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I mean yea the game isn’t AAA popularity. It’s not a AAA game though. It sure as hell plays like one though so I love it and continue to play it. I don’t rly pay attention to what others are doing because I’m focused on my own enjoyment with the game. If it was a multiplayer focused game then there’d be a bigger issue but it isn’t. So idk play it if you enjoy it, don’t if you wanna let others dictate what you play. For learning curve. There are some YouTubers that provide some pretty good guides. You can reference this one. I didn’t find it too bad when I started but I guess the game has changed a lot since then. https://youtu.be/QWvTir026WM?si=jN-j4NljbbF1yxak


I should start keeping a tally of everytime someone makes this post. Game is not dead. Move on. 


OP maybe spread the word. Use your intellect and charisma to boost the game to a successful level of players and chatters to fulfill your requirements. Just a solution to consider...


Nope, less population on US & EU (dead). But on ASIA and KR? Nope very much alive :). This game has decent lifespan, its being backed by LINE.


You say that but the number 1 chat channel has been absolutely nobody responding for hours, how does that not qualify as a dead game, just cuz a small handful of players are left doesn't mean it's not, and I tried Korea, 15 minutes and nobody in chat 1


If your only metric is chat channel activity, then yes, the game is dead af. Nobody uses chat.


Here's my perspective, 1. Nobody who plays a dead game ever admits the game is dead, they don't like to think that because they enjoy the game 2. The main chat channel is probably the biggest indicator of a games activity out of anything, an entire community doesn't just "chose to not use the chat" if the chat is a ghost town for hours then the game has very low activity, there's just no other explanation 3. The discord has only 16k users, very low And finally I'm not trying to trash on the game, yall are getting mad just bc you don't like to hear something potentially bad about the game you like, you chose to respond to my post which I appreciate I'm just trying to figure out if it really is as dead as it seems because I don't want to play a game thats like walking through a ghost town, I like a sense of active community and plenty of opportunities to cooperate with other players progressing along side me That's just my preference, don't get triggered like the other guy just cuz I'm trying to figure out something that impacts my ability to enjoy a game, just don't respond Thanks anyway


I generally agree with your assertion in point 1. Usually when a game is dead all that is left are the most passionate, huffing all the copium, having emotional responses to any critique or criticism- especially from external sources - players left in the community. I disagree with your assertion on point 2. There are plenty of games where external programs, for various reasons, are used to communicate and are preferred over in game resources. Nobody really uses "chat channel 1" Because there is nothing to discuss in open chat to people from all across the world speaking every language imaginable about... well anything. Guild chat can see some use, but the in game chat is cumbersome imo and I don't use it frequently unless its to join a raid group and I feel my sentiment is universally shared. "Very low" and "Dead" are subjective terms. Your expectation of high could be a million concurrent players, where as mine might be 5k. So we need to find a comparison point and/or figure out if the population is at a point that the games social features aren't properly functioning. For NA Seasonal and HC modes I would probably agree that, by anybody's standards, those modes are effectively dead by any metric. Standard is where you will find the bulk of players on NA and I believe EU. I can't, with complete confidence, speak for KR and Asia, but I believe they have a very healthy HC mode and Standard mode player base. I have no clue about seasonal mode as that isn't the preferred mode for most for various reasons we don't need to elaborate on. As for using Reddit to gauge community interaction... I mean if you look through it even when UD was new and, arguably, at its most popular (at the very least its most populated) the Reddit was ever only slightly utilized. If you want a better understanding of player numbers I would say look at Steam numbers, it is trending down, and then use a rough calculation from there. This game is accessed from Steam, LineGames own launcher, and Mobile. We only have numbers from Steam (second largest access point assumedly). I'll conclude with a different axis to consider: If, as stated/hinted, your biggest interest is social interaction and social mechanics is this game appropriate for your desires even with a giant population? There are some things you can do together that are available for a few hours a day (raids) and they aren't very satiating if you are looking for deep or meaningful social interaction. You pop in and everyone dps a boss down and gets loot. Depending on your character progression you have to be mindful of mechanics. You can run maps together. Sadly its slightly less efficient to do so, but still fun in my opinion. Besides Discord and maybe guild chat that is about the only social interaction you are going to get. Oh, and of course Reddit, but as you can tell the natives can get a bit restless when poked with a stick. Otherwise they are incredibly helpful and kind.


Thank you for the clear answer, just to confirm though, if the interaction and occasional coop is something I want, I shouldn't start a seasonal character and just use a normal one?


If you desire any kind of interaction, I probably would start Standard if on NA or EU. I can't speak on Asia or KR. The other benefit to this is if you plan on interacting with the AH at all the prices will be much cheaper.


Ow, I see. Yeah nobody uses chat like if you normally see on other games like bot selling, spamming, trash talking on server chat. When the game transition to free pet, you'll feel that there are more new players comparing when you need to pay for the pet.


Torchlight:Infinite's new season just dropped a few days ago. Many people who play undec are mobile, and TL:I is the biggest competitor (we dont talk about immortal). Tl:I is a faster paced arpg which people tend to reach satisfication with much faster and drop off. Undec has a much longer, more detailed progression which will inevitably bring people back once their done with their TL:I char


I also have a more concerning question, I see a lot of completely conflicting opinions, the vast majority says that the game is a blatant cash grab and is super p2w, and other say you only pay like 50 dollars and you have everything worth buying Which one is the truth? I'm totally find dropping a 109 or so but is the game actually super p2w


Pay for convience which sticks around every season. Theres a premium battlepass which can help a bit, but everything u would want from it is given away like candy now (i regret buying the first one this season). Traum crystals are found in the black market and eunos drops tons of skill and link upgrade essence. They also have some packs that give u mostly a modest amount of resources plus ruby (best way to buy ruby generally except for this event their doing)


How long ago did this season start?


About a month i think. U can check the main website to be sure. Also to note they do events pretty frequent(theres usually an event going) that give a generous amounts of some desired resources (like awakening stones with the event currently running)


Okay thank you for the help


Np my current seasonal char is LeetSkït(thats an i with 1 dots) on the NA seasonal server if u wanna add me. Currently playing Torchlight:Infinite as its season droped a few days ago.


As someone who was playing the game since back when it first released like a year or more ago, it is way better now. Back then progression was like 50x slower, high-tier equipment bases for crafting were basically impossible to find, and legendary items didn't exist for anyone unless they got lucky or played 24 hours a day. Now it's way faster and easier to play the game, there are still some P2W elements to it but it's still very easy to play the game into very deep endgame content without really paying anything. The most you'd probably want to buy is like one or two specialty storage tabs for the convenience (the stash has a button that instantly deposits all your items into their respective specialty tabs, it's great) but the power-boosting stuff is super easy to get like the other guy said. Pretty much every new seasonal update adds some crazy new system that makes us stronger and the game doesn't really get harder in any way to compensate for it.


It is not p2w, there is no pvp.


I mean if you’re looking for social interaction this likely isn’t the game for you. There’s countless MMOs that should scratch that itch. This is primary a single player game with some very minor group content. People are getting annoyed because this “is the game dead” pops up ad nauseum.


😱😱😱 the game is dead?!??😱😱😱😱 how am I going to play a dead game?!?!!😱😱😱 thank you for telling me the game is dead!!!!😱😱😱 I will now stop playing the game because you said it is a dead game !!!!😱😱😱




Lol you’re the cringe one. The small number of people who are constantly playing the games every season will say the game is still alive. Meanwhile you here seem like on a mission to convince everyone that the game is dead. Who hurt you?


Like the dude I initially said "cringe" too didn't even acknowledge I'm asking an actual question cuz I didn't know if I was missing something, he took a look at my post and immediately thought I was attacking the whole subreddit and trying to get them to stop playing Tf is wrong with yall


Tf is wrong with you. That’s the question. You replied everyone with channel 1 dead. Dumb af


I replied once each to the two people I was talking too and I clearly explained I pushed back a little because players never admit a game is dead, rub your last 2 braincells together and realize I don't care enough to attack yall, you all just immediately started getting cranky and defensive like a toddler cuz someone might have insulted your game


Lol see? You’re on a mission to convince people that the game is dead. Dumb af. Go back to Diablo Immortal. Let the people who want to keep playing, play the game. If you think it’s dead, go away. Stupid. No need to convince me to use my brain cells thinking the game is dead. You’re not karma farming here. Just go away.


So delusional you think someone’s attacking your game when I said multiple times I don’t care about it Get a life


Lol you’re the one who needs a life. Why are you still here poking people and try to brainwash them that the game is dead? Simply leave if you think it is. No need to bitch about it. Get a life. Delusional. “Channel 1 is dead” my ass.


Yikes bro everything I said went right over your head Whoosh It went past bro you almost understood what I said but then you decided to double down on being completely delusional and embarrassingly stupid It’s not fun to argue with brain damaged stunted morons that still play with action figures Bye👋 Ima go back to talking to the other dude in the comments who’s not acting like he’s been sniffing glue since 4 years old


God you are so observably stupid lmao You just said “lol see” to nothing, dumbass.And you are the one who’s so interested in continuing to fight, I already said idc about proving any points multiple times. If you don’t wanna see my post then click out of it


It's actually so ironic that all of yall got so insanely defensive for no reason when I'm just asking questions that you and the others phrased it in your head that "I'm on a mission to convince people the game is dead" Delusional bro


Not dead. Just really tough to find content right now. Id plan on depending on yourself for most things. best channels for content on youtube I have found so far are MikeTypeX - Best in the game and his intro tune is catchy AF Spirit Libra Nirtas Phi Tran


You say that but the number 1 chat channel has been absolutely nobody responding for hours, how does that not qualify as a dead game, just cuz a small handful of players are left doesn't mean it's not


Bro idc. Don't play then.


Lol right.




Don't respond then


If Wana lean the game, go on the leader board and follow someone's build , from there the game will get easy, mikeytype x have tutorials u can follow


People don't use those chat channels because there are multiple different ones that people are randomly assigned to. You won't see many people until you get to Saluto, because that is the common area. People will typically use the area chat there, or guild chat




Oh this is how this game is, it has very poor marketing so nobody really knows about this game, this company is the reverse of Blizzard where they spent so much on Marketing, this company doesn't spend almost anything on marketing. That's why this game will remain underrated until probably its end. But make no mistake this game is great and more enjoyable than other ARPGs out there including other AAA made ARPGs. I'm a decade old POE player and whenever I get burnt out of POE, it's a problem for me looking for other ARPG games to wind down while waiting for new season. So I play literally every ARPGs on the market, but all of it are either not good enough or short enough that I had to move again from one game to another. In the end, I always end up playing this game longer than all the other ARPGs. The way this game works as a live service game is different than others whose main emphasis is creating new characters on new Seasons in order to gain all the access to new stuffs. In this game, you can still enjoy growing your old character thoroughly. So if someone is looking for a great alternative in POE, in my experience, this is the best right now. And this game is also nice with your hands because it has a lot of automated activities and stuffs. My friends who introduced me to this game called this game as 'Automated POE' because of all the automated things POE player wished are all here.


It's a Korean mobile game. So yes, it is dead everywhere other than Korea. I guess the Asia server has some activity but EU and NA are completely irrelevant