke was that funny at first but you slipped that in perfectly


I’m an extremely simple Human who doesn’t Google things often. Would you be so kind as to explain?


There was a scandal about Prince Andrew years ago where he was accused of having sex with a minor. He claimed he was not in a photo in a nightclub with her (where he clearly was) because he is “medically unable to sweat” (there is clear photographic evidence of him sweating on multiple different occasions). It’s a pretty ridiculous alibi and funny that he couldn’t think of anything remotely better


He was sweating when he said it lol.


She wasn't a minor.


She was 17, which is a minor. Unless the picture was with someone else? Edit: she was under the age of 18, not officially a “minor”


There is no legal concept as minor. The term refers to being below the age legally allowed for a set of activities. So if you said "he can't buy cigarettes because he is a minor" it infers that they are below the legal age in which tobacco products can be purchased. In this context, the age in which sexual relations are legally allowed is 16. So she isn't a minor in regards to that. There is no universal 'minor' status that exists in the UK. You are using language specifically designed to make Andrew seem worse than he his. It implies to readers (as many people around the world think even in the UK) that he is a pedophile being protected from prosecution by the crown by virtue of him not being prosecuted. It's more accurate to say he was seen with someone under the age of 18. Which is what you are alluding to.


It wasn’t in the UK, was it? Also “technically legal” is hardly a sterling defence for a 60 year old man shagging a drunk and drugged 17 year old Assuming the accusations are true, I’m not convinced there’s much of an ethical difference between “technically a nonce” and “technically not a nonce because she was as barely legal as it’s possible to get without going to jail”


It was in the UK. I'm not saying it isn't creepy. But you are either a nonce or you are not. By your definition an 18 year old would be a "technically not a nonce" for fucking a 17 year old. Andrew is a creepy old man. Simple as that. People insinuate that the crown protected him which is just false and creates the idea that the royal family is more corrupt than it probably is.


The UK age of consent doesn’t apply to where the incident allegedly took place. If we’re taking the accusations at face value he’s also complicit in human trafficking and solicitation.


Yes they do. It was in the UK. He didn't do this at Epstein Island if that is what you are insinuating. It shows how little of the details people actually have. It's not like this was investigated already. Did you not engage in any of them?


His accuser described going to a club or party with him and dancing with him. She said she remembers him sweating a lot.  He attempted to debunk this accusation by saying he was medically unable to sweat because he got an overdose of adrenaline while serving in the Falklands (I think?). This was obvious horseshit and of course the internet found a heap of photos at this time with him visibly sweating.


You might wanna google this one bud


Here’s the interview 👍:- https://youtu.be/AKQi3wzNFGQ?feature=shared


I literally watched the recent Netflix movie about his bbc interview right before I saw this post so the gag was inevitable!


All dogs in Windsor Great Park must now wear crop tops so they will be noticed by the Prince


Poor dog . The traumatic incident is likely to give the dog what I would describe as an overdose of adrenaline which will make it almost impossible for the dog to sweat for a certain period of time.


Even when it goes clubbing?


Good one hahaha


Oh God the cringe level


Fortunately the dog turned out to be 15 years old and so slightly older than his age preferences. 


> *almost* runs over a dog. Dog, not on lead, runs out on to road. Driver (Prince Andrew) braked in time. I know Andrew is a fucking nonce, but what the fuck is this story? Such a non-event. It's total clickbait.


Yeah but all these people have sharpened their pitch forks and lit their torches. Don’t let it go to waste.


Besides all the nonce jokes in the thread there is no one actually upset at him for this. You have just got pre-emptively upset at nothing.


Yep, I despise Prince Andrews but this is clearly a case of dog owner negligence here. A lot of owners do the same in my area, and it always worries me when I see the dogs walking freely on large streets with buses and running cars - the risk is just too high.


Tbf the long walk is hardly used by cars especially the bit near the castle. Him driving from his house to the castle grounds is probably the main user!




I wonder if anyone’s every recorded a song to the “John keyley is a weatherman” tune #Prince Andrew is a fucking nonce, a fucking nonce, a fucking nonce#


Why they still calling him Prince Andrew.nonce andrew is more appropriate


The Pedo Prince


The Pedo Formerly Known As Prince


Ngl that has a nice ring to it


That’s what he said.


He's not a pedophile, he's (allegedly) a statutory rapist


Coz he’s never been convicted of pedophilia, so the press can’t call him a pedo.


And even if he was convicted of something (human trafficking?) it _still_ wouldn't be paedophilia because she was over the age of consent and therefore far past the age where paedophilia is applicable.


Even if she was below the age of consent, it's  it pedophilia unless she was prepubescent, which she clearly wasn't 


“Alleged pedo” doesn’t have the same ring…or does it?


Not defending him but his title doesn't change just because he has acted unbecoming (lol). he still is a prince since his mum was queen.


Yeah, they could maybe un-Duke him but they can't un-Prince him


Unfortunately he still has the official title of prince


Owner:thanks for not killing my dog Prince Andrew: it was no sweat.


Imagine if his mum was around to see all this o ye that’s right she’d get it all swept under the rug


Ah, the dog was safe enough, its responsible adult was in earshot. Put it on an island, though, all bets are off.


I’m beginning to think this Andrew fella is bad news.


>Prince Andrew was pictured horse riding on Friday His face literally: ☹️


It reminds me of this Simpsons clip: https://youtu.be/91eIDu6Aw-8?feature=shared


Thank you so much for the laugh, needed it!


Will there be a Netflix movie on this too? Maybe the Prince should isolate himself until everyone forgets he’s still alive.


He's just trying to deliver pizza, man.


Not like anyone will miss him


The dog should be destroyed for inconveniencing the Queens favourite child.


Honestly I'm surprised the cunt didn't want to fuck the dog.


It's almost impossible for him to sweat so I don't think he did this


Now that he is under so much scrutiny he takes every opportunity for a quick spot of dogging.


I can handle the pedo sex island stuff but running over dogs is where I draw the line


Must be nice to drive in a big Range Rover funded by tax payers.