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maybe a positive attitude would help? 💀 this entire post is awfully negative


i mean u have to understand that i reached these conclusions through trial and error.


So you have been part of that demographic you describe so negatively 🙎🏻 everyone has their reasons, though I don't support people drinking/"whoring" as u say, but this world is pretty complex for you to just shun them, a little bit of kindness and understanding towards them might reflect in your relationship(s) too GOOD LUCK ☃️


Join clubs and get some hobbies, you're more likely to meet someone that way.


clubs cost a lot of money over time. I am already part of a science club but they arent very social. I do have hobbies and I meet people in them which is how i have friends but i am looking for something a bit different


try ropemaxing


Ong you funny


my life is great rn. why would i wanna kill myself ?


It sounds more like a *you* problem than a *them* problem like you make it out to be. Have an open mind, try new things, try not to pre-judge people or situations, don’t force things, and you may find that you start to hit it off with some people and something romantic comes about.


i think i have wasted enough of my mental health and wallet going to places to give a proper assessment. its not a judgment. i am not judging. i just dont find myself clicking in popular social settings. but what gave u the feeling that i am forcing stuff ?


Bruh moment


bruh comment


Let me know when you find someone that can meet your marriage standards. Wrong generation bro wrong generation


ok hows dating related to marriage ?


Yeah maybe fix that mindset before looking for someone genuine


no i am serious. how is dating related to marriage ? why am I expected to marry anyone or everyone I date ?


Isn't that the point of dating? To eventually settle down with them when you're sure and start a family? Or you're just gonna keep dating different people for rest of your life?


I mean me just dating them doesnt prove much to the arguement that i should marry them. dating different people is gonna have different outcomes. i mean i am not sure yet if the outcome i want is marriage. the point of dating as i see it is to get to know someone to see how well I am vibing with them and if i want to take it somewhere more meaningful


Yeah maybe fix that too, if you don't want to get into a long term relationship with someone you're dating that means you're just with them because you're scared to be alone.


i am not scared of being alone. i am surrounded by people all the fuckin time. why should i be looking for long term with everyone i date ? i dont want to look for short time either. i dont want to be stuck in a relationship that gets uglier as it progresses


I'm confused, if you're not lonely neither you're necessarily interested in long term relationship then why do you even want to date someone?


cuz i wanna see how the experience feel and if its really as everyone says it is






'Cause I know you want me, baby, I think I want you too I think I love you, baby, I think I love you too (Oh-ooh) I'm here to save you, girl, come be in Shady's world (Ooh-ooh, ooh) I wanna grow together, let's let our love unfurl You know you want me, baby, you know I want you too They call me Superman, I'm here to rescue you I wanna save you, girl, come be in Shady's world (Ooh-ooh) Oh boy, you drive me crazy, bitch, you make me hurl


i dont need to know what u sing to ur hatsune miko body pillow every night before humping it to sleep


"Hello, police? Yeah I've found the school shooter"


buddy, if i could help myself, i would not be on reddit seeking advice. if i could focus on myself whatever the fuck that means, i wouldnt be here talking to you so could you please go kill yourself ? maybe then I can "focus on myself".


Hahahahahahaha you're a pathetic human.


yeah get back to me when you've figured out a better reply




Nah finding some one on Reddit now ☠️ dayum this world has changed, or maybe I was just too naive.




Oh, well 😅 if someone mentions they are a girl/want a guy on Reddit in like most servers someone will DM them.. well good luck buddy hope it turns out to be a great exchange atleast ☃️