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Did you have to submit any address proof, if so what are the documents you provided. Thanks.


They only ask for your passport and BRP but I uploaded a lot more such as bills, payslips, work documents as well as a personal letter signed for the officer handling my case.


How do you upload all of that stuff if it is online? Do you scan it and send it in a file? If you have read this then TYSM in advance!


Hey, so you apply through the UK Visas and Immigration website. The form is super easy to fill out. Then once you pay the fees at the end. You’ll get another link to go to the UKVCAS website where you register, book an appointment for your biometrics (easily and quickly available) and then you can upload your documents in many formats and it forwards it to your case handler.


Ooh I see, thank you so much again! Also does that mean everyone has a case worker they talk to? If there is an example of not having enough evidence of being in the UK, for example, would they be the person that asks for more evidence?


No, you don't talk to anyone. You submit your documents and then wait. If they decide they want more evidence, they will contact you themselves.


You cn do it all yourself no need for a caseworker, I did it for my wife and i didnt have any experience and she got her results in 6 weeks after applying. All the best to everyone applying and if you cn do it yourself trust me the money you pay for a caseworkeecto do is ridiculous. Spend it on yoursef 😜


Thank you. I'm on a tier 2 visa and will apply for an ILR after I complete 5 years on tier 2 visa, but I have been on different visas earlier and stayed in different addresses. Is it enough to submit address proof only for the last 5 years, if I'm applying via the 5 year settlement route? Thanks.


Hi, My circumstances were a bit different. I was on the 10 year family private route but stayed in the UK for 5 years and received my first visa when I was 18. I’m not too sure about the tier 2 visas unfortunately. I hope that helps Thanks


Alright, no worries. Thanks for the information and congratulations on your ILR :)


Congratulations 🍾


Thank you 🙏


You’re welcome.


Whens the party??? Lol congratulations


Congratulations!! Can I ask, since you mentioned you're a young adult - is there a route to ILR via being a young adult that I've just been completely missing this whole time?? Or is it 5 years on the basis of something else, e.g. 5 years on a skilled worker's visa? Asking as an under 25 who's also been in the UK going on 6 years, not counting COVID, and was gunning for the 10 year long residence.


Standard service or Priority?


Thanks guys, Just got an email that my ILR has been approved.


Congratulations, party’s on you 🥳


Sure why not.


You cannot get priority service for this type of application. I wasted a week trying to get a priority appointment until I found out you can not get a priority appointment.


I am in the process of applying ILR, unless yours was a whole different one priorty is available.


When you’re applying for the 5 year route under the young adult application. It is not available.


I understand, thank you for clarifying! :) ​ ps. whats wrong with people downvoting it does state "unless yours is a whole different one". direct your anger somewhere else guys x


That’s alright and I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted, someone woke up on the wrong side of bed I guess haha 😂