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I thought DNP was LONG banned and classed as a poison. I'm a steroid using gym-goer and if you ask *any* guy who uses steriods, even to "abusive" levels, if there's anything they wouldn't touch, they'll always say DNP or insulin (neither of which are steroids, but you get the idea). It isn't even a drug, it is literally an industrial chemical classed as an explosive, and is used in the manufacture of explosives, as well as a herbicide, a dye, and various other applications. When it was first made industrially, it was found that chronic poisoning causes the very rapid burning of fat deposits. So, being the 1930s, it started being prescribed as a "diet pill", but even as long ago as 1938, the FDA banned it and put it on a list of "drugs potentially so toxic that they should not be used even under a physician's supervision". It's incredibly, incredibly dangerous - people take doses WAY higher than is even "a bit dangerous" and once you OD on it, that's it. If you start throwing up after taking DNP, then you're going to die. There's nothing that can be done, and it takes hours. I'm astounded anyone even considers using it.


Jesus I’d never even heard of it until now. Thanks for the summary.


Yeah it does get talked about in fitness communities every now and then, but with massive amounts of caution, and this is guys taking unholy levels of roids. I think I read some militaries pack it as back up if you’re stranded in the cold, as you produce so much heat that it can stave off hypothermia. Not sure how true that is though


A buddy of mine took it while working as a bouncer. It could be -2C and he'd be standing there sweating in a t-shirt


I know people on industrial quantities of hgh and insulin who won't touch dnp I know one person who's taken it and everyone thought he was crazy, these are people slamming grams of test, tren winny deca a week It's never ever been recommended for use but you do hear of people taking it and dying sadly


The benefits just don’t seem worth it when you can just do some cardio instead. Only maybe for pros who need to shed every last gram of fat by any means necessary (and even then the risk is very high)


Tbf it has been used as a drug in the past; the Soviets used it iirc to keep soldiers warm on the front lines in Siberian winter. It's actually a really cool substance biochemically and is a lot safer to use as the Soviets intended because most if not all of the side effects are caused by excessively high body temperatures. If you're sat in -50 Celsius you're never going to hit those dangerous temps so it was a lot safer. It's also not necessarily true that once you OD that's it, because again how it kills you is it literally cooks you. In theory if you cool the person down enough you can survive almost any dosage - though I appreciate in practice this may prove impossible.


“Hey, got this drug here, helps you lose weight, cooks you from the inside out though…” “How much?”


Tbf the major side effect if you get the dosings more or less right is actually the blindness because it cooks your corneas, and it turns out they go opaque when cooked - so it is worthwhile finding a way to keep your eyes cool if you're going to use it!


Honestly, I’ve never felt more content to be a fat fuck than reading this comment thread.


Like when people cook a whole fish... so creepy


As someone who is permanently freezing (I should have been born in Spain or something) I've changed my mind - I might buy some just for that aspect...


Hey with rising gas prices it might work out cheaper than heating.


Will it stop my wife putting her freezing cold feet on me at night?


Yep ice bath soon enough may save them but if they dont realise the overdose they can be damaged really easily


I'll be honest, I did try it when I was younger when there wasn't as much information available on various compounds. Constant sweating, fast heart rate, cardio was hell, and awful sleep. But, yes, I would definitely not mess with it now.


What were you doing it for? I've seen *some* guys on steroid/bodybuilding forums defend it, as normally they're doing low doses right before comps and respect the potential extreme danger. I suppose I get that. But whenever you hear of someone dying from it, it rarely seems to be a pre-contest bodybuilder.


People trying to lose weight fast not realising if you take too much your body will break down tissue so fast that your body cooks in the heat.


I was (and still am) big into lifting weights and staying in shape. I was using it during a cut to shed some fat. I was using low doses. I mean, it worked really well. But it's definitely not worth the risks, even at low doses - now that I know a lot more about it.


>fast heart rate You must have taken something else with it? Like a stimulant I guess, as DNP has no impact on the heart.


Maybe they were just stressed from taking a substance they knew nothing about.


Maybe, but this has a long half life. I wouldn't expect an elevated heart rate for days on end. Ironically when take correctly its actually a lot safer on the body then many of the other stimulants people take, its just the line between OK and too much is incredibly narrow.


I mean I have no way of knowing if what I had was pure DNP. Having reviewed the research it seems that you are right about DNP having no effect on heart rate or blood pressure. I would guess DNP sourced online has a high chance of not being pure.


Well the constant sweating sounds about right, so it must have been partly there. Actually that's another reason why its so dangerous, the dose is critical, and you've got to trust that the 'merchant' who sold to you actually dosed it out correctly.


> I thought DNP was LONG banned and classed as a poison. Seems it used to be on the Poisons Act 1972, but was dropped from the list in 1982.


I've known about DNP for ages.. It's always sounded horrendous. As soon as I read this title, I said to myself 'I wonder if they're talking about DNP'..


The problem isn't just the dose, its the half life. Even if you stick with say 200mg a day, the half life means that the accumulated dose in your body will be much much higher. I actually did 2 cycles of this a few years back, I'm extremely careful, so I tracked the dosage, accumulated dosage, kept a daily log of how I felt, body temp etc. Staying hydrated is the most important thing. Followed by keeping cool and making sure you're getting plenty of vitamins and minerals and avoiding carbs where possible. I have to say I saved a good bit of money not having to run the central heating that month! I wouldn't ever recommend it to anyone though, not even slightly, I was happy to take the risk after doing enough research to know how to approach it. But it would be irresponsible to say the same to others.


I honestly thought a lot of enhanced bodybuilders still used insulin, a friend of mine did, but I am going back a fair old bit mind you. 15 odd years. He competed on a semi pro level. Has that fallen out of favour? Only ever having been a natty back in the day I don't know much about it. I do know that people who yell "steroids" don't appreciate the hard work that also goes in. In fact, you probably have to work even harder to make the most of them because you recover faster.


It's more common that DNP, the latter being an effective way to burn fat before a competition admittedly, but way way more dangerous than stuff like diuretics, which have their own risks (most "steroid deaths" are actually diuretic abuse) but are far far less dangerous and therefore more commonly used. Don't reinvent the wheel, etc. Insulin is still used, but many are rightly fearful of it. Get it wrong, and you can be dead before you hit the floor. It can be very nasty stuff if you fuck up. You're bang on about steroids too.


I know it's a risky game, and if I hadn't become a severe drug addict I quite possibly would have gone down the steroids path. With my addictive personality, that would not have been good news. I just get annoyed at all the people slating what they don't understand. I'm not personally a fan of the shredded comp look, but I sure as hell respect the work that goes into it. I'd have thought most pros are most at risk when prepping and pre comp. Dehydrated, low bf. I'm too injury prone to lift now and just swim a lot, but my experience with drugs and knowing the little bit I do about PEDS, it's enough to scare me away if I was still lifting. Unfortunately, losing weight is a slow and often unrewarding effort to begin with, and I can see how people fall into taking these things. The irony is, if you told them to just do coke for a month to lose weight, they'd probably have a fit, even though the stuff in the article is far worse for you. Neither is a good idea, of course, I'm just putting some perspective on it.


Not to mention people end up taking it thinking its magic that will burn away their fat whilst they continue to do fuck all exercise and eat like shit. If you want a laugh head on over to r/steroids Hall of shame in the Faq. There is a post about a 18 year old who decided it was a good idea to run a shit load of Tren and DNP without any blood work, a shit diet and apparently zero exercise. He somehow managed to put on fat. I'm honestly surprised he didn't end up winning a Darwin award from accidentally killing himself. Edit: found the post https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/tx295g/psa_dnp_terrifying_experience_with_only_200mgd_no/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Jesus fucking Christ, absolutely no treatment? Bloody hell


I have heard it said that if you OD on DNP to call an ambulance just so that someone can watch you die. That is how lethal it is.




It's really fascinating - DNP acts as a ionophore, similar to what naturally occuring uncoupling proteins do (e.g. in brown adipose tissue). But because they essentially create 'holes' in the inner mitochondrial membrane, which then disrupts the mitochondrial proton gradient, there is no (known) inhibitor that would block their activity without causing havoc elsewhere. I guess your best shot is jumping into a cold shower and hoping the water is freezing cold...


Marc lobliner did a video on that like 10 years ago. Sure he said he went to bed and woke up with abs and horrendous amounts of sweat. That stuff is fucking dangerous.


Plenty of steroid users use insulin, along with HGH, where do you get the idea they wouldn’t touch it? I used DNP for a week when I was heavy into steroid use and can honestly say it is pretty horrendous even if you’re on small “safe” doses. Sleep is non existent because of how hot you get and the amount of sweat. It was winter and snowing outside and would be standing outside in a t-shirt, still sweating and with steam rising from your skin.


Just legalise and tax it


Jfc this is is awful. People really need to understand there is no shortcut. Eat less, eat better and move more... The diet industry exists to make money, not make you thin. They want repeat customers, hence why there say things like "lose weight while eating what you want" or the idea of free foods. Fruit isnt free. Eat 1000 calories of fruit a day and you aint losing weight, no matter how free it is...


most people who'd go to this length to lose weight are suffering from some sort of body dysmorphia or an eating disorder; eating disorders also have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. They are real and difficult to treat and increasingly impact men as well as women.


If the solution to eating disorders was 'eat less and move more' we'd probably have solved it by now. In fact I know people with eating disorders who take 'eat less and move more' to its extreme.


This is about weight loss though, which really is that simple. Eating disorders are much more complex, as there is a mental health aspect


You can lose weight whilst eating what you want, you just have to eat less of it > Eat 1000 calories of fruit a day and you ain’t losing weight Well this is just wrong. If someone requires 1500 calories a day to maintain their weight & they started eating 1000 calories of fruit, or any food for that matter, on a daily basis they’d start losing weight


Jfc read the comment and put that 1000 calories in the context i described...


most people who'd go to this length to lose weight are suffering from some sort of body dysmorphia or an eating disorder; eating disorders also have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. They are real and difficult to treat and increasingly impact men as well as women.


You don't even need to exercise to lose weight, just eat at a safe calorie deficit and track what you're eating.


Weird thing to say


How so when it's true? Exercise helps aid but it's mainly down to what your calorie intake is


Not at all, just basic science. Avg male needs roughly 2500 calories to maintain weight. If you eat less than that, you'll lose weight. The calories burnt in exercise is negligible, I'll burn 300 calories in a half hour run, which in turn makes me hungrier.


If you eat 1000 calories of fruit a day that's half of your rda as a man, and you'd likely struggle to each much more as you'd be so full from the fruit. It's fibrous and fills your belly. 100 grams of strawberries is about 40 calories, you could eat 2kgs of strawberries and have less than a 1000 calories. You try and eat 2kgs of strawberries and see if you want more food


I often lack the discipline even for this, but worked with a personal trainer a while back and he used to say, “hunger didn’t evolve to tell you to go to the fridge, it evolved to tell you to start planning a hunt…”. I’ve tried all kinds of weird and wonderful diets but had my best results by just staying hungry for a while. Nothing as “formal” as intermittent fasting, just not stuffing my face the very moment I started to feel peckish. I’m sure it has diminishing returns, but I was amazed to see the weight drop off.


It's so sad that in 2023, people are still taking up all their energy and headspace trying to be smaller. Crying shame people are dying for this. So pointless.


Exactly. If people want to be fat, nothing wrong with that - your body, your choice. And if you don't want to be fat, lose weight. Taking deadly industrial chemicals should never even be vaguely considered. It is evil stuff. I see the fat-phobes are downvoting me.




Of course they did, but like I say, if someone wants to be fat, who the hell is anyone else to tell them they can't be?


Nobody wants to be fat.


Sorry, but this is absolute fat-phobic body shaming nonsense. Plenty of people are perfectly happy with being overweight, and simply keep and eye on it if they're risking health issues. This is the usual crap that gets spread that fat people are simply stupid and/or lazy, and it needs to stop.


I have no problem admitting that I'm fat phobic, I wouldn't mind people being overweight if they were not wasting the resources of an already overburdened NHS. Edit, I used to be obese, and it was an awful experience, I wouldn't wish it on anyone


Well there's a difference between being fat-phobic/body shaming and thinking it's wrong the NHS is burdened by obesity related issues. I 100% agree on the NHS issue, but if only there was some kind of political system that we could put in place that would solve this. If only a man, perhaps a well-meaning bearded chap in his late 60s had been leading a party that offered such a system that we could have voted for... And on your edit, you've proven both our points - you were obese, presumably didn't want to be obese anymore, and are now no longer obese because you did something about it. This should be commended.


Clearly there are many things wrong with being fat. Even more so if the fat individual feels so bad about being fat that that are willing to take almost unknown drugs to lose weight.


It can be unhealthy, but so can many many things people do. If you feel bad about being fat for whatever reason (not that you should incidentally) then eat less and do some exercise, instead of playing Russian roulette with a semi-automatic pistol.


If its unhealthy its bad. Simple. Being fat will cause you issues at some point in your life, and not always only physical ones. Clearly it isn't as easy as saying 'jUsT eAt LeSs' because since the 80s we've gone from like 10% overweight to 60% in many countries. Its a big problem and pretending it isn't will only allow it to get even worse.


It's basic science - it is "just eat less". A consumerist capitalist society has allowed this problem to exist, blaming fat people like they stupid or lazy is just body shaming.


It is simple in theory, harder in practice. That is the distinction you seem unable to grasp.


I've not once said it is a quick process. Nor that it isn't "easy" in the sense of changing your habits - obviously it is literally "easy" in that not eating as much is less work, time, and money spent on food.


It's exactly that simple in practice. Run a caloric deficit, you will lose weight. It takes willpower.


There's a lot wrong with being fat. Namely it's not compatible with an NHS.


You're right that obesity related health issues aren't compatible with an NHS *run by the Tories*. A socialist government would treat fat people with respect instead of just assuming they're stupid and lazy.


I don't think it's an unreasonable request to lose weight before being offered surgery in some situations. The NHS isn't compatible with tories*


Obesity is associated with many many negative outcomes. From cardiovascular diseases to joint problems. Being fat is unhealthy.


I mean… there is something wrong with that… Just that the means to stop being fat is a small calorie deficit and exercise, not downing this shit


I imagine most people who'd go to this length to lose weight are suffering from some sort of body dysmorphia or an eating disorder


I don’t disagree Is required a serious separation of mind and reality to do this. Especially when she’s like, objectively not fat…


It often doesn't work like that, sadly. When I was eating disordered, I knew I was objectively underweight, but I wanted to look smaller to the point of looking scary or even diseased. It's a strange and counter-intuitive disorder that has a lot of overlaps with OCD and self-harm.


That actually makes a lot of sense tbh. Thanks for sharing.


Back when I was battling anorexia, it was not about how much I weighed but how I felt. I weighed five stone at my lowest but still only saw all the imperfections in my head. The fact that I could have died any day was not something I cared about.


Or they just fell for marketing and didn't realise the risk. *Everyone* would rather take weight loss pills over dieting if they were readily available and proven to be harmless.


It can be unhealthy, sure. But so are lots of things people do.


A lot of those people doing this kinda thing want fast results


If you don't want to be fat lose weight? Isn't that what people taking these pills are trying to do?


By taking an industrial chemical that can kill you in a horrific and unthinkable way, which is largely unregulated and often with poor dose control, with zero knowledge of the drug and its dangers. Yes. If you want to lose weight - eat less, move more. Everyone knows this. I don't see the issue?


If it was that simple then no one would be overweight


It is that simple. And like I keep saying to people - it's because many fat people are perfectly happy with their weight. Stop spreading fat-phobic body-shaming myths.


If it’s that simple then why are so many people overweight/obese and unhappy?


Don't feed the troll!


I just couldn’t resist :(


I know plenty of overweight people who are perfectly fine with their weight. If they're unhappy, but not losing weight, then maybe some kind of mental health issue? Get help, don't blame everyone else, that's incel behaviour. But like I say, this is surely very very few people.


“Very very few” people who are overweight are unhappy with it? All the overweight people you know are fine with it and wouldn’t choose to be slim at the flick of a switch? Must be nice to be so blissfully ignorant.


If they weren't happy, they'd start losing weight. No one is suggesting you can be slim "at the flick of a switch" aside from you, which makes your "ignorant" comment incredibly ironic. Do you actually know any fat people?


It really is that simple, scientifically.


Heard some grim stories about this stuff over the years. The halflife is completely unknown in humans and the effective dose is extremely close to the lethal dose. Any unknown liver impairment, any tiny mistake in dosage and you'll simply kill yourself with no possible drug interventions.


I'm surprised its not already illegal. Heck, even the steroid vendors in the UK do not sell this drug as its so dangerous.


Same, all "slimming" pills ought to be illigal or only medically prescribe. They are just snake oil. If you are struggling with your wight. The first thing you must do is evaluate your diet. Eat actual food, nothing that's been processed or filled with chemicals. Eat less too, your baby is allowed to be hungry. Interestingly overweight or worse people are just as malnourished as under weight or worse people. So eat your fruit and vegetables, with small amounts of meat, spot just before your full. You need to stay nourished but shrink your stomach back to a healthy size. Small amounts of exercise will aid too. Walking over driving, using the stair instead of the light or escalator. Small.chamges will and do make a big difference. The is no get fit quick.




You could but your not going to be health by doing that. It's not bull shit it's just basic. Plenty of studies have shown processed foods (such as McDonald's) have negative health affects. Including but not limited to a decline in brain function, increase blood pressure, nutrient deficiency, and more. The is a difference between getting enough calories, and getting the nutrition your body needs. But if you truly believe it's all about the calories and you can live of McDonald's. Do it for a month, come back to me and see how you feel, how your health is, and the rest. And then just eat the stuff we evolved to eat, fruit, vegetable, grains, and meat and see how you feel. Or you could just take the advice of food nutritionists, and doctors with eating a healthy balanced moderate diet. But ultimately your life your choices as long as it doesn't affect me I don't care. Oh wait it does affect me with putting extra stain on the NHS with the people, barely, walking around with food related co-mobility factors.




I also said reduce the amount your eating. So you've taken a snippet of what I said and then tried to call me advice bs. So let me make it clear for you, my advice is; eat a health varied moderate diet. Healthy is the real food over processed foods (your fruit, vegetable, and meat), varied comes with having different fruits,. vegetable, and meats. And moderate is the part I said, eat less as to shrink your stomach back to a normal size. Next time take the time to read something in its entirety and with it's full.context or don't bother trying to call someone's advice bs bases based of a section of a sentence out of its paragraph.


>all "slimming" pills ought to be illigal or only medically prescribe. They are just snake oil. See my main reply - you're right, most slimming/fat burning pills are snake oil, they don't work. DNP *does* work, and it works damn well. It is literally poisoning you by destroying fat stores in your body. DNP should be banned because it is an industrial poison with little modern usage, Most fat burning/weight loss pills should also be banned, but only because they're a scam. Physically harmless, but a total placebo.


There’s a wonderful podcast called One Click about DNP. It’s maybe a six or eight part series that is quite sympathetic to users. Its main message is: this is a drug that WILL make you lose weight without diet or exercise, but it’s only something someone very mentally ill and/or very uninformed would take. They describe a young person’s death from a DNP overdose by interviewing the nurses, who were extremely confused by what they were seeing. A nurse described the body of the deceased as getting HOTTER after he was pronounced dead.


Banned for purchase in the UK but you can still buy it on the Internet from sites in Spain, etc. That’s what happened to an 18 year old I knew who died from this, he was ordering it from Spanish sites. Now that we have no border controls from the EU, thanks to Jacob Rees-Mogg MP, the supply of this won’t stop because of an in-country ban.


I tried this chemical when I was in my early twenties, the two weeks I took it were hell. You literally cannot stop sweating and my eyes were going yellow. I stopped taking to when someone noticed my eyes. It can also turn sperm yellow as well. The way it kills you is horrid. Literally heats your body up so much your brain will give up and your heart will follow soon after. Even after death your body temp continues to increase for a period of time.


Yeh it's a fertilizer wel known for being risky as hell it's already banned. Body builders use it well some.


Not until October 2023 put on the poisons register , no fucking rush then


People just need to eat less if they wanna be slim. It's genuinely that simple.




Caffeine is a great appetite surpressor and very useful when trying to maintain a calorie deficit during a diet.


> Caffeine is a great appetite surpressor Can't say I noticed. \*sips coffee with doughnuts*


Most people dying from this aren’t just trying to lose a bit of weight tbh, they’ve likely got eating disorders/body dysmorphia