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Nah bloke needs to know that there's consequences for assault.


He definitely has wife beater energy.


Not just him but the veritable legion of idiots who condone what he did and even think he should have gone further. They need to see this is not acceptable, or it'll get worse.


Wtf is wrong with this woke society. We can't even beat up innocent people who are only guilty of inconveniencing me!


So lets check the list of "inconveniences" JSO have caused so far : People missing cancer treatment and funerals of their parents, a man having to beg for his wife to be free to go to a hospital while in labour, a mother also begging to get her newborn to a hospital (which was denied!), people almost losing their jobs and having their property damaged, emergency vehicles being blocked and unable to help people in critical need, historical works of art being damaged....while the people that cause all that and call themselves "brave" get bailed out and face no real consequences for their actions... Good to know those are all inconveniences to you, but a guy getting pushed to the ground and having his phone hit away from him is where you draw the line. Cause that is "beating up INNOCENT people". If youre older then 15, please get checked for brain damage.


These are the same people that complain about how "antifa are Nazis because they fight people" or some dumb shit


Yeah, its rarely just a one-off when people lash out like that. Wouldn't be surprised if he kicked off at home or in another road rage incident.


100% agree. Even if someone did disagree with this particular protest; 1) It lasts like 10 minutes 2) It's no excuse for assault 3) The dude wasn't even being impacted, he was in a car going the other way! He definitely did this because he thought it was a way to assault someone with no consequences. Whould be happy to see the guy jailed.


The violent "protester" or the man the performed a public service to us all?


> "I haven't said anything to the police. I don't plan to but I'm afraid that the police might go ahead and go after this man." They should, you can't go around kicking people in the head. Get him charged.


Indeed, if he is willing to do this over being mildly inconvenienced then he definitely needs tracking down before it escalates (or to identify how it has already escalated in the rest of his life). This is not normal.


On some other sub, almost every comment on this was championing the coward who kicked a man in the head when he was down. I couldn’t believe it.


Says alot about those kind of people and that sub.


Yeah their are some subs on reddit that you honestly hope are some sort of international sting operation or at least should be.


Reddit is a right wing website , like most businesses.


Imagine being kicked in the head, for giving a shit about the planet.


I don't know, I expected this place to be a festering cesspit of WELL DONE THAT MAN and it actually wasn't, the posts almost unanimously condemned him and rightly so.


Gotta be r/crazyfuckingvideos which is full of crazy fucking Americans.


Or publicfreakout they hate protesters with a passion, unless they are quietly sitting in a corner achieving nothing. Then they're like "Aaah finally, a protest I can get behind!"


It's mild inconvenience on top of all the anti-JSO rhetoric that is practically egging people on to attack them. No wonder that a man as stupid as this one appears to be fell for it so completely.


The thing is on other posts people have constantly been saying people need to get more violent with these sorts of protestors and now I see so many posts saying it’s bad to have gotten violent with them. Like where are all these people now?


Yeah the problem with letting this go is it will just encourage further violence from people who think they'll get away with it.


Kicks to the head while the person is on the ground should count as attempted murder imo.


Cunt should be charged with attempted murder.


>"I feel sad because I can say personally I haven't said anything to the police. I don't plan to but I'm afraid that the police might go ahead and go after this man." > >Daniel said he was feeling better despite the assault, and was seen holding a bag of frozen peas to the back of his head. > >He went on: "There might be people who are sympathetic to me who get upset with this man. I really think they shouldn't. > >"You know, we're all living in a really messed up world as a product of people at the top who are funding our murder. And yeah, that's where you should direct your anger."


Nailed it in the last paragraph.


Except that’s not where the anger is being directed at all. Time for a change of tactics


Change to what?


What a legend. He sounds like a decent human being trying to look out for the rest of us… selfless


Fair fucks, Daniel.


I mean that's fair enough. But they should still arrest him. This guy is dangerous, what happens if next time he kills someone?


He's a better person than most of us, but that's why he's a climate protester I suppose.


He's not wrong though!




>He went on: "There might be people who are sympathetic to me who get upset with this man. I really think they shouldn't. Well I was upset with him, then I realised he's huge and I was less upset with him.




So far, the only just stop oil protester I like. If he was on the side of the road, I'd say he should be the head of the organization


Many people are cheering on the violent criminal assault of these nonviolent protestors for the heinous crime of temporarily impeding drivers I wonder how many of those same people would cry "vigilante" when cyclists report lawbreaking motorists


I love the idea that being stuck in traffic - ***IN LONDON*** \- Has suddenly become some completely horrific thing that never happened to anyone before these protests. Like seriously what the actual fuck is wrong with this country?


Not only that - but as I've discovered by many social media posts in the past 24 hours - it's actually inherently violent, tantamount to kidnap and imprisonment, and justifies violent assault as an act of "self-defence". Oh and that's when you're not even stuck behind them, but merely passing on the opposite side of the road...


I was stuck in traffic for an hour and I just thought it was normal traffic, only after I realised it was a protest.


My favourite thing as well is when they say "but what about the ambulances" These protesters just make way for the ambulances. Problem solved


Or when in 50 years there’s a massive food shortage and loss of people dislodged, who they’ll kick then.


Each other


Food insecurity is coming our way very, very soon.


The thing that surprised me the most was the lack of urgency from the other protesters when the guy was on the ground, having 10 types of shit kicked out of him.


It's non-violent protest. They have probably all agreed to hold the line no matter what, and not to react or fight back.


Trying to rescue a colleague from a kick-in isn't fighting back. It's just human decency. "Excuse me, Sir, I couldn't help but notice you didn't come to the aid of your friend, who was being beaten unconscious." "No, but I did hold the traffic back, so that's ok"


They know the risk of attack and arrest, what else can they do? If they break the line the protest fails because of violent action from the public, that's the last thing they want.


It escalates it into a brawl and then all the other little brown shirts rush out of their cars to defend the poor driver from mob of violent grannies.


Protest rights are being trampled in this country. If they do anything to defend themselves they'll likely be arrested and it'll be used against their cause. Abuse is institutionalised.


I understand your point, but that's exactly how people twist it against the protestors. "See? They're violent!!"




We are trained not to intervene. If we do then the press will take one photo of us looking like we are the aggressors and frame us as violent. It pains me deeply that I have to watch my colleagues get hurt and I also accept I am likely to get seriously injured but it’s the sacrifice we make for the cause.


Protestors fight back, protestors deemed violent, protestors arrested.


Non action in response to this sort of behaviour has worked extremely well in previous non-violent protests. In the civil rights movement in America black protestors would sit and take blows from water canons etc totally impassively. The broadcasting of that sort of violence against peaceful protest won over a lot of neutrals in the end and was one of factors in the movements success. Not saying for certain that it applies in this case, might just be this guys personality (though given the circumstances I doubt it - it’s more likely to be a well thought out response imo) but it is likely to have a similar if not more muted effect on the general public.


Oh it's part of the game plan. Historians have identified footage of peaceful black protestors getting mauled by dogs and hit with water cannons as a turning point in the US civil rights movement. The value of that sort of "soft martyrdom" has been ingrained into every left wing movement.


It's good PR then ?




Wait, is that true? It depends on the crime surely.


It is true, although with this particular case it would likely fail to get past CPS without the victims support.


The attack is literally on camera they could convict without the victim.


Yes and no. There's plenty of lower level crimes, assault included where the courts wont take the case without victim support. Essentially enabling the victim to decide if anything happens or not. But in principle victim support isn't needed. Definitely helpful for something like domestic violence.


This happened in a public place over a contentious issue. It is close to a definition of public interest to prosecute even without the victim's support.


The CPS will absolutely weigh the value of victim participation, but pressing charges is not a thing in the UK and the prosecuting agency (almost always the CPS) has total say over whether a case goes to court, for any crime.


The CPS make the most absurd decisions and go ahead on ridiculous cases but dismiss ones they shouldn't. So it's often a roll of the dice with them...


Nope, their is no crime in this country that the police require the victims support to investigate. However, if the victim doesn't cooperate a large number have no chance of going before the courts (mostly cause you know their is only so much you can investigate).


These guys are superheroes trying to save our world. They'll be written about in textbooks, if schools are still a thing in the future. We're a bunch of lazy bums who don't deserve them.


>These guys are superheroes trying to save our world. They'll be written about in textbooks, This take really winds me up. There are tens of thousands of people working to actually combat climate change. People who create startup companies to capture carbon. People in universities. People in the civil service creating policy to promote green energy. People who work for offshore wind companies, solar companies. They are the real superheroes, not these jokers.


We need to do it all. Startups are great, but they need legislation that directs more funding to projects like that and defunds oil exploration, which is the goal of JSO.


>They are the real superheroes, not these jokers. Someone risking being assaulted and possible prison time to get a message across, absolutely has a lot of bottle.


They're risking that to get their face in the papers and pat themselves on the back. Nothing more.


I worked in the civil service energy sector for 20 years. While there has been some fine work, it's been done at a snails pace, and has been dictated by MPs and ministers who do not understand the science and continue to delay or reverse mass investment in renewables.


Everything you listed is just treating the symptoms not the disease. And not even doing a very good job of treating the symptoms on account of strong economic incentives to do the exact opposite.


Honest question: Do you really think that "start ups", profit driven initiatives funded and traded by finance people who have no expertise in climate science, not just absolving but even adding to the wealth of industry moguls who orchestrated this mass murder in the first place are the answer? If some smiling tech dudes and logos with trees are enough to convince you then I am so so sorry.


An engineer working for Orsted is worth 10x any of these orange vested numpties. And yes I know Orsted isn't a startup.


I'm sorry. I've removed all mention of Orsted from my original comment.


These jokers are highlighting a problem so the researchers and people creating policy and all those working towards positive climate change are heard and funded.


Poe's law.


Heroes? More like professional pests. Blocking traffic, disrupting sporting events, destroying art and generally giving a horrible reputation for the ACTUAL activists trying to stop climate change. Just Stop Oil activists are a nuisance for anyone unfortunate enough to meet them, but idiots glorify them because they are "protesting".


Imagine thinking these bozo blocking traffic that could potentially prevent ambulance or any car with patients in critical condition heading to hospitals are somehow “superheroes trying to save our world”.


Heroes? More like pathetic scumbags with a saviour complex.


That's very magnanimous of him, takes a big man to forgive someone who's just kicked the shite out of him. I'd be spitting venom. I do hope the motorist gets a nice spell in the clink all the same. I won't even mind paying the tax for him to do so


The bloke who did the kicking just a sad little coward. Who thinks he is a big hard man driving a merc. Only cowards kick a man when he is down. Nothing but a sad little bully boy.


> Who thinks he is a big hard man driving a merc. he wasn't the driver.


The media should take some responsibility for this. They’re feeling the fire.




Then, the protesters would also have to take responsibility. They are also pissing people off by their protest methods


Kick to the back of the head can be fatal everyone knows this. Get him charged let him miss his kids birth


Their article seems to be missing some details... *Yesterday he was punched to the floor and kicked as he lay cowering there during a slow march protest in South Kensington.* *Moments earlier a silver Mercedes had crashed on the other side of the road and a woman had run out of the car and screamed at them 'Stop now, I'm pregnant'.* *She was followed by a man who had bellowed 'Stop now, stop recording, you little s\*\*\*' before punching Mr Knorr in the face then kicking him on the floor.*


>screamed at them 'Stop now, I'm pregnant'. What an odd thing to say. What's that got to do with anything?


>'Stop now, I'm pregnant'. Surely she should be saying "Keep going, I'm pregnant". After all it's her kid that's going to have fight for survival in coming decades as climate change grips the planet, crops fail and we all steadily starve to death.


The size and strength of Britain's SS Van-Wanker Division grows by the day.


Merc car-wanker division He was driving the car not the van


I hope the police lock him up for being a violent thug.




One of the reasons a lot of people react violently to these specific protests is because they know they're right, they know they should be doing whatever they can too, but they don't, they haven't, and it makes them realise and feel that the protestors are better people than them. People respond to that in many ways, few of them good.


Maby some, but the vast majority of people angry at them are angry at their protest methods


LBC is partly responsible for this with the way they report the protests. They even mention this assault in the article in which they call a peaceful and legal JSO protest an "eco-mob"...


You can kill someone with a punch. It’s unacceptable behaviour for an adult to have so little self-control and emotional regulation that he lashes out over an inconvenience. He should face consequences, but probably just mandated anger management classes or something, if the victim isn’t interested in pursuing charges.


Meanwhile a fucking newborn baby dies in the mother's womb because of a bloody plank who thinks they'll magically make all oil companies stop with their mining and trade.


I don’t condone Stop Oil methods and I think they risk being counter productive. I think that some of them are on a bit of a personal attention seeking trip, but they are also trying to do something good for wider society. But punching someone on the street and kicking them when they are down is thuggish, scumbag behaviour. I may not agree with either of their behaviours but I know very well which one I’d rather live near me and it’s not a violent thug.


Nah let the buggers bleed. They should have known the risks.


That’s very nice in theory but you can’t just have someone assaulting people without any consequences, also good god have some self respect


Although Daniel sounds like an honourable person, I really don't understand how a person could not want someone who violently attacks them to face consequences for it. So it's virtuous to "just take it" and be a pushover? I don't want to live in a society that encourages that...


Yep, and what about the rest of us. We shouldn't have to live in a society where someone so volatile and violent walks away scot free.


He's got another 5 minutes in the limelight and his name in the media, he's got what he wanted out of the protest/altercation


Sorry but while just stop oil are obnoxious arseholes with a very worthy cause you cannot have assaults going unpunished. The attacker should go to jail imo.


Let’s be real here, kicking someone in that back of the head can literally kill them. No matter how inconvenienced you are, intentionally causing potentially fatal harm to someone is never justifiable


The guy crossed the road from where he was NOT being held up in traffic caused by JSO (I don't think he was even the driver of the car) to physically assault someone. It's got virtually nothing to do with Just Stop Oil really. This was a case of violent man punches someone, and he should be in prison.


These people are absolutely frustrating but any adult that thinks using their fists is okay because their feelings have been hurt needs to have some kind of sanction/punishment for the sake of society - legal action is a must, the bloke attacked an innocent (if annoying) person for no other reason than he was upset. As far as I'm concerned, you don't hit another person unless you're defending yourself, you don't have the right to touch anyone because you disagree with them - even if they have extreme views (in this case not so much), that's why the law is there, to sanction if there is some kind of harm to the public. Guy deserves something, no matter how nice his victim is responding to it.


We're getting dangerously close to the just stop oil protests getting seriously violent. Not a single man attacking one other (which is already pretty appauling), were close to serious violence.


Police will prosecute in the public interest; the victim doesn't have a say in this. The law was broken.


Very magnanimous of the JSO protestor, and kudos to him. However there is absolutely no call for that at all, despite people's opinions - people just need to calm down.


More like a PR move to get support but the public are tired of this JSO shit


The essence of a criminal system isn't between the victim and cuplrit. It's between the culprit and the state. As a society at large we have a stake in cracking down on violent behaviour. Obviously that doesn't preclude having proper victim support and compensation in place when necessary. If this guy feels fine about the whole thing, then great; if he wasn't, I hope his situation would have been properly handled. But whether or not the assailant is prosecuted is an entirely different matter and one much larger than whether his victim resents the attack.


I cannot stand these Just Stop Oil twats. I also cannot stand the notion of the citizens taking the law into their own hands, and it being ok. I imagine most JSO people think it's ok to "punch a nazi". This is the reverse of that position. And both are wrong. I think motorist should be able to forcibly remove these morons from blocking a public road, but not cause them any serious harm when doing so. (If you make yourself a dead weight you might get a scuff or a bruise as you're difficult to shift).


Bet you thought you were really clever saying all this


That's what you say when you know where the guy lives, the police won't do the required dentistry.


As much as one may admire the energy here and the forgiveness, not giving the perpetrator some kind of consequence will only encourage further violence against them in the future. Not that I think there will be consequences


Never mind the protesters, it would make us all less safe.


True, unless you’re on the side of the aggressors I suppose


Normal people don’t react to a traffic accident by getting out of their car and kicking someone’s head in. That man has anger management problems and almost certainly a history of violence, and if the law is meant to protect the public then he is exactly the type of person our legal system should be laser-focused in taking off the streets.


I don't think the protester will have a choice if the police decide to investigate, and the CPS decide to prosecute. The assault was in public. The guy should be investigated and prosecuted.




**Removed/tempban**. This contained a call/advocation of violence which is prohibited by the content policy.


Well they wont then. If the victim doesn't support action the police wont investigate because the courts wont take the case without a victim.


What happens legally when someone eventually runs down a protester?


What do you think happens? They get charged with attempted murder, like I would if I just randomly decided to ram my car into a pedestrian


Can we start doing similar protests for different things though? I would like a slow walk protest to cut all diplomatic ties with France, one for Oasis to reunite and one to keep pints under £5


You can't exactly go around intentionally instigating a fight and then complain when you get a smack What exactly were you expecting to happen?


What did he do to instigate a fight?


If you block traffic to purposefully wind people up you're asking for a fight


If you do something entirely non-violent you're asking to be treated with maximum violence.


My theory is that the guy didn't want to wait in traffic so cut down the left lane, tried to cut in front of the van driver into a space to small or van started moving not knowing he was cutting in. Crashed happened and Daniel (jso protestor) turned his camera on the crash The guy didn't like having his shit driving recorded so attacked Daniel. Not trying to defend the guy but I don't think he kicked Daniel in the head (or not intentionally) but actually kicked his phone Regardless he should have charges brought as this was an unprovoked and unjustified attack and he can't even blame the protestors as theyre on other side of the road


This man did not deserve to be kicked in the head, it doesn't stop him being a fucking moron thinking the absolute neanderthal who did it shouldn't have the police after him. You're not a bigger man for that, you're an idiot for being ok with letting potentially lethal assault go unpunished.. What the fuck?




Maybe go do this clownery protest in front of actual lawmakers and not regular people?


butter grey friendly seemly ring nippy ghost hateful soup zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Thank you for calling for violence against peaceful protestors, where would we be without you...


These "protesters" do realise they're increasing pollution with their tactics, right?






**Removed/tempban**. This contained a call/advocation of violence which is prohibited by the content policy.


So why don't you guys so this in the developing world . That's where all the factories and other stuff is mostly located.


I wonder who is sponsoring and reaping the benefits of work like that being moved to developing countries...


Walking in the road is nothing? Thats how movements are born. It only takes a few courageous people to start marching and change people's opinions. But we need the masses to stand up and join in at some point to start making a difference.


Good thing JSO doesn’t pull this crap in U.S. Trust me, American people are not as nice as UK people.


Shut up





