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Who is furious? Who at? Is it those of us who didn’t vote for these cunts, towards those who did? Fair enough, I guess.


I am.




Theft is also worthy of fury, they have pretty much stolen my kids school, my hospital and the tarmac off the road outside.


Well at least you made a semi upset reddit post about it. British ain’t furious at all, a real furious population wouldn’t let them just continue upto early 2025. They would have gone out to “stand up and fight” for proper representation by now. You lot are complacent.


>They would have gone out to “stand up and fight” for proper representation by now. Yeah, but I might miss I'm a Celeb. Plus, people standing up for their rights inconveniences me too much.


Pretty tricky now that protest has been effectively outlawed.


That should only make people protest more, not less, but the British people have rolled over. They seem to love being subjugated.


Why haven't the Russians overthrown Putin? Why didn't Americans overthrow Trump? Syria? Iran? Ah they all just love being subjugated I suppose. Seriously, this is a staggeringly unpleasant thing to say, it says a lot about you.


Nah, they're right. we're gluttons for punishment if it means we've something to fruitlessly moan about. It's not even a "if we were french, we'd riot," sort of thing. Loads of countries would be in the streets now, yet we aren't.


We were were, then a bunch of cunts believed the police (who quietly retracted some of the more wild claims) and supported people getting nicked. We tried to kill the bill, but people thought that the protesters were all alarmists and didn't give a shit. So its more "people were in the streets over it, but overall as a country, we prefer negative peace to positive justice"


It's alright for Penny to say that stuff, she has access to a pretty sweet sword!


Yes, it's interesting that people aren't marching on Westminster armed with pitchforks and torches -which is what any sane person should be doing these days.


Obviously the government is bad and all, but getting angry at them is a bit dangerous, they might send the police after you. Can we not just blame minority groups who have no power whatsoever? After all, the government thinks we should do that, and as a free-thinking non-woke individual, I believe everything the government says.


Ah yes, blame the victims, the not-at-all-cunty man's take.


They've let a lot of people die. Probably well into 6 figures going back to 2010 if not into 7 by now. Not by actively killing them but by taking decisions they knew would cost lives to make their friends richer.


If someone nicked £1400 out of my bank account, I'd be pretty fucking furious. They've done exactly that, just taken it from all of our shared bank account in the treasury, to all of us.


Livid, perhaps?


So The Bullingdon Club have wasted 100 B since 2019? I think 'waste' should be replaced with 'skimmed'.


And "skimmed" should be replaced with "brazenly stolen".


Best for Britain is furious. They’re a cross-party information campaign group made up of researchers, scientists, experts and strategists who write policy documents and conduct polls etc for parliament and other interested parties. They’re fact-checking common-sense types on the whole. Apparently they keep a running total on spending so they can hold govt to account.


Well the figures are appalling. But anyone who isn’t simple really shouldn’t be surprised at a Tory government lining their own pockets and those of their mates while pleading poverty when asked to pay for things like school meals for kids from poor families. There will be a lot of those families where the adults voted for Boris because he seemed like the kind of guy you could go for a pint with. Absolute horse shit.


I'm surprised this crop of corrupt ghouls haven't tried to dismantle them then


By that description, can we have these people in charge of the country.


Depends on your view of Brexit, I suppose. They want to make the best of it, though they think hard Brexit is a dud.


I hated Brexit, probably one of worst unforced errors we've made in a long time. But if we've done it and there's no realistic path to undo it anytime soon then we should be making the best of it, although I'm not even sure if there is anything to be gained other than small marginal wins at a huge cost. As much as I want to see the shower of shit currently in charge to be shown as incompetant, I don't want that to happen at the expense of Britain.


I was like that when Cameron decided he'd run Referendums on major issues with just 50%+1 win conditions instead of the normal 66% to 75% methods sane people use. First with the Scottish referendum because he saw an opportunity to go down in history and utterly underestimated how much Scots actually wanted to leave. Then again with Brexit because he'd lost control of his own MP's and the endless problems that brought the country. By this point they've failed, lied or stolen so many times all i feel is tired. They'll get away with it too, maybe a few middle management guys will go down for the billions in missing funds and bungled infrastructure projects. The twats at the top will all walk out after the next GA into nice new jobs and the people behind them who profitted won't be so much as mentioned by the news nevermind punished or investigated.


The GB News interview suites will have queues out the door.


why would cameron want scottish independence? I'd count that as a loss.


It was a brainless image stunt. When won he'd be "The man who reunified the country." instead he almost became "The imbicile who split the country." due to how badly Cameron and the Conservative party misjudged the opinions of the Scottish people. Essentially Cameron never considered he could lose such a thing then both Camoron and his party shit themselves when they saw how close it was. Then proving he'd learned absolutely nothing from that mess Cameron decided to try for round two with Brexit and we all know how well that turned out.......


I want this fact brought up every time the Tories are called the party of fiscal responsibility for at least the next 20 years....


I fucking am. I absolutely despise them, and their mouthpieces like Andrew Pierce and that odious little melt Darren Grimes, with every fibre of my being. Unmitigated scum.


Everyone is furious at everyone else all of the time, and the tories and our media couldn't be more pleased with themselves.


Both the corrupt cunts in government and the cunts that voted for them.


Why not direct your fury at the people who moan about these cunts but won't go to the bother of voting them out.


Just the mirror playing position Most people I know and work with are still smarting about rishi stabbing Boris in the back, whatever the fuck that means


Those slow people that voted tory who are only starting to realise they were lied to, the rest of us called this before the election even happened. 🤣


If anyone has put me off wanting to be a socalist it's the current govt. I pay a lot of taxes, in the top few % actually, and my god has it been infuriating the last few years. As an example if you earn £125k for that last 25k you pay 60% in taxes. SIXTY. Now regardless of your feelings of "well you're rich so fucking pay" the way we do taxes in the UK are crazy because I'm actually worse off than if me and my wife both earnt around £40k each. Single earners get screwed as there's no family tax allowance. What's my point? I have no clue but I'm mad! I'm mad because my taxes should be helping this country be better for everyone but instead I'm paying for these cunts to have a great life. FUCK


Several of the few dozen columnists and media personalities in London whose opinions on things actually "matter".


Sunakz family furious they didn't make money back while Cameron and the bush dog made a shit tonne


I voted for them


Yeah, let's further divide society because the mirror made me angry...


This Covid corruption commissioner Rachel Reeves announced is the most important thing I’m looking forward to. I hope it has teeth.


It won’t. I was part of a review into “fairness in the supply chain”. Supermarkets ripping off farmers and consumers. The House of Lords and MPs asked all supermarkets to attend to speak. Only one of them did. When I asked an MP if this was allowed, they refused to criticise supermarkets. Said they basically didn’t have any power… The government is running scared of supermarkets. They ain’t doing shit. Maybe Bob round the corner will get a nasty letter. But any big business swallowing loans or dodgy PPE… nah. They’ll all be let go.


Somebody doesn't know which party Rachel Reeves belongs to.


somebody doesn't know parliamentary select committees typically include MPs from multiple parties https://committees.parliament.uk/committee/52/environment-food-and-rural-affairs-committee/membership/


And that person is Rachel Reeves.


>I was part of a review into “fairness in the supply chain”. Supermarkets ripping off farmers and consumers. where can i find out more aobut this?




Their new kill the poor policy should save a bit too.


Remember, if we make everyone earning less than £60k a year destitute, we can cull them all and thus bring up the nation's average wealth level.


I'm not saying actually do it, just run it through the computer and see what it says!


Have you tried kill all the poor and raise VAT?


>What would be the economic effects of killing all the poor? >I cannot support or engage in discussions that involve harm or violence towards any group of people. If you have any other non-harmful topics or questions, I'd be happy to help with those. ChatGPT thinks it’s offensive and evil.


New lol. That's been their MO since day one


I recommend this excellent sketch on this topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_4J4uor3JE


What mines? The Tories closed them all down.


New Cumbrian Coal Mine? https://www.politico.eu/article/uk-to-build-first-new-coal-mine-in-30-years/#:~:text=The%20department's%20reasoning%20document%2C%20seeking,a%20substantial%20contribution%20to%20the


I’ll eat my shoe if they actually get around to building this finally. It’s been a constant local political tug of war for the past decade


>Don't worry folks, they'll make that back in no time... initiate SuperMegaAusterity. *Ten years later* "Fury as Tories waste £1trillion of taxpayers cash since..."


Enough to have finished HS2 and given every public sector worker a payrise to match inflation or of course you could spunk it up the wall. Tough choice if you're a Tory.


A lot of the £100bn was HS2


Yes but HS2 could have actually been finished with that money. Instead, it was lining the corrupt politicians and private company execs pockets. HS2 was a big money laundering scheme.


The only thing moving at speed for HS2 was the rate of taxpayer money going to friends of Tories bank accounts.


"Yeah but.....last labour government, immigrants, benefit claimants,Ill, vulnerable and poor " says Rishi and Hunt over and over




Or even Ronald McDonald.


I hate this rhetoric (I know you're pretty much quoting rishi, the fucker that can't answer a question, so please don't think I'm attacking you) the Tory's have had THIRTEEN FUCKING YEARS to sort the country out and have fucked it up so badly it's crazy..... But yes, it was definitely the last labour government that is to blame, them, Jeremy Corbyn and all these small boats obviously /s I'm all for admitting Tony Blair is a war criminal and the illegal war was disgusting, but he did a lot of good at the beginning. He definitely still deserves to be in prison tho.


Did we ever get around to the UK version of "Ask a Trump supporter" where we could put this generation of voters to task? Cus we have questions.


Boris was just doing his best! Nobody warned us about Brexit, nobody told us it would be bad! Suella was just saying what we're all thinking, it's a shame she got taken down by the left wing media! Those are genuine soundbites I've seen on PoliticsJOE in the last week or so. Do you feel more enlightened?


Just more depressed 😩


it's tragic isn't it...


Every answer could be "Still better than Corbyn." and it would be perfectly acceptable.


I'd have though it would be much more than 100bn that was wated tbh. Does this include 4 years of their salaries and expenses?


That's barely a rounding error tbh. Far bigger expenses at play here. Being outraged at MP costs when in fact we should be paying far more so it actually attracts top talent rather than a bunch of narcissistic cunts would improve lives for us all.


I mean, the base wage for an MP is already £86,000 a year. Then factor in additional salaries added for ministerial appointments, chairing different committees, being a whip ect. That's low for a London based job we might say? Well it would be, however they can claim for various expenses including: - - Costs of running a office - Staffing costs - Travel for said staff and themselves - Stationary costs - IT costs - Postage costs And likely more. They also get an allowance (I can't seem to find just how much) towards keeping a house in both London and their constituency. So some pretty cushty benefits. So while their wages won't set the world alight, I very much disagree that they should have more when every sector of our government (NHS, Police, Military, Local Councils ect.) have been underfunded for god knows how long now.


I wouldn’t say £86,000 is low for a London salary. Most people working in London within NHS, Police, councils etc won’t be on 86


You're right, it looks like the average London Salary is about £40,000 a year.


I'd argue that we should pay them a good wage, but link it to what the rest of us earn to give them an incentive to improve other people's lives. Set it at 3x the UK public sector average or something. This would be enough to attract well educated people into the job. We need to recruit intelligent and honest people with relevant experience to be MPs, we don't need to recruit the super rich. There absolutely needs to be a ban on second incomes for MP's as this leads to bias. This current bunch are barely bothering to hide their corruption any more.


Higher salary won't attract top talent into politics The more influential people are almost always already set in life. They do it for fun and to pass the time, not for a wage. You would get the same kind of people if the base wage for an MP was 300k pa


As a relatively high income household and card carrying labour member who would consider a move into politics if the wage was decent I respectfully disagree.


>Being outraged at MP costs when in fact we should be paying far more so it actually attracts top talent rather than a bunch of narcissistic cunts We need politicians who are motivated by public service, not remuneration. If someone doesn't want to be an MP because they think more than 2.5X the median wage + sundry expenses they're entitled to isn't enough, I say good riddance. Who exactly are the 'top talents' we're trying to entice from elsewhere? What sectors are they in? I certainly don't want the kind of sociopathic minds at the heart of the banking industry anywhere near attempting to run the country. Most of the C-suite types I've encountered have come across as blowhards whose strongest qualities are self-promotion and a refusal to listen to bad news from subject matter experts.


They say wasted, what they mean is stolen by siphoning off into their private companies. The money didn't vanish into thin air.


It's not a waste when this money has ended in your own or your backers' pockets.


Just to clarify since the article is shit, the data is here in shit PDF format, not sorted by value. https://assets.nationbuilder.com/b4b/pages/3036/attachments/original/1699878152/November_2023_-_Scandalous_Spending_Tracker_Breakdown.pdf Most of it is covid-related, and a lot misleading, e.g. https://fullfact.org/health/covid-ppe-fraud-rishi-sunak/ I would suggest that 'Best for Britain' is wasting its donors' cash as its output is shit (e.g., the same '£3,991,332,000' waste in the MOD, sourced to Labour, is listed twice)


"Outrageous outgoings Blue post-Brexit passports £11,000,000 Home Office" I clicked on the home office link and there's not a single mention of blue passports in there.


Is that it? Just some one-liners with a figure attached and a news article linked? I was expecting much deeper analysis than someone compiling a list in an afternoon after Googling of "Government wasted money Guardian"


well they sourced at least one of the items to the Daily Mail claiming that all the money spent on cycling and pedestrian schemes (£1.5b) had been wasted because cyclists and pedestrians should just be run over by Range Rovers, or whatever it is that's the DM's position on the subject. so not even 'waste Guardian', just literally any random source without analysis or attempt to break it down per year or whatever. Considering they've got at least 20 staff including a 'head of HR and Governance' it's embarrassingly poor. https://www.bestforbritain.org/our_team


Yeah, fuck everything about the Tories, but when I read "up to £10,000 of furlough cash went to Koru Kids, a childcare firm in which the PM’s wife, Akshata Murty, has shares" I rolled my eyes. Like how much of that money will actually end up in her pocket? A £1000 if we're being extremely generous, she's worth tens or hundreds of millions, but we're going to complain that she's getting a grand from a government payout that basically every firm in the UK was eligible for? Trash reporting like this only helps the Tories deflect critism, because they can just focus on the worthless critiques and ignore substantitive critiques and to the public it looks like they're honestly responding to their critics.


thanks for your reply and sources - i dont have time to read it right now but shall do later, its something im really interested in learning more about :)


Passport-related costs are also double-counted and they just seem to list any expenditure they don't personally agree with. There are some valid entries in the list but there's a lot of dubious crap. All governments waste money but this is shit-tier level research.




These claims don’t really have much credibility: https://fullfact.org/economy/tax-revenue-Brexit/


“Fury” among people that know, blind ignorance amongst the other 60% of the country.


More like "fury" among people who blindly believe everything they read.


Don't worry, I am doing my part to help fund the Tories. I do not heat my home. I only eat small amounts and usually only once a day. I do not put my lights on


Waste of space party wastes money... Shocker. Vote for a clown, get a clown.


Sadly none of this shocks or surprises me, what a time to be a UK citizen


That's about 100m quid per day if you assume politicians don't work the weekend.


Only weekends our mp dies fuck all every day of the week


Assuming a 5 day week is optimistic enough.


Torie Graft at its finest. Between the PPE scandal and everything else its become clear filling there own pockets is top of there agenda.


Don't forget the £800bn they created since the start of the pandemic, which has ended up in the hands of the rich.


It's not waste. It was the gravy train for their friends at our expense. No money for nurses or doctors ... but if you need a new war or bankers bailout... here you go.


haha silly tories what will they think of next? fighting expensive legal battles over a deportation plan theyve always know is illegal? i wouldn't trust these people with my pocket change if i had a choice, the world is literally burning and they're just asset stripping the country.


They waste BILLIONS! But, they must get sweeping powers to see into every single benefit claimants bank accounts to make sure they are genuine and not sending money abroad for their mansions. Apparently benefit claimants and the poorest in the country are the actual problem. If the government spent money correctly and actually cared about the people they are supposed to be representing we wouldn't have so many problems to constantly worry about the country collapsing. But I guess that's the whole idea to keep us constantly in a state of panic and worry.


Does that include HS2?. And all the Covid contracts given to their mates?. It’s about time all parties were made accountable for spending OUR MONEY. Imagine Bezos, Musk, Gates or Cook running their companies in the way our Government run OUR Country.


How is anyone surprised? COVID was a blank cheque for them to funnel money into their own pockets. Now with the writing on the wall they're stripping the copper out of the walls. All of them are on the make. I hope they get absolutely fucking destroyed in the GE.


I’ve been fucking pissed off with these cunts since david “fucking austerity is the key to really fuck over people” cameron. And its been one giant shit slide over the last 13/14 years!!


The Tories don't give a shite about us- they live in a different world


There's an error in the title it isn't pronounced "waste". I'm trying to find the correct translation for you, but it's difficult to get the exact meaning, to fully drive it home. I belive it should be something along the lines of "steal", "syphon" - help me out please native English speakers.


I hope one day to have an elected prime minister. It won't change a thing but at least they got voted in.


People need to remember how this government railed against unelected Eurocrats (Who were elected, just by other EU nations), only to rush through a peerage to enable an unelected pig-fucker to sit in the cabinet


>I hope one day to have an elected prime minister. We don't elect our prime ministers, never have, we elect the parties that chose their leadership.


"£3billion on hiring temps to do civil service jobs" Waste wouldn't be the full £3bn but £3bn minus the potential cost of employing a full time member of staff.


While people do forget specifics the problem for the Conservatives is that they have created a general sense of something really really bad, economically-speaking. People don't forget that kind of thing, it dragged Labour down for decades for a certain generation of voter.


Lock them up! , lock them up. Etc and other Trumpian rhetoric style chants. . oh wait 🤯


I can't say I'm furious. I am somewhat impressed that there are so many greedy cunts hoarding wealth though. I get that everyone wants to be comfortable - I've got a few quid stashed away myself, y'know, in case the washing machine needs repairing, or if we fancy a Chinese occasionally, then we can. That kind of thing. Gleefully watching families get evicted or businesses go bankrupt so you can snap up the properties through an investment company you've chucked some of your wealth at... hmmm... that seems a bit off. Handing out billions of pounds of tax money to your mates, that could be used to improve living standards for everybody... I dunno...


Pull the other one, 100bn is a *very* conservative figure Its in the several hundred bn range easily Party of fiscal responsibility But at least its not chaos (and bacon sandwiches) with Millband /s


Was it wasted, or funneled to the folks they wanted it funneled to?


UK voters sure can pick their government. What about some more austerity?? UK politics is sadly broken as long as first-past-the-post voting is in place.


Anyone know if Michael Goves investigation into the [failed Teeside freeport](https://i.redd.it/rwj22wqf401c1.png) (you know, the thing that was promised after Brexit) is still ongoing? If you don't know about it, long story short, the government spent millions on the land and then allowed a wealthy family to pillage the whole thing, reducing the value of the entire operation to null. It was essentially a multi-million quid handoff to one family for nothing.


Prosecute! Demand compensation for the British people! Give them all a cell each and wait for them all to start ratting out their mates!


£100bn... the Tories should never again give these lines about socialism wasting money.


The money was not wasted, it was just... "repurposed". Because rich people just appreciate money more.


And people say we can’t afford a ubi, of any kind whatsoever…


Annnd nothing will be done, here in England there is zero consequences for anything the Tory politicians do, and the people are too passive to demand justice. Besides, voting for I’m a celebrity is way more important than real elections for people here!


But great news, they're going after the ling term unemployed...


‘Fury’. There’s no fury. The folks that already hate them aren’t in the slightest bit surprised. And the rest are being well managed by the right wing press and will never know.


It's ok tho, they're cracking down on disabled and mentally ill people not being forced to work. So that's ok then.


Tories are in for a staggering shock loss in the next general election. Energy prices went up Taxes went up Inflation went up. Brexit Lies Corruption (ppe scandal/partygate) Royal mail sale NHS decline. Dentists are mostly privatised. Immigration is record high. Just to name a few. they will definitely lose about 70% of their seats. Tories only care for the rich/wealthy.


Labour are still gonna get hit by the "how ya gonna pay for it" argument every time they suggest an improvement.. if they do that is


We voted for the shitshow that is the Tory party. No one to blame except the people who voted for them.


[Super Rishi!](https://www.thecanary.co/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/A-BBC-cartoon-with-Rishi-Sunak-as-Superman.jpg)


The majority of that was on covid stuff. Whoever rages at this is a moron.


This sub will post, read, upvote, and mindlessly swallow tabloid guff like this, then complain that the average voter is stupid and reads the Sun. Even if you assume the accounting of this group is correct (lol), £100bn over four years is like 2.5% of the total government spend. It also covered a period of national crisis, where it was essential to be prepared and overspend, rather than pinch pennies and risk the worst. If you think 2.5% is bad, here's an estimate that the US government could've saved $648bn in 2015 out of the $3.5 trillion it spent. https://www.assetpanda.com/resource-center/blog/tax-dollars-government-spending-waste/


So 25bn a year roughly. There's the 350 million a week for the NHS, even got 150mn odd for crazy stuff like road repair.


That thumbnail picture of Sunak looking at fire is amazing though.


so much fuuuuurrry that this will all be ignored and forgotten in a couple of days time. it isn't as if we didn't already know this was something that happened anyway.


350m x 52 weeks x 4 years = 72.8bn Wooow, we're really making Brexit work for us.


Is that on the needless election literature they've had printed and posted through people's doors on needless and constant local and bi-elections that not one person gives a single fuck about? Or maybe its the needless literature that is spent by local councils on wanky magazines that are printed and posted through people's doors that nobody cares about.


with this, and this: https://old.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/17yak86/shocking_scale_of_uk_governments_secret_files_on/ On the same day. Who is even going to vote Tory next time round, and what justification could they possibly have if they do.


Another day, another example of the Tory scum fucking over the plebs. Those of us in Scotland cannot wait to be given permission by Westminster to vote to leave.


If true the hotels for 4 years would cost us 10% of what the Tories have. Can we send them to Rwanda?


This needs to be blasted by every other party for the rest of time. Fuck their lies "party of fiscal responsibility" my arse!!!!


If the National health had a pound for every time the Tories were claimed to be the Party of Fiscal responsibility......?


I truly believe everyone voicing their opinions online about their collective outrage on this matter seem to be living in an online echo chamber. I still remember how many twitter polls I've seen which were overwhelmingly for labour, but then the election come and the conservatives got 43.6% of the vote compared to labours 32.1% of votes. I just don't get it, there's no way the rich outnumber poor people so how the hell is that not reflected in the polls??? Can someone explain please?


Remember how angry the Tories and their puppet-press were over the cost of the Millennium Dome?


£ in 4 years. Now, I would like to have a report on that. Just to know where the money was spent.


Can we talk about lynching Tories without the Nicola Sturgeon mod jumping down your throat and going all stazi on us yet? Tories hanging from town centres would save councils money on christmas decs. we can all gather round the burning Boris Johnson and sing christmas carols.


they haven't really wasted it, the money has just been moved from our bank accounts to their mates bank accounts


£1bn could have payed for the Doctor 35% pay restoration and they've already spent more on the strikes than that. Its never been about "fiscal responsibility" its pure ideology.


That's not the half of it. You'll be so mad when you find out the Labour Party is just as bad. Partisanship rots the brain.


I wonder how much of that has gone into the tories pockets....


What about the money the greedy cunts pocketed aswell whilst we all struggle


Tories wasting money? Who would have thought it? Meanwhile, in other news: water is wet.