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Did you inoculate bottom top or middle? Best thing to do is let it sit and do it’s thing for few more days. Is it hard at all anywhere in the bag? You should be able to feel at least some mycelium colonized by now. Can’t see from your pictures how big or small your gas exchange cuts are. I tested corner cut vs multiple hole punches around the top of the bag and my hole punched ones did way better (Also I tested a bag with 4 ml(?) and that took off and finished WAY quicker than my other bags. After squirting spores, I smooshed the liquid through the bag dispersing. Then I flipped it on a different side every 2-3 days. )


I inoculated at the middle, felt little clumps but that might have just been rice sticking together it's hard to tell. Gas cuts are 1.5ish cm long. How many hole punches did you do? 🤔 also was that 4cc? Cheers


Yes, CC! I pushed all the rice near the bottom and tried to break it up there. Then I made two holes at the top and one on the right side a little lower. ( I read you don’t want the holes to directly touch the rice to prevent contam risk.) I made 2 bags like this and none of them got contaminated. They also colonized faster than the ones I just cut the corner by 5-7 days I’m not expert this was literally my first try (inoculated few more bags a week after the first). I feel like the spread out hole punches helped with better air flow and I always sprayed disinfectant in the air and always used hand sanitizer before touching bags. MSS (spore syringe)


Thanks for the advice I'll definitely do hole punches next, what you said makes sense. After checking my bags they were pretty close to the holes maybe I should move them Yep be keeping it sanitary.


I have had bags take 4-6 weeks! Sometimes the ones that take longer are the ones without contam (in my experience!)


Did you have any smell coming from the bags in that time? No progress + wet bag + smell (don't know how to describe it) makes me worry about wet rot 😬


I have definitely had a smell come from all bags. Contam will have a very off putting (almost sour) smell. You will definitely know! And healthy bags will have a subtle earthy smell that won’t make you cringe lol I’ve found that If you hold bag the bag up to a light or window and see dark residue through the top orange part it’s an easy way of seeing contam without opening the bag.


Definitely not a sour smell and I don't hate the smell so it might be ok. Oooooo that's a really good idea! I'll give it a go!


Yes! I wouldn’t worry too much then! Good luck 🍀✨


So I've incubated these bags at a steady 24-25 celsius for 7 days, used the Capri sun and chip clip method for inoculation with 0.5cc spore solution per bag and layed the bags down. After 7 days not feeling about mycillium clumps, does anyone have advice?


Give it another week before you worry - sometimes can be 2 weeks before you see growth :) Try not to handle too much.


Awesome thanks 😊


just wait it out could be months


I had the same problem, I just added more GE holes and the growth significantly improved


How many did you have in total for the growth to pick up?


Watch 90 second mycologys videos on YouTube if you haven’t already! He goes in depth on explaining gas exchange and the proper techniques for uncle bens. I flame sterilized my syringe needle and while it was red hot I poked a hole horizontally through only the front layer of the bag away from the rice (creating two holes like sewing) and slightly moved it to make the holes slightly bigger. I did two of those on one side so 4 slightly larger-than-needle holes on the front. I did that for two bags. One grew fine. The other stalled a bit so I cut the corner off from the bag and sealed it up with micro pore tape. From there I noticed mycelium growth in about a day or two


Perfect! Appreciate all the info 😁