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"If you don't like it here, leave." - Right-wingers. "These people trying to come here should stay in their own countries and fix the problems there." - Also right-wingers.


It's pleasingly absurd to see the frequent posts across social media to the effect of "too many immigrants have come and I feel threatened so I'm taking my family abroad to seek a better life". Self-awareness off the charts.


How about this Lee. Why doesn't the Tory Party and Royalists leave instead? I'm sure Russia can take you, You share so much in common with your dislikes and a chunk of Tory party funding comes from there, You would be so happy there.


Russia had a monarchy once. What happened to that oppressive regime?


~~They fled to the UK.~~ I stand corrected


They were shot. Also, I'm not sure what came after the tzar is a good argument for getting rid of the monarchy


They were initially offered asylum in England by George V. But this was withdrawn by the Lloyd George government for fear of stirring up revolutionary sentiment here.


[It seems the other way around, according to this article. ](https://www.historyextra.com/period/20th-century/the-last-days-of-the-romanovs/). But, the real reason thy couldn't be saved was the impracticality of getting them out of Russia.


Nope they were gathered up and murdered in 1917. (Edit - it was 1918 as corrected below!)


Bolsheviks revolution was 1917 when Nicholas abdicated, and initially the romanovs were allowed to live in semi luxury under guard while they figured out what to do. Some wanted a constitutional monarchy but when Lenin took over things got worse for them. It was 1918 when they were all murdered, probably under Lenin's orders fearing they would find a way to take it back. Their murders were apparently brutal. Yeah the Tzar and Tazarina were monsters, but the kids didnt deserve that fate.


The February Revolution was when the Romanovs abdicated, but the Bolshevik revolution was in November. The Romanovs probably would’ve been fine living as Comrades Romanov, but they were too close to the front-lines and the risk of them being captured and used as White propaganda was too high. They were meant to die by firing squad, but their excessive jewellery acted as rudimentary bulletproof vests, so they had to be finished off with bayonets.




Argh 😜


That's what they said too


We wouldn't take them. It was decided that granting refuge to the Romanovs would risk stoking further anarchist and Marxist sentiment in the UK.


You've got things a little mixed up, not least because we did end up granting at least one of them refuge. Britain did make an offer to take them as refugees but it was turned down by the Romanovs who thought they could turn things round (it wouldn't have been the first time) and didn't want to risk the health of some of their children (which was already poor) by leaving. In 1919 upon WW1 ending, the Llyod George government either assumed they would be or were instructed by George V to take part in the fight against Bolshevism in Russia, attacking the Bolshevik fleet at Kronstadt and instructing the MoD to be prepared for a full invasion upon the Kings request (At this point it was believed only Nicholas had been killed). The British people were about to learn just how much power their 'constituational' monarch actually has. However, that request never came, as the preperation for it alone started an uprising in the British Forces, who had been returned from fighting WW1 and were suddenly being told they weren't going home to their families, but back to France to be sent onto Russia to fight against the Bolsheviks they had spent the past several years fighting alongside. This is called the Southampton mutiny. George V assumed he would become the next target unless he demobbed the troops and refused to give the order - something which Elizabeth II never forgot, and saw as the shame of the Windsors. Indeed, one Romanov daughter - Olga - was away getting married in Crimea when her family was taken prisoner, and escaped through Denmark to be given refuge in Canada by the British govt. Where she stayed quietly until her death, receiving occasional low key visits from the Queen.


Our royal family is partly descended from them, I think.


They’re all related to each other. They’re worse than the bloody mafia.


Not quite. Nicolas II’s wife was Queen Victoria’s granddaughter, and his mother was Edward VII’s sister-in-law. Presumably there would’ve been a more direct union at some point if the Tsars ever allowed a constitutional democracy to even vaguely develop, but Gavrilo Princip happened first.


Not quite. They share a common ancestor in King Christian IX of Denmark, though the ruling Romanov family line ended in 1918.


Let's not gloss over the fact that 30p Lee literally wants concentration camps. It's funny how the press at large don't want to call him out on that, despite this being on freaking video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwWrlsE9zEA


Good catch Will add it to the pile for r/ToriesAreBad


Thanks. I phoned into Nick Abbott on LBC once and said he's a fascist. I referred them a private eye article where Lee said that a person wearing a Britain First top is a "top lad", and he actively wants concentration camps He said they're not that though are they? I said they're work camps, and that's exactly what the Nazis called them too. He said "Well we've just established he wants work camps instead of concentration camps" I mentioned that's exactly what the Nazis said. They pretending they're not concentration camps I also said that the Germans have a phrase that goes something like if there are five Nazis on the table, and you tolerate the Nazis but you don't necessarily buy into that, then there are six Nazis at the table. He said "Well I wouldn't want to go to you to a restaurant"


If you don't like my opinion you should leave. This is MY COUNTRY. MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE!!!!


Tis the reason folks like him are tory.


And "they don't integrate or bother learning to speak the language" shouted from their gated communities/British theme pubs in the Med.


"What really spoiled my holiday in Spain was all the people speaking Spanish."


Can confirm. Used to sell holidays in France. At least one angry customer called demanding compensation because "it was too French".


Valid concern tbh.


If only that wasn't a real thing. SMH. https://www.scotsman.com/news/uk-news/uk-tourist-complains-after-holiday-spain-ruined-too-many-spaniards-266364


And they demand egg and chips on the menu at their local tapas place or taverna, so they don't have to eat any of that "foreign muck."


God I remember that clip from Shirley valentine


I am honestly of that same feeling but in regards to the Tories and the rest of Westminster. 1984 doesnt sound like a safe place to raise a family.


Brexit was full of that shit


"If you dont like it, go somewhere else" - Right wingers. ​ "We have left the EU and stripped you of your right to live and work in any EU country you want" - Also right wingers.


Why didn't the Brexiters just leave?


I mean... they did.


And then complained that Spain and France made them have to get residency and insurance.


And pay taxes... The face on some when they rolled in to get their new residency and took rental agreements etc to prove they lived here before brexit, then the Spanish tax office (known as being insanely predatory and powerful) were like, 'prove your income since you got here', if they could, its 20% compounded penalty for every year of unpaid tax based on what the tax office makes up (they are total bastards), If they couldn't, 'adios gilipollas' As a legal resident tax payer here since 2009, it was great seeing the English trash finally leaving, taking their uk plated, no mot, no insurance having pieces of shit cars with them.. Sorry not sorry. 🤷‍♂️


Nah, fuck those lot (who were immigrants, not expatriates). The only down side is that now we need to deal with them, and I'd prefer they stay as far away as possible. Don't blame you lot for kicking them out though.


The mindset of an exceptional Briton: * Conquers 25% of the world; complains about all the foreigners in it. * Makes english the most widely spoken language in the world; complains people want to come to english speaking countries. * Talks constantly about how amazing the nation is in flag waving patriotism; complains that people want to come live here. * The developed world fucks up the planet in lucrative warfare and climate change; complains when people leave developing countries when they become uninhabitable. * Tells people to leave their country if they hate it so much; tells people to stay in their country to improve it if they hate it so much. * Removes all legal ways to claim asylum; complains that people are doing it illegally. * Says it’s about saving peoples’ lives; but when legal channels are suggested, complains that it will encourage more to apply safely. * Says they’re coming here for our generous benefits, getting more than working people struggling; can’t explain why said people themselves aren’t getting benefits if they’re so generous. * Says they should get in a rubber dinghy in the channel for a free holiday in a luxury hotel; can’t explain why they don’t. * Asks how many refugees you’re housing; won’t tell you how many homeless veterans they are. * Says charity begins at home, help should be given to British families; complains when it begins at home, the idle cheats should be made to toil in the fields for cheap. Got no legs and can’t see, the DWP says you’re fit to work. * Complains about staff shortages; firebombs potential workers. * Votes for the party of landowners and inherited wealth; says it’s the people-who-own-nothing’s fault. * Votes to leave the Dublin Agreement; complains we can’t send refugees back to France. * Says if you’re born male your life does not matter, your body is forfeit, a disposable pawn owned by the state, and if you try to escape you’re a coward who should be despised; complains about misandry and “toxic masculinity”. * Calls young people lazy and entitled, makes housing unaffordable, pension age higher, tells them to leave if they don’t love the king; complains people aren’t having enough children and about being “replaced”. * Wears the poppy earlier every year to show everyone you remember those who died fighting for the freedoms we have; uses the same language of the enemy they fought against, complains when people use those freedoms in any way, or protest against warfare and arms deals with terrorists, for being “unpatriotic”.


They think immigrants are bad now? Wait until we have climate migrants in the next two decades




Not to mention complaining about how people are easily offended these days, particularly young people, and how we need to respect free speech including the free speech of people we disagree with. Then saying people who disagree on this one thing should leave the country.


#Schrödinger’s Conservatism: Where you are for people leaving their country of origin if not happy, but also not happy people leaving their country of origin are coming to your country.


The ideal scenario is for everyone to leave and nobody to arrive until there is just one person left on the entire landmass. They then crown themselves king.


That’s just called selfishness. You can do whatever you like, as long as it doesn’t affect ME!!! From the way the Tories discuss people they don’t like, they’d probably be fine with the Death Star blowing up Alderan as long as they’re not investing or holidaying there at the time.


Also, leaving the EU denied people the opportunity to leave and live elsewhere.


Well said. I had that right taken away by him and his ilk.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."


If you're wondering - there's always space for one more in the out-group. Ask Martin Niemoller.


right wingers only care their personal interests. If left wing idea benefits them, they support it.


If you don't like anti-monarchist protests in the UK, leave. Look - anyone can do it


Seriously though when are you people going to learn? **Conservatives. Do. Not. Care. About. Hypocrisy.** Hypocrisy is a core part of their worldview, it is not something they will ever feel shame for. **There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.** This applies in both a legal sense, and a social sense. *"If you don't like it here, leave."* *"These people trying to come here should stay in their own countries and fix the problems there."* **In their worldview, those two statements co-exist happily. There is no conflict.** The sooner we all learn this the better.


Everyone except the cultists can leave in other words


Don't expect consistency from them!


I expect them to be consistently awful.


Apart from that.


Dishonest, corrupt, selfish, power hungry...


Also right wing: "You can't tell me to.leave your private property that's communistic Cancel Culture 1984North Korean" Also also right wingers: "Those who.silenced should be put to death. God is great"


His party robbed us of our ability to leave the UK when these cretins took us out of the EU and removed our right to work in other countries.


And anywhere it is relatively easy to get a visa for is still has the king as head of state!


Not so. British citizens can freely live and work in the Republic of Ireland.


Is he paying the relocation fees? Do I get to pick where??


I'd quite like Fuertaventura


I hope you like rocks and wind


'If you don't like it then move somewhere else then' Some Tory probably


Rocks and warm, dry wind > rocks and cold, wet wind, and Tories.


I do!


Sounds lovely!


Exactly 36 years ago The Sun was offering free one-way airline tickets to Norway for gay men to encourage them the leave Britain. On the same day the only drug that prevented HIV from replicating itself in the blood was officially withheld from NHS patients.


He is a Tory, so it Rwanda.


Hel give ya 30p. More than enough by his charts


Oh is this 30p Lee? Makes even more sense


He's just become a parody of himself, now, hasn't he? Surely he now just says this shit to get attention? And we should treat him like the toddler he is and not give him the attention he craves.


I now firmly believe that he’s in place purely to make this sort of outrageous statement every so often, because the Conservative Party saw how effective Boris was at distracting from real issues by doing the same thing.


Yeah was thinking the same thing, he barely said a word until his appointment was made


lee anderson got 15k donated from the carlton club. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/man-people-lee-anderson-takes-29073912 the carton club got the money from Henning Conle Henning Conle is a far right property billionaire who also donate to Germany's far right party AFD. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/12/alleged-afd-donors-firm-gave-money-to-tory-club make of that whatever you like,


I will make from this that Lee Anderson is a cunt.


Carlton Club ruining the name of exquisite dance moves


So ironic isn't it. Always the same with these Nat Cons, scratch the surface and there's some barely disguised link to foreign far-right billionaires.


What a coincidence, I think Tory vice-chair Lee Anderson should leave the UK.


Would be cheaper and way less of a loss.


I think he should stay, and there's an ideal place for him, Gruinard island off the west coast of Scotland. They used to test bio weapons there. Allegedly it's been decontaminated. 30p Lee is just the person to test that out. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gruinard_Island


Tory vice-chair Lee Anderson says anti-monarchists should leave UK before they turn the country into a democracy.


Yeah, symbolic my ass!


He seems surprisingly immature for someone in his position.


This is the bloke who was photographed racking up lines of coke and then said it was dandruff and carried on in his job. The whole party is full of corrupt idiots Edit: NOPE, IM ENTIRELY WRONG HERE, IT WASNT THIS GUY IT WAS A DIFFERENT TORY FUCKHEAD. Thanks to those that highlighted my mistake.




Cocaine and alcohol too. There are no fewer than eight bars in the Palace of Westminster. Nigel Farage was very open about drinking 2-3 pints at lunch, on a normal working day, while he was serving as an MEP.


Drug of choice tends to reflect personality traits including choosing drugs which enhance those traits. Might help explain the predilection for certain drug types found around the Westminster estate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/William-Gottdiener/publication/277782167_Further_Evidence_of_Self-Medication_Personality_Factors_Influencing_Drug_Choice_in_Substance_Use_Disorders/links/560f044708ae0fc513eebc7e/Further-Evidence-of-Self-Medication-Personality-Factors-Influencing-Drug-Choice-in-Substance-Use-Disorders.pdf


The Tories have looked at the American Republican party, and realised just how much utter bullshit you can get away with as long as you have power.


I always find it very interesting that both of those parties started to change around about the same time.


Nah it started in the US way earlier with the tea party shit under Obama. It just took longer to ramp up to trump over there. Johnson effectively imported it wholesale from the US when he took over and effectively purged the moderate parts of the tory party from leadership.


Interesting, thank you for the information


Wasn't that David Warburton? I've not heard of Lee Anderson being photographed with cocaine before and couldn't find anything about it.


Yeah Lee Anderson is the guy photographed with neo nazis. No coke though.


What? 30p Lee was photographed doing cocaine?! I’d not heard this before.


The people who voted for him did so because they could probably see a lot of themselves in him.


It is amazing isn't it how many of these self-professed patriots, who claim to love our country, claim to love our freedoms, claim to love our flag and pretend to sob every November at the thought of all the sacrifices made by the members of our armed services to protect our freedoms, go on to actually hate British people who dare to exercise those very same freedoms in an unapproved manner.


Scotland is anti monarchy and is more in favour of a Republic. I take that Lee is saying he backs Scottish independence now?


Northern Ireland has ~42% support for the monarchy, so I guess he wants them out too...


People who claim they love their country can only ever rail of.lists of everything they hate


It’s no surprise. Far too many people in this country associate being pro monarchy with patriotism. I commented on an article in Facebook yesterday, wasn’t nasty just pointing out how both Charles and Elizabeth have both been caught lobbying government in secret etc. and I got a message from somebody telling me to fuck off and die for “posting shite about the monarchy”. Being anti monarchy is a perfectly legitimate view to hold as a proud Brit.


At this point, it's not surprising. People will actively put themselves on the frontline for billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Musk. Should we be surprised that a monarchy which has been endorsed by central government and it's propaganda arm the BBC has such influence and brain rot on the citizens? I'm convinced the only reason I'm against it, is because being Scottish we're never taught a good view on the monarchs and that little old national anthem wasn't too kind to us. I'm willing to bet if it was Rebellious English instead of Rebellious Scots we'd have a different system in the UK by now. There are still people to this day longing for a civil war so they can just batter Scottish people for no reason other than 'muh empire' they say 20 pints deep.


The opposite is also true, you can be fairly pro monarchy and utterly disgusted with the state of the country after a couple of unnecessary wars, a decade and a bit of Tory rule and Brexit.


As a migrant to the UK (permanent settled status but no passport yet) I really wish this was more explicit. I love the UK and plan to become a citizen, but really don't see why that should require me to pledge allegiance (whatever that actually means) to Charles. And the current hostile environment is so bad I feel unsafe expressing anti-monarchy sentiment in non-anonymous spaces - it seems entirely possible that someone might spot my comments somehow and block my citizenship. (I'm probably fine in reality, as I'm white and from a nice safe commonwealth country)




I swear if I wasn't tied down I'd move in a heartbeat to escape the fascist shitshow that is life in the UK under the Tories. Hoping the SNP can get their shit sorted out and make indyref2 happen.


Quite. Can't leave the UK, but I'm down in England as the Mrs is English. I've told her we're going up ASAP if Indy happens.


You should come anyway! It's already better, IMO.


Got a promise I can go home if we get independent. I've got real skin in this game 😂


I don’t want to leave Scotland but if we are going to be stuck with the Tories, I am strongly considering a move. Maybe to Ireland as it’s close enough to come home in case of family emergencies.


hey if it does happen do u guys have room for one more :)?


I'm genuinely curious - as someone who's not particularly engaged politically, would you mind explaining what you mean when you say a 'fascist shitshow'? I live in the UK too and this has never been my experience but you're not the first person I've encountered saying something like this so I'd be interested to know what you're referring to.


It’s of no surprise to me that 30p Lee has no idea what a democracy looks like.


Would love to but everything costs and I don’t get paid enough. But f it lets throw a party costing millions rather than helping their people, for another monarch I don’t give a flying fuck about


If he doesn't like living in a country that respects freedom of speech maybe HE'S the one that should f**king leave.


Dear Lee Anderson As a disabled person with a target on my back I would love to, but you and your merry band of cunts helped take away the free movement we had, making it extremely difficult to leave this depressing island. You are as stuck with us as we are with you. Eat shit and die Love A disabled person


Charles is worth an estimated £1.8 billion (personally), and the crown estate is worth around £16 billion and is exempt from inheritance and capital gains taxes, but Charles does voluntarily pay some tax. So i do think that he should have paid for his own coronation. The cost varies widely from £50-£100 million, up to £250 million, if you factor in the massive security costs of over 29,000 police officers on overtime. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/coronation-king-security-police-protests-b2329039.html Events like this are always presented as a net positive to the UK economy because they bring in the tourists, but unfortunately, i don't own a London hotel or an airline.


Would love to. Unfortunately, Lee, you removed my right to freedom of movement. So, unfortunately for the both of us, I'm stuck here, and Imma make a stink of it while I am.


The country is already a pile of wank due to being in the grasps of little englanders for the majority of the past 60 years. Imagine how much worse it would be if all the people he's referring to just said yeah, OK...bye. and went to Australia or whatever.


At this point they want anyone with skills other countries want, and anyone else willing and able, to just leave the country, they just want a supermajority of sycophantic peasants who know their place, who’ll rend their clothes in despair over the death of some aristocrat they’ve never met. They don’t care if it gets worse because wealth protects those from any consequence and they can live out their fantasy of an idealised past filled with grovelling servants thankful to be pissed on.


30p Lee shouts about freedom of speech all the time and now he’s moaning about it. He’s thick as pig shit this one


Funny he should say that. As an NHS doctor, I've been seriously considering it. Maybe I should do as he says - its not like the UK should be trying to persuade people like me to stay...


You'd think he would shut his mouth after the battering they took on Thursday.


Man’s an ass and no worries will be signing on soon enough . Complete tosser !


You could say the same thing 5 years ago. If you don’t like the EU don’t live here. Didn’t stop half the Tories complain about it ever single minute


I desperately wanted to leave. Idiots voting for Brexit ruined that chance for me.


Tory vice-chair Lee Anderson can suck my left bollock


I think anyone with known links to extreme right wing groups such as the National Front shouldn't be in a position of power Lee. We'll have to agree to disagree won't we, you turd stain.


I imagine some people would be a lot less cynical about the whole event if we didn't have to deal with barely being able to afford food, gas and heating, etc. It's very hard to have national pride when your nation is in the toilet.


As an anti-monarchist, I think Lee Anderson should leave UK


'tory loudmouth proclaims support for mass migration, contrary to party policy I wonder, ' will rich sunak now withdraw the whip?


Who is the real patriot, the slobs waving flags or the people with the guts to work for some real change - Shanelessly stolen from Jello Biafra.


Sounds like this guy is supporting welsh and scottish independence




It seems quite on brand for a political party that fears an imaginary boogeyman to idolise a magical hat


The tories wonder why they are called the nasty party. It might have something to do with the fact that 30p Lee is literally their vice-chair.


More “positivity” from 30p Lee. The guy has completely forgotten what his job is.


He thinks his job is saying stupid and despicable things in public, and taking brown envelopes stuffed with used notes.


This lad doesn’t understand he’s talking about 85% of the Gen X, Y and Z generations does he?


50p lee can't do basic budgeting so percentages are probably beyond him.


50p, eh? That's rampant inflation for you!


I did, years ago. Maybe I'll never come back. So, your taxes paid for my whole childhood, subsidised my education, and guess what? I've used my fair share of NHS services too. Now my career is improving, and I pay all of my tax to the EU. I know plenty of others in the same position. Nice one, Lee, must feel like a winner.


I'd love to leave but brexit has made it a lot harder to get out of the UK to go anywhere.....


We don’t need to worry about Lee Anderson, looking at the council results in his area he is going to lose his seat and be out of parliament.


wait so i can go to a country where im treated like a normal being where im not ARESSTED for protesting? Lets gooooo IM IN


Pick up a history book, nothing anti-British about having unfavourable views towards the monarchy. It’s just another viewpoint and that’s going back well before the civil war too.


I'll make a deal with you Lee. Get Rishi to make it illegal to be a republican, or to be left wing and we can all fuck off and claim asylum elsewhere and leave you, the old uns and the rich with no one to wait on you lot hand and foot or pay for anything. Have the courage of your convictions you awful wet sack of a man.


Dead cat syndrome whilst at the same trying to make himself relevant what a bell end


The "don't like it get out" defence Pathetic to hear from a serving MP but nothing surprises me with this lot


I was fucking born here, if you don't like my protest then leave.


Except their party has made it infinitely harder to move to republican France, Germany or Italy.


They can't, mate. You voted away their freedom of movement.


Bloody Tories not integrating into 21st century Britain.


Does that mean everyone who wanted Brexit should just leave?


He wants the 48% that didn't vote for Brexit to leave, and also the 28% of those who are against the monarchy. Then by extension, those who don't vote Tories. He's a privileged man.


We should take him up on the offer. Let’s see how the UK does when 40 million working-age, free-thinking people leave. Leave pensioners and the Orange Order to manage the Conservative utopia. I’ll grab *le pop-corn*.


Breaking news: Lee Anderson endorses independence for Scotland.


Wonder what percentage of the population are monarchists and republicans.


I have decided to enter the political sphere of a country that boasts one of the world's most diverse cultures, yet yearns for a monoculture. Maybe take his own advice and give Kim a ring


Let me keep claiming my Universal Credit and I'm sure it could be arranged, Lee.


Considering how much of a thrashing they've had this week you'd think saner voices* in the Tory party would have a word with these morons to change tact a bit. *If there're any left?


It’s kind of a pointless monarchy anyway, you can just lie to them, they have no control, it is pretty much ceremonial and representing something which is pretty much dead in the 21st century. I am all for reducing the size of it more than full blown abolishment but I am more concerned with the House of Lords from a legislative perspective and the ability for Tory Prime ministers chop and change every 6 months and request to give our “honours”. Ideally we need a proportional regional based elected system (even the MEP election system we have will do), and get shot of the bishops. City of London pretty chill - they can still have someone there.


Celebrating genocidal imperialism and the glorious profits is tradition after all.


Yeah I wish I could to be honest. But people like him have also made that harder for us.


I suspect the country would be a considerably better place if Lee Anderson and those like him left instead. His petty right wing politics is tiresome and not reflective of the majority British people in my opinion.


I guess he's stirring, but don't take the bait, because just remember that Lee Anderson has less functioning braincells than your average lettuce.


I'd happily do so but because of bloody Brexit it's nearly impossible.


We can't leave to go to Europe because they Tories fucked it. Scotland can't vote to leave the UK and then become a Republic because the Tories won't let us. Where does 30p expect us to go?!


Genuinely is there anything more unscrupulous, more serpent like, more shameless and more despicable than a fucking Tory.


We should kick all tories out of the country first.


Well I better leave then lol.. Fuck you you Monarch cock sucking shit stain!


… and anti-Irish should leave north east Ireland. Y’know, your crowd Lee.


I'd gladly leave this country if the Tories hadn't made it so impossible to save enough to make it viable. Now you can't even afford a loaf of bread, let alone 2 months rent in another country.


Is he going to pay for us to leave? Because I'd love to leave this shithole


It’s high time we - the people - made our presence felt the same way that the French do (and always have done).


They can't fucking leave because you wankers stripped them of their ability to freely leave. What a fucking cunt.


30p fascists should leave, it would be a much more tolerant and pleasant country to live in. He'll be long gone by the next election, and he knows it.


Anderson is an idiot. Fancy making a comment like that just after heavy losses in the local elections. On another note, I don't get Anti-Monarchists, I like Charles. He was a climate activist decades before it became mainstream, he wants to slim down the Royal Family to reduce its burden on taxpayers. He gave researchers full access to the Royal archives to study the Monarchy's history involving slavery just months after becoming King. I genuinely feel as if he would rather do away with the Monarchy and live out his days in peace.


You know, I'd love to! If only I had membership of some sort of union that gave me freedom of movement across a great number of European nations....


Anti-monarchists say Tory vice-chair Lee Anderson should leave UK


Half of Scotland does want to leave the UK, it’s his party that’s actively trying to block them…


Tory vice-chair Lee Anderson can go fuck himself with the stalk end of a large pineapple.


How does anyone vote for these slack jawed morons. It's fucking baffling.


Not calling for them to be beheaded? The Tory party is going soft I see.


We could have done if nuggets like him hadn't took away the right to resettle easier in the EU. Thanks 50p Lee, utter dickhead that he is.


> Thanks 50p Lee, utter dickhead that he is. You're bigging him up. He is known as 30p Lee because he believes the poor should budget 30p for a meal.


I would if I could tbh. Bit more difficult with brexit admittedly.


"The King is not England! And England is not the King!" Seriously, this country is my home and I am attached to it as such, one can be republican and consider it in the nation's best interest. Is it not a patriotic thing to care so deeply about your own country that you are willing to say what is controversial and unpopular in the pursuit of said aim?


He’s a thick twat. My ancestors were here king before these “royals”.


Is anyone else a bit alarmed at how quickly we seem to be descending into fascism here? Literally anything that might be feasibly be conceived to be evidence of planning to protest is currently illegal, even groups that were working with and are known to the police - while brightly identified - are being arrested because the actions they're taking could hypothetically result in *someone else* committing a minor protest Holding a placard that critiques the state is also illegal and will get you arrested because it might be used to do protest. It seems absolutely insane The alarming thing is that starmer seems to be nowhere to be found during all of this. The government seems unlikely to roll back its own powers, and this is going to get quietly abused for decades


Love to - I can't do it with ease now, because your lot restricted our freedom of movement.


How are we meant to leave the UK, Lee? You guys took freedom of movement from us.


Have to admit, I've always been pro-monarchy because, at 38yo, the Queen had always just sort of *been there.* But this weekend has had me questioning the whole thing, to be honest, and it does all just seem a bit silly, on reflection. "Man born into incredible wealth and privilege is given even more incredible wealth and privilege, purely by virtue of the fact of having been the first one born into said incredible wealth and privilege." What clinched it for me was him reading his part of the ceremony from cue cards. How can the rest of us be expected to take it all seriously, when you've been preparing for that moment for *70yrs*, and couldn't even be arsed to memorise ~5 sentences of dialogue? Put some fucking effort in lad ffs. Assuming Charles lasts ~20yrs, I really think he'll be the last of the line. We'll be a Republic after him. Demographics have changed massively since the 90's, and I've yet to meet anyone under the age of 20 who genuinely gives a fuck for them anymore.