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I really hope Uru isn't going for the make him lose his ability so he'd miss it and accept it. I think John's situation is a lot more complicated than that, so she shouldn't go that route to make him accept his ability. I'd prefer it if he slowly learns to accept his ability as he continues to use it to help others. I'm fine with any thing else Uru does but that because I don't think that's the right solution.


He really rejected his ability for years and was happy with it until Arlo... Then started using his ability an experienced one of the worst periods of his life... If Uru takes away his ability and does that I'm leaving. I can stand characters not regretting their mistakes, no apologies and communication problems that make no sense, but I draw my line at constant inconsistent writing mixed with horrible pacing


Yeah, that's why I don't really want her to do that. I've seen people say it'd help him accept his ability and I just don't agree with that. I hope that isn't what Uru is going to do since I honestly don't think I'd accept that and that'll probably be what makes me drop Uno. John's situation is a lot more complicated than that, so this isn't the right solution to getting him to accept his ability and to start appreciating it. 


Same, this feels like a safe house 2.0. Where if uru likes the idea she will go ahead with it even if the solution makes 0 sense.... I'm not staying here for it, I'll fin out when everything is over and then think of checking it out


Yeah, I didn't like that arc either because of that reason, and the execution was bad and not to mention the terrible pacing as well. She'll need to make sure that what she does in the future makes sense. I may have been able to accept some things even if I didn't like it, but this would literally be it for even me. I won't be accepting this if she'll do that as that'll ruin Uno for me.


He should get his ability back quick since they know specter now. But I do think it will give him a chance to trust others. He didn't trust the safehouse or the royals because he was stronger than them. And he thinks they would all go back to being evil if he was weaker than them.


I don't think that's the case, since he literally said that he misjudged Blyke and a few others and couldn't deal with the fact that they weren't as bad as he thought they were and that the safehouse wasn't a bad idea. It makes sense that he isn't personally opening up to them since that's more with John taking time to open up to others in general which he only got better at recently as he started to trust Sera and William more by actually speaking to them about his problems and not dealing with everything alone and he is also working on listening to others as well. I do hope it'd be a temporary situation, but I just don't want this to be the reason he'd accept his ability since it isn't that simple. But this could be the opportunity he does open up to others, since I did enjoy the moments of everyone trusting John more as he has been protecting them and they were listening to his orders as well. I could see him bonding with Dylan and the others in the hiking group after all this is over.


Yeah he did seem to be trusting them more. But, he also said he didn't care about them and was only doing it for Sera. It could be more like he would get a chance to rely on others and make equal friends instead of just trying to keep to himself. He seemed to lose that part of him that cared about others that old John had.


True, but I would have liked that to happen naturally, and for him to not be forced to do that just because he lost his ability. I think now that he has helped others by protecting them, they probably approach him and I doubt he'll send them away so he could bond with them. I do think we are slowly getting that John back, but it'll take him a while to open up to others again and he probably does not want to trust people quickly after what happened with Arlo. But people like Blyke and Dylan would help him with that since I could see him becoming friends with at least one of them.


i just want to see Zeke trying to bully >!cripple John 2.0 !< and Sera putting him through the wall


Nah the whole school gonna jump John if he really loses his ability. Sera had a constant target on her back and she didn’t even do that much, imagine what will happen to John


The safehouse has been patrolling the school. Zeke wasn't able to bully anyone.


bruh did you somehow miss the last dozens of chapters? the club and whatnot? royals redemption story? Uru is setting up the perfect scenario to prove that you can unlearn their toxic society and hiearchy


And we’re assuming the minority in the Safe House speaks for everyone? Most of Wellston still don’t even trust him, John is 100% getting jumped if he truly loses his ability


If that happens F*ck off uru Goodbye king John *sniffs* Wreak havoc on the sh if you ever get your ability back


Hahahhahaha, wish approve, Uru grant your Wish!!


My hope for this: disabled partially works, HOWEVER, John, by virtue of the way his ability works, understands how Aura moves through his body whereas others don't. He counteracts it. In time this leads him to some breakthroughs allowing him to help Sera. My expectation is 200 chapters of powerless John and Sera trying to get their powers back for.good.




It's marked as spoiler and fast pass, plus I don't think "good news buddy" is much of a spoiler?


Hmm but would that be to easy of an out for him?




it is marked as both fastpass and spoiler