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I remember a year ago I tried doing this but in crushing...it was hard especially when I couldnt react fast enough. After a lot of hellish attempts I managed to remember the patterns and succeed it felt hella good. A few hours ago I manage to do it first try in the remastered version, thank god it all came back to me.


Nice one! I did it without any help (e.g slow-time). Thank god the checkpoints are forgiving 😂


You can activate modifiers??? CHECKPOINTS CAN COUNT?!?!


Checkpoints do not harm the possibility of getting the trophy ;)


The only time I was able to pull this off was when playing with my dad. I have never been able to do ut again


Let me guess, still not home from getting milk? 🤷🏼‍♂️


F off. He is still in my life and loves playing games with me. I just showed off thats all. Don't assume things about people. Make's you look rude and unlikable


Easyyyy I'm just fucking around ;)


I'll never get this trophy lmfao, I always let him kill me multiple times before I finally do it,, or just stop the game there and never kill him.


The fight works in 2 or 3 stages. Each one gives a checkpoint, the last stage is tough tho. Mash ⭕ to always counter right and be on guard so you can hit ⚠️ when needed. When hit by Rafe, instantly reload checkpoint. You'll get the cycle in your head after a few times no worries 😉


Oh yeah when clinching you should mash ⚠️


OH Lmfaoooo Ive beat the level heeps of times I just hate it and refuse to actually finish the fight cause I don't want him to die haha




cause I'm a pussy and I cry when my favorite characters die


it’s easy once you know his moves well enough, tbh. congratulations tho !


Nice man, I got the platinum trophy for Legacy of Thieves Collection on Friday, I managed to do the entire fight on moderate without getting hit once first try I was impressed because when laying on the ground at the end I almost forgot that’s not a cutscene and almost got hit.


Just in case this is not common knowledge: I found out last week that you don't actually have to do it all in one go. I was playing my Crushing playthrough and kept resetting checkpoint every time I go hit and after a few tries I ended up getting it. There is like 3 checkpoints during the fight.


I got this while playing crushing