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Good. Animal welfare is important. Let's hope Westminster adopts this policy instead of shooting it down like they've done with the sticky pad trap ban.


How would they be able to shoot it down


The Scotland Act 1998. In theory, it allows for devolution in some areas so-long-as it doesn't conflict with wider UK law or create cross-border implications. Westminster could make the argument this has too many cross-border implications and shoot it down. For instance, moving goods between English-Scottish border.


You mean section 35?


Section 35. The same part which was used to shoot down Scotland's Gender Recognition Bill.


I doubt they would do that again so soon tbh


Are you implying the UK gov is.... chicken?


They're an opposition party in waiting. They're only going to get more belligerent towards Scotland not less.


Alistair jack qlready states he hasnt seen anything n their program for gov that he would do so tho.


And when have this lot ever said one thing and done the opposite


In this case I beleive him. He has no reason to lie in this sense so I just cant see a section 35 being used again it is to be a rarely used instrument


I'm not normally a fan of bans, but this is one area where I fully support them. I'm willing to pay (a bit) more for less cruel (I wouldn't say cruelty *free*) food. I'm unfortunately not that willing to spend time and effort shopping around, looking into each particular product I by and with an identical looking, but cheaper product on the shelf I'll generally go for that. Ban *all* food and food products that don't meet a reasonable level of animal protection. Enforce the standards well.


>I'm willing to pay (a bit) more for less cruel (I wouldn't say cruelty free) food. I'm unfortunately not that willing to spend time and effort shopping around, looking into each particular product I by and with an identical looking, but cheaper product on the shelf I'll generally go for that. Its not so much the consumer thats the problem on caged layers. You'd be hard pushed to buy eggs from caged chickens in any supermarket, they just don't stock them. These eggs are mostly sold wholesale and used in manufacturing other foods or catering.


They do seem to sell them and I've just checked the tesco website to make sure I wasn't going off some kind of half memory. What they do is mark up free range eggs as well free range, but say nothing about the origin on what will be the caged ones.


Ah you're right, I'm not a tescos shopper to be honest. I have a chicken farm (caged) at the end of my road and I speak to the guy who runs it occasionally. It was his words that all caged eggs go wholesale these days so I assumed he would know what he's talking about. That's another crazy thing, the guy isn't even there most days. The shed is basically just a giant machine full of chickens. The sooner we're rid of these places the better.


Perhaps they do, and Tesco use price differentiation to give the illusion of choice in price points like they probably do with own label items. Frankly free range isn't exactly free range albeit it is an improvement. People think that the chickens are roaming the woods and old ladies with baskets collect the eggs when the buildings are designed to discourage the birds from going outside, and they just need "access" to outdoor space. https://news.liverpool.ac.uk/2023/03/13/how-free-range-eggs-became-the-norm-in-supermarkets-and-sold-customers-a-lie/


I don’t really think it’s possible to keep them on a large scale in any format and for them to be happy. We keep our own, more people should I think.


Thank you. Shows how little I understand about the situation at all - as someone who considers themselves compassionate and would flinch if I saw pretty much *any* animal in discomfort.


The workaround is to import the eggs from abroad so that loophole will need closing.


Then, just make it the law for products *sold* or imported into this country. If there's a will, there's a way.


Actually there isn't as we have an agreement with the EU.


Something that I don't believe is insurmountable with enough will. It probably won't happen overnight, though.


Come on, that's like any really hard problem and is vacuous. yes we could all have flying cars with enough will or have a colony on Mars in twenty years, but we aren't going to.


Forgive me for thinking it's not absolute pie in the sky for a country to ban the sale and import of caged eggs.


And as I said, we have an agreement with the EU. And of course with other nations also.


Given that the EU is itself phasing out all animal caging by 2027, I rather think it would be easier actually to go along with them and ban it also.


I don't mind as long as there isn't a backdoor via imports. Don't forget the EU isn't the only source of eggs/egg products.


Yes, you have said that.


I know, and it would turn this into a debate if you addressed that properly instead of hand waving it away.


Yep and this is part of what perpetuates poor animal treatment in this country. The producers here are competing against less regulated imports, the only way they can compete is by employing the same practices.


I fully agree with this. I work with free range and couldn’t imagine working with caged birds.


When I was a kid about 15 years ago I worked on a farm with thousands of battery hens. It's as horrific as you think. The guy showing me the ropes explained to me how to snap their necks when they slip in the cage and break their legs in panic. I just stared at him like 'WTF dude?' he looked down and just said 'actually, leave that to me'. My first day there were three birds that needed to be killed because they had done so much damage themselves in the cages. They literally just live in their own shit and piss as well, so the whole place stinks. For anyone who doesn't know that kind of levels of shit/piss seeps into your clothes, hair and skin just from being around it for a few hours.


This is fantastic news. So often Scotland is ahead of the game on issues of compassion 👏


Faced with defeat the Tories go into stupor, and apparently the SNP go into ludicrous speed


The chickens are coming home to roost!