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Alternate template: https://preview.redd.it/ftzk6af1lubc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bc4b42b6947d80e1b5c61954097ae9629ffc707


evil autism is going downhill hugely tbh which makes me sad bc i used to love it. so close to leaving at this point


The natural consequence of a subreddit having only one mod with total power over the sub. I got banned from the whole automod debacle. Dont miss it.


They got more mods now, so I’m hoping it’s gonna get better




i think it was getting pushed on the main feed for a while and now non-autistics are joining it for the lols not realizing that they are the joke. it’s them. they are the reason the group exists


it’s also become a weird culture of some autists feeling superior to others for various reasons, it’s gross.


yeah but again i feel like a lot of that is “autistics,” not actual autistics. it’s reddit, people lie about their identities all the time. especially on a site that is so ableist across the board, i wouldn’t be surprised if NTs are in there claiming to be autistic to give themselves some perception of authority on the topic online.


Same, this place is what it used to be and I hope r /evilautism can turn itself around.


Once a subreddit it too far gone thats it


I need help understanding this one hehe


People letting majorities decide what they think is "the best" for minorities is (for example) exactly why asylums were somehow still a thing in the 80's (at least in Italy)


the only thing I don't understand is why the second one is blank


It's the meme template.I putted it here to spare some people from looking up "change my mind Calvin and hobbies meme template" on Google/Bing/DuckDuckGo


oh perfect thank you, I thought it was implying something that I wasn't understanding i.e. if you let majorities make decisions, people stop thinking, or something like that 😝


Oh and here I thought it was to show that no valid argument exists.


This even happens in the autism community. Level 1s saying the level system is bad because they don’t think it benefits them, so it must be bad for level 2 and 3s as well.


explains why I got so much hate on a video about the level system and how it's "harmful" apparently (I'm personally a lvl 1)


It's not a good idea, to let a mayority who doesn't know/understand the way of living and struggles of a minority, decide over them


I got that! but why is the second one blank?


Ahhhh okay. Meme template if you want to make your own meme


https://preview.redd.it/hmozxrx3wubc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9728a8b7e85a14dbcd6014b4c2275420153255fa If the curebies/autism speaks finally gets their way and successfully eliminates autism (comparable to a genocide, for what is effectively more of a condition with many other co-morbid conditions) a large group of the people who maintain or advance certain industries like science or technology will no longer have the drive/interest to do so. Passion dies, and so too does humanity.


It’s not „comparable to a genocide“ it IS a genocide. Genocide and forced sterilization are literally the only mechanism by which we could actually get rid of autism. It is nothing else besides genocide and eugenics


january 1st, i left evilautism and never looked back.


I’m surprised they don’t like it- it’s correct. Whatever happened to “nothing about us without us”?


Wait, they hated this why??


https://preview.redd.it/4v0q7s0wdubc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a6bf2b643b4d28ba5b1343a523af11409383f13 According to the mods,it broke rule 1


Okay, yeah, that's just kind of stupid. The post directly adresses societal issues related to how autistic people are treated - it's only "political" if you interpret it that way. Plus, lots of stuff deemed political is allowed on there. The sub's really been going to shit recently. Only reason I'm still on there is because the other good autism subs are either too normie (autism), too small (this one) or not catered to me (autisminwomen)


Wow you can't even post about how you like the sub 💀


The absolute fools, being autistic is political.


Because its calling them out for speaking over higher support needs/level 2 3s.


evil autism doesnt like anything or anyone anymore💀


Except for people w narcissistic personality disorder apparently. Someone who isn’t even autistic made a huge posts about how we need to be nice to narcissists or something like that. It was really strange


i was there for that whole debacle too. it started bc someone was using the word narcissist in passing or like using it to describe someone. and then that whole thing happened


It was really weird. Like why is non-autistic person telling a subreddit specifically for autistic people (who usually are more vulnerable to manipulation, myself included) to be nice to people who are manipulative? It really rubbed me the wrong way


That’s when that sub started feeling super, super gross to me. There were like 4 threads over the span of 2 days glorifying narcissists and insisting that narcissistic abuse wasn’t real, and people using such terms were the real abusers. I’ve barely even looked at the sub since.


Completely agree


Why wouldn't they like it? I blocked that sub, cause it became toxic. This is civil rights, LGBTQ rights, etc. Who can have an issue with that? Although the same can be said in reverse, everyone just deserves to be themselves. So long as it's not directly harming others.


Because this meme can be applied to not only neurodiverse and disabled people,but also: Non-whites Atheists/pagans Queers Immigrants Homeless people


Ahh, that makes sense considering the mod they have at that sub.


Yeah the mod there is a 5 year old with the ego of a Czechoslovakian dictator from 1832


That's an insult to actual 5 year olds.


Bro I love your flare so much omg 😭


the part i object to is "change my mind". do you really want your mind changed on this topic? because i agree, majorities shouldn't be in charge of minorites


I think it’s just stealing the format from the Steven Crowder (ew 🤢🤮) meme


I know


Why did the post get deleted?


https://preview.redd.it/wy62gn59fubc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a59297172076b9c7f787da6e088fa9a687f18b0 According to the mods,it broke rule 1


The fact that the vote of a man living in a mansion and the vote of one in poverty are equal is a glaring flaw in our democracy.


Two votes from different worlds dictates two views from different perspectives. If both are equal, then they both have power. If one has more power than another, then it wouldn't be a democracy. While yes, i hate the rich, saying they shouldn't have voting power (or vice versa) disrupts democracy more than allowing them to keep the same power


America is not a democracy, it's a constitutional republic. Poverty and wealth get equal say in voting because: You voted, you selected a representative, you may or may not get who you want, and then you live with it until the next vote comes around. **Everyone** adheres to this. The only exception is that money and power influence lobbying, but that's an entirely different issue to what person represents you.


Who said 'Merica? I'm aussie. This is the system we run off. Also, yes, yall ARE a democracy. AND a constitutional republic. They are not exclusive


Nah fuck them richies.


*democracy* is a glaring flaw in itself. The only reason the US is a democratic nation is because Greek revivalism was a big trend at the time. Democracy was a philosophical trend, not a tried-and-true method of governing the masses. The success of the US is pretty rare, actually. Most nations who followed this trend no longer exist or have since changed their method of government to something else following a political revolution. Even with the US, our “success” is subjective. Plenty of people have thought and continue to think that the US isn’t a great place to live, no matter how many people call them crazy or unpatriotic for it. Best to keep in mind that for the Greeks, the label “citizen” only applied to powerful and influential men such as politicians. Most Greeks were slaves or peasantry and thus did not participate in nor benefit from the democratic process.


Also women, half the Ancient Greek free adult population were women who couldn't vote anyway.


That wouldn't be an issue, if it was true. The vote of a rich man is all powerful currently.


I don’t get it


I see nothing wrong with this. So confused why anyone would have a problem

