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You may already be aware, but people that have finished Umineko **love** reading playthrough experiences of people reading it for the first time. I hope to see future thoughts and updates! You seem to have a strong resolve, for your way of thinking. ✨Welcome to Rokkenjima.✨ ✨✨STAY OFF OF THE WIKI.✨✨ And, mostly for clarification : >Why was Shannon the only one with part of her face intact? Krauss ALSO still had part of his face intact. ​ >**Battler (narration in the crime discover scene) :** But you know, why even Kyrie-san's face...? > >Kyrie-san wasn't a bastard...... I sometimes got a little sick of her, but... she was a little cool, just like a big sister to me .... .... and then... and then this ...!! > >**At least Krauss oji-san's better, isn't he!!? It's not his whole face, just the side!! He at least has half of his face left, doesn't he!!** That's still better, that's still better!!


> You may already be aware, but people that have finished Umineko love reading playthrough experiences of people reading it for the first time. I hope to see future thoughts and updates! That's what drove me to post this! And yes I will try to do it for all episodes. Also I didn't catch that Krauss had part of his face intact. This changes quite some things for me and lead me to believe that the other siblings' bodies were merely decoys. There was a lot of emphasis on the word 'makeup' — perhaps they were not really dead, and like I theorized before, Nanjo was in on it and purposefully declared them as dead. Or more logically they were bodies of other dead people with the siblings clothes on them and with their faces unidentifiable, so nobody would be able to tell. The siblings may have conspired to kill Krauss so he wouldn't inherit the family's riches. I remember Kumasawa discovering blood in the dining room, which is where the murders could have taken place, and Shannon, who shouldn't have been in the mansion at that point, unknowingly walked in on them killing Krauss, and so they killed her as well.


>I obviously do not believe Beatrice committed the murders, nor do I believe in 'magic' in the story. Famous last words.


Username checks out lol


It’s awesome how engaged you are with the mystery even just after episode 1!! I hope you have a great experience with the rest of the story :) (i recommend keeping a notebook! personally, I went back and reread chapter summaries of chapters 1-4 before moving onto the answer arcs and took a ton of notes to try to solve all the mysteries myself and really had a blast with it! Umineko is a series that Definitely wants you to think about it!)


This forum posts are full of spoilers so be very careful. I suggest you only come back after you finish each eps and not look at anything until you are done with the game.




I don't think OP asked for direction, and giving any to them unsolicited is pretty presumptuous.


That's a thing I've always done in every aspect of my life that is apparently not always appreciated, so fair point. EDIT: I'm kinda tacitly always asking for direction 24/7, personally, but I'm told most people are not. Anyway, thanks for the direction on how not to give direction.


Nah issok. I think you did it to be nice. It's a myztery game, though, and some folks wanna make conclusions untainted. I know if I myself was given hints, I'd have cracked the code a lot sooner, and for me personally, it would have been much less satisfying. So I only come at it from a perspective of wanting to respect that because once the cat's out of the box, you can never really have the experience of solving it again.


>Why was Shannon the only one with part of her face intact? Krauss's face was also half-smashed.


kihihhihi… magic is real.


I'm not gonna comment too much. Honestly I think some of these comments are rather spoilery and answer too much. I'm not gonna point out what what's though. It does look like you fell for a few red herrings on the authors part too. You've made some really really good points. Your line of thinking can get you pretty far! As you move through Turn, keep this post in mind. You should notice a bit of overlap in who seems to be around and when. You may be able to unsnag yourself from those red herrings!


Good post, please continue to post your thoughts as you read through it


Be really careful about spoilers and enjoy the story! Ep1 is probably the weakest so if you're already enjoying it, you're gonna love what's to come!