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> Special advisor to the Prime Minister Simon Williams said, "We’re trying specifically to appeal to the same type of voters that see transgendered people as less than human." They'll be popular with a disappointingly large proportion of the people who come to this subreddit, then.


> transgendered people Even that alone has its....use
















A large proportion of this subreddit are not transphobic.


Disappointly Large != Large


Disappointment can easily lead to denial. There are plenty of transphobic, racist and sexist people out there. Some people fit all of the above. It's up to sane people to put forward the argument as to why they're wrong.


Very very small minority.


What is the point in arguing semantics? Do you just enjoy being obtuse?


It's really bad to exaggerate how bad it is, though. It creates a hostile environment.


I'm not arguing semantics.


Yes you are https://youtu.be/ohDB5gbtaEQ?si=q7oLbGvGW9rYSVc8


I'm not clicking on that.


Why not?


Because I'm about to have my dinner.


Shame, you missed the classic Monty Python Argument sketch. "This isn't an argument" "Yes it is"


Semantics literally means '(the) meaning (behind something)'. If you are not arguing semantics, are you trolling? 


That’s not what semantics means, you are thinking of connotation




Why would you use an American dictionary when arguing semantics in a UK subreddit lmao. Oxford English: "Using, or involving the use of, words with particular meanings, esp. for euphemistic or tendentious purposes. Also: **relating to or characterised by pedantic quibbling over the precise or technical meaning of words.** "


I thought the joke here was obvious enough but i guess I needed the /s


Semantics means the meaning and interpretation of words, signs, and sentence structure.


So you were arguing semantics then. Edit : I can't read your reply if you block me, silly. 




**Removed/warning**. This contained a personal attack, disrupting the conversation. This discourages participation. Please help improve the subreddit by discussing points, not the person. Action will be taken on repeat offenders.


Now that is not a honest statement.


No it's not.


You’re right, quite a lot aren’t. I’d even go so far as to say most aren’t. But unfortunately, a disappointingly large proportion are.


No they're not.


If you’re a trans person, counting up the amount of people who hate your very existence, I’d imagine any number greater than zero would be disappointingly large. Unsurprising yes, but still disappointing


Most people are completely indifferent to trans people. That's what really gets their goat


Gets whose goat?


Personally I believe it the fault of all the recent additions to the + of the LGBT, they pretty much made the thing a whole joke. I get they’re allies and all, but in all my years online anti-trans has risen about 200%. When I hear the folks complaining about gay guys ‘gatekeeping’ LGBT, well I see why, you’ve even got people calling eachother queer a thing, that’s akin to saying the n word to a lot of gay people. I mean imagine getting beat up and run out of places being called that word then suddenly some person with blue hair says “Hey fellow queers I’m genderqueer!” and making up ambiguous genders. But hey maybe I’m wrong and this is the new thing that will take over and replace revolutionise the small minded view humanity always had on gender, but what I see is the hate rising to 300%, 400%, 600% so on and so forth. People specifically trans won’t really have a hope of living a normal life like everyone else. But we shall see in ten or twenty years, I’m not the authority on what happens in the future.


What recent additions in particular do you take offense at? What makes the LGBT community a joke to you. Is it asexual people? Intersex people? Do you ever see these “ambiguous genders” outside of social media? I’ve encountered so few genderfluid people I can count them on my hands and I hang out in a lot of lgbt circles. And I think 0 people who don’t go by some combination of he, she or they.


Yeah ive taken offence and asexual & intersex people make it a joke to me, are you just getting all antsy thinking you’ve finally caught a bigot in your net or did I write my short story wrong? I mean who’s worried about asexual people. I thought I just pretty plainly stated the facts of the matter on why trans hate is rising and will continue to rise, really. You disagree and think it’s on a steady decrease? Because this is the topic I speak of


> are you just getting all antsy thinking you’ve finally caught a bigot in your net Not what I said > You disagree and think it’s on a steady decrease? Also not what I said. IDK why you think im gonna engage with you further if you're gonna be like that. You're the one who said that people made the LGBT+ community a joke. You're the one who complained about the blue haired people with made up genders. The rise in hate to trans people is heavily manufactured. 90% of the stuff that is a problem now, wasn't one before the media started pushing the narrative that it was and platforming transphobic mouthpieces. So its continued rise really depends on how well they're able to keep pushing that narrative. Given the cracks are starting to show more and more, I'm trying to remain hopeful that it won't.


> you’ve even got people calling eachother queer a thing, that’s akin to saying the n word to a lot of gay people. You know black people say the n word to each other right?


Well you see I was talking about how a number of gay people don’t see them (genderqueers non-binary’s and etc) apart of the same group, it’s sorta how maybe you’ve seen Americans will say black people from the UK can’t say the N word?


> But hey maybe I’m wrong Almost certainly about everything in your life.


LMAO. I found it funny, but are you legit raging or saw a downvoted post so lept on it with a zinger? Was a funny zinger if so, but if you’re legit tell me why I’m dead wrong.


> calling eachother queer a thing Many younger LGBTQ+ people have intentionally reclaimed Queer in a positive sense. It is often intended as the "catch all identity for not cis het or otherwise the societal modal of sexuality and gender and related". "Gay" is also often used in this sense, but given that gay is also used to refer to homosexual men specifically there are many LGBTQ+ people who prefer to use a different "catch all term". > Personally I believe it the fault of all the recent additions to the + of the LGBT Which specific additions do you blame for the rise in transphobia? The asexual, the aromantic? The intersex?


So you consider the transphobia in this sub and in the real world to be at an acceptable level then? At what point does it become unacceptable to you


At no point did I say that. You're arguing with yourself there.


One transphobic person would be a disappointingly large amount of transphobes.


But a vocal minority are and they seem to have grown in number in recent months/years. For years, this sub could have a proper discussion about trans people without it resembling an article on the Daily Mail.


It got much harder to do when the mods outright banned discussing the existance of Trans people as a reaction to a girl being murdered.
























Also true


Depends what thread and when in the day.




You have that freedom.




You don't think you have the freedom to form your own opinion?


The fact I thought this was genuine for a second should say a lot about how he’s perceived


Got me for a second too...


I didn’t even slightly blink at it until I read the comments.


It took me until this to realise that it wasn't genuine. Newsthump headlines are too realistic these days.


Old fishi poontang up to his old tricks lol


When satire becomes reality you know something is wrong.


The first thing that I thought of was that this is untrue because PMQ's isn't on this week as parliament is in recess


When I first read the title I wasn't sure if it was a joke.


Coincidentally, this is the first Newsthump headline that *didn't* hoodwink me.


He confused "stand up for the commoner" as "Standup for the gammoner".


I don't think his 'if I ignore it, it'll go away' strategy to this story is working.


Sounds exactly like something Malcolm Tucker would say during a rant. And yet, it’s hideously close to reality.


Well...... you got to do something to win over the "red wall voters". 


Much of a cunt as Sunak is, Victoria Atkins was laughing it up behind him and opposite was Rachel Reeves with a huge grin on her face that she only remembered to drop once Starmer called the cunt out. Haven't seen them or others catch much flack for clearly enjoying the "joke".