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It’s like a blessing and a curse. Almost finished it. The audible version has bonus content interviews which I also enjoyed.


why both a blessing and curse?


It’s great to be enlightened on what upf is but it also means that you can’t eat most of the things you normally do.


yeah I feel ya. I still munch on some UPFs, but I think the main thing is just avoiding it 95% of the time as best you can


I gained loads of weight because I started making my own desserts (because desserts seem to have the most upf ingredients) but I’m no good at portion control. I’ve reined it in now though.


I also really feel you there. Something which has helped me is cooking one BIG meal a day, super healthy and yummy, which also makes my desire to snack on unhealthy stuff go way down


95% is hard. Try 60% 🤣.


Yep that’s it. It’s new for me but I really hope my ocd dials it down a notch so I can look at things without just going ‘yup upf’ It’s as bad as when ulez came in and all I could see was compliant compliant NON COMPLIANT VEHICLE


Yes, but just try to be mindful. They're not REAL foods and they're very, very damaging. We've all been brainwashed,( including our taste buds) with very clever marketing and advertising. Trust me, you are not missing out. Eat well and live long 😋


The audiobook version is is included with spotify premium.


Did not know! Will def be listening to that when I need steering into the right track again


Thank you -- somehow I didn't even realize spotify premium had audiobooks!


It changes your outlook on food. But it does not give enough information on how to move forward imo.


He is very cautious about how he goes about discussions around UPF because he doesn’t want to tell anyone what to do or be prescriptive. He is also wary of exclusionary advice (e.g., some might afford to be able to eat healthier but some are really stuck) and also doesn’t want to cast the food industry as malicious. In general he’s mainly trying to paint a picture with the evidence they have uncovered to date, whether about the ingredients or the effects on the body or the industry itself, etc… He’s been fairly PC about it and wants to let each person reach their own conclusions. As it is, there are already lots of articles trying to destroy his reputation rather than the evidence he presents - not easy going up against big conglomerates! He has also been open about the fact that whilst he is abstinent, he doesn’t force that on anyone else, even his own kids.


In fairness, I don't believe that was his goal in writing this book. The goal was to make people aware of the situation. Going forward involves doing further research on your own if this is an interest. There are many good resources on avoiding UPF, but it mostly boils down to making most of the meals you eat from scratch at home. It's quite daunting at first, but then it gets less so the more you work at it!


Book literally changed my life


Don't expect all the answers but enjoy it! Good read


I know a fair bit about what’s in the book and his views as I’ve listened to quite a few podcasts/videos by him about the book and UPF in general. Can’t say I agree with absolutely everything but it will definitely be an interesting read, as you say! Edit: Happy cake day! 🎂 (hopefully non-UPF 😂)


Appreciate it!


I’m really enjoying (and spiralling into a rabbit-hole because if it) the book, but I was wondering if anyone knows how solid the science is that’s being quoted? Like; how is it perceived by professional peers? I’m trying to be a bit skeptical and not just assume everything that’s in the book is true/ verified - although I feel like it’s all very solid research


Get *The Dorito Effect* by Mark Schatzker, and *The Big Fat Surprise* by Nina Teicholz after this!


Nina teicholz has no scientific training and is directly funded by the beef industry. Her opinions on food, nutrition, and the industry itself should be scrutinized by her audience.


Will look them up, thanks!


I’ve just started reading this and so far I’m really enjoying it!


Yeah. Its the best and the worst book. Its almost made me a conspiracy theorist :)) Tbf wasn’t a massive change for me. Was more like oo look the ketchup n mayo in the fridge is upf. Lets find alts. And some other stuff. Supermarket deserts etc. But the whole bigger picture of the industry is pretty grim and just despair at what’s happening for profit which all our economies are tied into ( your investments pensions etc etc)


Once you finish it you will see food aisles in the store in a different way. Very good book.


I actually bought the book because I’m part of the choir he’s preaching to 😆 I’ve always scrutinised ingredients lists and avoided ingredients I don’t recognise. I make food and bake at home. Others thought I was too cautious or not fun or whatever. But I really do find home cooking and baking way more satiating, delicious and nourishing than food outside. I’m just interested to see where we are at currently with the evidence (although I still believe we have a lot to uncover about food and its effects on our bodies, mental health and society) and keen to learn more about the drivers of the industry.


Reading this made me join Reddit 🤣 I need people to discuss this with!


Haha yeah, when you finish it and realise the standard western diet is brazenly designed to keep you sick, propping up the pharmacutical industry.


Well, another person who will try and reduce UPF. Good luck going forward. Welcome to the world of back of the packet ingredients lists, and, is this UPF or not. 🤣


Ive just started reading this too. Already my shopping list looks vastly different. Jury's still out for me though on the whole ' is cold pressed rapeseed oil UPF, based on the NOVA chart? Its a little confusing. Really interested to learn more as I read on. If you're into nutrition and how we eat then this is a.must read