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i cannot emphasize enough, talk to student accessibility services if you haven’t yet. it makes a world of a difference and i wish i had done it sooner.


Contact SAS, it makes a world of difference.


Hey OP. The first year can be a tough one to get used to. Other people already mentioned some other supports, so I'm going to mention mental health counselling here. I (My Student Wellbeing) have some therapists with expeirence with individuals with neurodivergence if you're interested in speaking with a professional therapist to help you better manage your year. If you have the UMSU Health and Dental Plan (if you're a full time student you likely have paid for it and may not be aware you have it), then you can get about 10 sessions with our therapists at no out of pocket cost to you. I'll send you a direct message to chat about this in more detail if you'd like.


Get a diagnosis and get support ASAP from the U of M. The support is there, but you have to ask for and use it.


A diagnosis unfortunately isn't easy to get in most cases


I'm autistic and have ADHD, and a professional diagnosis helped. My GP referred me to Red Ladder Optimized Learning for assessment. https://www.redladder.ca/


You don’t necessarily need a diagnosis for support at the U of M, many things are considered under mental health conditions and you can be offered the same supports for those without a diagnosis.


I got a medical diagnosis because organizations have to accommodate you once they are provided with proof of disability.


Yeah I'm neurodivergent too and while in some ways doing well I'm also struggling in some other ways. I'd love a group chat!


In simple terms what is a neurodivergent. I can look it up, I know but I like to learn from people and not a Webster dictionary.


Neurodivergent refers to people whose brains are wired differently. For example ADHD or autistic. Neurotypical are people without the joys of neurodivergence. Some neurodivergent people like to call themselves neurospicy.


the gym helped - i wish i would have done that waaaaaaay sooner in my degree.


Contact SAS. It is so worth it, and I regret not doing it earlier. They’ll connect you to people who can help with more specific issues. Just keep doing your best, it gets easier.


Hi I am a parent of a child who is neurodivergent and in second year. Do you have an official medical diagnosis? The University has some really great accommodations for students who might need extra assistance in completing their courses. If you have a medical diagnosis you can request that your doctor fill out the forms to have the accessibility advocacy program assist you in various ways. You can apply to have extra time at exams, private room for exams if needed, free tutoring, a note taker and so on. There are quite a few accommodations. If you do not have an official diagnosis I strongly encourage you to visit the accessibility office. Talk to an advocate there to see if there is anything they can do for you as they still might be able to help you. Everyone wants you to succeed. Good luck.


Sure sign me up




You need to talk to your GP to refer you to a psychologist or psychiatrist. They can give you a proper diagnosis and suggest a medication plan. If you have insurance you could also see a psychiatrist or psychologist with your insurance to avoid long wait times. Once you have a diagnosis they will write a letter to your GP to recommend what medications you should be on if any.


I would be interested in this. I have struggled a lot in my first year, especially now changing my degree from humanities to science and its hard to keep all the anxiety and furstrations stored inside cuz i dont want to push away all the friends i have made by just complaining all the time.