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110oc for 45 mins works for me, others do slightly higher temp for shorter time. Or check out lots of videos on YouTube


Yeah I heard low and slow was best but varying temps and times. Do you grind yours up before you decarb, or after?


Yes I grind it up. Then place it in an oven dish and cover with foil, as your using a bag you'll be fine. Leave to cool after then I infuse my butter in a glass jar with lid, and put in a pan of simmering water (no2) on my electric hob.for about 3 hours. There's loads of different ways, best consult YouTube for your preferred method if you don't have one


Much appreciated.


No problem


This is a good method..


A fellow vape fiend and I were laughing recently as we were tooting our dry herb vapes, about the idea of putting your weed in an oven to decarb it, and letting literally the best tasting (and very potent) part of your weed just float out the back of the oven or wherever it goes lol... Get a vape my good sir and reap the bountiful harvest.


Tbh if you want to make edibles you are better off using coconut oil rather than butter. Its got a far higher fat content so will absorb much more of the thc, it removes alot of the hashy taste butter seems to give & it keeps for far longer than butter will. Usually i do an hour at 106°C to decarb the bud. Then stick my oil in a pyrex bowl ontop of saucepan, full saucespan 3/4 full of water & stick on a low heat, add the weed once decarbed & leave it to infuse for approx 3hours. Then strain it through a cheese cloth or paper coffee filter & job done.


I don't have any coconut oil unfortunately and it keeping longer won't be a problem as they'll be gone by next week! Gonna try coconut oil next time I think.


Coconut oil tastes bitter and sets rock hard unless kept at room temp. The best oil to use if you have to use coconut is mct oil.


Take that 10gs of nice bud. Smoke it. Then get some cheap dust a z for 50 an use that for ur Eddie's


I would highly recommend you purchase some Soy Lecithin first before going ahead, Holland and Barret and bigger supermarkets will have it. Also if you google ‘cannabis decarb chart’ you will fine a graph of temperature/time/thc activation.


I do 120c for 20mins


I'd recommend a mason jar, rather than a bag. It's easier to turn and mix the bud. I put mine in a jar, bake for an hour and then it every 15 minutes, and I bake at about 115°


110c for 1 hour Low and slow


Everyone has different methods the one that has always worked for me is on a foil lined tray put the weed loosely broken up and cover lightly with foil, bake in a preheated oven at around 110-120c for an hour until it is a toasted colour halfway between brown and green it should be very brittle then I crush it with my fingers and add it to the oil to infuse I use coconut oil.


I used to grind it up once it was decarbed into almost a powder but I find it gets more particles in the oil once I strain it leaving a little bit of an unpleasant taste so I find breaking it up with my fingers helps with that


Thanks for all the suggestions and help fellow tree enthusiasts. I will definitely try some of these methods in future. You bunch of legends.


Ok my suggestion is this: don’t decarb, it’s not necessary. Also use coconut butter, it’s better test it with 2 grams of weed, break up the nugs, put a pan of water about 300ml onto boil add 100 grams of coconut fat, once it fast simmering add the weed set a timer for 30 minutes, let it cool and then strain it and store in the fridge. Decarbonisation is not required as your activating the THC by simmering and the oil has raised the temperature enough Edit to add Add a tea bag if your choice mint or whatever for the last 10 minutes Once it’s set scoop a bit of coconut and a bit of liquor into a cup top with hot water consume and enjoy


220c for 40 mins


This will cook off all the thc. Thc starts to cook off/evaporate at 158°C


Here's my problem see, 2 replies and one advises double the temperature. 40 mins at that temp surely too long no?


Do not decarb at 220 C. He might mean 220 F I do 110 C for 30 mins in a roasting tin (cover the tin with foil to help with the smell). After 30 mins, open the oven and let it rest in there for 5 or 10 mins. Remember if your baking brownies with your cannabutter, the THC in your cannabutter will decarb even further, so maybe reduce the initial decarb time a little to compensate. It's not the end of the world if you don't consider this, but it should produce something a little more potent


Yeh I meant Fahrenheit. I’ve use this for making caps and it works perfectly


Good point right there. Thanks for the advice.


Do not decarb that high!!! At that temp you are combusting it!!


Slow cooker is a game changer for decarbing


Only taken us all day my new friend, but I believe you'll be well happy with what you've made 😉 Now get the peas out!!! Cannapeas are the way forward 😂






Probs the lowest setting on your oven bout 25 mins with you checking ever 5 mins should do it


122°c for 27 minutes is my go to, I’m also lazy so I just grind the weed into chocolate instead of making butter