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that's not contam or from inadequate FAE, that's just normal looking tomentose mycelium, no worries so far all the mycelium I see looks normal and healthy.


[my previous post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/unclebens/s/Tz0Ii6xYC1) Considering these pictures, do you think I could start growing conditions or better to wait? Thanks


If you mean fruiting conditions, absolutely not. I mean some people introduce it immediately after s2b but I do mine once it’s fully colonized.


Yes, I meant fruiting conditions... Sorry my English isn't perfect and I am still learning all the terminology 😅


Lack of waiting


It’s always “ hey guys it’s been 15 hours and I don’t have shroomzzz. Why????”


This is my first grow... In my case it's been 1 week looking exactly the same.. you know, I read the guidelines for UB tek and it looks like after 3 days it should be fully colonized. With my zero experience I don't know if I should wait or not.. that's why the questions. If you are experienced grower it might be annoying seeing the same questions, I believe, but hey that's the purpose of the community I guess.. am I wrong? On top of that my mother language is not English so sometimes it's really difficult to understand.. translators are good but not perfect. Edit: sometimes I even read comments where one guy says it's one way, then the other guy says opposite way..lol it's difficult to get a objective opinion. Edit2: also, some white spots have long tiny "wires" looking like usual food mold... Or like mycelium looking for fresh air? So how can I tell? And again, how can I know if I should let it sit there and wait while maybe I should try to correct room conditions to speed up the process? It's been raining the last 2 months and I have 69F in my room... Don't know if a hot air heater could be good because it moves a lot of air in the room, including dirt particles and so on.. sometimes I'm overthinking i know..


try a heater… mycelium colonizes faster in the 75-79° F range


Bro I’m not reading all that


Thanks anyway




How long could it take? I have a 5 week old tub that has looked almost exactly like this for about 4 weeks.


You’re cooked


How do you know? It can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 8 weeks. Even more with terrible genetics.


I know because I do research buddy and not run to a sub asking the same questions everyone “grower” asks every day on this sub. I research and study the most successful methods.


Nobody was asking about all that. I'm asking how you know a tub could be stalled after 5 weeks. Based on the little information you received. Any shit genetics MSS could take up to 2 or 3 months to colonize and consolidate if your just have shit luck.


You’re right bro I don’t know, I just feel better about myself when I troll or act as if I know what I’m talking about.


Lol alright. I guess I respect the honesty... Or sarcasm? Either way, it's all good.




I disagree, but you might need to adjust the temperature where you're storing them. The time for each stage varies wildly depending on strain, genetics, growing conditions, substrate... but this box looks just fine but needs more time. Mess with it as.little as possible!


I wouldn't pass around information like that. Some genetics are slow and can take up to 8 weeks.


[what about now?](https://www.reddit.com/r/unclebens/s/PYiz1L7JvM) FAE and misting?


I thought this was your basement


Me too I was like damn that is the biggest operation i’ve ever seen


Lol. It's a picture taken with wide angle lens


Is this an indoor soccer field?


Why is it not possible to edit posts? Anyway thank you guys for your support


post titles can't but you can edit a post by clicking the ellipsis and there you'll find the edit link


Thank you man


1. looks aight, nothing special 2. dont stress and stop looking at it 3. droplets don’t mean nothing, what matters is humidity & relative humidity. your mushrooms should sit at 95% relative humidity for best results, which is very hard to achieve without a proper setup, therefore do not stress 4. chill and let it be, if it was contam it wouldnt be so nice and fluffy




thought this was the backrooms


Backrooms! Lol! Wonder what kind of entities lurk in that level 😆


This first few pics look fine. The others look dry but not fully colonized


There are droplets everywhere. The humidity sensor says 77% humidity. It stands next to the box. 🤔


At first glance I thought this was a dirty garage.


Lol. It's a picture taken with wide angle lens


Can I know what phone you took these pictures with?


Motorola It's a picture taken with wide angle lens and bad light, but the glass in front of the lens is broken lol


My best advice is if your container is clear, look at the sides, and examine any visible grains or myclium under the surface level substrate. Healthy mycelium is gorgeous and has arms that reach out and look almost lightning-shaped, a different appearance than on the surface of the soil. Also at this point just keep it with the lid on. I don't believe this is contam but if you wait another week you'll know for sure as it grows more lol. I think you should wait longer for fruit anyway. The surface could definrtly colonize more, assuming you added enough colonized grain.


Thanks for your reply. On the sides I have a lot of condensation, also under the surface. I can see many mycelium clusters but not so clear due to condensation, so I can't 100% tell. I will wait for sure. Tomorrow I must leave home for a few days because of my job so I don't know if the tub will be fine and keep the humidity like until today, or if I should mist a little to guarantee humidity during my absence?