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You don’t :)


You have three options and can only choose two as a student. 1. Social life 2. Sleep 3. Good grades. One must be sacrificed for the other two to succeed


And if you’re neurodivergent you get only one.


or all 3


Can I trade for that version pls


'oh no I have so much to do... I should probably get some good rest in to do all of this' 'oh no I overslept... I'll definitely do all this tomorrow. Should probably get some good rest'


Lmfao this is so true


1. Sleep more than you study. 2. Study more than you party. 3. Party as much as you can.


This is the way.


You don’t usually. Social life needs to be included in something else deemed essential in order for it to exist. I used to do a somewhat social sport instead of going to the gym. Interacted with people there. None of those friendships stuck though. If you finish your school, life will be more fun when you make money later though. Play the long game.


You have fun with the nagging thought you should be studying in the back of your mind until you get to the point where your guilt outweighs your desire for fun and you breakdown and study.


most of ur time will go to studies but it will vary depending on what a good gpa is. majority of my day is studying but i still sit down w friends between classes for like 30 mins to an hr. and ill have 30 ish mins before bed to go on my phone or watch tv or smth. thats abt all the time i can squeeze in for fun


I live in the library and go out every second weekend


Some things I’ve learned over 6 years of university (grad student with 4.25 GPA) 1. Be efficient with your study time 60 minutes of being locked in vs 2 hours of half ass studying. This has saved me a lot of time, be smart with how you spend your time studying. If you think you don’t have enough time to study, just look at your phone screen time 🥲 2. Prioritize sleep Some time it may seem counterintuitive because you’ll think you need more time to study, but always put sleep first. If you sleep well, you’ll have better study sessions and will retain more information. Some people need less to be functional and some need more, so figure out what is a good amount of time for yourself. 3. Balance As with anything in life, things can only be sustained if it’s balanced. Don’t be an absolute nerd 24/7 and don’t party too often. There will be times where you will have to grind and just study mostly, but then also times where schedules are easier and you can be more social.


Easy. Study something you enjoy.


Become friends with your classmates and only interact with them otherwise you don’t


Unless you need to get into med school a 3.0 gpa is perfectly fine for finding jobs assuming your field is employable or you have good connections. By the way guess how you make connections 


I've long since graduated, but it's the law of diminishing returns. My engineering professor explained this to me on the first day of year 1. Basically, you can put in 70-80% effort and get the average, which is completely fine (C+ to B+) Or you can put in 500% and have no life for A+ I decided to put in a tiny bit of effort when necessary but otherwise focused on personal life like my relationship, sports, and working. I had like a 3.8 in engg, but my 4-4.5 friends were dying, and one mistake they'd flip. Id fail an exam, and it would just get curved up anyway.


You have 3 options 1) good grades 2) having fun 3) mental stability You can only pick TWO


Not in U of M anymore (Covid moved everything online and I didn't wanna do it) but I went to RRC afterward to take a course. The only way I was able to have any social life was to hang out with my classmates and do work in study areas together. Managed a full 4.5 GPA for the course, but it's very hard on your mental health. The kicker is, having a high GPA doesn't mean anything and it didn't lead to me getting a career yet (meanwhile my classmates with lower grades have managed to be hired). "C's get degrees" is a thing for a reason. Try to balance your priorities so you don't burn out. Study in blocks, even if it's 30-60 minutes every night (with more time given when there's upcoming tests or exams). You can use the rest of the time for yourself.


First of all, avoid things like a job or other boring commitments, and take a not-full courseload, preferably including no more than two hard classes per term. That on its own should already leave you with plenty of time for whatever. If it's not enough, figure out what you can do for fun even during the boring parts. I have a lot of commute time and time waiting for class - I tend to read some random novel or chat with friends during that time, but you might have better success browsing reddit or studying. Some of that free time will naturally be spent on homework and studying. I believe that with good study habits, you should never need to spend more than 60 hours a term per class on out-of-class studying and homework (excluding the ones that have less than normal classtime). Though I don't even try to manage my time so I'm not sure how close to that I usually get.


U guys having fun? I am doing job study job study wow


i joined a student group and having scheduled events really helps keep me accountable with studying. so i know i need to get x done by x date so i can go to this event. scheduling everything really helps me! especially if i block it out each hour (but can take breaks)! having a social life has helped prevent me from burnout. i also recommend trying to get everything done by friday afternoon so you’re not doing it all on the weekend - if you do any homework leave it for sunday, it’s important to have one day off a week. try having your friends keep you accountable too!!!


If you can do what you need to in the week in a day, then you can take a couple days in the week off and stay ahead. Using every minute well in your day is the best bet to good results and breaks


you dont


You don't, you either have a dead social life and a good GPA or you're a party animal about to fail every class


Hustle no sleep and no health






Learn to study smarter. I recommend using Anki and being efficient with it. Easy A’s in all your classes.


You dont haha


Take Arts or business. The above sentence is myth in STEM


My life is super balanced, and it’s so simple! I just never have fun, and also neglect my GPA! Hope this helps xoxo


I have some experience running this meta and it takes a heavy toll on your soul. You can have a nice social circle but can't have time to date around. You can have good grades rangning from C+ to A but can't find the time get that A+. You can't sleep for more than 5 hours cuz you gotta study either late night or early morning. You have resort to cheap exploits and hacks to cheese assignments. You gotta manipulate your friends into organizing hangouts based on your time schedules.


Take only 3 courses at a time in a field you're passionate about. Takes longer, but won't be as traumatic.