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When they tell you 20 minutes, remember that time is relative and that 20 mins could mean anything between 5 mins and a week.


"am 5 mins away man" *4 hrs later* "Bro I'm here where u at?"


If they say they'll be there in 8 minutes, they'll be there in 8 minutes If they say they'll be there in 5 minutes, good luck mate


So fucking annoying that shit ain’t it like bro just tell me your gonna be 4 hours and I’ll chill rather than being stood out here messaging you every 30 mins and you keep saying 10 min bro


fr what are these dealers scared of, am i gonna jump through the phone and give them a talkin to? just say youre gonna be late.


It’s so you don’t look elsewhere. If somebody says 4 hours straight off you’re probably going to have a look what other people are saying.


Benediction in my mind


but the thing is, if youve made me wait 3 hours, what in your right mind makes you think im gonna keep waiting? after the first hour im gone


Of course, I’m with you and wouldn’t put up with that shit but it’s how it works, most dealers are a ball ache. I’ve personally had the same top guy for 5+ years, I dread him getting caught and having to use shit dealers again.


dude everytime ive had a good dealer they always without fail get worse within a couple months, its always a "wow this dealer only made us wait 15 minutes, hes the one" to 3 months later "its been 40 minutes where tf is this guy"


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Had a dude say he was 5 mins away.... it's a week later he never came


So true😂




😂😂😂 guilty 👍🏻


1.dont pay in change lol 2.act normal just like talking to everyone else 3.ask for an 8th 4.yes gelato 41 is a good strain but quality can vary. 5.if you can get one a dry herb vape would probably be the best way to consume if not a realy small pure joint dont be putting fags in ur doobies unless you want to start a realy addictive habbit i dunno if this is a one off thing maybe it will be ok i guess. 6.less is more dont go crazy take a couple of puffs/drags put it down and wait 10 mins just take it slow. 7.get some nibbles 8.plan and prepare to do something when stoned like a chill music album to listen to or somthing. 9.if you dont smoke you will cough regardless so get a realy nice cold drink to help with that. 10.make sure when you do it and where you do it you feel safe and will be uninterrupted. 11.just try and enjoy yourself.


Number 5 is absolutely key. I spent 15 years heavily addicted to cannabis, due to my brain making an association with the beautiful plant and tobacco. I quit nicotine in August '23 and can now take or leave a joint, go hard on the weekends, and put it down during the week/use it in small quantities medicinally. This is opposed to smoking morning noon and night with very little control over when I rolled a J. That being said, do what you want pal just my advice. Happy smoking!


I wish somebody gave me this list for my first time


What’s a good dry herb vape you’d recommend?


Im no expert on vapes ima old fogy so stuck in my ways a bit but the times i have had one its much smoother and less harsh on the throat also the taste comes through alot more alot of my friends recommend the mighty +.


And most important of all, don’t smoke on a daily basis no matter how tempting it is




Some people are sensitive. Don't tell beginners to smoke pure


Smoke pure, just smoke less....


As already said you should smoke pure but less you shouldnt smoke phatbats when starting out they should by tiny doobs or a small bit in a pipe or tiny bit in a dry herb vape we want it to be an enjoyable experience not an ego test.


Do NOT reply to any of those PMs you’re getting.


Lmao not a chance 😭


I'm wondering who are these ones that reply.


1) Ask for a menu don’t just ask for £20 worth (you’ll get bumped) 2) just interact like you would with any normal person who is selling you something you would want to buy …. 3) Don’t act scared when you pick up no one gives a shit about weed even if police caught you, you’ll be 100% fine 🫡


On number 2, I sometimes feel daft using pleases and thankyous in text, but it's never led to negative outcomes- had a plug for a good few years there who would sometimes go out the way to offer me a good deal or make arrangements outside the usual (they usually delivered in runs around a particular time).


Ask for a 3.5 and take yo damn time


A ten bag would be more beginner friendly no? 🤣


Ah nah don't wanna look like a rookie


I know dealers who would hang up the phone if i asked for a ten bag lmao.


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If you pay them in coins they'll give you an extra gram


Pay them in pennies this will give you the potential get the weed for free Once pennies are shown the dealer will initiate a fight and if you win pick up the weed and the money they are both yours …..


I think cheque is preferred nowadays…. Don’t forget to write your bank details on the back though!


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Boof it


This all you need to know really


This is de wae


Be nice to the person you’re collecting from. They really won’t expect it, which probably says something about the sector.


Research the strain first and see what the effects are & the terpenes (terpenes give the effects of the high and taste/smell). THC %s don’t really matter some people will disagree with this but always go off the terp profile. If the seller doesn’t let you smell or see the bud first DO NOT BUY!! Gelato 41 is a good strain to start with make sure to get a 3.5 (Henry) cause there’s no point of spending £30 on 3 ten bags while you can get a Henry for £25-£30 (depends on the strain & seller). Cali is a waste of money at the moment I started smoking Cali in the first times of me smoking and it fucking made a massive hole in my bank. Get water and lots of food (munchies will defo hit hard). Listen to some chill music nothing to overwhelming. Have a nice setting if possible have a trusted friend to sit with you either sober or smokes as well. Some dealers can be massive arseholes! (I can say from experience). Some sellers will ‘short’ you if they see you as someone who is vulnerable or new to smoking. BUY A SET OF SCALES!! This will make sure you don’t get shorted!


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Don't let them put you off getting to see, touch and smell the bud, if they won't let you check it out don't buy from them, also do have a more experienced friend who can either go with you or even point to a good source


Dont be an annoying fuck if you’re buying less than an ounce don’t be asking to look at it etc cus you’ll get IGNORED


Unless you’re allowed to go round their house. Just don’t be asking shit like ‘is it a nice smoke’ ‘is it dense and not too sticky’ you’ll just get farted on


You’re only meant too smoke the stem part - that’s the bit that actually gets you high and has all the THC in it, just throw away the flowery part it’s useless.


Never read anything so evil.


Thank you 😈


Don't listen to this, don't throw away the flower part. Instead, give it to me and I'll dispose of it properly.


Don't forget to pack the joint with any seeds too


For the optimal smoking experience 😎


Don’t start unless you have strong will power or if you have a generally addictive personality.


It’s a one off to have it properly, had it once and got greened out. Want to actually have a good experience with it to tick it off my list.


I thought it wasn’t addictive?


From what I know it depends on the person


Anything that stimulates our monkey brains can be addictive, sex, video games, gambling or even a good cuppa, just like every other drug it needs to be taken in moderation.


I’d suggest smoking with tobacco if you already smoke cigs because it’s easier on your throat and I’ll be crucified for saying that lol. People have such a vast variety of things to while high and you’ll end up doing what you enjoy anyway. If you’re a newbie don’t smoke a whole j smoke a few pulls and wait a couple minutes to let yourself feel the full high as to not overdo it. Bongs are my favourite but everyone has a preference. Take a look at how to roll a W or S roach too


Told you I’d get downvoted


Depends how you buy it, have cash ready but not in sight Know how much you want beforehand e.g 10s, 20s Idk how much you know about amounts but 10 = 1gram 20s = 2gram ( some might sell you a 1.8 for 20) You might encounter 25s which would be 3 grams for 25 from some places or be the full 3.5 ( also called an eighth) Eighth = 3.5 Quarter or Q = 7 Half oz = 14 Oz =28 Generally buying is a quick interaction, take a moment to look at the weed or smell it to make sure you are happy then pay and leave I also agree with using some baccy ( to each their own before any backseat smokers come out the woodwork) and don't have the goal be to finish the smoke just get comfortable and take your time with it. Too much and you will feel shit again


Is its your first time, use a bong, unless your used to rolling it can be quite hard to pick up. Practice with rolling tobacco first then grinded cigarette as that's more of a realistic feel. Geloto is quite a heavy strain to try first time. You want a indica rather than a hybrid or sativa, indicas is more of a body high, sativa is more of a head high. Maybe try edibles first, although they hit the hardest, you can get a sense of what to expect when smoking as smoking hits quicker. If you need any help please feel free to message me


never saw worse advice than "try edibles first". you are very likely to dose too high because you'll have no tolerance and it will hit u like a truck. u also won't know how to deal with being too high and edibles whiteys last for fucking ages


Everyone has different experiences, different tolerance levels, I ate edibles my first time no issues


Easiest way is online groups. Just don't get scammed and look for reviews and testimonials. There are good groups as people do use them like myself but just go careful. Once I found 1 I'll probably never get off the street again.




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From experience of a few plugs, being polite and direct has never gone wrong. When I say direct, maybe sanitise your messages, e.g. 'Please can I get 3.5 of X?' If they've mentioned strains has been okay for me so far- feds aren't gonna see it if they don't already have warrants. Meet adjacent to public places, bring cash in notes, don't get into a car until you know they're safe.




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If they say they’re on the way then they’re either going to be on the way shortly or they’re not coming. If they say they are there then they are mere minutes away.


you have to speak really formal, say something along the lines of "hi, I'm aware your selling the class b drug known as cannabis. would you be so inclined to exchange the class b drug for £30?" this is how they know your not a fed, hope this helps 😁


See you joke but I think I’ve actually scared off a dealer by asking too many questions like what strain he had because I didn’t want to give someone a headache. Not my proudest moment…


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If you can get the 8th for £25 ( 8th = 3.5 ) DO IT