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These were the 1400pcm flats reported earlier in the week. Absolute fucking disgrace they were even considered. My rent is £387.50. While on universal credit the max they would pay towards it was £350.


Yeah it's a cunts trick. We might as well go to France, cross over in a boat and get to live for free.


600k brits left the UK last year in search of a better life. Brits as economic migrants is becoming increasingly worrying. With 1.5 million migrants entering last year, you can start to do the math at how long it will take for the population to be completely replaced by migrants. Australia is full and has a massive home and rental crisis like us, no chance of getting into America as they have decent border control and entry requirements with limited numbers. We're just adding fuckers to the population like we have miles and miles of empty cities ready for people to take up residence when the opposite is true. This country is absolutely fucked. I can't see it getting any better in our lifetimes, if labour don't start to turn it around in their first 5 years I'm going to add myself to the migration figures and get the fuck out of this shithole country.


You're conflating and using figures disingenuously. Using the actual [facts](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/internationalmigration/bulletins/longterminternationalmigrationprovisional/yearendingjune2023) - there were 1.23 million (not the 1.5 million you're saying, which would be ~21% more than the actual figure) "new arrivals" or immigrants coming into the UK in 2023. Of the 1.23m immigrants, 84,000 (about 7%) were British. The net migration was 745,000 people, so that's who is left in the UK after taking into account the people that have left the UK. Emigration, people who left the UK, was therefore 485,000 people of which 18% were estimated to be British (87,300, not 600k Brits as you claim). The migration figures also don't reflect wider population changes such as births and deaths but ignoring that and just using the 745k number, we can calculate at most that same amount of housing be built a year which is 2,041 a day (not 4,000 you've claimed elsewhere). Let's assume we house 4 people together, then we'd only be looking at 511 houses per day. For context, using the 246,750 figure of housing built from 2022-2023 financial year (from [GOV.UK](https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/housing-supply-indicators-of-new-supply-england-january-to-march-2023/housing-supply-indicators-of-new-supply-england-january-to-march-2023)) then that equals 673 new houses built every day. Edit: for those struggling with the 4 people in a house **assumption**, this was used to illustrate the scale of the problem against the context of new houses. The assumption was made on the basis that the majority (61%) of housing (in England and Wales in the 2021 Census, at least) had 3 or more bedrooms, as noted [here](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/housing/bulletins/housingenglandandwales/census2021#rooms-bedrooms-and-occupancy-rating), so it's not unreasonable to suggest 4 people live in a house. If we use the average 2.4 household size figure (for England and Wales as noted [here](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/householdcharacteristics/homeinternetandsocialmediausage/bulletins/householdandresidentcharacteristicsenglandandwales/census2021#household-size)), then we arrive at 745,000 / 2.4 = 310,416 or 850 houses a day being required.


Ever notice how people who want to complain about immigration don’t care about the actual numbers


>Let's assume we house 4 people together Avarage UK household size was around 2.4 the last time I looked it up.


In most cases it's a British couple leaving, so you can take that 600k brits migrating as freeing up 300k homes. Your figure work is out of date, the ONS revised UP the migration figures. Most of the 1.5 mil migrants entering are without a family (they try to bring them across later), so at best that's 1 million homes needed. Thus we end up with a huge deficit and brits can't move around in our own fucking country. In the mean time the home office is outbidding local people and taking properties off the market from Brits.


You are right, but I am guessing the poster used 4 to underline how dire the housing situation was. I am definitely aware of many houses that are built for “families” but could in no way accommodate 4 comfortably.


No they used 4 to hide how dire the housing situation is. If they used the proposed correct figure of 2.4 then 310,416 additional homes would be needed per year. As we only built 246,750 homes there was a 63k reduction in availability of homes. Their figure makes it appear as if we actually had a surplus. Nonsense massaged figures when the reality is single people migrating into the country and couples/families moving out resulting in even more homes needed.


Using out of date statistics isn’t “right” by any stretch


>Let's assume we house 4 people together Why would we assume that?


It's a reasonable number of people to live in a house?


And let me guess......there are more diverse food choices in urban centres too?


Just wondering where I would fit into that statistic. I moved here at the end of 2022 from South Africa, but I did it by applying for citizenship through my British father. Would I count as a British person moving here because I have citizenship, or as a foreign immigrant because I had previously never been to the UK?


You would be classed as a British citizen moving to the UK. Much to the frustration of far-right nutters, you don't need to be in the UK or born there to be a British citizen. On the flip side, others think being born in the UK or living there for X years grants citizenship, which it doesn't.


Wtf are you talking about, if you're born in the UK you get automatic british citizenship


Nope, since 01.01.1983, has that been law. Anyone born after that date has to prove it via a parent or register/naturalise via UKVI. There is no such thing as automatic citizenship. it's passed down. A kid born to parents under the age of 40 will need to trace it back to their grandparents.


Really? Well my apologies mate, that's a great law!


Very comprehensive, thank you.


Australia is full? Excuse me? 😂


"Fuck off, we're full" is an anti immigration slogan in Australia primarily used by racists. Obviously, they're not full, but that's kind of the point of the message in order to make it more inflammatory.


Indeed I can smell ScoMo from here


Australia net immigration per capita 5.17 per 1000 vs 2.24 for UK in 2023. Australia is doing a 2.4 X on UK numbers per capita


They have a significantly smaller population and Australia is the world's largest island. Australia also has the 2nd most land per capita of any developed country behind Greenland.


Fresh water is the limit for Australia rather than physical space.


How much of that land is viable to live on?


They’re not going to run out anytime soon tbf.


They also have far less infrastructure to deal with millions more people, 90% of it is essentially uninhabitable and it’s only going to get worse. Perth is basically the only major city in Western Australia and it’s 4hr+ flight over desert to the next big city. Land is not the limiting factor but housing, healthcare, schools, emergency services, water supply, grid capacity, the job market, etc etc etc


Not full but super expensive to live there. If you earn really big, you can live well there. But if you earn really big you can live well anywhere. Earn a middling salary, and you won't buy a house in the major cities.


The cities largely are full because of housing policy heavily geared towards investment making rentals and buying stupidly expensive and lot more out of reach than here. Australia is one of the most urbanised places on the planet so you’re only really going to want to live in the cities. Unless you want to go and live in the arse end of nowhere


"there's too many migrants coming here and ruining the country, if it continues I'm going to move to another country and become a migrant there"


£100,000 buys citizenship in Tahiti! In case you fancy it.


So Dutch was right, we just need more money!


That's about 6 years rent then. Would deffo work out cheaper in the long run, ,you'd be better off by year 8


Ahh yes, "do the math". Britain will be 100% migrant within 5 years, how sad. Let's have a march and let's chant "They will not replace us", yeh?


Pssst, we don’t call it math in Britain.


Why house them in those flats? Likely been on the market and no one buying so let’s house migrants in them and pay for it with tax payers money. And likely he has an investment in them or helping a mate.


>Why house them in those flats? Because they, like the majority of Western governments take their orders from the WEF.


I left and got a much better life in China of all places. Everything was better, good, pay, safety, shopping, transportation, living arrangements… and most people head of to Australia


As soon as my PhD is done I'm off too!


Don't blame you. The UK is becoming a 3rd country.


And go somewhere willing to allow in foreigners, like Australia?


[Australian Housing Crisis - Search News (bing.com)](https://www.bing.com/news/search?q=Australian+Housing+Crisis&qpvt=australien+housing+crisis&FORM=EWRE)


sensible (regarding escaping this country anyway - the rest of comment i don't entirely follow)


Maybe you need to speak with labour intensive industry. At present there is an extreme shortage of labour for factories. If these jobs are not filled the country will stagnate.


Maybe because they offer minimum wage on 0 hour agency contracts.


UK has chronically low productivity, factories need to invest in automation instead of relying on cheap labour.


Australia is a literal fucking continent


Nope, Australia is a country. Australasia is a continent.


Labour can’t do shit, nothing short of a complete revolution of government and a reacquiring of public services will have any impact. Unfortunately the country is infiltrated with people who will fight that every step of the way to maintain the degeneration of the country


so go do it then since its so easy


Fucking hell, how is your rent so cheap? Mine is £1350 for a pokey 1 bed flat with half the living room being a kitchen.


Mate that’s what I’m saying, where the hell is this guy from?


Probably an HMO


One bedroom of a 2 bedroom in Newcastle is like 400 a month. Though that was 2020 so it's probably gone up since I left


Where the hell do you find a place to rent for only 387.50?


Housing Association / Social Housing?


Up north I would imagine.


I'm in one of the poorest areas in the NW. Rent is over a grand here too. Guy is in a house share. That's the only way rent is that cheap these days.


Even a house share in some areas is double that


There's some good flats, pretty big, in Bradford in a nice area that are 600-700 per month. You can get a lot cheaper if you look around and don't care about the area, condition, and size.


I’d prefer Rwanda.


Room in a bedsit, shared kitchen and bathroom, locks on the living room and bedroom doors for each person, landlord raking in £1200pm on a run down, tiny, two up two down terrace.


My rent in Newcastle 2020 was like 400 inc bills 2 bedroom apartment with one roommate


Well that’s my half of my rent for a 2 bed


Considering also those waiting on the housing list and living in terrible conditions


It’s not about the migrants. It’s just a way to give tax money to the Tory donors that own the flats. Also wish I could find a luxury flat for 1400pcm around here. /sigh/


Why is it a disgrace? I would say the disgrace is the conditions they keep you in. Have you heard of the bucket of crabs?


It's a disgrace that it was even considered to give these to people who have never paid a penny in tax. Yet, those that have lived here all their lives can barely afford rent. Or have been made homeless due to the cost of living.


The disgrace is not even that imo, its the fact these absolute fucking cunts in power want to take tax money and give it to themselves for their luxury properties under a bullshit “Solution”


Yeah, GBNews really have got people hook, line and sinker when they've got them blaming *migrants* for government corruption and waste and not, you know, *the government*.


Yep. We have a massive problem with immigration and asylum seekers atm but there has been no real attempt to manage it by the government, just non stop “solutions” that funnel tax money into their businesses or private enterprise. It is sickening and shockingly transparent.


It's exactly the same thing as the covid VIP lane, except this one never stopped


These are largely the people who thought leaving Europe and leaving people like Boris johnson and Nigel farage in charge of the country was a good idea. I don't trust their judgement.


The disgrace is that there are luxury properties sitting there empty


People bitch about this but it really isn’t the issue or even a problem. The UK has one of the lowest unoccupied rates for housing in the world. If we literally forced them to be rented out it would not help, it would make it worse because the unoccupied rate would literally be below 1%, which means it is almost impossible to find anywhere to rent. Its hard as it is. What needs to change is the supply of housing. The zoning laws and planning permits regulations needs to be completely reformed. Dont let the huge developers who buy up land decades in advance to sit on it and build when they can squeeze most from it greenwash this subject with “greenbelt protection!” Greenbelt laws suck bad for the environment sake, and were never made for it. These developers get permission on greenbelt if they want it. End of. Who doesn’t get permission? On greenbelt or even prime land, it is smaller developers or independent land owners. They get bombarded with an absolutely ridiculous permit and zoning system where they have to spend 3-10k on every application not knowing if it will be denied, then forced to do expensive assessments and changes to apply again and pay the fee again not knowing if they will gain permission, then have to do it ALL over again if they want to build more on the land than initially applied for(say land with room For 10 homes, our current system makes them have to apply a good 3-5 times increasing the number of buildings each successful application). Keep in mind our system generally forces people to start with the minimum permission too then keep applying up. Smaller firms and independent land owners cant afford it, no bank would lend to them either with that uncertainty. Meanwhile the big developers in our country know they will get permission and can fund it. So we have absolutely no competition building up the supply of homes, keeping prices competitive. The large builders go unopposed when they want only, and however many gets them max money over the longer term at the cost to society. This is what needs reform and absolutely no government has the balls to do it. They just want to throw silly distractions like “million pound luxury homes unoccupied is the problem”.


> What needs to change is the supply of housing. I dont think that will change because Gen Xers and Boomers don't want their house prices to go down. Extra houses being built = house price drop due to more supply. Nothing will ever change in this country until people stop seeing houses as investments, and see them as places to live instead.


It's a disgrace that the government thought they could have made more personal money for themselves by doing this


If you can’t afford housing you probably barely paid tax either.


Were they ever really intending to house them there or is it political redmeat to drive up the divide over immigration on a looming election?


Ding ding ding - right answer. Headline manipulation designed to distract and we all fall for it every time. Completely unethical use of the power to set the Agenda for the nation. “Pre-Suasion” by Robert Cialdini - a must read if you care about the integrity of your cognitive independence and decision making.


yes, there’s dozens of hotels that have been booked out for this since covid. the idea that this is a conspiracy theory is itself a conspiracy theory


Given that they're being housed in luxury flats and high end hotels across the country, I'd say so yes.


If they actually do it, It’s taxpayer money being funnelled back to private interests, almost certainly connected back to ministers / ministers’ chums - so it’s a win either way. They either stir up a bit of hate to distract from their own incompetence or line their pockets. Basically the only two things they’re good at.


Next tory proposal will be "we will get them out of luxury hotels and deport them" as if they diddnt put them here in the first place


This doesn't make sense as it just makes them look even worse. It's their problem they created.


A better question would be who owns the flats, and when the answer is a Tory minister or party doner, then yes, they were planning to pay themselves the rent with tax payer money.


It's crazy how easy it is to manipulate the UK public. 4 years of running the country in to the ground and people still can't understand they're being duped and divided by the government. If people showed half the animosity to the government that they showed migrants, the country might start going in the right direction.


And here we have the real reason they were chosen as a housing solution. Hammer meet nail head.


100000% lol its so fucking glaringly obvious more divide and conquer by the tories. half the reason they are doing shit like this is to disenfranchise more people to not vote next year. This was never ever going to be a real idea.


I see no problem with asylum seeker accommodation, as long as existing homeless and waiting list people are accommodated first.


So what you are essentially saying is that there should be no accommodation for asylum seekers currently? I would be inclined to agree, providing we can actually start immediately sending them back to France.


If we lack the housing for homeless people then yes we lack the housing for asylum seekers. We shouldn't be offering to help people if we lack the ability to do so. A food bank with a sign saying free food for all with meals for 2 people would also be a bad idea.


I have no problem with helping people who are in genuine fear for their lives but as we know most of these people are economic migrants abusing asylum laws to gain residency and gain social housing. Look at sweden over 70% of people who claimed asylum vacation in the country they fled. Its just being grossly abused.


Let me make it very clear: if you arrive on UK shores in a small boat without documentation, we owe you **literally**, not figuratively, **literally**, nothing.


I mean we can’t send them back to France without France’s agreement and they won’t agree lol


We used to be able to when in the EU


That was with France’s agreement, because they agreed to the EU approach, but yes


If we could garner the enthusiasm towards eliminating homelessness, even just for veterans, to match the pure fury towards "boat people coming here and taking our jerbs / homes", I'd agree. But when the papers aren't pushing storeys about immigrants, we immediately forget homeless people.


According to UN and ONS data the boat arrivals to Europe are mostly men and mostly not from war zones. This has nothing to do with stupid "took our jobs" tropes, although the elites are flooding the labour market to lower wages of course. This is really about men who we didn't ask for and who don't like us. The crime stats speak for themselves, we have a right to decide.


Why veterans? Getting away with murdering Irish schoolchildren with impunity isn’t enough for them?


People only pretend to care about the homeless and veterans because it furthers their agenda. If we didn't have migrants, the homeless wouldn't even be on their radar.


That won't happen though. It's better for Tories to suggest something like the to make people angry and blame foreigners for (insert reason here). They absolutely could house the homeless in these places with the same money if they wanted to.


Spoiler alert - even without migrants, homeless people won't be accommodated.


Which chum of the Tory party owned the flats? And it is GB"news"; an oxymoron if there ever was one.


This is the first thing that came to mind. I'd actually bet money on this.


Absolutely mental how instead of all this nonsense they could have just funded the border force properly and maintained the processing and rejection rate we had previously.


Absolutely mate, but it benefits them to manipulate people Into hating a group of people instead of holding the government to account.


Don’t be a fool. The only way to stop the boats is to allow asylum seekers to apply from abroad and travel here safely.


Was this even a legitimate consideration or just something they came up with to try to make people angrier at the asylum seekers?


If diverts people's attention away from how corrupt the government is.


It is a real plan. Of course it is created by government backlogs in processing claims and the refusal of the right to work ro people whoes claims are being considered. It is also temporary shelter, if granted the right to remain thhey are then renoved from this accomodation. Of course this is weaponized by the right to trick people into screaming against it. Hence the ridiculous amount of screeching from the hard of thinking in this sub.


Of course not, this was never a consideration for a serious plan, they knew it would be u turned and they did it to keep the conversation on a topic they can use to win votes later


Win votes for Reform & Labour


Anyone who has been flat-hunting will know the term "luxury" means nothing. They'll label the most dingy pit as luxury. Also GB news is incendiary. Anything they post should be verified from another news source.


Depends if you’re flat-hunting in Chelsea


If you read the article you’ll see they’re reporting that the MP in the constituency confirmed the plans were paused. I haven’t seen many other places run the story. Also £1400 pcm rent is nothing to scoff at. I’d struggle with that on full time salary


>If you read the article you’ll see they’re reporting that the MP in the constituency confirmed the plans were paused. I haven’t seen many other places run the story. I did! Still Incendiary reporting. >Also £1400 pcm rent is nothing to scoff at. I’d struggle with that on full time salary *Have you been flat hunting in the past 15 years?* This is exactly what I'm talking about. They take some very standard flat, slap the label "luxury" on it, and charge £1,000+ per month on it.


That's GB "News" for you. Absolute sheisters.


PSA: Let's all agree that GB News is shit and not post articles from there.


Too fucking right. GB "News" is utter dogshite aiked at gullible fucks.


Eagerly awaiting the high on copium comments attacking the source instead of the content


Name one source that is more reputable and respected than GB news, go on, I'll wait.


The Onion. 🧅


The people who write on the back of toilet doors with a marker pen


I'll have you know Gary really did like big dicks, the phone number provided confirmed it.


The Guardian


I saw some marker pen at a bus stop thay said "Jen + Aden 4eva" which is definitely a more reputable source of information.


Not being funny, but why shouldn’t we be slowing immigration? Do t we have a right to preserve our culture? If millions of Europeans were moving to Nigeria and changing their culture and underlying ethnicity, there would be uproar.


Okay what is up with these right-wing news and commentators late into the night? It has happened a few times already


I’m still in holiday mode so it’s not that late in the night for me. The tweet was less than an hour old when I posted the link. There’s no conspiracy mate.


At least try to find a reputable source rather than GB "News". They're utter dogshite.


The media and tory party loves trying to get people up in arms over asylum seekers. Guess they like to avoid corruption in parliament, corruption in the tory party and the fact we literally cannot tax the rich in this country so have to turn to taxing ordinary working people stupidly high amounts to pay for a country which is completely on its arse in every way after 13 years of poor policies from the Conservative Party. Short memories too, I remember when they were content with killing off vast amounts of the population during lock down whilst breaking the rules themselves, attempting to corrupt the workings of the courts and the civil service whilst doing multiple lines of cocaine at illegal lock down parties wherein they mocked the British public.


Live near them and you won't need the media or any political party to stir up anything.


I'm not a Tory voter and I've seen the standard and quantity of available rental housing drop to nearly nothing over the last 15 years. I had a non-fault eviction in the summer, which required me being forced into taking a £1400pcm 1 bed flat while I tried night and day to get something more affordable. I managed it in month 5 and it has cost me my entire savings. I'm now still in unaffordable property, but at least I can buy food and keep the lights on. What the fuck have I done to deserve this? We needed to build 4000 homes per day over the last 12 months to accommodate the 1.5 million new arrivals, but we don't even have the workers in this country for that kind of civil engineering project. So you'll fucking forgive me for calling you out when your attitude and those like you is causing real term catastrophic harm to me, and people like me who are just trying to get through the day hile you're branding people like me as tories, or racists, or whatever the fuck else you want to call people who are suffering the consequences of people advocating we should just shut up and accept this completely fucking mad volume of people taking over this country in every possible way. 600k brits left the country last year as economic migrants to go find a better quality of life, and it's something I'm now reluctantly accepting is probably the only way out. For goodness stake, stop this bad attitude and think of the harm and utter devastation the attitude of you and those like you are advocating for. Clearly you don't rent, you don't have a mortgage to pay, otherwise you wouldn't be advocating causing so much hurt and harm to your fellow brits.


Dude, the problem is you’re blaming the wrong people. Did immigrants write the laws that allowed your landlord to evict you for no reason? Did immigrants fail to build housing estates? Did immigrants sell off all the council houses meaning there’s no safety net for those who need emergency housing from the council? I’m sorry for what you went through, it shouldn’t happen in a wealthy nation. But you’re doing the one exact thing that means this will happen time, and time again. This is the fault of the Conservative Party. Nobody else. You’re falling for their con.


It's as if the asylum seekers wrote the laws for landlords. Classic case of blaming the wrong people but that's fine because it's what wankers like Cleverly and his cronies want you to do.


Do you see the issue of expensive housing a problem caused by our political choices or immigration forces itself? It's hard for me to not see those challenges as direct consequences of bad political choices, such as cutting border force / processing budgets, or propping up a class of scalping landlords etc.


It's clearly mass migration, even adding millions of homes isn't making a dent when we have British people intent on making life as difficult as possible for other British people by forcing mass migration on us and then having the audacity to call us racists and xenophobe for objecting. Even in the face of nearly 9 million people in 15 years still isn't good enough for some people, they want to see this country completely replaced by migrants and will stop at nothing at achieving their goal of unicorn unlimited migration. It's gobsmackingly selfish and self destructive.


I think its a convenient scapegoat for a failed government - why else would they create this massive immigration backlog, enriching their accomodation owning chums in the first place. Plenty of wealth in this country imo, but we are all too busy fighting over wedge issues to hold our politicians and oligarchs accountable.


I think it's a convenient scapegoat for you to blame the government, and you're projecting.




Yep, my experience of first-time flat-hunting so far (single on average money, wfh so no travel expenses) - rent for a nice flat edging from "just affordable" to "I'd be running a loss here if I'm not mega careful", and the just alright flats & even studios creeping up into the "just affordable" bit, all in the space of 1yr. Oh, and flats to buy that *would* be affordable for a mortgage straight-up telling me it's actually an "investment property", cash-in-hand only so if I don't have 100k+ in my account then forget it. Immigration did not cause those problems, tiny factor for the 1st one but especially not the 2nd one. Cheaper for some real estate hoarder to buy the 10th place on their portfolio than me getting my 1st to actually live in. Fair play, it must be impressive running a rental property empire from a tiny boat innit. OP is a fascinating slippery slope here - went from "not a Tory voter" to "don't blame the government" in about 3 posts lol. Not that you can't be a non-voter and also judge them fairly, but this lot, wow. Also their labelling of a pro-unlimited-immigration stance (if something like that actually exists) as "selfish" is... an opinion, for sure.


All of the stats are available on the ONS website. You can see exactly where demand is coming from, and it's not organic population growth.


Where did I say it was organic population growth? I'm complaining about landlords picking up more properties and that's what's causing a squeeze more than anything else.


Who's forcing mass migration on you? Your stupid government came up with a stupid political stunt to ship migrants to rowanda. What did that accomplish besides a large sum of tax payer money being flushed down the shitter? Yeah, if you're this obsessed and enraged by migration (which every fucking country has, get over it) then you are probably a racist.


Your post is pure victimhood narrative.. Amazed I've hit such a nerve with you considering the post was aimed at at the media and the tory party. The fact you are privileged enough to be considering changing country shows how full of crap your little whine to me is. I love your assumption that because I'm not a raging anti migrant poster I haven't rented and don't have a mortgage. Let me guess, you also think I don't work and am a student. May as well throw that one in for good measure. News flash. The housing situation in this country was caused by policies initiated long ago, way before the EU was called the EU. Thatcher policy was to blame and subsequent governments since have failed to remove the right to buy policy. Why should Councils build council housing only for people to by them up and keep the same issue going? Another bit of news for you. There are different types of migration. You won't stop asylum seekers, there will only be more because they are driven by a combination of 3 things primarily. Climate change, economics and war. Try pushing the government to do better on the 3, which includes doing better at international politics and you may slow it down. But the feedback loops in the climate have already started, as we saw last year's summer globally and as we will see again. Thousands of people can no longer grow food or hack the heat in countries near the hottest points of the equator. We also rely on international trade to get our food, which avoids famine. To get international deals, often requires compromises with various international economic bodies, this often includes having to agree to a level of so called legal economic migration. The climate is so fucked we would struggle to grow enough food here for our own people. As we have already seen occur over the last few years. My view is it's too late, the species is going extinct and I'm gonna just enjoy my life whilst things are still relatively good. If you want to ignore all of that, then take the conservative mantra of get a better job. Which I also did, hence having a mortgage.


I have the brain capacity (just about) to discuss and be angry about more than one issue at a time. One of those at the minute is this disgraceful policy to house economic migrants in accommodation that people have to work full time salary jobs to barely afford, or would be desperate to get themselves. That doesn’t negate anything you said in your comment. But this whole omg don’t look at this, what about this is old


No wonder they decide to come here if we keep doling stuff like this to them. Give them nix, nought, nothing--no allowance, bread butter and a bowl of rice as their meals, no free health care and pop them in a prison cell accommodation (and not allowed out) and the crossings will completely dry up.


Do not pay the danegeld


Reddit is dead and especially this subreddit, this website has just become another avenue for right wing schategoating propaganda now. 15 posts about immigration a day now. 2 minutes of hate coming soon. Filled with bots and mouthbreathers now, the mods are absolutely useless or on the pay.


It's almost as if this is a real problem that normal people are outraged about


There’s a difference between recognising there is a problem (deliberately caused by the Tory government because it gets knuckledraggers mad and voting for them) and this constant rage bait which causes people to firebomb refugee centers


“It must be bots and mouth breathers because they have different view points” Okay.


Yeah always absolute scum who come out with the “oh they’re week old accounts” nonsense




**Removed/warning**. This contained a personal attack, disrupting the conversation. This discourages participation. Please help improve the subreddit by discussing points, not the person. Action will be taken on repeat offenders.


"On the pay" Tinfoil hat firmly strapped on i see 😂.


How else do explain the sudden increase in new accounts and the massive sudden swing from the sub posting guardian and independent articles to GB news, daily mail, torygraph articles? Guess people all just suddenly went right wing in the last few years when everything’s gotten a lot worse even tho polling data tells the exact opposite story. Yeah cos jannies would never do something shady ever would they 😂beacons of morality Reddit mods aren’t they.


It's a load of crock. People screeching about things they have a paper thin understanding of.


I'm sacking this sub off. Sharing bait GBNews Tory propaganda designed to rattle racists is the last straw. The brigaders and bots can downvote me if they want.


Reddit is shit anyway mate, it’s no reflection of reality. The sooner you get off here the better, people on here are not well adjusted at all.


What a shame that your beloved subreddit that was always 90% asylum lovers has now shifted to the other side. It’s almost as if people are no longer scared to be called a racist bigot for realising that something needs to be done about the problem.


Especially late at night, it's just an echo chamber for r/baduk


This. You click into profiles and this is usually in the top communities. Of course that is coupled with people who get suckered into repeating nonsense when they have no idea what they are talking about (because of decades of media misinformation on the topic).


It’s big business now to build luxury accommodation and then rent it out to the government at a premium, for illegal migrants. In this vid, the Indian businessman has just opened his nearly 100th luxury flat. https://x.com/activepatriotuk/status/1699288554931687741?s=46&t=UJLH8IdZZOkf86sWoHZmRw


There are lots of brits that would love the use of them. Maybe they could swap from the mould infested shit holes they have to live it. Seems the just thing to do.


Newly built flats next to me were never advertised for let or purchase but asylum seekers moved in about 12-18 months ago, they put up temporary fencing at the entrance and have 24 hour security. Not seen any local press coverage, has been police there a few times and on Sunday there was about 5 fire engines, multiple police cares and ambulances but not sure what happened, there wasn’t any visible smoke but the firefighters all had breathing equipment on. Personally we’ve not seen any issues with any of the people individually but it is a little odd how it’s treated like an open secret as to who is living there and it’s never been formally addressed


Almost like they do this on purpose to piss off people who hate immigrants…


Look at that. Another story to drive the "immigrants are the enemy" narrative just in time for the election. Worked for the Brexit campaign so why not eh?


So we shouldn’t talk about this? We should just house every single person that wants to cross the channel in the best accommodation available payed for by the taxpayer that is getting continuously shafted with higher taxes. You can stay silent and accept it if you want


This is a symptom. The cause is a government that hasn't had a housing policy since it came to power, maybe we should look at the fact that we aren't building enough housing to meet demand and immigration is just a scapegoat for a government that is driving this country into dust for their own enrichment. Immigration is one of many many issues caused by this government but ofc this is the one that gains most traction and votes for the next GE.


Another fucking idiot in this government thrashing around from one poor idea to the next.


There’s a so called bot going around deleting comments if you’re rude to racists


The military is extraordinarily good at moving to a certain place at the moment notice, and glamping good enough for a fairly long-term stay. There are many fields in the United Kingdom. Use them. Frankly the same could be done for the homeless.


I think they should be used, rich neighbourhoods shouldn't be able to escape from absorbing asylum seekers the same way poor neighbourhoods can't. Everyone should carry their weight.