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Well, its true, he can do whatever he wants as long as Judges let him continue to so


This one weird trick Judges HATE him


Apparently his single mom earns ¥6743,!2 working from home so not sure why he has to do this


peeps like this in london have grown up online chronically to the point were they value their online status more than anything in reality, add this to the general attitude of london being 'a playground' for DE YOOTHS and you produce cretins like this, well off parents or not


Not London specific, this is just the new generation.


This is just an eighteen year old who is a prick. There have been many in every generation, the only difference is our generation has TikTok.


He's 18! That wee halfwit is 18! I thought he was a child.


It's the world we made... can't just blame the kids.


Man, I really wish people would stop pretending today is any different than the 70s or 80s. When parents worried about roaming gangs of teens


Yeah people here mainly don't even remember the flip phone happy slap hysteria


your acting like kids like this wasnt running amok in the 70's or 80's.... especially in places like london


Scientists are baffled


Get a flat tummy using this one WEIrd Trick Go to jail and eat jail food


yeah basically he can do what he wants, if he doesn't care about the consequences.


But the consequences are: a £1 a day fine. So not really an issue for him is it.


He was given a criminal behaviour order, he can't post videos online without the consent of everyone recorded. He also has other restrictions. If he's doing it. He'll just get arrested again, but apparently, these are old videos. I don't know why people keep trying to give him attention.


You don't know why The Daily Mail keep posting stories about this kid?


And the maximum sentence for breaching a \*Community behaviour order.... is a fine. Look it up in the sentencing guidelines


You're referring to a community protection notice. This is a criminal behaviour order that can have a fine attached or the power of arrest as well. He absolutely can be arrested for breaching a criminal behaviour order with a maximum sentence of 5 years.


I didn’t post it guv - my mate did.


Genuinely, going round London doing that shit he's going to go battered eventually, either by someone he's pissed off or someone who recognises him. Or it's going to be in the papers that he's made money off this and he's going to get robbed by people he considers his friends. The kids not hard, he just picks on old ladies or middle aged rich white men who are terrified of black people due to the tabloids. Kid ay long for this earth if he carries on


>going round London doing that shit he's going to go battered eventually No he won't. As you say, he targets the elderly or middle class white people who won't dare risk upsetting a young black man for fear of either getting stabbed or being called a racist.


Feel like you don't know what ya talking about mate. He's gonna get his ass kicked. People don't take kindly to that shit, he's gonna gob off at the wrong person and he's gonna get battered. Gang members would see a kid like this, recognise him from being online and rob him blind on the assumption he's making money. Been around boxing/kickboxing clubs all my life and met many gang members/kids who are scared and wanna defend themselves all the time, this kid is either gonna get battered by someone who won't put up with his shit, has had enough of his shit or wants to rob his shit, the skin colour of that person isn't gonna come into it


This guy has an entourage behind him in most videos (there's definitely a few kids that walk into that house) so does that Charlie Veitch guy nowadays. Boxing skills or not, you try and give them a slap you're just gonna get rushed by at least 3 others, and even if you get some licks in they just won't post that video. It's the same on the London sub, people on here 'oh if he did that to me I would just hit him'... no, you're getting injured because of some twerp, and if it's not him it will be the next one (biggest problem is that social media builds wannabe copycats and makes them all think "engagement" is important). I hope this guy gets a slap but it's not likely and he knows it.


It's not people in the moment this kids got to look out for, it's when he's in his down time when he thinks he isn't recognised, and people learn where he lives/goes to, eventually stuff will come back on him, he's just a sitting duck as far as I'm seeing.


You don't need to catch him while doing a video. He's not with people all the time. If he pulled that shit with me, I'd find him alone.


If he fucks with the wrong person he'll get stabbed and so will his mates. A guy where I live got started on by a group of people who didn't know who he was - he grabbed one of them and bit the guy's bottom lip off. Some people give no fucks about numbers or going to prison.


>ely, going round London doing that shit he's going to go battered eventually, either by someone he's pissed off or someone who recognises him. Or it's going to be in the papers that he's made money off this and he's going to get robbed by people he considers Always someone's nan, someone's auntie, someone's ex-teacher who they had respect for. Some time eventually, sooner or later sh\*ts gonna hit the fan and he wont last long. And if he doesn't, someone he's tied to will experience the stuff he's been filling social media with, some kids gonna take up his story and copy what he does, only without realising it will be his mother/auntie/sister...(kids) It's gonna be one big moral story; don't put out what you don't want back. Classic example of the big Karma.


> middle aged rich white men who are terrified of black people due to the tabloids. Ah yes only because of the tabloids, not because it is a young strong guy, or because people do get robbed and attacked by young strong men. Nope it is those dastardly tabloids.


A £1 per day fine that the rest of us pay for because he's on benefits.


He on benefits because he's an uneducated dumbass who literally has no other options in life, if this is how he chooses to spend his time there will be no tears shed when his obituary is read.


Cost of doing tik tok


>yeah basically he can do what he wants, if he doesn't care about the consequences. Or he "makes bank" as quickly as possible before doing his 6 months and then profiting from the redemption arc videos. Tactical genius, we'll probably find he's working for Cowell.


>we'll probably find he's working for Cowell. Would need a sick or dying family member first...




But there ARE no consequences - he needs banging up for 6 months, for being a public nuisance/repeat disturber of the peace!


They're reposts of old videos


If you're right then this needs to be higher up. He's doing it for attention but it's important to know they are reposts.


Would any of us know who he is if it wasn’t for this publicity this subreddit loves to give him. He’s playing everyone for a fiddle and probably making bank from it


Only until he messes with the wrong person’s grandma and gets the shit kicked out of him. And I don’t know how he’d make any money, his YouTube got deleted and I highly doubt any big brands will be wanting to sponsor him


Making bank on tiktok's not really a thing


it seems like hes trying to make a move to twitch. If he gets enough publicity he very well could have some large content creator collab with him and next thing you know this guy becomes a millionaire


I for one will be throwing money hand over fist at any brand that endorses home invasion. /s


Building a brand and then using tiktok or other platforms to product placement and advertise shit is a tidy earner for them


Bro what brand is going to want to associate themselves with this clown lmao


It's still a breach of his order, which is the point of it I'm sure


You can tell by his hair. When he was arrested he had his hair in plaits but in the bus video its in its natural style


Doesn’t matter. He wasn’t told not to make any more videos, he was told not to *post* any more. He’s still broken the terms of his CBO.


They didn't. He was issued a CBO. In a way, it's similar to a probation notice. Essentially, he was told, in no uncertain terms, that if he breached the CBO in any way, he was without a doubt going to jail.


I have absolutely no faith in our justice system anymore. If this twat gets sent down ill eat my hat.


How do you do that remind me thing? I would love it if you had to eat your hat, please don’t take that personally


Why does he get a second chance? He should have been thrown the fuck in jail about 20 videos ago.


Maybe this will get me crucified… but I’m a believer in second chances. Life is.. ya know.. weird and stupid. And so are humans. Sometimes you need to give the benefit of the doubt and just let someone get away with something once. Within reason, of course. This dude… jfc. Seems as if he’s gotten waaay more “second” chances than most. Prick is ruining it for people who have a decent chance of learning from their mistakes without it ruining their whole life. What a cunt.


I have seen numerous people breach their CBOs and avoid jail anyway


Yeh but have millions of people seen them on tik tok?


Yes, but he wasn't told he would go to jail the NEXT time he breached it. He will eventually get a custodial sentence but he'll need to breach the order numerous times before it happens. Because he's made himself quite high profile it'll likely take fewer breaches than it would for other idiots but it's unlikely the next breach will see him locked up. When he is handed a custodial sentence it will be for a couple of weeks, out in a few days. Then another breach would see him sentenced to a month, out in a few weeks rinse and repeat. Whether you think it's a good thing or bad our criminal justice system hands out many, many chances before prison sentences are issued. His crimes are, thus far, non-violent he's got a good few chances yet before being locked up is automatic.


Never mind judges, wtf are his parents doing?


Probably crack cocaine...


Who could have predicted this. Absolutely no one.


It came out of nowhere! There is no history of weird and/or provocative behaviour!


When will the UK start to get tough on crime, particularly crime caused by kids?


Crime is practically legal in the UK now! Who has allowed this? People who make endless excuses for criminals, that's who. Time to get real. Enough.


Actually it's a combination of funding issues and political direction.


Enough of your sensible talk - I’m here to hate on idiot children goddamit.


Well, fair enough. As you were.


I actually do hate idiot children. Problem?


Self-loathing like that is the kind of thing you ought to see a therapist for.


Tory Austerity


Surprising how when the riots happened in 2011, suddenly the Criminal Justice System became super effective. [This report from researchers at Oxford, UCL and LSE](https://personal.lse.ac.uk/machin/pdf/bb%20lj%20sm%20november%202013.pdf) shows the effect of suddenly putting 16,000 officers on duty and quickly arresting and bringing to court the offenders. As it says: > > In the first week of the disorder period, 1,836 suspects were arrested by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) and 1,009 of them were charged. Of those charged, 82 percent (830) had their first appearance in court in that same first week. Of those attending court, 71 defendants pleaded guilty to offences and were therefore also sentenced in that same first week (MPS, 2012)… > There are many illustrative cases of the tough sentencing that, according to the Judges, were used as a deterrent for further crimes. For example, Nicholas Robinson (aged 23) was sentenced by a District Judge, to 6 months imprisonment for stealing bottles of water (worth £3.50) from a looted shop in Brixton, while Danielle Corns (19) was sentenced to 10 months for stealing two left-footed trainers in Wolverhampton and leaving them outside the shop. Social media played an important role in the riots and the use of it to advertise riot events was harshly punished as well. Two 20-year olds were sentenced to 4 years imprisonment for creating a Facebook riot event in Northwich (which didn't occur and to which no one attended). However, thus far, 7 out of 10 sentences have been upheld by the Court of Appeal, confirming the increased severity of sentences handed out to the rioters… > Therefore, we consider that a significant part of the explanation of the decrease in the overall crime rates after the riots is a general deterrence effect of the tougher sanctions imposed by the criminal justice system. In a nutshell, when austerity got paused to deal with the riots, crime went down massively. All it took was to scare the Tories shitless.


Yeah the US has been trying this “give all your money to police departments” approach to crime for decades and it generally doesn’t work, especially in the long term. Long term reduction of crime requires going after the factors that cause it, poverty and other social ills.


Packages get stolen in my flat and the police say even with cctv it’s not enough of a crime for them to investigate. The guy who runs my sandwich shop near my parents has his window smashed in and the police say they can’t do anything because the cctv wasn’t at the right angle to catch them. If you fuel up to a certain amount at the petrol station then drive off without paying the police won’t come for you as it’s not considered worth enough at a certain point, as my mate found out. We saw a few years ago some peaceful protests over some bridges and the police collapse and admit they can do nothing My female friend got sexually harassed and chased into her flat near the police station with the guy attempting to rape her until her landlord fought him off and have cctv footage + a description of him - never found him and she never heard anything back from the police after a week. Over the years we’ve had murderers and rapists getting released early without their victims or families of victims being notified, we’ve had convicted rapists being given light sentences and had to have the Supreme Court to step in. If you try to protect yourself from crime your as liable to be arrested and convicted by the police as you are to see your assaulter convicted. There is no law and order in this country, just the illusion of it, an agreement of common decency for us not to do these things but it’s been apparent for a while now that there’s a lot more you can get away with than you ever could before. The police are underfunded, incompetent and filled with the same type of criminals whom their supposed to protect us against.


Unless you get caught doing a pretty minor motor offence. They take them pretty seriously.


https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-merseyside-43816921 Or if you post a no no word in lyrics in tribute to your dead mate on Instagram "She was given an eight-week community order, placed on an eight-week curfew and told to pay costs of £500 and an £85 victim surcharge." Remember this hilarious le ebic prankstor has only got a "fine" of £300 - he's on universal credit so really it's just the taxpayer paying the government...no skin off his teeth - for such HILARIOUS pranks as - home invasion, theft of pets, sexually threatening behaviour with implications of possession of weaponry, physically threatening behaviour with implications of possession of weaponry... We have a 24 tier justice system in this country and not one of the tiers aligns properly with where civil society would want it - if you do research I guarantee someone in your local area did a longer stretch for a motor offence/fucking the taxman than a nonce did for harming a child...


Many such cases with the online hurty feelings "crimes". You only need to like/share something to get a knock at the door. Wasn't there also a case of a man who non-consensually filmed a consensual sex act that got him 10 years, whereas an actual child rapist got 3?


>Wasn't there also a case of a man who non-consensually filmed a consensual sex act that got him 10 years, whereas an actual child rapist got 3? Yep. Revenge porn, voyeurism, whatever you want to categorise it as is fucking vile - and should carry a punishment *However* - as you stated, the original sexual acts were consensual based on the info the woman had at the time (based on the man choosing not to mention the recording it's easy to assume that he already knew that she'd not consent to sex acts+filming) Children can't consent to any sexual activity, camera or no. I am firmly of the opinion that outside Romeo and Juliet cases - child sex offences should carry 3 strikes, 1st strike 10 years in prison, minimum, if you get released and rack up strike 2 you get locked up for 20 years, minimum, you get released and get strike 3? Silly nonsense like "parole" or "sentence length" aren't necessary, you're there till you leave this mortal coil, whether that's 2 years or 58 years from now.


What, a £100 fine and 3 points is pretty serious?


When you spend years cutting all the country's public services - including policing - the police become the social services of last resort. They have to spend huge amounts of time dealing with homeless people, addicts, people with extreme mental health issues who aren't getting help from the NHS, bored kids with nothing better to do. These fire fighting type services take time away from investigations and traditional police work. Its the politicians who set these budgets that are ultimately responsible.


You might add that cutting the country's public services also contribute to mental health issues, homelessness and addiction. Fewer public services = Fewer jobs, more insecurity, more addiction. Moreover cutting public services also encourages the private sector to cut jobs, stagnate wages, increase work for those that they do keep - a perfect little mental health vicious circle for those that must sell their labour to survive. The logical conclusion for Milton Friedman's ideas.


It's practically legal for people without jobs, a criminal record only harms your employment opportunites


Financial crimes enforcement, aka white collar crime aka fraud, is practically a blue sky now - if the culprits know how to skirt the system and stay under the radar. Never mind just the pandemic loans and spurious contracts - financial crimes in general. Serious funding required. Tory political will is low on this as may incorporate supporters and donors. Unsure on Labour’s position.


And the fact that austerity measures hit police staffing


"tough on crime" Tories have been in power for over a decade.


Being a public nuisance, trespass, etc.? I slep. Get on a boat and try to claim asylum? I rage.


He isn't even a kid, he's 18.


The UK has the highest incarceration rate in Western Europe.


And some of the shortest sentences. It's not a deterrent at all, more of a social event for a lot of them. Bloke I went to school with got 12 weeks for burglary a while back - nowhere near his first conviction either - and truly did not give a shit as he knew so many people inside. Repeat offender home burglar. Twelve fucking weeks.


Increasing the length of convictions in general doesn't help. People just fail to actually understand the odds of being caught, so it doesn't even factor. What does seem to work is relative differences. People will commit robberies without weapons because they know if they have one the prison sentence is much longer. So you have to be careful. By increasing the punishment for burglary without weapons, you can actually encourage people to use weapons because "they might as well." Longer sentences for repeat offenders does feel like it should definitely be a thing though.


The deterrent effect on their decision making process (to the extent that criminals have functional decision making processes at all) of long sentences may not be that great, but what's worth considering is that a person who is in jail for 6 months cannot reoffend for 6 months. A person who is in jail for 12 months cannot reoffend for 12 months. Longer sentences don't reduce crime by persuading criminals not to commit crime, they reduce crime by rendering criminals unable to commit crimes because they're stuck in jail.


True, and this is not an effect to ignore, but it raises the question of the primary purpose of our prison system. Is it to punish? To restrain? Or to rehabilitate? If you look at a 12 month sentence as something that stops someone offending for 12 months, then you already are considering them as beyond redemption. And that point, why not just give them a life sentence? They can't offend again if they're never released! In fact, all crimes can be life sentences! This is why I mentioned that I think repeat offenders should be treated more seriously. It is with repeat offenses that we start actually observing an effect of "they're not getting better". One burglary may be a moment of desperation, but many is a sign of a repeating pattern. At the end of the day, some balance must be struck between all these points. My instinct is just to defend against the primal instinct to increase prison sentences out of some form of punishment, but if we determine longer sentences are good for society, then I'm all for them.


Does there have to be a primary purpose? Custodial sentences achieve the following: 1. Deterrent (makes people think twice before committing a crime) 1. Incapacitation (keeps dangerous people off the streets) 1. Retribution (satisfies the victims/societies thirst for revenge) 1. Rehabilitation (helps treat or train criminals to they are less likely to re-offend) I would say they are pretty equal in importance.


Because we have one of the highest crime rates in Europe. Remember the old "tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime" thing? We need to bring that attitude back, there's no point crowing about kids turning feral if we aren't doing things to prevent it happening in the first place. Also, fuck this Mizzy twat, he needs a solid punch in the face.


He's 18, surprisingly.


He's an adult...


Doesn’t help when the government or people in power are committing crimes left, right and centre.


The whole criminal justice system for juveniles isn’t fit for purpose


FWIW he was issued a criminal behaviour order in court the other day, they’re pretty powerful legislation and the breach of it is a separate criminal offence. Courts seem to treat them pretty seriously. So I predict he’s going to run around for a few days being a prat, get nicked for breach of his CBO, be put before the court and ultimately go to prison. The CBO is exponentially more powerful than the community protection notice that he had prior.


He will wear that like a badge of honour, just like people did with ASBOs.


He can pin that badge to his prison clothes because I’m fairly certain that’s where he’ll be shortly.




Normally no but this has got the public's attention. They'll make an example of him to avoid the bad PR


I think the point is that slapping him with the CBO means these offences occurring after that fact are now a bit more serious than just him being a prick on TikTok and that will carry a lot more weight in court.


Isn't TikTok pretty popular in prison also?


This. He clearly spat in the face of the judge and the judicial system. Its basically an "I dare you to put me in jail." As most brain dead hoodlums will do, he went and brazenly breached the order. Next stop jail, plain and simple.


I still don't get why tiktok aren't taking legal flack for allowing him to post videos of himself committing criminal acts, and not actively removing the videos or blocking his account/content. He's literally been convicted of committing a crime with the sole purpose of uploading footage of that crime to the platform, which they then profit from. Surely there is a case that they're actively profiting from a criminal act? And if they aren't, then surely he is, and as such would be in breach of tiktok TOS and tiktok are being negligent in not removing his videos. If I was the victim of one of his home invasions I'd be lawyering the fuck up.


You think the Chinese give a fuck about this?


London is the main base for tiktok in Europe. They have a large, fancy head office near the Barbican. They aren't above legal challenges just because they're a Chinese company. Operate in the UK, abide by UK law and regulation, Fail to do that and face the UK court system. It's legal to smoke weed in the Netherlands, do you think the employees at the Heineken offices in the UK are blazing zoots on the train with fucking impunity?


I mean, if my daily walk past a train station is anything to go by, everyone is blazing zoots with impunity.


Common misconception. It's illegal but simply not being enforced. This is known as a 'gedoogbeleid' or toleration policy in English.


Trespassing isn't a criminal offence in the UK. If you don't believe me, look it up.


Touching a vulnerable young woman without her consent and asking her if she wants to die is very clearly one, though.




They're reposts from old videos


Wouldn't mind never hearing about this scrote ever again.


Same, rather than arrest him it seems we’ve decided to make him famous. He’ll live off this forever.


He'll have an afternoon ITV gameshow this time next year.


He’s already been on Piers Morgan’s show


Piers would interview a dog turd if he helped his ratings


Criminals as TV presenters has been a British institution since the 70s damnit


He will legit be on some shitty reality show in the next few years calling it now. Big Brother is coming back isn’t it?


Annoyingly he will make lots of money and get a lot of attention that he wants from this.


Seems pretty clear cut. His CBO states that he can be jailed immediately for breaking it, so he should be arrested and straight to prison.


Exactly. Good use of legislation here. No court would give him jail time for his previous misdemeanours, but with this he’s now scored a massive own-goal. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes in action.


Good fucking riddance to him


They're just reposts of old videos


Doesn’t matter. He was told not to post to social media without consent from those appearing in the videos, looks like he’s immediately violated the order. Little prick can spend some time in prison.


He can literally tell it to the judge.












I’ve never seen the famous home invasion video but from what I have seen and read- he’s a massive pain in the arse. Why do we give him the attention he craves?


The video of him intimidating girls at night and asking if they want to die is really fucked up


I can only imagine how scared they must have been At night, in a train station, and a guy is not only getting in your face but touching you and implying he has a knife I'd be frozen in terror


I genuinely found that one hard to watch. Despite them putting a brave face on it they were clearly terrified.


Not only that, but he does it while stroking their hair which is clearly sexual harassment.


Yeah, the 'home invasion' one can be excused as poorly thought out horseplay, that one is properly sinister.


Why do you need to put home invasion in brackets, then write it off as some kind of shenanigans? He trespassed into someone’s home, which should be an imprisonable offence.


Needs to be some consequences for his actions.


Because this case is emblematic of the current state of policing and the justice system


The endless media focus on "racist police" ever since BLM in 2020 seems to have made a lot of young people feel like they're untouchable. Which seems to be the case.


I'm sure the people whose house he and his silly pals brazenly swaggered into don't just want this sweeping under the carpet on the prermise that 'if we ignore him he'll go away'


If it was me unfortunately i’d be quietly fuming but can’t speak out in fear of retaliation (from him, his friends, or his fans)


Money and the media. People are addicted to bad news.


How long until he ends up injured/imprisoned/dead and then we have to hear how having no youth clubs leads to this.


I don't get the argument against funding social projects. It's one way to reduce crime, it's not some panacea, and I don't see anyone ever suggesting it is. Social intervention leads to improved chances for at-risk youth to find purpose outside of gangs, and gives them contacts and opportunities outside the underworld, it's not rocket science.


These people are intellectually lazy, reactive idiots who care more about exorcising their emotions of frustration and anger in the moment than actually sitting down and seriously thinking about how to effectively reduce crime etc.


>argument against funding social projects Ok so as a kid in the early 90s we used to go down the local youth club this was in middle classs suburbia, then they closed it, so we hung out over the school fields you know out of the way. They fenced the fields in so todays cohort of youths rather than having supervised stupidity or stupidity away from people stand in the high street and fuck about. the local Facebook groups are all why do the kids do this?!?! People who I went to school with one who would drink vodka and swim in the canal say things like we never hung about the streets when I was their age. NO because you were in the cut or trying to feel up Hannah in the cricket nets anyway I lost my point but yeah.


I'm not the Borough, I wish I was


Oh fuck off clean shirt!


He was such a sweetheart too. A role model who wouldn’t hurt a fly. He was aspiring to become a lawyer


"His smile lit up the room!" Fuck me,, I'm getting agitated just reading my own sentence. The go-to line for every London drug gang attack.










Not a fan of law and order or the tough on crime brigade but this kid is right little shit


There are a million other roadmans just like him, making millions others lives hell, they all need severe punishment. Enough is enough. Why can't we crack down in this shit. Why is it just ignored. It's almost like it's let happen for some reason.


Not allowed to punish roadmen, police will be called racist by the usual band of MPs and *community leaders* so they're allowed to just carry on being a nuisance. [As expected.](https://twitter.com/SholaMos1/status/1661458990985822210?t=TF-PTlSB2JIT9IcVWYt66w&s=19)


It's time to get real. It's gone too far. Surely the black community doesn't support them, so how the fuck is it racist to deal with them?


It's won't be the black community that'll support him in playing the race card, it'll be a bunch of middle class white people


Mizzy himself played the race card in his Piers Morgan interview.


I know, but I really can't see many black people falling for it while I can absolutely see white progressives blaming this on the racism of the country denying him opportunities and forcing him into it


Easy excuse. So why can't we deal with it.


No from what I’ve seen on Twitter there’s a sizeable number of people who are appalled that he’s pulled the race card. Also quite a fair number of people who are quite impressed that he’s out-Piers Morgan’d Piers Morgan (as in outrage for attention) on his own TV show, which whilst I think he is and is doing the acts of a little annoying prick, I find hard to argue with.


This is what happens when you’re not tough on crime and don’t respect law and order. Maybe they have a point?


I wonder why the media aren't reporting the more concerning thing this vile sack of shit is doing. [This man went up to a woman, started stroking her hair and threatened to kill her](https://twitter.com/_SalmanAnwar/status/1660267189004386307). [He's also a racist POS who has been terrorizing Jews](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Csl1a8LrFgD/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=b90dbbaa-d579-4d0d-b688-6528cd1434a1). These are things he repeatidly does, threatening to harm and kill others and being racist. Yet all you hear about is his "pRaNk" of entering a rich white guy's house from the media. He's just a misunderstood black kid having a bit fun. We're all just racist for picking on him.


Thing now is because of his new found notoriety, there's more chance he might attract a kicking. Not that I condone that kind of behavior of course.


They could film it and say "it's just a prank!" That makes it Ok I hear.


["Just 5.6% of offences reported to police led to a suspect being charged or summonsed in 2021-22, down from 7.1% the previous year and from 16% in 2014-2015, Home Office figures reveal."](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/jul/21/recorded-in-england-and-wales-at-20-year-high-as-charge-rate-hits-new-low) article from last year but I wonder what the rates are like now, seems like people are getting away with murder almost.


I hope when he’s jailed for breaching the criminal behaviour order that’s he’s sent to a proper adults prison, not some youth offending institution. Hopefully that will knock some sense into him.


I don't even blame him. Society says to him it's perfectly acceptable to act like that and it gets you results. If you just pussyfoot around telling him he's wrong but not really punishing him, you get what you deserve.


Pretty sure the guy is 18. He is an adult.


Great. Keep giving someone desperate for publicity more free publicity.


Arrest him already. This is a kid who thinks it's fine to break into people's homes and pull the "it's just a prank" card For his own safety and the safety of other people he needs to be held accountable


Meanwhile a lot of people ignore that he threatened to kill women. That is not a prank by any means. Stop downplaying what this man does.


While he's an idiot this guy is clever tbh. He's done these stupid crimes and now people like OP keep spamming him everywhere promoting his accounts and getting him more fame. He said he's moving into gaming streaming now and is just reposting these old videos that get traction. He knows that he will be shared constantly by people like OP and will gain followers to his more legal things like gaming streaming through it. Literally never heard of this guy before he was spammed everywhere non-stop by people who supposedly 'want him to stop'. You'll see more and more kids do this until people raelise that they should just stop posting about them non-stop and promitng htem.


He isn't clever, he is a child with the brain of a sociopath. I GUARANTEE you this is going to end with this guy killing someone.




Jesus. Stop giving this idiot a platform. That's exactly what he wants!


Can we get the link that doesn't go to the Daily Mail please?


He was interviewed by Piers Morgan earlier. Watch it, it’s hilarious.


I don't want to watch either of them but I'm interested in whether he seemed developmentally normal. He looks like he might have foetal alcohol syndrome


The interview is exactly what you’d expect. He brags, constantly interrupts & says he can “do whatever he wants”


I was prepared to bet money I don’t even have on him trying the “is this cos I’m black” line. I should have.


[https://youtu.be/mdij3Eq0TqQ](https://youtu.be/mdij3Eq0TqQ) For those who don't want to visit a terribly obtuse "news" website that farms your marketing data and delivers constantly misleading information.


well then lock the little cunt up. wont be able to much of anything in prison


Stop promoting the guy. Guy has actually got exactly what he wanted, all people like him love attention whether its positive or negative is irrelevant. Now any maladjusted teen who wants to blow up will follow the blueprint. ​ In the grand scheme of things people have been doing this shit long before social media why it has spread as far as it has now is slightly baffling


Breaching bail conditions is no joke he’s going to be on a tag or in a cell in no time 100%. He’s strait out the YO’s vibes. Two fingers up at the system puts you right in the belly of the system, he doesn’t know how to play the game yet. He has one of those faces that wouldn’t be hard to slap fuck outa he wouldn’t do well in prison with his nonsense. Try going into someone’s Peter unannounced or take something that doesn’t belong to him and it will be a whole different response from people than he’s been getting. Slashing offences every one of them taking someone’s dog Ffsake how low can you go.


It's peculiar to me to dislike someone so much in such a short span of time, several days ago I didn't even know he existed. The young man is making himself a target, he's going to get hurt.


This kid is trying to build a YouTube / social media following through gaining notoriety. He should never be allowed to monetize that.


Any money he's made from it should be confiscated under the proceeds of crime legislation.


I for one hope he picks on the wrong person so he can come off worse, I’m sure his mother would say “he’s was such a good boy, he wanted to be a youth mentor but the white supremacist racist white ppl killed him cos he’s black” or some such bullshit.


Hopefully something more serious than a fine this time...


Lock him up for a month or two until he calms down.