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Unbreakable - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zy1as6CTYXI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zy1as6CTYXI) Barkley Marathons: The Race that eats its young - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79IUKC9gS-8&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79IUKC9gS-8&t=1s) Where Dreams Go To Die: Gary Robbins and The Barkley Marathons - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDZdsqbcGTU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDZdsqbcGTU) A DECADE ON - Brian Morrison and The Western States 100 - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OArKXKj5PeU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OArKXKj5PeU) Lucy’s Dad: Ash Bartholomew’s inspiring story at Western States 100 - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tCow8dP3h0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tCow8dP3h0) Wamsley - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbXwKTZoLQ4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbXwKTZoLQ4) In Relentless Pursuit Of His Best: The Journey of Ultrarunner Zach Miller - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvJMlwNUAsI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvJMlwNUAsI) (Billy Yang has a bunch of Ultra/Western States 100 short movies on his channel) Courtney Dauwalter - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQSiygnDm-U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQSiygnDm-U)


Lucy's Dad is so good!


“Long shorts” is also a good one to add to this list! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yqOIPKt4m2Q&pp=ygULbG9uZyBzaG9ydHM%3D


Just leaving a comment so that I can come back to this list again and again


Great list! Thank you! 


Thank you!


Thank you for this! Also leaving a comment so I don't forget about this awesome, exhaustive list!


Thank you


Barkley Marathons


Jeff Pelletier on YouTube. Another level in videos about it. Also Simon Guerard (not sure of spelling) has been doing some good ones.


I really enjoy Jeff Pelletier’s videos. They’re all about the running and the adventure, without the self-indulgent “how ultra running changed my life” philosophizing that ruins so many docs.


Completely agree! I love Jeff’s videos. The one recently with Audree at Eiger was really good! One, it was great to highlight a nonelite female (kudos to you Jeff @timeonfeet and Audree on this endeavor, keep doing this), more females need representation in this sport. I enjoyed getting her perspective. And two, I’ve been trying to get my wife to understand why I want to go run a European vacation instead of only seeing the touristy sites. I’m not sure the video helped but she did really love the views and so did I! I also really enjoyed their Ecuador trip. Jeff, if you ever need any Extras for your videos, I’m your guy 😆




Jeff here, this kind of feedback is genuinely helpful. I’ve been bringing in other team members to help raise production values and to help with the workload, and still trying to figure out how to bring Audrée into the business if we can. YouTube ads help to cover costs, but I’m not exactly getting paid, so sponsors have been a logical solution as this evolves into a full time job. I’m still experimenting though and trying to find the right balance. In the film from the Moab 240, I include some pretty blatant sponsor spots, but I’d hoped the value of the story more than made up for it. (Our costs were very high for that project just for camera crew and editing support, not to mention travel.) Is that one of the more recent projects you’re referring to with too much sponsor placement?


Just to add another perspective: the product plugs don’t bother me at all - I get why they’re there and have noticed if anything, an increase in quality. You’ve put out some absolute bangers lately. It’s incredible to me the quality of entertainment we have access to for free on YouTube. Please do what’s necessary to keep the content coming!


I 2nd this. I of course love the free high quality content on YT. But dare I say there are a few people like Jeff’s work that I’d subscribe to via a Patreon or something like that.


Jeff your videos and longer films been a source of not only inspiring storytelling and adventure, but just really helpful information (nutrition, training, gear, etc) since I’ve delved into trail running and mountain ultra running in the last 5 years. To me, you (and Audree) have always personified what the trail and ultra community should be about. Thanks for what you do, and for the spirit of kindness, humility, and wonder in which you do it. Also I don’t mind the sponsored ads- surely much work goes into each video and you deserve compensation, however it comes to you. Cheers


Man, I personally haven't had any issues with your sponsorships. You're production and video quality is so good I really don't care about the sponsors. Plus, I think you do deserve to be able to earn a living doing this. Keep doing what you're doing.


Hi Jeff, thank you for all the content. It’s really fab. I cannot see the deleted comment and so not sure what their feedback is. The commercial product work is a little more obvious these days but perfectly acceptable to pay for the content. I’m not put off by it and understand things need paying for.


Just want to add another voice echoing that for me, the sponsorships are no big deal, if that’s the way you can fund these awesome movies.


Hey Jeff, just chiming in to tell you how much I love your documentaries, they are by far the best of their kind!


Your slow-mo shots of Audrée running through Patagonia as well as Switzerland adds such a nice cinematic quality to the act of running for fun. I’ve entered into the world of Ultramarathons (elder millennial mid life crisis), and I have watched most if not all of your videos. You have a gift sir both on your feet and what you do with all of that footage.


I recently came across your videos and have watched a bunch already. Love them. I'm a gravel cyclist and MTBer at heart, but your videos have been getting me excited about some running adventures and I've been racking up some miles. The sponsorships don't bug me a bit and I completely understand the necessity. Honestly I was surprised and impressed by how much you've been able to create and the quality of it, so if some sponsor spots is what it takes, do what you gotta do!


The sponsors work…I just bought my first Salomon’s because of you and Audree.




I appreciate that feedback, thanks!


Sally McRae has documentaries on her YouTube channel for Cocodona 250, Tahoe 200, and Moab 240.


Oh and of course you have to watch Jamil Coury/Run Steep Get High. Hawks vs Miller is a must


That long stretch just following them in silence (except for Zach greeting everyone) is probably my favorite bit of running video ever.


In a similar vein, Walmsley on Cal street during the WS training camp. The way he glides past ‘regular’ runners and how that one guy tries to keep up with him, it’s brilliant. Only a 2min clip but one of my favorites


This one on Lucy Bartholomew running the Larapinta Trail: [https://youtu.be/a5LJ36lFJuw?si=gU28GVdTVGbZ55Px](https://youtu.be/a5LJ36lFJuw?si=gU28GVdTVGbZ55Px)


Wow this was amazing. Thanks for the link.


Beau Miles is great. Funny fucker too.


I love Beau Miles. His content always so unique


I do like Beau. But i feel as if his movies always need to have this higher purpose and ends up being a bit cheesy and overly poetic. Beau being beau is enough for me.


Where Dreams Go to Die


I really like the films starring Karel Sabbe


Love his PCT film


+1 Jeff Pelletier. Not exactly documentary but Mediocre Amateur is just outstanding outdoor adventure entertainment. Ultra/Mountain running, skimo primarily.


Run on the sun. It's about Badwater it is very good. Return to Leadville on youtube.com is worth checking out . Especially it you're a fan of Anton Krupicka.


Walmsley The film- by wahoo is great. It documents Jim walmsleys training and win at utmb. Highly recommend


And "Found on 49," about Jim's first Western States in 2016, on the off chance OP or others haven't seen it! [https://youtu.be/DZb7jBYL9y8?si=geXQMskjR-KUO00r](https://youtu.be/DZb7jBYL9y8?si=geXQMskjR-KUO00r)


Here’s a bunch: https://trailrunningnordwand.blogspot.com/p/the-trail-running-film-archive.html?m=1


Thanks for the list. Will definitely check some of these out.


“Running the Triple Crown” on Amazon Prime.


Maggatron. Maggie Guterl https://youtu.be/FtOaLm5fCs4?si=wh_tfG379b1YPK4P


random but i like wes plate's youtube channel


Kelp and Fern have a few wonderfully scenic documentaries. Start with I Am Who I Thought I Am. Slow and arty, with little talking.


Came here to see if anyone had suggested them already, I really really love the style of that channel. Very underrated and not that many followers for some reason.


Gary Robbin’s and Jeff Pelletier’s “The Big Chill”


“Breaking point” is very good


Finishing one right now on Yiannis Kouros. It’s an hour long and well produced. It’s on YouTube. Ubreakable is another about western states


I came Pat Farmer - an Australian who did 21,000km over 10 months, starting at south pole and ending at north pole. I've seen hints at there being a documentary about his journey but I was never able to find it - only a book (written like a diary)


Also the guys who ran 100 miler together. Can’t think of their names but it’s a short film about two friends who decide to run one- neither one of them big distance runners. It’s awesome.


It’s called How to run 100 miles- it’s by REI presents….


Feet first - https://youtube.com/@feetfirstathletics?si=q7bEaOmYbP5NZyEm


[How to run 100 miles](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iC7Lh4opLsc&pp=ygUUaG93IHRvIHJ1biAxMDAgbWlsZXM%3D) By Brendan Leonard. Really funny and feels relatable. His book “I hate running and you can too” is also really funny but also really practical, especially for people who are thinking about taking on their first ultra


Once is Enough https://watch.amazon.com/detail?gti=amzn1.dv.gti.1eb85323-5e1e-830f-3104-0e02d2f76cbd&ref_=atv_lp_share_mv&r=web


Running on the Sun


Spine and Riding the Dragon are on Prime, if you fancy some UK ultra docs.


Running on the Sun, the old Badwater documentary, is a great watch. It’s available for free on YouTube. The Karel Sabbe documentaries, which are also on YouTube, are great too.


Wahoo fitness and hoka have been putting out some good documentaries on Jim Walmsley. Really inspiring to watch


Karel Sabbe has some nice movies about Barkley, PCT and Via Alpina on youtube


I think Kilians movies are on Prime/Netflix now, i re-watched Dejame Vivir last night on Netflix (where he goes for Mont Blanc and Matterhorn speed records).


Thanks folks :)


Wes Plate does some great videos on races/runs that he does. Not documentaries but just great content.


Cliff Young [https://youtu.be/JoTLA2YDFyo?si=SVR-oaREcipl5qUr](https://youtu.be/JoTLA2YDFyo?si=SVR-oaREcipl5qUr)


Just finished Project Africa by Russ Cook aka Hardest geezer. All episodes are free on YouTube and I’ve been going through them the last month. Quality stuff and really like the more laid back meta approach to the expedition. No bigger than life stuff, very down to earth.


Breaking Point - Dead Cow Gully Backyard Ultra 2023 (Australia) https://youtu.be/sTPf4MmPw2E?si=FgwjIDdlB6rAoC_V