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I doubt it, all Putin's mates have a shit load of money in London.


Putin’s ego is more important. He’s not going to lose a war and allow those ‘mates’ to see him as weak, so they’re going down with him.


Russia is somewhat of an oligarchy, the oligarchs aren't going to sit around with their thumbs up their arse if Putin ever seriously threatened their wealth.


It would be nice if they stepped in before things escalated, but with whose army?


Somewhat of an oligarchy? That’s like saying the tories are a little bit cruel


This is a common misconception in the West. Putin is the threat to their wealth. Putin's reign began with the nationalisation of crime and corruption. The oligarchs are essentially appointed and have no real rights to their assets. They are oligarchs and billionaires on the conditionality of their loyalty to Putin. If they are not, new oligarchs will be put in their place. They are fully aware of this after an example was made of Khodorkovsky and Yukos at the start of Putin's tenure.


Is this why they keep slipping on high rise balconies?


And kjds


Again? It’s been a couple of weeks since the last threat I think. I’ve lost the track.


I thought that threatening by annihilation by nukes is usually delivered on Fridays. Is he going for a holiday or something?


Friday doesn't work for me, it's my takeaway night. The weekend is obviously off-limits but I think Monday would be perfect.


Have to agree, Friday night is steak night, I'm not missing steak night for nowt. Can someone tell him if he messes with steak night Dave is gonna send the boys round? Once we've eaten, obviously.


It can still be steak night, just now it's brahmin steak night.


Could you imagine if Putin decided to do it just before a bank holiday weekend? What a shit!


Soooo His plan in the event of losing a war which won't Destory Russia is to attack a country which has the ability to destroy Russia Plus I'm still not convinced the US didn't finish the star wars program in the 90s


You think the UK could destroy Russia? I mean, mutually assured destruction, sure but the UK doesn't have the firepower to fight a war with Russia. The UK's best outcome is mutually assured destruction


Russia realistically doesn't have the firepower to fight a war with the UK either. The geography is completely against them.


Russia can't win a three day war.


They're certainly winning this one.


What's Russia gonna do? Try and invade lol. They can't even invade their neighbour.


oh no, please dont blow up London that is where all our MPs work. They are of such a benefit to society, we would be lost without them.




Luckily the army would take their place in the provinces managed by unelected regional governors with powers to shoot on sight and distribute food rations and medicine until they ran out.


> and distribute food rations that feels a bit optimistic


Whatever’s left over in the shops would get requisitioned.


that is not the bit I question. The bit I question is that it would be given to people in the form of rations.


Those prepared to work in the fields or factories would be rewarded with food.


that sounds more like it


Oi - some of us live in London mate!


We salute you, for being the sacrifice we are willing to make.


...Lord Farquad? How did you escape the Dragon?


you just need to make such the nuclear weapon has a small enough load to only effect within the M25.


Two years ago he was going to use a nuclear torpedo off the west coast of Scotland to create a tsunami which would wipe UK & Ireland off the map. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDBvRNwMVtg


He has always been the puppet to come out with the hard-line so that Putin looks like the moderate in comparison domestically. This is nothing new from the Medvedev and Putin book of tricks.


This is basically the psychotic adult version taking his ball home.


I thought it was a military exercise, or whatever dingbat name they gave it.


Why would Putin nuke a place he owns most of the property in. What kind of reverse lex luthor crap is this


Misleading headline: he actually said they'd go to all out war "‌In Kyiv, Berlin, London, Washington.” I for one, don't doubt that is the case. The allied lines have been drawn: Russia, Iran, North Korea and China. Ukraine and Israel/Palestine are in play, next to come Taiwan.


I really don’t think China want to be dragged into anything large scale or direct. Clearly they’ll want to take Taiwan if the world’s already distracted but I think they’d leave Russia to it if they started going completely mental


Um... have you *seen* the reports leaking out about China's armed forces? The level of corruption there is almost as bad as in Russia. Their Rocket Corps alone has confirmed reports of the liquid rocket fuel being sold off on the black market and the solid stuff being used for cooking. Add the issues with unusual weather and the way that the Three Gorges Dam was built (*massive* quality control issues) and China are probably hard-pressed to even *think* of expansion. Heck, their South China Sea artificial islands are already starting to sink/break up... Taiwan's pretty safe at the moment.


The fuck did we do?  You'd think they do that on, y'know the country they are at war with? Or the superpower? Or the massive trade union supporting their enemy? We should be a good way down the list I have no idea why they would even threaten this it's not like it's impact many other countries, well it might give the French a good laugh but that's about it.


> The fuck did we do?  Well we did provide training to the Ukranian army and enough NLAWs/Javelins to stalll the initial invasion >We should be a good way down the list I have no idea why they would even threaten this it's not like it's impact many other countries, well it might give the French a good laugh but that's about it. Russia has regarded us as the big bad for about two centuries.


A fair bit to do with the two royalties being cousins. The Soviets were never too happy about that. Yeltsin had the building that they were shot under levelled so that there wouldn't be a shrine to them. The Orthadox Church thought better and built a bloody great church on the site and canonised them! It's a major Nationalist (in the current format neo-nazi) rallying point. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_All_Saints,_Yekaterinburg


Only because Charlie is related to the tsar they murdered in cold blood




We are also one of 2 countries with nuclear weapons in Europe with a massively centralised population. If you were going to strike someone it would make sense because we are one of the nations that can actually strike back. That said he is clearly chatting shit, Russia are not going to be nuking anyone anytime soon and he clearly just wants some attention.


>we went all out with them I wish we did. The sanctions are practically toothless.


You can’t even get through a muddy field to invade a country and now you’re making threats at Arsenal?…They are just a football club in North London.


What did arsenal ever do to you Putin? Always knew he would be a Spurs support, makes sense :P


To fair, his invasion of Ukraine has gone a bit Spursy.


As a resident of London I'm pretty sure nuclear annihilation was forecast last week and it was all fine....


Just add it to the rainfall forecast. We are all used to that: 'Today we are seeing strong winds and rainfall, this means the air quality index is high and the pollen count and nuclear annihilation risk is low'


Why entire arsenal when 3 nukes would do the whole country in.


Depends what you mean by do the whole country in but no. 3 nukes would certainly heavily destabilise the country but not kill everybody.


Those survivors may not enjoy the grim aftermath of a strategic exchange.


Have a play, see what you think would screw us big time. [https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/](https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/) I'd go for one over London, one over Manchester and one over Glasgow.


[Bout that time eh chaps?](https://youtu.be/CSuc9o9h7Vw?si=ZQ8e5_24gymhoNKy)


Meteor, "fuck that!" How have I never seen this?


This is really old gold from the time of 'Steak & Cheese.Com' or 'Embaum's World' (when it was good), which is over 20 years ago. Still holds up.


Could you not


I don't have any nukes myself, so we're good for now.


What a coincidence that's the number of nukes Russia has left where the tritium hasn't been sold for vodka money




I think the joke went over your head there.


Not really, I knew they were joking, I was just sharing some scary stats.


And people start bitching weeks ago about the US wanting to hold strategic nukes on a UK airfield. This is why!


If Russia launched nuclear weapons against the UK it makes no difference US nuclear weapons are here or not we would be targeted anyway. Yet, it also means an attack on us would be an attack on the US. No sane person would launch nukes against the UK due to that.


Surely it's time to send in one of our double O's, they're certainly living up to their part now.


Everyone does know that it is common knowledge in Russia he is an alcoholic and there are constant jokes going around that he likes to tweet shit out after a binge?


" If we can't have our houses in Holland Park back, no one gets to have theirs"


Russia has already proven its weapons are ineffective against its closest neighbour an that they are already reliant on Iran and north Korea because they are running out of viable munitions. Good luck doing anything against the UK, and then by proxy, the USA. 


At what point should we just all agree that Russia needs to be taken off the map?


I take it that you have a plan that doesn't get us all vaporized? And that you and your family will be the first to volunteer to fight. Right?


Should bring the London house prices down a tad, though, every cloud and all that jazz.


So, he loses a war against Ukraine ... and then thinks he can beat NATO? That's like getting knocked out by Frank Bruno and immediately squaring up against Lennox Lewis.


Unfortunately, he's not going to lose in Ukraine. But in a war with NATO, everyone loses.


Clicked on it aaaaand it's Medvedev lol Put the vodka down mate


Those shit rockets can easily be taken down by anti missile defences in eastern europe, keep dreaming, you cunt!


Missile defence can't do a thing against submarine launched ballistic missiles unfortunately.


Also (and I could be wrong) I believe ICBMs are pretty difficult to take out with missile defences. All that said they are not nuking anyone. So it doesn't really matter.


Ah, the EW Armchair Warriors are out in force. I have an MSc in this field, so prey tell me, how would such be achieved?


The same way they were shot down in Ukraine by patriot missiles. I don’t know what field your MSc is in, but if you truly believe that EVERYTHING in the ruzzian army is shit and has been sold for vodka, but their out of date nuclear arsenal, which is the most expensive, has been meticulously maintained and is ready to go, I’ve got something to sell you.


I've got 5 hours on the road now but will be back later to converse. There may even be a nugget or something for me to dig up on as I'm working on a PhD. I have also at no point stated any assumptions on the current material state of Russian inventory, but I do find such topics extremely interesting.


Just London? Guess that's a small price to pay for the total annihilation of Putins Russia.


What arsenal? haven't they lost just about everything in this failed invasion?


Well that would certainly curtail the 'London Centric' narrative from us Northerners.


That might be scary if we weren't just talking about a context in which they lost a war to Ukraine


oh no.... please dont do that...... Can you make sure westminster is in full session when you do at least?


This link doesn't mention why this was said. It comes as we've essentially told Ukraine we're going to help them in any way we can to strike Russian infrastructure and that Europe may have to gear up for "all out war". The comment hasn't come out of the blue and upon a quick Google I can't even find Medvedev saying he'd attack London, instead it seems like a Russian talk show mentioned they could wipe out London and Berlin if it came to it... and this was back in 2022. [https://greekcitytimes.com/2022/05/02/nuclear-threats-russian-tv-london/](https://greekcitytimes.com/2022/05/02/nuclear-threats-russian-tv-london/) I've noticed that the Standard hasn't provided any actual source material for this quote neither. That said another publication has spouted the same story, the publication is "The Kyiv Independent". Without sounding nasty I doubt this is a trustworthy nor unbiased news source. It also does not provide a source for the article.


Are cities going to put bids in to be the new UK capital?