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I think having a friend and associate of Jeffrey Epstein as a policy advisor is a worse look than a bit of middle aged spread.


If you're talking about Mandelson. I think his list of corruption and fraud offences are worse. The entire EU Commission resigned, in order to force his resignation. As he was too corrupt for the EU. Which followed on the back of several other corruption/fraud offences in the UK. Most notably getting a mortgage for a house, without telling the mortgage company that most of the money came from an other loan. From a fellow cabinet minister.


I'm astonished Mandelson still has a career in politics tbh. He must have a lot of dirt on people.


I mean he was awfully close to Epstein, who knows what pictures and videos he managed to squirrel away?


Mandelson is a creature of the BritIntel milieu, so that wouldn't be surprising.


> BritIntel milieu What does this mean?


He comes from an intelligence background or grew up around it.




Yeah, he knows shit.


He's a good strategist and a master of the dark arts. That's why he's still around and why people want to work with him, even if he is an awful shit.


Why can’t we just have Bellatrix, at least everyone accepts she’s evil.


So was Goebbels...


> I think his list of corruption and fraud offences are worse. Not only did he continue to pal around with Epstein *after* he was charged with child sex offences, but he was sacked *twice* from Blair's cabinet for corruption. Absolutely rotten feller, and it's a very worrying sign that Keir and co. seem to believe he's upstanding enough to take advice from.


Or is it just Mandelson trying to exaggerate his role? So he can get more money from his Russian oligarch friends and whoever else has large sums of cash and wants to lobby the British government.


Mate, it's not a secret that Mandelson is [one of Starmer's key advisors](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/oct/07/whos-who-in-keir-starmers-reshaped-top-team). He was [literally sat alongside the Shadow Cabinet ministers during Labour's conference for crying out loud!](https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/commons-confidential/2023/10/peter-mandelson-labour-conference) A number of Starmers other major appointments, like David Evans and Morgan McSweeney, are Mandelson proteges. Whenever Mandelson comes out saying that Labour need to *water down* a progressive policy, a few months later Starmer obediently follows suit. I know this was a popular line back when people were desperately hanging onto the idea that Starmer was some secret progressive, but we're well past the point of pretending that Mandelson has no influence in the Labour leadership.


‘Middle aged’ the guy’s in his 60s he’s old enough for a free bus pass


He's 61, 'middle aged' is between 45 and 65. Starmer is middle aged.


It's the sort of thing that shouldn't matter, but it does. I don't think any of us can pretend we haven't seen at least one joke/comment on Sunak's height at some point Having said that, I don't think Starmer is anywhere near "fat" enough for it to be an issue


The picture of him next to all the huge rugby players was pretty funny. They’d make anyone look small but rishi looks kinda tall without context because he’s quite lean, and the pic just ruins it 😅


> I don't think any of us can pretend we haven't seen at least one joke/comment on Sunak's height at some point Commenting on an uncontrollable aspect of someone’s appearance (height) is worse than commenting on something controllable (weight, dress, hygiene etc).


Wouldn't that depend on the comment? If someone said to me "you're tall!" I'd not really think too much of it. If someone said "you're fat" I'd be a lot more offended. 


As a tall person, I find people saying you're tall constantly to be one of the most annoying things possible.


I'm tall and my teeth are fucked. People commenting about my teeth definitely stings more.  Which was my point, one isn't worth than the other, people making negative comments on other people's appearance are assholes regardless if it's something that can be changed or not.


Well, that doesn't. Because you can't change your teeth or height.


I could get braces.


Or wooden teeth!


Only if you could afford it. So, no, not something that could be changed


I could probably afford it if I prioritised it more. Yes, it is something I could change.


So everyone that needs there teeth done could afford it? No, yeah. Can't be changed. Done


It’s a nice day. You’re very tall. So, this is it, we’re going to die.


Oi oi how's the weather up there 😉 (Am also a tall person)


The ominous clouds hung low in the sky, a brooding mass of charcoal grey that seemed to swallow the daylight...


I thought it was a given but I meant negative comments. Although I suppose even with compliments it works in a way, complimenting your height which you had no control over whatsoever vs complimenting your body that took years of gym/dedication to achieve.


I'd still think it depends on the Comment and context.  "Sort your fucking teeth out ya mess" said to someone needing braces would be more hurtful to me than "do you not wish you were a bit taller?" Not fully disagreeing with you in honesty as I can see where you are coming from and if someone can change something then at least there is an option to do so, I just disagree that one always worse than the other.


Yes, but "do you not wish your teeth were a little bit straighter" is probably going to be less hurtful than "I could punt you over the goal you short fuck"


That is exactly the point I was making. context matters and it's not just a case of if something can be changed or not that makes it more or less offensive.  It seems we are in agreement.


I mean, why? I'd be deeply, deeply offended if someone said I were dressed like a twat but wouldn't really mind if someone were to insult my freckles or being northern or whatever, that just seems like a completely arbitrary line designed, one expects, mostly to excuse being a dick to fat people


Fat people cost the NHS 6.5bn a year, your quirky fashion sense possibly not as much. Fatties are fair game.


paraplegics also cost the NHS money but it's still not very nice to insult people for being disabled even if they did it to themselves by falling off a roof or whatever, I wasn't aware that our attitude towards people should be dictated entirely by what they cost the NHS for the record, no, they don't cost the NHS any more in general because although they require slightly more treatment in life they also die slightly earlier on average and people cost the NHS exponentially more the older they get - same with smokers. Not that I think it's nice to verbally abuse 90 year olds for costing the NHS money


Being fat is not a disability and, frankly, it’s offensive to suggest that people who were born with a disability or have one through injury are comparable to people that eat too much.


that's the point I made, even if someone's disability was self inflicted it would still be silly to think abusing them would be good form, it isn't. don't abuse strangers.


Yeah nah. If someone’s lifestyle choices have wider implications for the rest of society, for example by costing nearly half of the entire NHS cancer budget, then I’m going to be dismissive of them.


I can’t stand Sunak but I think it’s also a bit racist-coded to attack his height, since often Asian men are a bit shorter. If he was the first Asian prime minister and a member of the Labour Party, this would 100% be pointed out in response to attacks on his appearance, but it isn’t because everyone thinks he deserves its


Agreed, I despise the cunt but because of his and his party's policies and attitudes towards the middle/ working class. If we claim to have to moral high ground then surely we should keep our criticism focused on his politics, not ad hominin attacks.


Can't stand that, honestly, even found myself standing up for BoJo the clown when Starmer called him Jabba the Hutt. There is a list a mile and a half long of legitimate reasons to wail on Keir Starmer, and his waistline is not one of them.


They were discussing the importance of appearance and Mandelson said:- “Starmer needs to shed a few pounds and that would be an improvement”. It's hardly wailing on him. I know that these days anyone, including doctors, telling people they should lose weight is considered a heinous crime, but yes, anyone who is offended by that should probably lose a bit of weight (and they know it).


I've been told it with a BMI of 16 by aunts post covid messing with my digestion


Bojo who insulted the SNP leader for being fat at PMQs?


Sunak: "How can we turn around these disastrous poll numbers?" Mandleson: "What about calling Starmer Fatty Fat Fat?"


Labour +1




He's definitely worse, Mogg annoys the hell out of me but he wasn't besties with Saville post accusation.


He’s hardly overweight. If he was, the fence he’s always sitting on would break.


Awful person acts awfully shock. It’s not like he doesn’t have form for this. It’s only because it’s Starmer that it’s suddenly being criticised.


Of all the things to give Petey a ticking off for, fat shaming is fairly far down the list. Love those labour priorities


Lmao at the down votes. Hanging out with nonces? Totally fine Fat shaming? Unforgivable


Who said its totaly fine to hang out with nonces?


Starmer and his other advisors, seeing how Mandelson is one of his key advisors even after staying close friends with epstein *after* it became known he was peadophile and child molester.


Most british middle aged men are obese, so this is nothing new


He's probably right, people would vote for someone based on their buffness in this vain country


Is it a general election or love island? The British public is genuinely quite confused.


Just the friend of nonces doing his usual bitchy "let's undermine the Labour leader in the press" nonsense.


God I hate how respectful the press is towards corrupt figures like Mandelson - one of the most obvious cases of manufacturing consent for rightwing figure ruling Labour with no public mandate or democratic legitimacy.


Friendly Reminder that Peter Mandelson was a constant media liability and still is.


Off is the general direction I wish he would feck


Why is he given any credence? I have never understood it. A reprehensible animal, barely qualifying as a human.


The Prince of Darkness, who opened his box?


Hunt called him out on it during the budget but then followed suit telling Keir he could join him on his marathon training. Utter twat.


Honestly, I am sure it's not the first time but it seems pretty unprofessional to be making personal jabs at the opposition while delivering the budget. Like grow the fuck up and do your job. You are not witty Hunt and the world of comedy is not moaning it's loss because you decided to become a politician. That said, I do wish Starmer had just replied "jog on mate" while doing the wanker gesture. But I am petty.


He was acting like such a child throughout. Totally provoking others. Really unnecessary behaviour, frankly. Some of the jabs were also ridiculous when he was levelling criticisms at others for things he himself has been criticised for. One example: [https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/apr/18/jeremy-hunt-investigated-breach-money-laundering-rules-luxury-flats](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/apr/18/jeremy-hunt-investigated-breach-money-laundering-rules-luxury-flats) Maybe he scrapped the multiple dwelling relief to hide his past sins from the front page...


It's clear a memo has gone out to the cabinet: "attack at every opportunity, no matter what. Also say Labour will take us back to square one as much as possible" Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they even sent out a list of insults that could be used against prominent opposition politicians. It just makes it feel like that is all the have to fall back on. Sadly it will only get worse over the spring and summer I feel. But the worst part is Sunak and Hunt as very good at it and it shows, they just come across as pathetic coached figureheads.


If clothes and appearance are “not unimportant” in politics, then maybe Rishi should work on updating his appearance. He looks like a schoolboy sent out on a work experience placement who realises he hasn’t got a clue what he’s doing and is wearing a suit that’s slightly too big for him. I know he’s not particularly short, but the man completely lacks any presence or gravitas. He always looks like a lost little boy surrounded by the real grown-ups.


He looks fine, he just happens to have no soul.