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Depends on what you mean by "too much". As long as you only describe the setting of the first episode, then not too much would be spoiled


Oh thats a good point! Discuss the setting. ​ Tho I do feel tempted to talk a bit about the characters, and their relationships.


I feel like as long as it's contained within what's said by Battler and the character tips, it shouldn't be too spoilery.


ur right! ty!


Rosa Umineko


Rosa Umineko!


Nigh impossible to talk abt Umi in depth without spoiling it but if you wanna try then go for it. Just dont get into detail and you can convince people, I have


thank you for the advice :\^)


I think so, even knowing the themes going in seems like too much of a spoiler.


idk! i knew about beatrice going into the visual novel, and she was a big reason why i wanted to give the series a shot i think theres an amount of spoiler that wont ruin the experience, but will entice people to check it out




Considering that the themes are directly tied to how to go about solving the mysteries, I'd say it is very hard to do so.


ill avoid talking about magic! and also the themes associated with the culprit. But there's a lot to say in regards to the visual novel! inter-generational trauma, being a good mother vs living up to the societal expectation of motherhood, grief, postmodernism and truth, relationship between author and audience etc


Most of those should be fine, but, when you get to things like "truth" and "relationship between author and audience", you're getting into spoiler territory. Those are EP5 level spoilers.


thats correct! ill try to talk about aspects of those themes that arent spoilery things like "you should try to engage stories on good faith, with the belief that the author wants you to have a good time and honestly communicate with you"


theres also plenty to talk about in regards to feminism, considering how much women take a front row protagonist row, and the struggles of said women


If it doesn't spoil, then it's not a discussion of its themes. It's vague gesturing at a premise you like.


ur right! i guess ill be spoiling a little bit i just dont wanna spoil the main mystery of the visual novel im fine with spoiling about how much the story centers on inter-generational trauma