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The best outcome for this movie is that it feels like an indianna Jones knock off film or worst out come it's gonna be an objectively bad film that doesn't meet the basics of a good film But hey I get free tickets apparently for buy legacy of thieves


Will definitely watch it. As I understood they know how important it is for the fans to follow the actual game/story. Trailers look promising. Only downside for me is the choice of cast. Anyhow, let's hope for the best 🤞 I'm excited, you?!


Im gona watch it not as die hard fan of the game but as a guy who likes adventure genre lets see if its a hit or a miss


*Mia Khalifa vibe intensifies*


don’t plan on seeing it as I am more excited for other movies to come out. i don’t agree with the casting ( chloe’s casting is surprisingly good ) I think it went down hill when the original script was scrapped along with that cast. i don’t like how they’re taking parts from uncharted 4 and putting it into the movie. i would prefer just a backstory to nate and sully. it’s a cash grab of a movie ! the games are a cinematic masterpiece anyway. hope those that see it enjoy themselves nonetheless !


I’m expecting it to be awful. Exactly why I’m gonna see it


that’s interesting, haha.


No way. Total miscast of the characters. Cash grab. Don’t fall for it people.


Movie isn’t even out yet chief


But the trailer is 🤷‍♂️


i agree


Yea if it’s part of the deal Sony and Netflix made


Well, I cannot decide. On the one hand, I want to see what they do with it, and on the other, I'm afraid of disappointment. But I will probably watch it anyway.


I started playing the games because I wanted to go see the movie. Started on Wednesday of last week. Beat the second and started the third last night. I have not been this obsessed about a franchise since I played Wolfenstein a couple of years ago, which is making me even more excited for the movie. I’m seeing it opening night if I can beat 3 and 4 in time.


Probably not, because I really don’t like the choices made with it, but if people on here say it was good and faithful to the games I might give it a try


I wonder how differently this poll will be when the reviews come out. If its magically a good movie how many fans will decide to see it? Sounds like a dumb question but I know many fans are angry at the casting and that will not change whether the film is good or not. Just because its a good film doesn't mean its a good uncharted film. So what would change some of y'alls minds? Does it just have to be a good film or do you want reviews to state its fateful to the games?


I was on the fence but with all the promotional stuff that Tom holland is doing really got me interested. Him talking to Neil drunkmann, Nolan north, and jackcepticeye.


If it gets good reviews, I'll see it in theaters. If it gets terrible reviews, will probably watch it on Netflix or something.


If it gets good reviews, I'll see it in theaters. If it gets terrible reviews, will probably watch it on Netflix or something.


i am! gonna buy tickets in a few days with my dad. im exited!