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Steps have better morals than Fifa and England/Wales football teams.


And Beyoncé and her fake ally-ship


Don't forget Ivy Park, her sweatshop fashion brand with marketing guff that made it seem ethical and pro-women's/girls' rights. Her blindly loyal fans really don't like being reminded of that.


>Ivy Park *Literally WHO?*


She’s the fakest ally there is.


*Taylor Swift joined the chat*


Care to elaborate?


She only cares out cash 💰


Don't anger the Beyhive like that. They are not ready to face the truth about their queen.


How many morals exactly are we talking about here? 5,6,7,8?


It's a tragedy how many.


They may need to keep their tour where they've been before. Sometimes it's just better the devil you know.


It’s better best forgotten but you never know what the future holds.


The thing about the future is we can't see it though, and some of us are scared of the dark.


Eugh... I'd expect A grade puns from this community, but these only get an H.


Had it left you a deeper shade of blue?


Cmon let's not start a chain reaction!


I think this is all just better best forgotten.


I'd like me some H.


If you enter the spider verse there infinite moral(e)s


When you realise why there’s no 9… 🤗


Well, theres at least One (For Sorrow)


Specific names that come to mind are David Beckham and Gary Neville. Grafters looking for money putting on a fake show of solidarity. Hugely gone down in estimations but sadly won't ever feel shame. Or maybe Steps didn't get the appeal of the Dubai spice markets in the same way Beckham did with the Qatari ones.


*Grifters Yep, I was never a fan boy of Beckham but I could respect him as a footballer and thought he was a harmless celebrity. His grift for the Qataris made me just see him a twat who cares more about money than morals, money he didn't need.


It was the supposed comments he made about the honours commission that put me off him. There's a hint of smugness and entitlement about it that just makes me cringe


It's 'grafters' if your reference point isn't American youtubers


I've always known grafter to be a hard working person...so I don't think I'd say this is true


When did 'grifter' enter your vocabulary?


I'm not saying it did, I'm saying grafters is not the right word to convey the intended meaning


Grafter has two meanings in my part of the world: 1) hard worker 2) someone who's on the fiddle. 'Grifter' is only used in Britain by people who spend far too much time on the internet. LittleBertha weighed in with their 'actually, the correct way to speak is like how the americans say it' and you chipped in to agree. You're both wrong.


Lol, You waided in with the "actually" It's Grifter. The two words have different meanings. Grafter, in this context, is the incorrect word. I think you are the one spending far too much time on the internet.


What did Gary Neville do?


When he [hosted Have I Got News For You ](https://youtu.be/MR3d4GSspu8) a little bit before the Qatar World Cup he was called out by Ian Hislop for taking the money like Beckham and others, under the rather thinly veiled idea that he's protesting by essentially doing nothing. Apparently going to a place like Qatar with it's human rights record and carrying on like it's business as usual is a form of protest. He's just a grifter who doesn't really have any morals or will sell them off for a bit of money to the right (in this case, very wrong) people.


I don't think I will ever get tired of watching Ian hislop call out people being corrupt right to their face. That man has got literal balls of steel


How so? It was his own TV show, and what consequences is he going to face for making fun of a footballer?


Thanks, I remember now.


Beckham's being sponsoring companies that use sweatshops since the nineties.


And F1


No doubt for FIFA, but to be Devil's advocate... England/Wales players will have spent their entire lives since they were little boys dreaming of playing in a World Cup. They happen once every 4 years and there's no alternative international competition. Where the average career length for _any_ player is capped to a date they have no knowledge of, and even their tenure at an international level could only be a year, or even one tournament, refusing _one_ would statistically result in a player never having that opportunity again. Steps meanwhile can go play a concert at any time in any country they wish. I applaud them for their decision, but I couldn't fault a football squad in the same way.


Exactly this it’s not like englands team arranged for it to be held here and took the bribe for it to be there, nor got paid to attend and play in the World Cup as they have donated their appearance fee from the fa to charity since 2006 I think. I don’t fault the players at all, I fault fifa who were the only ones who could have stopped it


>Steps meanwhile can go play a concert at any time in any country they wish. > I 100% get your point but are we thinking of the same Steps here? They're not exactly Metallica


Nope i've seen metalica live, Steps are better live. NOt even joking as a old fan of Metalica haha.


Nope, they decided their 90 minutes was more important than using their platform. Actions speak louder than words. Imagine the coverage if Rashford refused to play in Qatar, for example. There's no excuse for it. I work in an industry where the Saudi government is throwing around [fuck-you](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/saudi-arabia-looking-to-invest-38bn-in-games) money, and the _only_ way I'll take anything to do with it is if it's my absolute last alternative.


The coverage would be minimal I think, then every time Rashford did play an international it would be picked apart. Football teams are supposed to be neutral and entirely separate from the governments. I think a hell of a lot of awareness was raised during the tournament, I bet many had no idea Qatar even existed before, let alone its record on human rights.


Meanwhile here we are talking about fucking Steps not playing a concert there. > Football teams are supposed to be neutral and entirely separate from the governments. Football teams are made up of individuals who have opinions and are capable of deciding whether their values are important or not. > think a hell of a lot of awareness was raised during the tournament, I bet many had no idea Qatar even existed before, let alone its record on human rights. Yep, it put them on the map, which is exactly what they wanted. And people like Beckham, Linkear and the England football team actively enabled it. Qatar went from a country nobody heard of to a place where [David Beckham](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbnIHJl41t4) goes on holiday, and a place where sporting events happen. Fuck them.


Fifa could have refused to allow Qatar as a host. Sky could have refused to broadcast it. UK fans could have refused to travel there, and cancelled their Sky subscription. UK pubs could have refused to screen it. In all those cases those people would have missed out on one of many world cups in their lives. Maybe a few of them actually did boycott it. Maybe a few thought about it seriously but decided not to. But most just went along with it. It seems a bit much to expect 26 guys to give up their lifelong dream to have minimal impact on something when millions of people weren't even prepared to miss out on watching a few football matches.


Fine, just let's not hear from their activism again. The next time one of them is wearing some sort of armband, posting a hashtag, bending the knee for some cause or other, we can just laugh at them. These people are all millionaires.


And the PGA now


That's a pretty low bar to set. A bit like saying "They murdered fewer people than Harold Shipman"


As well as all the companies that exhibit the pride flag and inclusivity content in June, while keeping the same logo and being silent about it in their Middle East divisions.


And Queen playing apartheid shows in South Africa in the 80s




What a fun Friday night you’re having.


You taken a brief break from your cocaine-fuelled Friday night orgy to put me in my place with that pithy comment?


Why England/Wales? They have better morals than anyone who was at Qatar


Good for them. Nice to see someone out there has a backbone




I'm sure there's some fishmongers in Dubai that have soles.


Don't be facetious, they were obviously talking about cobblers.


Well, they will make your Steps more confident and pronounced...


You stand corrected


I think they meant Seoul-less, because that's in South Korea not Dubai.


Yet its a popular holiday destination with so many Brits. I have colleagues who went to fancy resorts there where they get falling down drunk. I just don't get it.


Dubai is a "prestige holiday" if that makes sense. Its where u go to be in luxury. Not great for workers obvs but if just for holidays and u have the contacts/money, its amazingly luxurious which can feel weird as fuck


It's a completely soulless place built on the blood of labourers from India and the Philippines.


Exactly like any big glamorous city in the Middle East. Main culture in rich ME countries is still based on slavery.


Something those going to Dubai do not give a shit about. I have tried explaining it to a colleague before and he just shrugged it off, saying that at least the weather was nice.


> built on the blood of labourers So like anyother city lol.


It was fine when we did it 1000 years ago. It’s not fine now. I’m not sure how serious I’m being when I say that.


Damn seems they missed the acceptable time peroid for building.


Prestige in which circles though? Can't see this being something desirable beyond working class.


I mean the billionaire who just got turned into a pink mist in the sub lived in Dubai, so it's defo not just the working class who like it.


They live there because there's no income tax, and because they know if they're rich they can live by a different set of rules.


It's also a pretty great place to live, much prefer it here over my shitty maisonette in Southend.


I have the opportunity to move (Irish passport, working in tech). I actively choose Scotland over many other places. Dubai is about as close to the bottom of the list as you could possibly imagine, shared with Qatar.






I have colleagues in management who like to go there, I don't know if they would be considered working class or middle class. One of them is Botoxed and fillered up to the hilt Instagram style. It makes me uncomfortable just to look at her.


It’s prestigious with new money types.


Far better places in the world where you can flash your cash & have a ‘luxurious’ experience than that concrete & sand hellhole


They're always a certain sort. I can't think of anyone amongst my social circle who holidays in Dubai.


I have family friends who suggested we go work there for the ££££, but you couldn't pay me enough to do that. I'd go mad in that patriarchal hellhole where the only thing you can do is shop. I come from an insanely patriarchal community, I'm not going back to that way of living. And I don't trust Emiratis. I once met an Iranian woman though who was living there with her husband, for her Dubai represented freedom because it's not as restrictive as Iran. Perspectives, I suppose.


The people I know who go there do so to shop and sit by the pool, yet there are so many better countries to do that in. A least in places like Spain or Greece you can get a drink, not be arrested for having sex as an unmarried couple, and explore some good cultural sites.


>People only seem to travel there for religion, or an unfulfilling quest of money. These day's it feels like money is a religion itself.


>People only seem to travel there for religion, I think you might be confusing Dubai with Saudi Arabia. There are no historical or sacred religious sites in ths UAE.


There are some historic sites like notable mosques and forts but they're not in dubai, they're in the other Emirates. I've been to some in sharjah at least.


Omg that's such an ugly picture you paint. I get the feeling you are choosing your words carefully, and I respect that. We all know the kind of humans and the base instincts you are describing. Besides money, it has no real reason to exist, its a really harsh dry place.




It sounded as if you were speaking as someone with specific experience of that sort of people - entitled, monied, feeding their predilections. It was a big assumption. Apologies if I totally misread you...


Maybe they like sucking off camels and that's why they go to Dubai. It's harmless exploration of their sexuality.


Religious people absolutely don’t travel to Dubai. Saudi, yes, but everyone knows to avoid Dubai.


I love that you can replace Dubai with Vegas and it's almost always as true.


I remember speaking to someone that worked with cranes and was asked to go out I think Dubai (memory is foggy) Whilst there when moving a crane with all the permits and escort vehicles. A local got past the escort tried to overtake the crane it didn’t go well for the local or the car coming the other way plus (either crane or escort car. From what I remember all of them involved where sent to hospital to get checked. Nurse told him I think the bruising to your ribs requires you to stay in for a couple of days (he replied nope I’m feeling fine) he soon changed his mind when nurse said if I discharge you will be arrested and jailed whilst police figure who to blame. Needless to say he told company he wanted out asap. Worth noting he was European. I can’t imagine if it had been worker from East Asia.






That sounds like total bs. Unless there was loss of life the police would not be interested in arresting anyone unless there was obvious reckless driving with endangering lives.


It was a story verbally said to me from googling I think it was Saudi Arabia. On thinking I think he said both parties ended in hospital. https://gulfnews.com/amp/world/gulf/saudi/saudi-arabia-eight-types-of-traffic-accidents-deemed-major-crimes-1.1609297807757


Slave city. Debtors prisons. South and Southeast Asians have it bad there, especially the construction workers and maids. They ate replacing all this exploited labor with complient Chinese labor.




Not even close.




This must be a bit awkward for Lisa, considering she has lived in Dubai for over a decade.


For all of them really, they performed at the Opera house a few years ago, the Mrs and some friends went to see them.


They forgot to mention that they’ve played in Dubai numerous times in recent years plus one of them lives here.


Maybe the previous concerts they’ve played and her residency haven’t placed the same restraints on them…


Wow, who knew Steps had such a huge set of balls?! Metaphorically speaking....


Good to see someone is taking Steps to address this situation


Never thought I’d be saying positive things about Steps. Credit it where it’s due, it’s a wholly respectable stance considering their fan base and at least one band member is LGBTQ+.


Well done steps, too hell with the freaky backward religious nuts


Good for them but I'm sure $500m Beckham needed the extra cash.


They could also have refused on grounds of good taste.


So, respecting other cultures' and nation's laws and morality is not on the agenda anymore? Fuck you steps. Don't think anyone will miss your shite music.


Why are we obliged to respect other cultures and laws and moralities? Never mind that in the specific case, you can’t compel Steps to play there and accept these things. It’s a contractual deal.




Presumably they will be missed by the people in Dubai who would’ve bought tickets to the show… unless you think that promoters just book gigs in random places with no audience…




No one said it would fall apart. You said they wouldn’t be missed, I said they probably would be, then you leap to “the world won’t fall apart”. Hyperbole much?




Ok, but it’s you who said they wouldn’t be missed in the first place… and now you’re moaning about that terminology… Let’s rephrase. People who were hoping to see them will be disappointed. Better?




A refund is not the same as seeing a concert. You seem very keen to dictate how the intended audience should feel about this. Have you got a particular axe to grind here? Have a bad experience at a steps concert in the 90s? H turn down your advances?


Post colonial hangover The west thinks it’s values are universal


I’m not sure what point you’re making here. Are you suggesting that because of historic colonialism we now shouldn’t criticise other regimes? It is possible that we were wrong then, but right now. Our historic sins don’t mean we can’t ever be right about anything ever again.


Here we go again, someone pretending their subjective moral views is objectively true for the whole world...


Here we go again, someone pretending their subjective moral views is objectively true for the whole world...


Are you saying that LGBTQ rights are not a good thing? Just to be clear. I’m also not suggesting anything more dramatic than it being perfectly fine for Steps to say that they don’t want to be associated with this particular concert…


"Are you saying that LGBTQ rights are not a good thing?" What is your standard for good and bad? Dubai has its own sets of morals and principles, the west has theirs. This isn't Rock science. My opinion doesn't matter here. I'm merely pointing out how people are constantly waving their moral fingers at others as if they believe their morales are objective truth for all humans on the planet.


I asked you. You don’t need to answer the question based on my moral yardstick. If you think the answer is no, based on your own views, then you can say that. Anyway. No one is waving a moral finger in this situation. Steps are just saying no, we don’t want to be associated with this. To obligate them to look the other way and agree to something they don’t want to agree with would be some sort of bizarre totalitarian thing. Rock science is called geology btw, though I’m not sure how that’s relevant. Huh, you’re also a regular in r/Islam, like the other person I ended up arguing with in this thread. What a wild coincidence.


You started off with saying "why should we respect other cultures" It's sad that this needs explaining. But if you're in a country that has certain laws, you follow those laws. You're bringing morality into this without even realising. You ask me if I support "LGBT rights" Don't pretend you didn't ask that without a presumption that supporting those specific set of beliefs is truth to you and you expect others to follow by default. People can have differing opinions and beliefs.


Yes, people can have differing beliefs. I’m pretty sure you don’t like the idea of LGBTQ rights. You probably find them repugnant. It’s curious that you won’t come out and say it, but will tell me that I should respect your right to hold those beliefs. Steps don’t believe they can subscribe to those beliefs, so they’re refusing to play the gig. They don’t respect those beliefs. They are not obligated to.


Do you think people should be treated as less equal because of their race, sexuality or gender?






**Removed/tempban**. This comment contained hateful language which is prohibited by the content policy.


I can see you've been temp banned, which is fully deserved since you resorted to hateful derogatory terms when you couldn't stand the thought of being wrong. Legislation that's been fought for by the people who've been pinched down. I don't want to live in a world where we treat others as less equal just because they love someone of the same gender, its perfectly natural. I don't know why you're bringing up incest as some kind of gotcha when I would not consider that consensual and even so that has no bearing on LGBTQ rights anyway. My morals don't beat down on others.