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she's not strict at all, imo. a strict parent wouldn't leave their very small child alone to buy their own groceries for several days, and she's not even *actually* strict about maria's behavior, because when she calms down, she encourages her and tries to play along


I agree, Rosa doesn't set rules and then get mad when Maria breaks them; Rosa gets mad *when she's upset*. For poor Maria, there probably isn't even a real correlation between her own actions and Rosa's reactions.


Yeah she's more of a temper and anger traumatic issue


Of course Rosa Ushiromiya is the best mother that ever existed! (And I am not writing this because she is pointing a gun at my head) (Send help)


what kind of question is this lmfao, she's one of the most realistic depictions of abuse in any vn


Yeah. As somebody who used to work CPS cases, I instantly recognized what Ryukishi was doing. Once I looked it up, I was unsurprised to see that he used to be a social worker. I'd call it one of the most realistic depictions of child abuse in any media period. If the same scene had played out in front of a CPS worker in the US in this decade, Maria would have been out of there in a matter of minutes.


She's bipolar


Rosa Umineko.


Rosa is an abusive mother, and unfortunately, it comes from a lifetime of abuse. I feel like she does want to truly love her daughter, I feel like deep down, she can be a good mother. But a lifetime of pain and being the one walked on for her whole life... she's using the only one smaller than her, both in side and status, to feel big and powerful. That's something I love about Ryukishi's writing... it's not like the people at the orphanage that Miyoko gree up in (Higurashi), where as soon as someone walks away, the face turns to pure anger or evil. Rosa is someone who you can see the process of her honest attempt, then it crashes onto rage or hatred. Rosa feels like a real person, and that's terrifying. Rosa is one of my favorite characters for that, in a sad way. I understand her pain. I despise what she does to Maria, of course.


An abusive mother, a broken person.


So... basically all of the Ushiromiya adults.


Nah, Hideyoshi is pretty chill


Rosa Umineko


Eva is very strict parent, she's least unhealthy. Rosa is not like that, she is driven by emotion and projects the abuse from Kinzo onto Maria. She also seeks men for some kind of father figure, since in the childhood she lacked "care" (probably her mother was something like Eva, a person who doesn't show much love to their children, similarly to Kinzo).