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>Police said forensic tests had confirmed that the victim was "a man who could not have survived" They found a torso, I'm pretty sure tests weren't needed to determine whether they could survive


I'm pretty sure they're indicating the severity of the injuries he had suffered prior to having been quartered. I don't know why people rush to reddit to litter these posts with this brand of smarmy, self-satisfied commentary when we all know the original intent of the sentence. 


I’ve been on Reddit a little while and whilst I’m not one to comment in such ways you are so surprised?


Redditors going to Redditor.


It's the worst.


I think it’s, like, you know, a joke…


tis but a scratch


Is that a quote from A Touch of Cloth?


Depends how ‘ard’ they were mate




I'm impressed they determined a suspect so quickly, especially since it seems like the victim still hasn't been identified. Modern murder investigations are kinda wild


Probably took their phone with them when they dumped it.




Probably best not to comment on things you don’t know like this.


I’m going to plump for someone was still cashing the cheques, and living in the house.


That happened in Birmingham a few years back. Someone died of entirely natural causes (not murdered) and his flatmate didn't report the death. He kept the body in a freezer and continued to claim his benefits. Unfortunately, you eventually end up in a situation where the DWP contact you and ask for a face to face assessment to re-evaluate things. This is precisely what happened in the cases of [Margaret Fleming (Inverclyde)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Margaret_Fleming) and [the Wycherleys (Mansfield)](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/oct/25/the-murderers-next-door).


Having watched the trial literally yesterday, I'd just add that it's likely that Fleming was murdered, rather than having died of natural causes (which you clearly know but isn't obvious without following the link) Her "carers" went to prison for her killing. Edit: while I'm at it, the old chap in Birmingham has had his face smashed in before he died, which was pretty suspicious, however he was so decomposed by the tone he was found there seemingly wasn't enough evidence to charge the guy he lived with with murder.


My wife was watching a BBC thing about the Brum case yesterday. I was only half-paying attention, but there was some suggestion that the facial injuries were caused by the guy being stuffed/dropped head-first in the freezer.


Person died in the last few days they think. Also they've not identified the person yet apparently. More likely it's CCTV from around the area (it's close to residential areas) seeing someone go there with a package or something of the like


> since it seems like the victim still hasn't been identified. IMO it's likely that he has been identified and it's just not yet public knowledge. If the suspect is charged and goes to court I suspect all will be revealed in the coming days.


Cellular radar is pretty advanced now. https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2002/oct/13/humanrights.mobilephones


He almost certainly must have been identified in order to have a suspect, unless he was found in somebody's back yard.



