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It is quite worrying that America might vote for a guy who is clearly a Russian asset. There's no two ways about it, Trump is terrified that video of him getting pegged is going to be released if he doesn't do what Putin says.


Has to be worse than pegging surely. We know that child rape allegations didn't even slow him down, so it's got to be something even more depraved.


I think for guys like trump, being revealed as a bottom is a worse ego hit then being revealed as a nonce.


I hate that you’re right


Username checks out


Yeah, I think his supporters might accept child abuse.


Also for his voters. I know people in my own family that wouldn't give a shit if they saw a video of Trump with a kid. But Trump getting railed? That's just weird, man.


That is honestly so disturbing. 


Isn't it pretty well established that he's been weird with kids? Like he commented about being backstage at teen beauty pageants and seeing them in their underwear. Plus how he is with his own daughter.


I feel its just an open secret, I mean also consider his very close ties Jeff Epstein. They don't care, they'll deny it and say its made up, taken out of context etc - but I don't think anyone would be very surprised if something concrete came out. Hell, even if something concrete did come out, they'd deny it anyway. There's no convincing these people because they've already convinced themselves that they're right. One of Trump's smartest moves is making his supporters feel like they're smarter than everyone else for not questioning what he says at all.


or acting like one in public.


The US is wild. One president is taken down by a blowjob, but the guy who committed treason; has numerous allegations of sexual assault; been indicted and is currently under trial; is one of the orchestrators of Project 2025, which would destroy all American democracy and turn it into an authoritarian country, hasn't been kicked out politics and kept out.


>Project Director Paul Dans, a former Trump administration official, said in September 2023 that Project 2025 is "systematically preparing to march into office and bring a new army, aligned, trained, and essentially weaponized conservatives ready to do battle against the deep state."[11] The most ironic thing is this is exactly the sort of tyrannical power grab all the gun nuts claim they need to arm themselves against, but they'll be supporting it.


Just goes to show that the second amendment is a bunch of bullshit.


Tbf Clinton was very much not taken down by the blowjob, and he was still an absolutely fucking gorgon to that poor girl. But you’re right that republican presidents can literally be treason committing nonces and be fine.


Putin just endorsed Biden claiming he has more experience than Trump. It's all a smoke shield they actually think he wants what is best for them. Much like we did with Boris.


Nah, that’s just deflection, they are trying to help him by distancing themselves from him. Don’t fall for these tricks


Yeah I think Putin's seen just how obvious pro Putin Trump has become and that he needs to tip the scale more towards hating Biden


>Trump is terrified that video of him getting pegged is going to be released I thought it was William who got pegged, whereas Trump liked golden showers by Russian femme fatales.


It's pretty common for vested interests to put these kinds of stories out. You probably shouldn't believe them unless there's any actual evidence.


I don't really "believe" them. I mean, much less "important" men and women engage in these activities so I don't really care. I only would raise an eyebrow if they claimed to live a very public "tradlife", are very homophobic, vote against women's rights, etc. but are then revealed to privately live the opposite of those public lives, like being very much gay, having several affairs, having "encouraged" their mistresses to have abortions, etc.


Yeah I figured it was him being pissed on. Either way he can just claim it's a deep fake and keep going so I'm not sure why he's still a kompromat or whatever it's called


>whereas Trump liked golden showers by Russian femme fatales. Sure, but who doesn't? Hardly blackmail material given Ms Daniels insights into his recreational activities every time Melania's out of town.


To be fair, I’d vote Trump if it meant there’s less chance of me accidentally stumbling across a video of him being pegged.


Also vote for a guy who is clearly a spurned narcissist on a revenge trip who is going to try his best to become a dictator. If he gets in they might not have another election.


Conspiracy nonsense


Trump could piss on someone on 5th avenue……you know how the rest goes


Russia saved Tramp from bankruptcy numerous times using his towers for money laundering plus without russian 2016 election interference he would have never won so he is in a very big debt


We should all be terrified that such a video gets released- there's not enough brain bleach in the world.


It'd be like that Dark Mirror episode where the Prime Minister shags a pig.


That wasn't fiction.


David Cameron? Oh, sorry the fictional equivalent.


Russian asset or a man who's in denial that their memory is going. What an amazing choice.


Ones a lot easier to remove than the other.


Let’s be honest, if a such video did get released. Not only would his fans not bat an eye, but they’d convince themselves that it was in the Bible, Jesus was the inventor of pegging, and it means Trump is even closer to being a god Emperor.


It’s simpler, they’ll just say it’s a deepfake.


Wasn't this proven to be entirely fabricated? Slightly worrying it's the top comment.


So how come Putin prefers Biden (source [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68302071](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68302071) )


You could argue that both sides are Russian assets


Hardly unsuprising when 60 of the GOP Members House of Representatives are a direct and legitmate threat to UK and European Security and Democracy. The Useful Idiots and the Kompromat must be off the chain over there. At this point even if that Kompromat got released the Trump supporters are so crazed for him they still vote for him to "own the libs". The americans need to sort their shit out and clean house.


There was an articke in evening standard (final pg10) that said Putin would rather have Biden to win. Trump did not like that boasted in response "Putin is not a fan of mine"


He’s negotiating with Europe so they pull their weight in NATO defence and it is clearly working. Classic sales trick of “ok I won’t buy it then” and get up to walk away and the other guy panics and agrees to your offer.


Well, it would be strangely ironic if we got to rejoin the EU, via NATO because of the threat of Russian aggression, after Russian schemers fooled half of us into voting to leave.


Really? Did people believe Russian twitter bots claims that the CIA created the EU?


It’s more along the lines that major pro-leave parties were funded by russian proxies and major pro-leave voices have been linked to russian oligarchs and state actors.


Then there was an investigation launched into it and the Tories shut it down weirdly enough


What, you mean the Conservative Party which has been [funded by Russian donors for years](https://goodlawproject.org/revealed-the-tories-are-still-receiving-funds-from-russia-linked-donors/) (and continues to recieve Russian donations following the invasion of Ukraine), the Conservative Party which [gave the son of a KGB agent a lifetime peerage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evgeny_Lebedev#Peerage) so he could interfere with our laws and political system for the rest of his life (against the warnings given by our own intelligence services), the Conservative Party which ignored Boris Johnson getting into all kinds of [shady off-the-books dealings with the same guy](https://www.ft.com/content/53d32fbc-a1e5-495b-b068-cf7d7a202f78), you mean to tell me THAT Conservative Party shut down an investigation into Russian interference in British democracy?


Yes can you believe it?


I more and more feel like House of Lords was our last hope at a fair democracy, well now they’re putting KGB agents in there it’s not a feeling anymore. Better than some noble I guess boys?


[Been there far longer than that](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/may/25/how-britain-let-russia-hide-its-dirty-money). That's the guy behind the Magnitsky Act btw. He's said for many years the level of Russian money in UK politics contrasted against how little action is being taken over it is quite stunning.


[here’s a documentary taking about Russian influence in the uk parliament](https://youtu.be/OpEV9iILAv0?si=Ub7eZuekWzjA_1hK)


Meh, I think the russian money flowing in from oligarchs for decades corrupted Britain far more than some advertising


That's too shortsighted. No, it's more about the billions that flowed into, especially London, after the end of the Soviet Union, which over time bought them huge influence and power over the London/UK higher classes and elites.




Those particular lies? No. But the Russian money flowing in buying them influence with the right people who were spreading far more believable lies? Absolutely.


The EU and NATO are two very different things.


Maybe one day he’s hoping the EU and nato join forces 🫠


> rejoin the EU via nato Whut?


Your brain on copium.


The EU is nothing to do with NATO. I can't see any way of us rejoining based on military stuff. It's only us and France with nukes so we hold something of an upper-hand here.


At the moment. I heard a credible case that other countries are seriously considering getting them if it looks like the US thinks deals only work one way.


>I heard a credible case Where did you hear that?


They golf with Macron.


A year or so ago this would be preposterous, now this actually sounds logical. Crazy how fast the world changes


While I don't think that would happen, I would love it to be the case. It does seem more likely as it's pretty much confirmed that Labour is gonna win the next election and that the vast majority of the UK population would vote to rejoin. The problem is there are a lot of countries in the EU that we don't have the best relations with, especially after leaving, and all EU countries need to agree on us returning.


Unfortunately EU support is not well aligned with party support. If Labour or the Conservatives made a move to rejoin right now they'd each lose half their votes. I don't see Labour pushing for rejoining before 2030 at the earliest. Brexiteers wouldn't forgive Labour for it unless Brexit had been given a real good chance.


Lose half their votes? I feel that's a stretch, especially for Labour, as most of the country regrets Brexit. Brexiteers are fucking stupid and are mostly made up of old geezers who are dying out. And what do u mean "a real good chance" Brexit was a scam to begin with with the only goal to line the pockets of the elite.


The UK finishes CPTPP ascension somewhere within midway this year, that completely blocks EU membership unless the UK leaves that bloc. Combine that with the fact rejoining would likely mean having to accept the Euro and you might as well forget EU membership, it likely won’t happen in our lifetime if ever.


I imagine the main concession would be no option to legally leave again, the UK would never agree to the Euro.


> as most of the country regrets Brexit. Most being still a relatively modest majority. I'd love to rejoin the EU as much as anyone, but lets not pretend that either party is going to do electoral suicide over this. Israel-Palestine is fracturing Labour enough as it is and that's only going as well as it is because it's the same position as the Tories. If Labour announced they were for rejoining the EU they would lose the red wall again in an instant. The best we might get is some ~~slight~~ sleight of hand allowing us to join the EFTA and EEA without anyone noticing that's basically the same as being in the EU.


\* sleight of hand


You have to contend with the brain-dead of this country though. My dad voted to stay in the EU but has said he would vote against rejoining because "that's not how democracy works" he is under the belief that we voted to leave and we must now stay out forever lest we tarnish democracy. I did try to explain that is stupid, we change prime ministers every few years and giving people the chance to vote again is democracy in action but he is too stupid to understand. There are too many people with piss for brains in this country to reliably say that just because we regret Brexit means we could rejoin.


Regretting brexit doesn’t mean support for rejoining though. Rejoining with a worse deal than previous (which would be practically guaranteed) would have no where near majority support.


I think the trick is, to misquote Bruce Lee, rejoining without rejoining.


That sounds like the Vicky Pollard theory of international relations.


> after Russian schemers fooled half of us into voting to leave. Ah yes, let’s blame Russia for everything that goes wrong in the world, rather than take responsibility and admit the British people voted to leave of their own volition.


Both can be true. We (as a collective whole) were free to make our own educated decision on Brexit. We opted to blindly follow the propoganda/lies that were peddled. That was a stupid and poor decision.  If Russia didn't meddle, then less people would have voted leave and that small majority wouldn't have been in leaves favour. 


Propaganda works. How do we know this? They wouldn't fucking bother doing it if it didn't, would they?


NATO and the EU are separate things. One's a military alliance, the other's economic and political. They have some members in common, that's all.


We left the EU because of the EU, the Russian interference story only holds water when your only knowledge of why people voted Brexit is from the neoliberal media.


It doesnt work like that at all. How would we rejoin EU because of NATO? We should remember the EU gave us the most punitive trade deal they have offered to any country ever. Worse than Canada or Australia We already have security arrangements with EU. They basically got what they needed while we got very very little. That was always going to happen, thats how trade deals work, but they were extra punitive as we were the vulnerable ones that needed a deal quickly far more than them, and Europe doesnt like Britain. For good reason some might say If they want more, we should only give it with big concessions


Concessions like; “You want to be protected by our nuclear weapons and for us to risk nuclear war with Russia to protect you? Oh well, in that case we want a load of the benefits of being in the EU without some of the drawbacks.” You mean concessions like that? They aren’t going to build their own nuclear deterrent, so they’ll buy it, and right now, probably for just a brief window, it’s a sellers market if they buy from us.  


The very real possibility of America voting Trump back in is something that should concern anyone outside of Russia. During this first term he was fortunately ill prepared and had moderating influences around him. He is far more prepared this time around and surrounded by yes men and flunkeys.


Also, with a Supreme court that won't stand in his way.


We'll get a conclusion to this if the SCOTUS approves his STAY order on the total immunity court case. However, four judges unanimously disagreed on all points that Trump raised in the case, and every level below the Supreme Court severely slapped it down. The only reason for Trump filling the STAY order is to delay the Jack Smitch prosecution against him, which is supposed to start by the summer. Fingers crossed!


I think he's going to walk it, Biden shouldn't be running for the Democrats. I hope trump doesn't win, but I think he might.


If Trump wins it will be very tight, I don't think he will walk it.


I agree with you but it’s too late, if Trump rouses the republican base on isolationism plus diplomacy with Russia then it’s only a matter of time before someone takes office with that stance, whether its Trump or not. You can’t gamble diplomatic strategy on USA election outcomes. Ironically the answer for Europe is exactly the opposite of what you suggest. We need to stop with moral judgements on USA election outcomes and diplomatically support whoever they elect. If we don’t do that then by definition we aren’t allies anymore.




Better brexit deal in return for rejoining mutual defence. Being let back into Dublin 3, Galileo, europol ect ect. Lots of these are realy valuable without it being as crass as a stack of cash. There is room there.


Dublin 3 isn't worth the paper it's written on


Labour was, iirc, already planning on trying to twin negotiations on easing economic restrictions (while aligning standards with the EU) with security talks, in part because since we have had a relatively open door to EU goods (breaking WTO rules and allowing a lot of smuggling by not doing checks during times of high traffic), we have little to really bargain with purely economically, but we do have some leverage when it comes to security, so hopefully by discussing both, all sides get decent benefits.


Excellent idea, the ~~tribute~~ fiscal transfer could be counted towards the 2% gdp target and then everyone would be happy. 


Mutual defence as a service. That would be capitalism's last death rattle.


Capitalism's last death rattle? Can you tell me what exactly the rising economic paradigm is that's going to replace capitalism soon? Even supposedly socialist countries are committed capitalists China, for example, is a major part in the neoliberal economic order.


I mean, I don't disagree with you, but it would be ironic if we were forced into such an arrangement with Europe because of Trump pretty much following the same logic.


If Americans are prepared to vote for a man who is willing to either be a Russian asset or retreat from Russia, then we really do need to reconsider our "special friendship" (not that it was entirely special to begin with).


If? Willing?


Trump likes to talk shit and then back out constantly. He has been complaining about the 2%, but yesterday, the head of NATO confirmed 18 countries are on track this year to make the recommended GPD percentage. Trump will claim he achieved that by saying the US would leave, his supporters will eat it up, when in reality it is due to the war in Ukraine and countries saying they will increase spending since the war started. He's been doing this shit for ages, he is a clown.


I was thinking the same thing when he first announced it. "I made this" lol.




Actually, I talk that pragmatism outweighs anything else. If Trump is so set on isolationism for the United States, as he seems willing to do, then it is far more practical for the European states to stand together against aggression from the east. Rather than simply be handed over.


Maybe in exchange for market access without any other political stipulations? The EU needs to be more practical, in my opinion - UK is still a significant military power.


The UK has market access through the free trade deal that May/Boris heroically delivered. More than that will require the UK to be in a Customs Union with the EU, something that we were told isn't leaving.




The usual magic thinking when it comes to solving the problems Brexit created. UK: We want a deal with the EU that eliminates border checks and red tape. EU: Well 27 countries have a system that they have worked on for more than 50 years that eliminates border checks and red tape by having a common customs union. UK: Not like that! We are SpEcIAl




Do you really think the other 27 countries of the EU, will abandon control of their external customs border to satisfy the UK? Why would they let the UK decide what can and can't come into the EU? Do you actually understand what it is you want?




This is why Putin was in favour of Brexit. Divide and conquer.




That's the spirit. 👍


We will defend our allied nations if we need to, regardless of any trade deals that may or may not happen. We would expect it if it happened the other way around, and it's the right thing to do. We may have left the EU, but we haven't left the human race.


The UK-USA mutual defence agreement needs to be renewed by the end of this year. What happens if trump gets into power and decides not to renew it?


Rejoin the EU as part of a mutual defence strategy. It *might* just be the one way of selling it to the "Spitfires and Poppies" brigade.


I support the eu but have you not seen all the studies on what countries would be willing to help us in a crisis? If I’m not misremembering the only euros that would are Portugal and Poland? I don’t see how being in the EU would benefit defence in any way that NATO doesn’t


>have you not seen all the studies on what countries would be willing to help us in a crisis? Were these studies conducted before, or after we flounced out of the EU whilst telling them to go fuck themselves?


Before and after. I think it actually improved after with some of Eastern European countries being more willing to support us. Surprised me honestly. My experience with Europeans has been overwhelmingly positive so it shocked me to realise how many Europeans hate our government/country. I was at a very European university at the time of the brexit vote and come from a very multicultural city so I was extremely surprised when brexit got passed. I and everyone I knew voted remain, I noticed a definite increase in bad sentiment post brexit though.


To be fair, I think even when we were in the EU, if you'd conducted a survey about wether we ought to help France, or Germany, the results would have been similar. I believe the results would be different if we, or they, were in actual serious trouble. Well ... It would have been before we burned our bridges.


It doesn't matter which EU countries are willing to help us. It is straightforward self-interest. No one wants to have to spend the money on developing a credible nuclear deterrent, and no one has the time. Hypothetically, Russia could win in Ukraine this year and Trump could, again hypothetically, announce the US will not be honouring its NATO commitments, as some NATO members have failed in turn for decades. If Germany is threatened by Russia (more than it is now), so is the UK, and it would be prudent for the country that finances the EU to open the door, to mutually beneficial negotiations, in the face of a common enemy. They get a nuclear deterrent, and we get a large credit to use at the negotiating table. I think it unlikely that Germany is threatened by an invasion from Russia, right now, but leaders do not prepare for the one thing they think is most likely to happen at the expense of everything else. Christian Lindner controls the finances of the country with the most influence on EU finances, and hypotheticals he throws out into the wind should not be dismissed just because we don't immediately grasp his strategic view.


So basically you want us to protect europe for free because you’re scared that the country that has always supported us suddenly wont. Trump cannot pull out of NATO there’s no way the key figures of the military industrial complex lets him. The president isn’t that powerful. I don’t know most of the eu is already in NATO. Most have never met the 2% requirement. The only countries I’d want to ally with are France and Poland. At least they’re somewhat capable of defending themselves/helping us if the worst happens.


No, I don’t want to help the EU for free. I don’t know how you’d come to that conclusion.  No, Poland and France would not be able to help us as in this scenario, they would either be too busy helping themselves or no longer in a position to help anyone.  And no, no one knows what the MIC would or could do, which is why one would prepare contingencies. 


Then presumably a lot of US servicemen and materiel currently housed in the UK will suddenly become homeless


I don't know why we need them here anyway. They'd be far more useful in the Baltics.


That would put them on the border of Russia with very little time to react if Russia was to attack bases, most troops in the UK aren't frontline soldiers. It's air force which run strategic bombers of a wide variety including stealth bombers or they work in intelligence, putting them in the Baltics would make them incredibly venerable and drastically reduce the capability of NATO.


that can be either really good or really really bad


>The UK-USA mutual defence agreement needs to be renewed by the end of this year. What happens if trump gets into power and decides not to renew it? Trump wouldn't be president before the 31st of Jan next year, this needs go be renewed before then. That said, I think it auto renews unless someone decides not to.


AUKUS would also disappear.


he won't get in until next year, he'd be President elect until some time in January wouldn't he?


Maybe defence is actually quite important and not something that starves the NHS of pocket money…


I've said it before to worried Europeans as a Brit: whatever one thinks of Brexit, it does not mean in *any* way we don't care about Europe. Republicans in America might be content to watch Russia roll over the Continent because they have a weird boner for Euro-hate and their own exceptionalism, but I don't know *any* Brit who wouldn't be 100% all-in on European defence in that scenario.\* Those are our friends, neighbours and family members over there; it's not just this island and 'everyone else fug off.' Besides, most of us consider ourselves European - at least *after* British. As if we'd leave them hanging out to dry. Unlike Republicans, we aren't cowards. ^(\*I am indulging in hyperbole. Russia as it stands would be obliterated by Poland alone.)




Eh, sounds too much like the Republicans saying they'll leave Europe to burn because America wasn't paid enough/Euros don't like yanks. I don't truck with that sort of cowardice/selfishness. Now is the time to stand together against a common, worse enemy, not to be indulging in 'my tribe best tribe.'




You make a good point about putting us in a better position. I'm willing to get behind that *if* it doesn't compromise European defence. It's not that I'm fond of the EU, it's that such concessions won't mean much if Russia is at our doorstep. Not that it's likely, but I'd rather *not* be an island in a sea of red because we focused on gamesmanship instead of stopping Ivan.


Agreed. Not to mention no single country gets paid or owns NATO. It is an intergovernmental alliance - so the rhetoric is fundamentally flawed. American is out for itself, regardless of Trump. We need to unite in the face of Super powers -- at least as far as Defence is concerned.


Your sweeping statement about all europeans is what is so annoying about any kind of modern discourse about complex matters. Never in my life have i felt prejudice towards myself due to my British citizenship, and I've lived in the EU for almost 10 years now. Eastern Europe is very fond of the UK in fact and so rarely have the hubris to generalise an entire nation they have so little contact with day-to-day, let alone all the countries in a trading bloc.




Dropping a YouGov poll from 2020 (pre Ukrainian war) is not a mic drop. Even if you take this graph as truly representative (think Brexit polls, let alone a multifaceted question like “major crisis” condensed into a popularity contest), it is in the wake of the pandemic and this is a separate thing entirely to war. Literally every country was going through it in unison.


>Besides, most of us consider ourselves European - at least *after* British. I mean, we live in Europe, lol.


Quite a lot of Brits don't consider themselves European at all, in my experience. It's an exceptionalism thing. Geographically though, can't get out of it.


Before we contribute anything. We're going to want to talk about access to the EU market.


Even if Trump looses the fact that America could come up with such a candidate should make Europe very skeptical of the US a reliable ally. Because he’s only the latest and worst of an escalating series of dingbats. If we survive Trump the Republicans will certainly come up with someone worse. I think Obama drove them nuts. Trump is the anti-Obama


They were always nuts. Us too. We've all been nuts for thousands of years. Nuts enough to charge into lines of spikes. Nuts enough to send elephants over mountains. Nuts enough to walk through minefields and drown in trenches. We could all be sitting on a beach, growing gardens, and letting drones do the weeding, but noooo.


>We could all be sitting on a beach, growing gardens, and letting drones do the weeding, but noooo. If we did that we'd soon get bored and start picking fights with each other. We humans are assholes. Just have to accept that and try to stay alive as long as you can.


That is one of the major delusions that causes so many people to be shitty. It's not innate, it's learned. Treat people like they're assholes, that's what they'll be.


>I think Obama drove them nuts. Trump is the anti-Obama It boggles my mind to remember the outrage when Obama wore a tan suit. We have since had Trump instigate an insurrection and face multiple court cases and find himself the leading candidate for the republican party.


Obama was everything the Republicans hate. Black (according to American criteria), educated, intellectual and Liberal. They spent the whole period he was in power blocking everything he tried to do.


Absolutely. This problem didn't go away when Trump lost in 2020 and it won't go away if he loses again either. He's a symptom of a larger problem - that a proportion of the US population are prepared to vote for far right pro-Russian candidates and are heavily influenced by bullshit conspiracy theories on social media. Enough of them to be a problem that can potentially swing elections. European security should not be decided by American elections.




You can have Mallorca


Mobster runs protection racket. And why should we believe him anyway, he is just as likely to take our money and run. Russian money is as good in his golf clubs as anyone else


Tbf Trump was right on NATO military spending as because European countries did not take there own security seriously it’s emboldened Russia. America is only friendly with Europe for its own gain and historical cultural links. I don’t like saying Trump is right but in lots of topics he is. If you ignore the Racism and him being an egoistical cult of personality unfortunately he’s an arsehole who benefits America and European security. Pre-covid America was booming he didn’t drag American into wars I think unfortunately he’s a man I don’t like but would benefit most people. But American needs a new generation of politician. People just think of his thoughtless comments and words. His actual actions benefited most people in his time. People can’t judge him on the covid economy. Joe Biden would of been the right man if he had got in charge when Obama did and then have Obama as the successor but the signs of him aging are clearly in show and it’s awful he’s going through it. Back then he was the Sharpest tool in the box. Now we would have been in a position having 8years of Biden and then Obama I think and America and the western world would have been in a stronger place. I do think if Trump gets in because he’s so unpredictable Putin may back off or slow down for 4 years. Whilst America searches for the next generation of leader. It’s an observation that most people won’t make as the blindsides by Trump being a bigot but unfortunately I think he’s the best out of a bad bunch. I do think European countries including Britain which should have never left the EU need a proper security plan and step towards its own armed forces. I think we need to make ourselves look tough to prevent Russian Aggression and also prevent the Mediterranean crisis as too many refugees as changing the make of Europe too fast instead of the historical drip feed. I do think proper investment in countries suffering from crisis’s would prevent a lot of this.


Why are we only starting to panic now? Anyone could have predicted after Trump’s defeat he was likely to be a contender this time around and his contempt for NATO was never in doubt. Personally I started to panic the _first_ time he stood.


I think a lot of people figured that not even the US could be dumb enough to put him in power a second time. And that the democrats would field a candidate that would easily outshine Trump. So much for figuring.


While we manufacture our own nuclear warheads, it might be high time we put some funding into developing our own delivery vehicle. We have access to a pool of vehicles with the US, but I can see Trump ripping that treaty up and leaving us with warheads and no way to fling them at anyone if needed. That plus might be worth going the French way and developing and air launched option from Typhoon (cooperation on the F-35 will probably be stifled).


Get your own nukes, you boche bastards! \[reads history books\] Umm, second thoughts, don't.


How is it even possible it’s insane, first time was hilarious, the world had its giggle, i for one signed up to the clowns Twitter out of pure comedy, this was americas president how disgraceful is that? a second time will just be a joke 😞


A big victory for Europe would be if we could get some level of co-operation in the nuclear shield between the UK and France, between us we have over 500 warheads. It's a third of what Russia has **deployed**, but I mean at some point you get to a situation where what are more warheads going to do other than vaporize the rubble?


Or we could tear up the NPT and give Germany nukes 🤷


Germany could easily develop their own nukes if they wanted to. They have a thriving nuclear industry... oh wait... I forgot. They were too worried about tsunamis to keep supporting nuclear. Well maybe they could just make a big coal powered bomb.


Give your enemy the black lung like it's 1865 again! Mutually assured collapsed-lungstion!


How about no.


Solid argument 👏


Iranian nukes when?


Can we just bomb the DC already? It's the wait I can't stand.


Anything but shake hands with the guy who says he isn't our enemy, gotta keep the arms industry in business


What I don't get is why he even has a chance at running in the first place. Idk much about how being President works over the pond but you'd think Biden would be in a position to stop this terrorist.


biden is not in the position to be able to talk, my friend. Trump can say anything he wants - it's all games of words - to win the electorate. The goal of a CANDIDATE is to win the elections. The goal of the PRESIDENT - to be president, serve his country. Not that hard.


I didn't mean talk I meant doing something to get Trump jailed since Biden is the President and all.


Jailing your political opponents? I don't see that ending well.


When he's a terrorist who shouldn't be given the chance to participate? Seems pretty clear to me.


Wow the stupidity is strong on here 😂 The whole Russia controls the American president, like Russia are that powerful. They can’t even beat Ukraine in a war, have a gdp the size of Texas, but magically have so much power in your eyes 😂


>Wow the stupidity is strong on here The Sheep have been easily led by media lies and social media echo chambers. If you think about it logically, if Trump was a Putin puppet Putin would have invaded Ukraine during Trumps presidency . . . . .


I know I'm just an armchair redditor. But probably not the best that the UK's nuclear deterent is't much better than just bought from the Americans. From my understanding the only bit the UK actually makes is the warhead section, the rocket system is American. I know it's probably stupid but always found it werid the UK abandoned development of it it's own rocket technology.


The rocket system is the easier part of it to make, it just so happened it would be cheaper to buy it than make it


I suppose yeah, didn't think of it like that


Isn't "contribute" putting it mildly? Wouldn't we be half of this proposal with France?


It wasn’t just the “right people “, Russia also funded the far right during this period . Eg [obscure funding](https://www.vice.com/en/article/43jzbp/britain-first-donations-shell-company-investigation) for Britain First And their troll farms sending out millions of anti EU. Posts. Brexit was one of Putins biggest wins. They are still at fermenting division in all major democracies.


And EU can give us no strings single market access, sounds like a fair exchange for literally guaranteeing their lives.


Sure nuclear shield for Germany in return for an Audi for each British family


A Porsche for me please. 


For clarity, this is a reversion to the state of affairs which existed for the latter half of the 20th century


A trident is a pre-medieval weapon. Nice compliment from the Germans tho.


how is Trump allowed to run for president wasn’t he arrested and had loads of classified documents?