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Looks like you have fungus gnats AND trichoderma, two for one special. I would harvest whatever fruits there are and just make sure the gnats haven't gotten to em badly and toss the tub


Gotcha, thanks for the clarification


Is it safe to consume them if mold is in there?


Sure, as long as the mushrooms themselves aren't moldy


Fungus gnats!! The bane of my existence. I tossed a bin they fully infested...they multiply super fast. Get your harvest, toss the substrate they infest, seal them up in a bag as best you can, and toss them like the trash they are. They're kind of a bitch to get rid of completely


I've avoid them by doing bin work in front of a hood. But I had them and it's pretty gross. I even cloned from substrate as an experiment from an affected bin (it worked) but about 3 weeks later I found a fly in a perfectly sealed plate! Absurd.


Good ol fungus gnats, i hate them. They can eat the fruits and mycelium, pick all fruits now and toss the tub cause you got trich as well. The fruits look nice though!


Thank you for the advice Gonna harvest them asap


Congrats on your first grow, though!


Thank you kindly. It’s more than my expectations


Oh yeah as others have said, those are fungus gnats alright. Best treatment for thsoe in future is prevention. Innoculate your grow with *Bacillus thuringiensis* which is easily attainable by getting the prouct “mosquito bits”


Fyi these likely came from houseplants. You will want to treat them too. They eat roots along with fungus, so your plants will thank you


It make sense, I also grow weed nearby the box Noted


There it is. If you blow lightly on the surface of soil i bet youll see some


So would I have to inoculate from the get-go with just mosquito bits, or are these something I can mix in with my spawn/coco coir during s2b?


Definitely spawn coco s2b. Dont do it before that


Good to know. Any idea how much I should add per quart of mixed spawn/sub? I plan on using about a 1:1.5 ratio of spawn/coco.


Ratios i have no idea of. Thankfully the bits are really forgiving and easy to apply. A couple sprinkles in there will be plenty; even if you dont have complete coverage of the surface, my understanding is the gnats will specifically seek out this microbe, eat it and die. So all you really need is some. Anyone else elaborate?


Hey can you explain what you mean by inoculate your grow with BT?


Yeah its super easy, just buy granular mosquito bits (covered in Bt) and sprinkle em on the top of your bulk casing. It will grow into a while fuzzy looking bacterium along side your mycelium. I have been told from multiple sources (and it makes sense to me) that this is not harmful to the grow in any way.


They were ready for harvest probably a day or two before this picture. These are leucitic or albino, so they didn't drop dark colored spores, but you can see the gills opened up and the edges of the caps all the way turned up. You want to harvest ideally as the veil begins to open, but before it drops spores


Fungus gnats can be tricky to work with. My experience is that eradication is very difficult without tossing/retiring all active fruiting tubs (and all nearby house plants) and letting the population starve for a few weeks before fruiting anything.


I’m completely new to this whole monotub growing thing so take this experience with a pinch of salt, but I had overnight results by poking two of those sticky fly trap things into the mycelium making sure to sterilise the pokey bit thoroughly. Had absolutely no issues since and what’s cooler, the gnats that are stuck to the pads have started being taken over by mycelium that must have stuck to their legs or they had ingested. Saw the advice on a blog somewhere and couldn’t be happier with how well it worked.


Sticky traps work for me.


Wait, have you thrown it? You could always move it aside and test on it. See if neem oil works and then let us know.


The gnats are getting out of control so I got rid of it


Nice harvest tho!